Crime How funny is this? Just my own thoughts Life Politics Sexual Abuse

How funny is this? Don Lemon feels his boy Jussie’s lie will hurt legitimate hate crime claims. No Don, believing someone just because they are a person of color hurts the facts.

Views: 33

Please no pictures of Lynching. They will be removed.


The left has been fooled so many times now but still they don’t get. Just because a person of color makes these wild claims, doesn’t make it so. Jussie being the latest incident. When I heard that two white boys jumped a gay black man, my first thought was that two white Progressives attacked a successful black man cause of jealousy and the fact that he was black and gay. See how that works?

Right on the Progressives but wrong on everything else. What ever happened to just the fact? We’ve seen it in so many of these hate crimes, but the hate’s coming from the MSM and the left.

After Smollet attacked himself and posted a video of himself with a rope around his neck, (and blamed two white Trump supporters), both Cory Booker and Kamala Harris used that attack to generate support for their bill. Here’s a picture of their tweets.

Please no pictures of Lynching. They will be removed.


Uncategorized Opinion Politics

Nate Silver trashes WP article on the treatment of Joe Biden.

Views: 20

Last week there was a WP hack who claimed the media was too soft on Trump and too hard on Biden. Well Nate Silver flipped out. Said that was nothing but trash. The  methodology used was way off.

This from the Washington Post.

In the piece published last week, liberal columnist Dana Milbank complained about Biden’s media coverage being overly tough and implored journalists to do “soul-searching” and “think about what it is we’re delivering to people.”

In a series of tweets, Silver argued the piece’s “sentiment analysis” measuring the positivity and negativity of particular articles written about Trump and Biden was “complete crap,” and gave examples to show how the data could be skewed more positively or negatively than it should have been.





Biden Pandemic Economy Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Amazon Emerging as Top ‘Ocean Vendor’ as it Skirts Supply Chain Using Private Vessels

Views: 16

Original article can be found here.

Amazon is doing what many companies have been doing. Using their own freight forwarders and avoiding the ports of Long Beach and LA. A friend of mine brings in all his goods into Miami than trucks it up to Chicago. Half the time and a third of the cost.

Ocean freight analyst Steve Ferreira said in a CNBC report:

They are doing over 10,000 containers per month of the small- and medium-sized Chinese exporters. Amazon’s volume as an ocean vendor — that’s right, you heard me correct, they’re considered an ocean vendor — would rank them in the top five transportation companies in the Trans Pacific.

This isn’t the first time the retailer has hired private ships to transport goods, according to CNBC. But Amazon has expanded its plan, which has cut waiting times in ports from more than a month to just days.

“Los Angeles, there’s 79 vessels sitting out there up to 45 days waiting to come into the harbor,” Ferreira said. “Amazon’s latest venture that I’ve been tracking in the last two days, it waited two days in the harbor.” Ferreira said:

Who else would think of putting something going into an obscure port in Washington, and then trucking it down to L.A.? Most people are thinking, well, just bring the ship into L.A. But then you’re experiencing those two-week and three-weeks delay. So Amazon’s really taken advantage of some of the niche strategies I believe that the market needs to employ.

Amazon has produced probably 5,000 to 10,000 of these containers over the last two years I’ve been tracking it. Ferreira said. When they bring these containers onto U.S. soil, once they unload them, guess what? They get to be used in the domestic system and the rail system. They don’t have to return them to Asia like everyone else does.

Even so, Amazon is still feeling the pinch like other retailers because of the supply chain crisis, including a 14 percent rise in out-of-stock items and an average price increase of 25 percent since January 2021, according to the e-commerce management platform CommerceIQ.

CNBC reported on Amazon’s move:

Amazon has been on a spending spree to control as much of the shipping process as possible. It spent more than $61 billion on shipping in 2020, up from just under $38 billion in 2019. Now, Amazon is shipping 72% of its own packages, up from less than 47% in 2019 according to SJ Consulting Group.

It’s even taking control at the first step of the shipping journey by making its own 53-foot cargo containers in China. Containers are in short supply, with long wait times and prices surging from less than $2,000 before the pandemic to $20,000 today. A cargo vessel called the Star Lygra called at the Port of Houston on October 5, 2021, filled with Amazon containers.

Then in 2017, Amazon started quietly operating as a global freight forwarder through a Chinese subsidiary, helping move goods across the ocean for its Chinese sellers who pay to be part of the Fulfilled by Amazon program. Internally, Amazon dubbed this project “Dragon Boat.”

Amazon is also using long-haul aircraft to transport its “highest-margin goods,” which can get smaller amounts of cargo from China to the U.S. much faster.

A handful of other major retailers are also chartering vessels, including Walmart, Costco, Home Depot, Ikea, and Target, according to CNBC.


Food How sick is this? Life Politics Uncategorized

Restaurant denies service to police cause they’re armed. Social media gives them a one star and the owners beg for forgiveness.

Views: 50

This past Friday San Francisco’s finest were asked to leave a restaurant cause they’re guns made the employees and possibly patrons uncomfortable. So the police left. But the owners added fuel to the fire. They supported the employees. What a mistake that was.

Hilda and Jesse’s Operations/Co-Owner Rachel Sillcocks responded to the expulsion of the uniformed officers, writing, “The fact that they were in uniform with multiple weapons on them made our staff uncomfortable, and potentially other guests.” That’s when Social media for once took over and just ripped into this restaurant. The last straw for the owners was the one star rating. They went to Instagram and begged for forgiveness.


“We made a mistake and apologize for the unfortunate incident on Friday when we asked members of the San Francisco Police Department to leave our restaurant,” co-owners Rachel Sillcocks and Kristina Liedags Compton wrote in statement posted to Instagram Sunday afternoon. “We are grateful to all members of the force who work hard to keep us safe, especially during these challenging times.”




Politics Opinion Reprints from others.

Jefferson will have the last laugh. Biden and Democrats Abandon Jefferson over Equality, Not Slavery.

Views: 7

Whole article can be found here.

Claire Brighn is the pen name of a conservative researcher and writer with previous domestic and foreign policy experience in the Executive Branch.

On Monday, a statue of Thomas Jefferson that had stood watch over the New York City Council chambers for 187 years was carted away to be relocated just a few miles North at the New York Historical Society. The removal follows a vote by a mayoral commission in October to remove the statue after months of increased pressure from leftists on the City Council, and is the culmination of a decades-long campaign by progressive city leaders, who claim that the statue is offensive to minority groups because Jefferson was a slave owner.

Rather, Jefferson appears to be despised by the far left today for the same reason that he was nearly universally acclaimed for most of American history: he is the author of the principle of human equality contained in the Declaration of Independence that founded our country in 1776. And the Declaration’s principle of human equality is very much out of fashion with today’s radical left—which is trying to turn the very year “1776” into a symbol of hate.

Jefferson’s vision of equality also underpinned the Civil Rights Movement a century later. In his famous “I Have a Dream Speech,” Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. famously called for all Americans to “live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.’” The words of the slave owner Jefferson became the rallying cry for the end of racial segregation in America.


Uncategorized Opinion Politics

Five Senate Democrats felt Joe would be better with a Chinamen or woman as the Comptroller.

Views: 54

I guess Joe didn’t get the memo. Ever since Hillary put out the word that Russia was out and China was in, it’s no longer cool to be pro Russian. Chinese Orientale is the new flavor. Maybe this is why the so called Moderate Senators are against the nominee.

Don’t get me wrong, she has the views that the powers to be in the Democrat party want. But being someone who grew up in Russia is just not cool with the left. So they sent this message.

Five Democratic senators have told the White House they won’t support Saule Omarova to head the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, effectively killing her nomination for the powerful bank-regulator position. What makes her qualified to the Pro Russian folks?

Omarova admitted her goal is to bankrupt the coal, oil and gas industry in order to usher in a ‘green’ agenda.

Omarova wants the federal government to control your bank deposits and withdrawals and Fox News recently reported she’s a convicted thief.


Biden Pandemic How sick is this? Opinion Politics Science

Science according to the fauch. Go after the children and puppies. Part 2

Views: 71

Fake News and the loons still don’t get it. Back in October I did an article on the fauch that mostly dealt with what was called beaglegate. The Euthanasian and torture of beagle puppy’s. The WCW ( White Coat Waste Project ) exposed what the NIAID was doing with funded experiments. Everything that they posted was true. There was one minor error, but that was corrected. The WP as usual ran a attack article ( without verification ) And except for one hate group, the WP article was ignored. Let me explain.

WCW was wrong on the Tunisia study. They cited the wrong study in Tunisia. However, the NIAID said it did fund a separate project in Tunisia that studied a vaccine to prevent leishmaniasis.

“In the NIAID-supported study, twelve dogs were immunized with the experimental vaccine at the Pasteur Institute of Tunis, and then let out in an enclosed open space during the day, during high sandfly season in an area of Tunisia considered to be hyper-endemic for canine leishmaniasis. In the experiment, eight beagles were intentionally infected to study the transmissibility of leishmania infantum, which causes canine leishmaniasis. The dogs developed skin lesions and were later euthanized. So right country but wrong study. But the same results. The dogs were flea bitten than killed.

Now Snopes, Politifact, and Fact Check all investigated the three claims of the WCW. Same conclusion. The dogs in all three studies were Euthanized. For my lurkers, that means they were killed. In one study they were killed before the study was over.

So the only question that wasn’t answered was what exactly was the fauch’s exact involvement?







Opinion Biden Pandemic Child Abuse How sick is this? Politics Reprints from others.

How sick is this? Dr. Fauci says he expects babies and toddlers will have a COVID-19 vaccine by spring 2022

Views: 36

I’m sorry but this now has to be considered child abuse. I had to read this article from Business Insider twice. Just to make sure I wasn’t on the Babylon Bee. The fauch now is going after those from six months to two years. But that’s not all. The Business Insider.

At some point, COVID-19 vaccines will likely be recommended for all children, down to six months of age, or even younger. Studies of vaccinated mothers’ umbilical cords and breast milk suggest that newborn babies born to vaccinated moms have some protection against COVID-19 for their first few months of life.

So I guess the next step is at birth. Picture the fauch standing over a and the moment she gives birth, he jabs the infant.


Crime How sick is this? Opinion Politics

Joe Biden Can Be Sued for Defaming Kyle Rittenhouse

Views: 30

Legal consensus is that Joe can be sued for defamation. Remember that the facts show that Joe like Bill Clinton made his remarks before he was President. Rittenhouse was, was made a “public figure” for the purposes of defamation law, and would have to show that any defendant acted with “actual malice” — that is, with reckless disregard for the truth. He could arguably do so for Biden’s false statement.

The Biden campaign used Kyle in their campaign. Even using Twitter.

A tweet included footage of the white racists in Charlottesville. When the audio from Chris Wallace related to violence in Kenosha was played, the clip showed a picture of Kyle, 18, brandishing a semi-automatic rifle.



Corruption Child Abuse Opinion Politics

Obama Cages became the Biden Cages.

Views: 18

Who can ever forget those terrifying pictures of children locked up in cages. Like zoo animals on display. Well Obama had no issues doing that. Now Biden goes one step further. Please let me explain.

Biden not only continues to use the cages, he goes one step further. He’s not only continuing to use the Obama cages, but now they’ve been renamed the Biden cages. Also Joe’s created tent cities and taken facilities that house hundreds and put thousands in those facilities.



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