Corruption How funny is this? Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

How funny is this? Race Baiter and White Plantationist to campaign together. Former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder to Campaign with Arizona Democrat Katie Hobbs

Views: 22

I think we have a new odd couple. A person who blames all of black folks failures on white folks, and a person who believes that black folks can’t succeed unless a white person does it for them. The new version of Miami Vice. Holder and Hobbs.

The man who armed the drug cartels and the woman who has numerous incidents of racism against people of color.

Arizona Democratic gubernatorial nominee Katie Hobbs is holding a meet and greet with former Obama Administration Attorney General Eric Holder on Thursday in Phoenix.

We have this from Breitbart.

Holder has faced no accountability for the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Fast and Furious scandal, which saw thousands of guns walk to Mexico under his watch. In December 2010, some of the guns were used by members of a Mexican rip crew to murder border patrol agent Brian Terry.

Moreover, Hobbs has drawn scrutiny after one of her former employees in the Arizona State Senate, a black woman named Talonya Adams, successfully sued the legislative body for racial and sexual discrimination that she blames Hobbs for. Adams was awarded $2.75 million to Adams, but state law capped it at $300,000. Between lawyer fees and the payout, which was finally sent in September, the case has cost Arizona taxpayers $758,806.

Who can forget Hobbs high school starring role in Slave day?

Finally, last month Arizona up to 6,000 Arizona voters received faulty ballots only listing federal races under Hobbs’s watch due to a “voter registration error,” as the Associated Press reported. She stated that the error was corrected and the voters would soon receive complete ballots.



Crime Elections Links from other news sources. Politics Reprints from others.

Thanks Joe Biden and White Progressives. NH Man Takes a Swing At Republican Candidate Don Bolduc

Views: 28

Before yesterdays debate, a man took a swing at Republican Don Balduc. We have this from the website Debate Politics.

Prior to the debate, an individual in the crowd gathered outside attempted to punch the General and was quickly apprehended and arrested. We are grateful to the quick response from law enforcement on the scene,” said a Bolduc campaign manager.

We have this from the retired Admiral.

“As the General said on stage tonight, it’s time to lower the temperature of the political discourse in this country.”

The Bolduc campaign spokesperson referred further questions to the Goffstown Police Department. Boston 25 contacted the department but were advised to call back Thursday morning.

Nothing from Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH). Thanks Joe Biden.


Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Economy Elections Links from other news sources. Politics Polls

Democrats Want Amnesty For The COVID Lockdowns! (Surprise, surprise!)

Views: 46

Thanks to on substack for this article.

America’s corrupt political class — Democrat and Republican — are looking to put the last two years of mask mandates, school closures, mandatory shots, and COVID lockdowns in the rear-view mirror. They don’t want to be voted out of office for destroying your life. That would be called accountability and there’s nothing that America’s ruling-class-pretending-to-be-public-servants dislike more than accountability.

Instead, they want a truce without counting the costs. They want an amnesty without judgment — and certainly without hearings. They want you to grant them toxic forgiveness.

What’s toxic forgiveness — you ask?

That’s why the ruling class sent out its useful idiots — fourth-rate people like David French and Emily Oster — to see if, you know, the American public was in the mood to forgive them right before the next election. If you are ever asked the name of the very last person on earth to believe that the COVID vaccines work, you can tell them: it was David French.

Matthew J. Peterson at New Founding summed up the Democrats’ fake apology tour in four tweets:

Hey—sorry you lost your job b/c of the vax that doesn’t work and your grandmother died alone and you couldn’t have a funeral and your brother’s business was needlessly destroyed and your kids have weird heart problems—but let’s just admit we were all wrong and call a truce, eh?
It’s too bad we shut the entire economy down & took on tyrannical powers that have never been used before in this country—looking back, you should have been able to go to church and use public parks while we let people riot in the streets—but it was a confusing time for everyone.
Hey, I’m sorry we scared the hell out of you & lied for years & persecuted & censored anyone who disagreed but there was an election going on & we really wanted to beat Donald Trump so it was important to radically politicize the science even if it destroyed your children’s lives.
OK, yes we said unvaccinated people should die & not get healthcare while never questioning Big Pharma once but we are compassionate people which is why even though we shut down the entire economy we also bankrupted the nation & caused inflation. You’re welcome! Let’s be friends.

Needless to say, our politicians and public health officials really want you to forget that they took America right to the edge of the abyss.

In fact, they have turned America into the Banana Republic of Biden — where your civil rights might exist depending on which judge you get in your state, and what you last posted on your social media accounts.

It’s no surprise that these pleas for amnesty have been published after the midterm polls showed a “red wave” forming. If the polls had gone the other way, Biden’s FBI would probably be wrangling you onto a boxcar right now headed for a FEMA camp — and you know it.

Never forgive. Never forget.


Daily Hits. Links from other news sources. Medicine MSM Reprints from others.

News from MSM Medical page. This writer disagrees with some of the links.

Views: 8

I thought I would put this out there. Some good and some does have me scratching my head. These are the views of those who at times try to stop the rest of the story. The article is from MedPage Today.

Note that some links may require subscriptions.

The Supreme Court let a ruling stand which allows the Transportation Security Administration to mandate mask-wearing on planes, trains and other forms of transportation. (The Hill)

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH, developed COVID rebound after being treated with Paxlovid, the agency announced.

The FDA said that clinicians providing abortion pills to patients before they are pregnant — a prescribing method known as advance provision — are acting without the agency’s authorization, and that they could be putting patients at risk. (Politico)

A judge in North Dakota stopped the state’s abortion ban from going into effect, saying it’s likely the law will face constitutional challenges once it’s implemented. (AP)

Missouri’s health department is investigating whether a hospital violated federal law by denying a woman an abortion in a medical emergency. (ABC News)

Ob/gyn residency programs in states that restrict abortion face a difficult choice when it comes to educating their trainees on abortion: risk prosecution or losing their accreditation. (New York Times)

Pfizer said its respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women was 81.8% effective in preventing severe infection in infants, stating it will submit an application for approval to the FDA by the end of this year.

Scientists are exploring therapies that target human proteins for the treatment of COVID-19. (Washington Post)

Shanghai Disneyland closed indefinitely yesterday due to the COVID pandemic. (NPR)

A record number of cholera outbreaks has been reported across the globe, forcing health agencies to ration their limited supply of vaccines. (New York Times)

The FDA warned of a shortage of tracheostomy tubes, urging providers to reuse tubes or use appropriate alternatives.

Abiomed announced that the FDA granted pre-market approval to its Impella RP Flex with SmartAssist, an implanted device to treat acute heart failure for up to 2 weeks.

The CDC issued a Health Alert Network advisory emphasizing the importance of cleaning and monitoring dental waterlines, following multiple nontuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) infections in children who were exposed to water with high levels of bacteria at pediatric dental clinics.

Voters in Arkansas, Maryland, Missouri, North Dakota, and South Dakota — four of which are among the most conservative states in the nation — will decide whether or not to legalize recreational marijuana in the upcoming election. (NPR)

A man accused of intentionally setting fire to a Tennessee Planned Parenthood clinic died in August, officials said. (AP)

Experts explain why the latest wellness trend — parasite cleanses — is “modern snake oil.” (Washington Post)

An Iowa egg farm home to 1.1 million chickens has been infected with bird flu. (ABC News)

  • Amanda D’Ambrosio is a reporter on MedPage Today’s enterprise & investigative team. She covers obstetrics-gynecology and other clinical news, and writes features about the U.S. healthcare system.





Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Let’s take a look at violence and abuse from the left against Republicans. 2017-2022

Views: 25

I’ve had enough of this crap about what happened to Paul Pelosi. Of course it was terrible and this clown needs to be punished to the full extent of the law. But I care about the ongoing violence from the left.

Where was the outrage during the killings by ANTIFA and BLM riots? Where was the outrage during the assault on Rand Paul? Or the planned murder attempt against a sitting Supreme Justice? Well I found this from 2018.

1. Last year, House Republicans practicing for a congressional baseball game were shot by a liberal supporter and volunteer for 2016 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Sanders said he was “sickened” by the shooting and recently dismissed liberal charges that Trump was to blame for the Pittsburgh synagogue slayings.

2. In June, California Rep. Maxine Waters called for threats and attacks on Trump team members. She said, “If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

3, That month White House Spokeswoman Sarah Sanders and her group had to leave a Virginia restaurant because of their work for Trump. “This feels like the moment in our democracy when people have to make uncomfortable actions and decisions to uphold their morals,” said Red Hen Restaurant co-owner Stephanie Wilkinson.

4. White House top aide Stephen Miller was verbally assaulted at two restaurants, in Washington, D.C.

5. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was met with shouting protesters at a Washington restaurant, part of a social media pop up assault.

6. Sen. Ted Cruz and his wife were shouted out of a restaurant by anti-Brett Kavanaugh protesters.

7. Democratic Sen. Cory Booker in July urged liberal advocates to “Get up in the face of some congresspeople.”

8. Hillary Rodham Clinton said Democrats shouldn’t be civil to Republicans until they win back control of Washington. She said, “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.”

9. Former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder junked former first lady Michelle Obama’s call for civility when he told supporters, “Michelle always says, ‘When they go low, we go high.’ No. No. When they go low, we kick them,” he said, adding, “That’s what this Democratic Party’s about. We’re proud as hell to be Democrats. We’re willing to fight for the ideals of the Democratic Party.”

10. The wife of Republican Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner said that she received a graphic text message with a video of a beheading after he voted to confirm Kavanaugh.

11. When Kavanaugh arrived at the Supreme Court to take his seat, a mob pounded on the doors of the Supreme Court. They yelled, “No justice, no peace.”

12. During the Kavanaugh hearings Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins received a potentially deadly mailing of Ricin at her home. “Today’s incident is the latest in a series of threats against Senator Collins, her loved ones, and her staff,” said spokeswoman Annie Clark.

13. The campaign manager for Nevada GOP gubernatorial candidate Adam Laxalt was allegedly grabbed and yanked by an operative for American Bridge 21st Century, funded by liberal billionaire George Soros. “Politics is a little bit aggressive these days, but this is just insane. I’ve never seen anything like it,” said a bruised Kristin Davison.

14. Two Minnesota state GOP candidates say they were attacked, punched by political foes.

15. The Laramie, Wyo. Republican office was set on fire, a case of arson, according to police.


Links from other news sources. Reprints from others. The Courts

Winning for now. Supreme Court temporarily blocks Jan. 6 committee subpoena for Kelli Ward phone records

Views: 14

The much to do about nothing January 6th Democrat committee went fishing again. For now the Supreme court smacked their hand.

Kagan’s two-page order stayed the subpoena “pending further order of the undersigned or of the Court.” Similar requests in high-profile cases are almost always referred to the full court.

Of all people, Justice Kagan said not happening. Kagan gave the Loon panel until Friday at 5 p.m. to respond.

Ward asserted her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in an appearance before the Jan. 6 select committee, a fact that the appeals court panel majority noted could be held against her in the civil lawsuit.


Crime Elections Links from other news sources. Politics Reprints from others. Uncategorized

Two Face Tim Ryan. Vance calls Ryan’s pledge to decriminalize ‘all drug possession’ a ‘slap in the face’ of victims’ families

Views: 30


Thanks to the folks at FOX. The whole article is here.

FIRST ON FOX: Ohio Democrat Rep. Tim Ryan was slammed by his opponent, Republican Senate candidate J.D. Vance, over his pledge to decriminalize the possession of all drugs while simultaneously pushing to label fentanyl a “weapon of mass destruction.”

Ryan wants to label the deadly opioid fentanyl a “weapon of mass destruction” but previously made an American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) pledge to decriminalize “all drug possession.”

“If Tim Ryan wants someone’s vote, he will tell them whatever they want to hear,” Vance told Fox News Digital in an exclusive quote. “The fact that he would pledge to decriminalize the deadly fentanyl flooding our streets is a slap in the face to every family in Ohio that has faced this poison head-on.”

Ryan’s 2019 ACLU pledge while running for president to cut the prison population in half. The pledge also included a provision to decriminalize “all drug possession,” which would include illicit fentanyl.

The ACLU pledge also calls for bail reform “that reduces the number of people we lock up before trial, often simply because they are too poor to afford cash bail.”


Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Sen. Rubio Says Campaign Volunteer ‘Brutally Attacked’ in Political Violence Incident

Views: 50

Thanks to the folks at Newsmax.

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., says one of his campaign volunteers was “brutally attacked” by four people who told him Republicans weren’t allowed in their neighborhood.

“Last night one of our canvassers wearing my T-shirt and a Desantis hat was brutally attacked by 4 animals who told him Republicans weren’t allowed in their neighborhood in #Hialeah #Florida,” Rubio tweeted Monday. “He suffered internal bleeding, a broken jaw & will need facial reconstructive surgery.”

The incident comes after President Joe Biden decried “mega MAGA Republicans” who “think it’s alright to threaten violence” in a Sunday interview on MSNBC.

GOP Chair Ronna McDaniel in early September called out Biden for his divisiveness and attacks on voters.

“Joe Biden’s wretched attacks on millions of Americans have fueled attacks on pregnancy centers, Republican offices, and an assassination attempt on a Supreme Court Justice,” she said in a statement.

“His agenda has pitted neighbors against each other, rewarded the wealthy while punishing working families, and trampled on the rights and freedoms of Americans.”

Fox News in early October reported an uptick in several instances of political violence following Biden’s warning that supporters of former President Donald Trump pose threats to the country.




Links from other news sources. Racism Stupid things people say or do.

From the Joy Reid school of Racism, Bigotry, and Hispanic hate. Latinos voting Republican cause they’re really white.

Views: 26

From the Joy Reid school of Racism, Bigotry, and Hispanic hate. Latinos voting Republican cause they’re really white. What happened to the we need Latinos to come here even if undocumented? Now a small group of progressive race baiters are claiming that Latinos are really white folk. And they might even be proud boys. But fear not ladies,  the undocumented in California are still drinking the Kool – Aid. No reports yet if they’re hanging out at Popeye’s.


Biden Pandemic COVID Links from other news sources. Medicine Reprints from others. Stupid things people say or do.

The Vaccine Spreaders of Misinformation: Bill Gates, Fauci & Company Deserve to Be Laughed At

Views: 22


The way to prevent the next pandemic is to stop listening to these dingbats.

In light of Pfizer’s stunning admission — never testing for transmission for they “had to really move at the speed of science,” let’s take a trip down memory lane on how the “experts” got it all wrong.

Dr. Fauci

May 17, 2021

When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are not going to get infected.

Oh, Tony. How many times have you been infected with COVID, and how many boosters did you take? We can feel safe that nothing you say is true.

Joe Biden

July 21, 2021

You’re okay. You’re not gonna — you’re not gonna get COVID if you have these vaccinations.

From the guy who always seems to be lost. No surprise he got it wrong here.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky

March 29, 2021

Our data from the CDC today suggests, you know, that vaccinated people do not carry the virus — don’t get sick. And that it’s not just in the clinical trials but it’s also in real-world data.

This one is extra funny because Rochelle just came down with COVID (10/22/22) after her fifth shot! And what data? The data that she’s been withholding from us this whole time?

Rachel Maddow

March 29, 2021

If you get vaccinated, that vaccine will basically prevent you from getting sick with COVID. It will prevent you from having to go to the hospital with COVID symptoms. It will prevent you from dying from COVID. Great. Good for you.

Not good for you — because Rachel struck out, 0 for 3! All these claims are untrue.

What this means is that we can get there with vaccines. Instead of the virus being able to hop from person to person to person, potentially mutating and becoming more virulent and drug-resistant along the way — now, we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus STOPS with every vaccinated person. A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus; the virus does not infect them; the virus cannot then use that person to go anywhere else. It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to go get more people.

This is probably the most long-winded stretch of continuous falsehoods in TV history. Who gave a political pundit so much authority to spread medical misinformation?! Irresponsible, MSNBC! And where were the fact-checkers on this one?

Bill Gates

January 28, 2021

Everyone who takes the vaccine is not just protecting themselves but reducing their transmission to other people and allowing society to get back to normal.

Ah, Bill Gates, a guy with literal manboobs and no medical degree pretending to be a professional in public health. And what’s up with him always tucking his hands in his armpits? He must do it when he lies. And his hands are up in his armpits all the time.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla

Early to Mid 2021

We have a lot of indicators right now that are telling us that there is a protection against transmission of the disease.

Did any of those indicators include tests? It turns out — nope!

May 4, 2021

There is no variant that we can identify that escapes the protection of our vaccine.

Why did the media give this guy so much airtime? He’s the CEO of Pfizer — of course, he’s going to only speak well about his product! And no surprise he got it wrong, too.

Let’s give our so-called experts a few rounds of tomatoes and pies in the face.

Because they’re still out there giving terrible public health advice. So, if you ever want some REAL information to stay healthy, listen to them, do the opposite, and you’ll probably be fine.

This piece was inspired by this image by The Free Thought Project.

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