Corruption Education Opinion Reprints from others.

School board meetings show only that freedom is messy.

Original Washington Examiner can be found here.


More and more school boards are defying the voters who put them in. Also we see that many of the board members don’t have children in the school systems. So what’s the answer?

Twenty years ago, Paul Carson said he never would have hesitated speaking out at a school board meeting about any issue affecting his children’s education.

But one day, that changed. “I just don’t do it,” Carson told me. A physician who practices medicine in an urban Pittsburgh hospital, Carson said it has nothing to do with his being 20 years older. “It has everything to do with the culture we are navigating.”

Anyone, he said, can take a video of what you say, edit it to his or her advantage, then post it on social media. Or they can just simply claim on social media that you are a racist or extremist because you express an opinion outside the sensitivities of the cultural curators who define what is acceptable and what is not in our country.

When Carson used a media platform in discussions about school district issues , as he did last year when the children in the Pittsburgh Public Schools went for months without in-person education, he said he had to be “profoundly cautious” in expressing his views.

AG Garland is now using the FBI against parents on the grounds that school board members feel threatened. But what does “threatened” look like? Is it someone yelling at you? Disagreeing with you? Holding an opposing opinion? Who is defining those threats?

This memo wasn’t just designed to target those who would commit violence. It was also clearly designed to stop regular people with real concerns from voicing those concerns because of the fear anything they say will deem them a domestic terrorist, an event that would destroy their personal, community, and professional lives.

It is downright chilling to think that there are parents out there who are worried that they are going to end up on a government list or under some type of government scrutiny if they decide to go into a school board meeting to give a public comment on an issue.

It is inconceivable that the federal government today wants to squash that freedom through vague rules and intimidation. Garland seems to be making the calculation that the parents of this world will cower under the concern the government is watching them. Edited.

In the beginning, maybe they will. But in the long run, the air of intimidation probably won’t last. There comes a point when those feeling the threat go from being on the fringe of society to being the majority.

Education Just my own thoughts Life Opinion Politics Uncategorized

New Category. Just my own thoughts. Parents using children for their political views.

I’ve decided to add a new category on this channel. Just my own thoughts. It will cover most categories but from a personal view. Everything is game except for Religion. You can make suggestions. Doesn’t have to be about politics, but don’t most topics seem to turn that way? So send me your ideas and if you would like to write an article, let me know. Today I would like to discuss children being used for their parents political views.

Some parents have no shame. Putting their children out there to push their political views. It really took off when the parents of Greta Thunberg put a 16 year old child telling us the world will end if we don’t listen to her. She turned out to be a joke. Sure she’s 18 or 19 and giving us the same old tired left wing theories but beside fanatics, is anyone listening?

Now we’re seeing children speaking out at school board meetings. 10-12  year olds telling us they want to learn the proper way to put on  condom or make masks mandatory so they don’t die.  Oh really?

Your thoughts are the children really thinking about this or are the parents gutless or ball less so they have the little ones put their views forward? What say you?

What the children should be doing.

See how that works?


Corruption Economy Opinion Politics

Newsom does something right. Issues 138 offshore well permits.

Like a clock even the governor of California sometimes gets it right. Newsom issued 138 offshore well permits. “Governor Newsom has issued 138 permits for wells located offshore,” according to Kyle Ferrar, Western program coordinator for the FracTracker Alliance. “This includes five new drilling permits and 133 permits to perform work on existing offshore wells.

Onshore Newsom has issued over 9,000 permits. Knowing California has enough oil on and off shore, the governor needs to double what he’s already issued.

But California has two loon groups trying to send California back to the stone age.

Consumer Watchdog and FracTracker Alliance are among a coalition of groups calling on Newsom to issue a mandatory 2,500-foot setback between oil drilling operations and communities. Up to one mile would be preferable based on the evidence, they argue.



Opinion Politics Reprints from others. The Courts

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit says stop killing the babies.

NY Times article can be found here.

HOUSTON — A federal appeals court panel reinstated Texas’ restrictive abortion law late Friday, temporarily restoring a ban on virtually all procedures that had been blocked by a lower court two days earlier in a case brought by the Biden administration.

The decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, in a terse two-page ruling granting an appeal by the state of Texas, had been expected by many abortion providers. While at least six clinics in Texas had begun conducting abortions beyond the limits of the new law this week, most of the state’s roughly two dozen providers had opted not to take that step as the case moved through the courts.

The law, which bans most abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, went into effect at the start of September. Since then, it has altered the landscape for abortions in the nation’s second-most-populous state because of its unique structure, which bars state officials from enforcing its provisions, leaving that instead to private citizens.

Economy Opinion Politics

Tesla moving corporate out of California. Plant to stay. For now.

Tesla is moving their corporate offices to Austin Texas. Their plants in California and Nevada will grow if all things work out. Let’s see if their loon governors intervene and add more taxes. This from NBC.

California levies some of the highest personal income taxes in the country on its wealthy residents, but Texas has no personal income tax.

Tesla is not the first company to its headquarters out of California to Texas. Oracle and Hewlett Packard are among the tech giants who decided to make that move last year, for example.

Musk said Thursday that Tesla is making great progress on the Austin-area factory, which the company has dubbed Giga Texas. The first vehicles are expected to roll out of the facility as early as this year, and the facility could bring more than 10,000 new jobs to Central Texas through 2022.

Biden Pandemic Economy Opinion Politics

So President Trump added 7 trillion to the debt. The U.S. budget deficit is expected to reach $3 trillion again this year, according to the Congressional Budget Office, a 33% increase from its previous projection as it takes into account President Biden’s massive coronavirus stimulus plan.

So President Trump added 7 trillion to the debt. The U.S. budget deficit is expected to reach $3 trillion  this year, according to the Congressional Budget Office, a 33% increase from its previous projection as it takes into account President Biden’s massive coronavirus stimulus plan. And that’s not counting the 5 trillion if Bidens two plans pass. But what about the Trump 7 trillion?

Fact a liberal fact checker says that Trump inherited almost 600 billion from Obama. And they say that 2.7 trillion were the tax cuts. That means over 3 trillion went to cover the COVID Pandemic.  Pandemic spending that almost every single Democrat voted for.

When Obama added almost 10 trillion, there was no outcry from the left. Why was that? The deficit for the first half of the budget year, from October through March, was up from $743.5 billion in the year-ago period, to 1.7 trillion this year the Treasury Department said in April.



Biden Pandemic Corruption How funny is this? How sick is this? Opinion Politics Uncategorized

Joe and the fake White House.

The man’s whole political life has been a lie, why would this be any different? Joe just can’t tell or show it how it really is.

This picture says it all. Fake News.

In addition to Biden, Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen have been photographed using the set alongside the president for events there.

Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Typical hate from the left. Making White Plantationists proud. Bernie Sanders will not reprimand his base.

So Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), tries to do something good and what happens? It’s rejected cause it condemns hatred from the left. This from Axios.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) withheld support for a joint statement condemning last weekend’s protests against Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) because it also wouldn’t include a rebuke of her political views, Axios’ Alayna Treene has learned.

Why it matters: The move is emblematic of the hostility between the progressive and moderate members, who have been sparring over the cost and scope of President Biden’s agenda. Sanders wanted the statement to urge Sinema to drop her opposition to prescription drug reform, as well as Biden’s $3.5 trillion social safety net expansion.

Driving the news: An email exchange between Senate Democratic leadership aides, obtained by Axios, reveals Sanders withheld his name from a joint statement declaring protesters who followed Sinema into a bathroom — and filmed her while using the restroom — as “plainly inappropriate and unacceptable.”

  • Sanders’ communications director Mike Casca asked that the statement be edited to include the preface, “While we hope Senator Sinema will change her position on prescription drug reform and support a major [budget] reconciliation bill, …”
  • An aide to Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), who organized the statement, said Booker would not accept the edits.
  • Casca later replied: “Sanders will not be signing, so please cut ‘Senate Democratic Leadership Team’ from headline.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sens. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Mark Warner (D-Va.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Catherine Cortez-Masto (D-Nev.) all signed onto the statement in addition to Booker.

  • Excerpts of the leaked exchange are shown below. Axios has confirmed the contents of the full exchange with other Senate offices.
  • Casca, Sanders’ communications director, declined comment. Sinema’s spokesman also declined comment.

State of play: The statement has not been published. It’s currently unclear whether it will run.

Between the lines: The move comes as those in Sinema’s orbit have privately vented frustration that her fellow Democratic senators and the White House haven’t more forcefully spoken out.

  • She described the incident at Arizona State University as “not legitimate protest,” and “wholly inappropriate.”
  • On Monday, Biden told reporters he didn’t think the protesters’ tactics were “appropriate,” then added, “but it happens to everybody.”
  • The president went on to say, “The only people it doesn’t happen to are people who have Secret Service standing around them. So, it’s part of the process.”

Keep reading.

Screenshot excerpts of the email exchange, obtained by Axios:

Screenshotted excerpts of an email exchange, obtained by Axios
Screenshot excerpts of the email exchange, obtained by Axios
Screenshotted excerpts of an email exchange, obtained by Axios
Screenshot excerpts of the email exchange, obtained by Axios
Screenshotted excerpts of an email exchange, obtained by Axios
Screenshot excerpts of the email exchange, obtained by Axios.

Biden Pandemic Education How sick is this? Opinion Politics

Extremist hate group forces Senator to lock herself in the bathroom.

Extremist hate group forces Senator to lock herself in the bathroom. A noted group of leftists called LUCHA attempted to force a sitting United States Senator to go along with their terrorist views.

In the video posted by LUCHA Arizona, a group of students is seen attempting to stop Sinema outside her classroom at Arizona State University to ask her questions about the Build Back Better Agenda on Sunday morning. The group of students then follows Sinema into the bathroom. One student, Blanca, is seen talking to Sinema about the SB1070 law, which is Arizona’s immigration law. Every state should adopt similar laws.

Your Grandparents got deported cause they broke the law. And if the person who was harassing the Senator is undocumented, she should also be deported.

Biden Pandemic Corruption Crime Opinion Polls

Thank Joe Biden and the left. Crime surge nationwide. Especially in the cities.

Thank Joe Biden and the left. Crime surge nationwide. Especially in the cities. 2020 was the year of the BLM and Antifa race wars. Wars against Police and Capitalism. Well since Joe came into office, it hasn’t let up. If you don’t believe me, even CNN gets it for once.

The number of homicides continues to rise in major American cities following a year that saw a record increase in homicides across the country, according to a report published Thursday by the Council on Criminal Justice.

A study of homicides during the first six months of this year in 22 cities showed that the number of murders increased by 16% compared to the same period in 2020 and by 42% compared to the first six months of 2019.