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Olbermann Goes Full-bore Nutso, Claims Trump Made ‘Terroristic Threats’

Views: 40

Former MSNBC and ESPN and the defunct Al Gore-owned Current TV anchor, Keith Olbermann called for Fox News to be shut down and de-platformed back in February.

The belligerent fascist, who is known for losing high-profile jobs and for his unhinged Twitter rants, referred to the network as a “threat” to the country’s security in a Twitter video he used to advertise his podcast.

In a screed in Late February against the Fox network, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, and Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, the deranged leftist portrayed releasing all available footage from the Jan. 6 Capitol incursion as a bad thing.

McCarthy offered thousands of hours of videos to Carlson in a show of transparency. According to Olbermann, the act is one that will assist the “next insurrectionists.”

Olbermann also referred to Greene as a “traitor” in the short clip.

“She was raised on a diet of Fox News,” he claimed of the Georgia lawmaker, who was well into her twenties when Fox News was founded.

Olbermann went on to call for the country’s most-watched cable news network to be muzzled. “Now that Fox’s true evil has been revealed in the Dominion lawsuit, and Fox’s true evil has been revealed while Kevin McCarthy has turned over 41,000 hours of Jan. 6 surveillance video to Tucker Carlson — exclusively — so he can show the next insurrectionists how to avoid all those cameras and reach all those panic rooms,” he said.

“The time has now come,” Olbermann concluded. “We must de-platform Fox news, and we must close down Fox News.”

And if you watched formerly relevant sportscaster and cable news anchor Keith Olbermann’s unhinged Twitter rant on Friday (3/24/23)  morning, you might be under the impression that former President Donald Trump made “terroristic threats.” [See video clip posted on Twitter HERE. ]

Naturally, that is not true.

The perennially unemployed host at networks such as ESPN, MSNBC, and the defunct Al Gore-owned Current TV relies on hyperbole to get his messages across on social media these days.

Actually, it is generous to say he is engaging in mere hyperbole, as he could just as well be completely insane.

Olbermann was begging people to listen to his podcast on Friday and took a few creative liberties in a Twitter video, calling for Trump to be jailed immediately and held without bail.

He claimed the former president threatened to kill Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, whose office might or might not indict Trump in the coming days or weeks.

“Donald Trump must be arrested for his terroristic threats against Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg,” Olbermann said. “In social media posts yesterday, Trump called him [an] ‘animal.’”

Olbermann also said Trump posted a photo of himself threatening Bragg with a baseball bat.

Note that the picture Olbermann uses clearly shows that the thing is a link to

“It is a call to murder by stochastic terrorism, a murder by remote control as disgusting as Charles Manson,” Olbermann blathered. “Arrest Trump now.”

Olbermann said Trump is an “active, mortal threat” to those investigating him — and any “witnesses.”

“Trump cannot be granted bail,” he concluded.

Where did Olbermann cook up his wild theories? He cruised the former president’s very public Truth Social account and cherry-picked the following posts as proof that Trump is now a terrorist:

As for that “threatening” photo Trump supposedly posted of himself with a baseball bat — it was a link Trump shared from the site National File, which had reported that Bragg was elected in a race with low turnout.
Quite obviously, the person who should be locked up is not Trump but Olbermann as a danger to himself and others. Olbermann’s star has fallen dramatically. The man is so detached from reality that even MSNBC recently rebuffed his advances.

So it is quite alarming that he was given such a large platform by the establishment media just a few years ago.


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State Department Helped Fund ‘Disinformation’ Research Group That Reportedly Blacklists Conservative News Sites

Views: 27

I want to thank the Daily Caller for this article.


The U.S. State Department, through its Global Engagement Center (GEC), helped facilitate funding for a group that reportedly works to demonetize sites it claims are disseminating “disinformation,” including conservative news outlets, according to its website.

The Global Disinformation Index (GDI), a United Kingdom-based nonprofit that styles itself as a “non-political” monitor working to “disrupt the business model of disinformation,” lists as a funder the Disinfo Cloud, a now-shuttered GEC project. However, GDI has worked to demonetize conservative news sites by collaborating with ad exchanges to flag alleged purveyors of disinformation, the Washington Examiner reported.

GDI maintains a “dynamic exclusion list” of the worst offenders of disinformation online, according to its website. The organization then provides this list to ad tech companies, which can then “defund and downrank these worst offenders” and thereby defund sites allegedly promoting disinformation.

While the exclusion list isn’t publicly available, popular conservative news site Breitbart is on the list, according to the Examiner, and it is “plausible” that any of the “riskiest” outlets would also be on the exclusion list, according to a member of the GDI advisory panel who spoke to the Examiner.

In this list of news outlets that were deemed the “riskiest” for alleged promotion of disinformation, GDI identified several prominent conservative news sites including the New York Post and the Daily Wire. By comparison, the “least risky” sites were overwhelmingly left-wing.

Moreover, GDI flagged the Examiner itself as disseminating “anti-LGBTQ+” disinformation, according to an October 2022 GDI memo, and pointed to an Amazon ad displayed on the Examiner page. The “anti-LGBTQ+” content in question was found in an opinion article.

In September 2021, the State Department’s GEC hosted the U.S.-Paris Tech Challenge, an event seeking to “advance the development of promising and innovative technologies against disinformation and propaganda” in Europe and the U.K. The event was held in “collaboration with U.S. Embassy Paris, the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab), the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)” and several other entities.

GDI, along with the U.K.-based Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), were two of the three winners; ISD also works to monitor and combat perceived misinformation and disinformation, and lists as government partners the U.S. State Department and U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

The three winners will receive grants totaling $250,000, according to the Atlantic Council, which partnered with the State Department to arrange the event.

GDI also lists among its funders George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, Pierre Omidyar’s Luminate and Craig Newmark Philanthropies.

The Global Disinformation Index and the State Department did not respond to the DCNF’s requests for comment.



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SI and WP going after a 80 year old man for being in a crowd when he was 14.

Views: 70

A family member of mine sent me this link to a Sports Illustrated article. I saw this and thought the Woke crowd strikes again. I can not stand Jerry Jones and do not like America’s Team.

To go after a person who was only 14 back in 1957 is ridiculous. Well they mention a WP article as their source and it’s totally shit bat crazy. They use that incident back in 1957 as a reason Dallas never had a black coach under Jerry Jones. The headlines from the Post article.

Jerry Jones helped transform the NFL, except when it comes to race
Decades after standing on the frontlines of one of Little Rock’s darkest segregation clashes, the Dallas Cowboys owner has led the league toward new revenue models but has yet to hire a Black head coach


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