Introduction: The right to petition is a fundamental aspect of a Constitutional Republic, ensuring that citizens can voice their concerns and demand action from their government. However, on Inauguration Day, the Biden administration took an unexpected and concerning step, quietly shutting down the “We The People” petition platform. This article explores the implications of this decision and its impact on accountability, freedom of speech, and the rights of the American people.
A Brief History of the ‘We The People’ Petition Platform
The Creation of the Platform under the Obama Administration
In 2011, the Obama administration launched the ‘We The People’ petition platform as part of its commitment to fostering an open and participatory government. Designed to facilitate direct communication between the public and the White House, the platform allowed anyone to create and sign petitions on various topics, from policy changes to social issues. If a petition garnered a specific number of signatures within a given time frame, it would receive an official response from the White House.
The Purpose and Significance in our American Constitutional Republic
The ‘We The People’ platform served as a vital tool in promoting civic engagement and empowering citizens to voice their concerns and demand government action. By providing a direct line of communication with the White House, the platform enabled Americans to hold their government accountable and advocate for changes they deemed necessary. It also helped foster transparency, as official responses shed light on the government’s stance on various issues.
Notable Successes and Milestones Achieved through the Platform
Over the years, the ‘We The People’ platform played a role in influencing government policy and sparking national conversations on various topics. Some notable successes include:
- The ‘Unlocking Consumer Choice and Wireless Competition Act’ – A petition advocating for the legalization of cell phone unlocking received over 114,000 signatures, leading to the passing of a bill in 2014 that made it legal for consumers to unlock their devices.
- Net Neutrality – A 2014 petition with more than 105,000 signatures called for the FCC to maintain net neutrality rules, contributing to the eventual implementation of the Open Internet Order.
- Death Star Petition – Although not a policy change, a humorous 2012 petition to build a Death Star received over 34,000 signatures, showcasing the platform’s ability to engage the public and generate interest in the political process.
These successes, among others, highlight the importance of the ‘We The People’ platform in the American constitutional republic and its role in promoting civic engagement and government accountability.
The Disappearance of the Platform
The Removal of the Platform on Inauguration Day
On January 20, 2021, the day Joe Biden was inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States, the ‘We The People’ petition platform was taken down without prior notice or explanation. This sudden disappearance of a widely used communication tool between the public and the White House caught many off guard and raised questions about the Biden administration’s commitment to transparency and public engagement.
The Lack of Public Announcement or Explanation
What made the removal of the platform particularly concerning was the lack of communication from the Biden administration. No public announcement was made, nor was any explanation provided as to why the platform was taken down or if there were plans to reinstate it. This silence left users and advocates of the platform in the dark and fueled speculation about the administration’s motives behind the decision.
Comparisons to Previous Administrations’ Actions Regarding the Platform
It is worth noting that the ‘We The People’ platform remained active throughout both the Obama and Trump administrations. While the Trump administration was initially slow to respond to petitions, the platform was never taken down or disabled. The Biden administration’s abrupt removal of the platform without explanation stands in stark contrast to the actions of previous administrations, further raising questions about its commitment to the principles of civic engagement and government accountability.
The unexplained disappearance of the ‘We The People’ platform under the Biden administration has left many Americans concerned about the future of this important tool for public engagement and government transparency. It remains to be seen whether the platform will be reinstated or if a similar initiative will be introduced to fill the void it left behind.
The Impact on Accountability and Freedom of Speech
The Consequences of Losing a Direct Line of Communication with the Government
The removal of the ‘We The People’ platform has serious implications for accountability and public engagement. The platform provided citizens with a direct line of communication to the government, allowing them to voice their concerns and demand action on various issues. Losing this valuable tool hinders the public’s ability to hold the government accountable for its actions and decisions, making it more difficult to foster a transparent and responsive political system.
The Chilling Effect on Freedom of Speech and Public Discourse
The disappearance of the platform also has the potential to create a chilling effect on freedom of speech and public discourse. Without a dedicated platform for voicing concerns and mobilizing support for change, citizens may feel less empowered to speak out on important issues. This could lead to a decline in public debate, which is essential for the health of a constitutional republic.
The loss of the ‘We The People’ platform has raised concerns about the Biden administration’s commitment to government accountability and transparency. It is essential for citizens to continue advocating for the reinstatement of the platform or the creation of a similar tool to ensure their voices are not silenced.
Alternative Channels for Citizen Participation
Even with the removal of the ‘We The People’ platform, citizens can still participate in the political process and make their voices heard through various channels. In this section, we will explore alternative petition platforms, the importance of remaining engaged, and examples of successful grassroots movements and campaigns.
The Rise of Third-Party Petition Platforms
In the absence of the ‘We The People’ platform, several third-party petition platforms have emerged to fill the void. Websites such as,, and allow users to create and sign petitions on various issues, facilitating public engagement and advocacy. While these platforms are not directly connected to the government, they can still influence policy changes and raise awareness about pressing issues.
The Importance of Remaining Engaged and Proactive in the Political Process
Even without a direct line of communication with the government, it is crucial for citizens to remain engaged and proactive in the political process. This can be achieved through various means such as contacting local representatives, participating in town hall meetings, joining advocacy groups, and voting in elections. By staying informed and active, citizens can continue to hold the government accountable and promote positive change in society.
Examples of Successful Grassroots Movements and Campaigns
Throughout history, numerous grassroots movements and campaigns have had a significant impact on policy changes and social reform. Some notable examples include:
- The Civil Rights Movement: Led by figures such as Martin Luther King Jr., this movement successfully fought for the end of racial segregation and the enforcement of equal rights for all citizens.
- The Women’s Suffrage Movement: This movement, which spanned several decades, eventually led to the ratification of the 19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote in the United States.
- The Environmental Movement: Grassroots activism in the 1960s and 1970s led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the implementation of key environmental laws such as the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.
These examples demonstrate the power of citizen participation and grassroots activism in shaping public policy and promoting social change.
The Role of Honest Journalism in Upholding a Constitutional Republic
In a constitutional republic, the media plays a vital role in informing the public and ensuring that citizens stay well-informed about the actions and decisions of their government. By providing comprehensive reporting, the media can hold the government accountable and help maintain a system of checks and balances.
Transparency and accountability are essential components of political reporting. By offering unbiased and accurate information, the media can foster trust between the public and the government, ultimately contributing to a healthier political environment. However, the potential consequences of biased or misleading information can be detrimental to public perception and decision-making, leading to a divided society.
The removal of the ‘We The People’ platform is a significant event that should be thoroughly covered by the media. Journalists have a responsibility to investigate and report on the reasons behind the platform’s removal to keep the public informed about potential changes in government priorities and their impact on citizen participation.
Encouraging public discourse on the implications of the platform’s removal for citizen participation and government accountability is essential. Open discussion about the removal of the ‘We The People’ platform can raise awareness of its consequences and inspire citizens to seek alternative channels for engagement and accountability. Honest journalism plays a pivotal role in upholding the values of a constitutional republic and ensuring that the government remains answerable to the people.
A Call to Action for a Stronger Constitutional Republic
In conclusion, the removal of the ‘We The People’ petition platform raises crucial questions about accountability, transparency, and the rights of American citizens. It is more important than ever for citizens to stay informed and engaged in the political process and for journalists to hold the government accountable for its actions.
As concerned citizens, we must act to ensure that our voices continue to be heard. To that end, we encourage you to sign and share the Accountability Act petition on This petition aims to promote transparency and accountability in the government, calling for the restoration of the ‘We The People’ platform, among other measures.