Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Axios warns about ‘reckoning’ on news outlets that touted the Steele dossier.

Views: 24


Axios Article is here.

As we see more and more come out about the Clinton Russian collusion, some left wing hate news channels still don’t get it. But Axios seems to.

A reckoning is hitting news organizations for years-old coverage of the 2017 Steele dossier, after the document’s primary source was charged with lying to the FBI.

Why it matters: It’s one of the most egregious journalistic errors in modern history, and the media’s response to its own mistakes has so far been tepid.

Outsized coverage of the unvetted document drove a media frenzy at the start of Donald Trump’s presidency that helped drive a narrative of collusion between former President Trump and Russia.

  • It also helped drive an even bigger wedge between former President Trump and the press at the very beginning of his presidency.

Driving the news: In wake of the key source’s arrest and further reporting on the situation, The Washington Post on Friday corrected and removed large portions of two articles.

  • To The Post’s credit, its media critic, Erik Wemple, has written at length about the mistakes made by The Post and other media outlets in their coverage of the dossier.

BuzzFeed News, which made waves in 2017 by publishing the entire dossier, says it has no plans to take the document down. It’s still online, accompanied by a note that says “The allegations are unverified, and the report contains errors.”

  • Ben Smith, who was BuzzFeed’s editor-in-chief at the time and is now a media columnist at The New York Times, told Axios, “My view on the logic of publishing hasn’t changed.”
  • BuzzFeed defended the decision in a 2018 lawsuit by arguing that because the FBI opened an investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, the dossier itself was newsworthy, whatever the merits of its contents turned out to be. It won that case. Other outlets that gave the document outsized coverage have so far been less forthcoming.


  • CNN and MSNBC did not respond to requests for comment about whether they planned to revisit or correct any of their coverage around the dossier
  • Mother Jones Washington bureau chief David Corn began reporting about the dossier prior to the 2016 election. Asked by Wemple whether he planned to correct the record, Corn said,” My priority has been to deal with the much larger topic of Russia’s undisputed attack and Trump’s undisputed collaboration with Moscow’s cover-up.”
  • Corn did not respond to a request to speak on the record with Axios.
  • The Wall Street Journal told Axios, “We’re aware of the serious questions raised by the allegations and continue to report and to follow the investigation closely.”
  • Axios was among the outlets that did not publish the dossier or original reporting based on its contents.

What to watch: The Steele screwup will undoubtedly cause an even bigger rift in trust between Democrats and Republicans.


Economy Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Commerce department sides with the Chinese.

Views: 19

What happened here was this. To avoid the tariffs the Chinese moved the plants and slave labor force to other Asian countries.

The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) released a statement after the Department of Commerce sided with Chinese solar manufacturers after rejecting a request from U.S. domestic solar manufacturers to investigate illegal and unfair circumvention of trade remedies on Chinese solar cells and modules. The American Solar Manufacturers Against Chinese Circumvention (“A-SMACC”) filed petitions on August 16, 2021 requesting that the Department of Commerce investigate unfairly traded imports from Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam of solar cells and modules that are unlawfully circumventing antidumping and countervailing (AD/CVD) duties on China. Last month, CPA urged the Biden administration to support U.S. domestic solar manufacturers and address China’s illegal circumvention.

“The Commerce Department’s unwillingness to investigate illegal circumvention by Chinese solar companies is a gift to the Chinese Communist Party that comes at the expense of American companies and American workers,” said Michael Stumo, CEO of CPA. “President Biden promised to create 10 million green new jobs. Instead, this decision ensures that China’s use of Uyghur forced labor in Xinjiang to manufacture polysilicon will continue. The Biden administration claims to want to Build Back Better and boost U.S. domestic manufacturing. But a decision like this that only benefits the Chinese Communist Party is a serious red flag that the Build Back Better initiative is nothing more than a slogan.”

Last month, CPA released a statement after five Chinese solar companies—LONGi Green Energy, JinkoSolar, Trina Solar, JA Solar and Risen Energy—issued a statement in a blatant attempt to undermine the Biden administration’s trade enforcement actions and scare the U.S. solar industry into manufacturing a crisis.

Four of these Chinese solar companies were named in an explosive academic report that was released by the Coalition to End Forced Labour in the Uyghur Region detailing the widespread use of Uyghur forced labour within the solar industry. The report found that the four largest solar panel suppliers in the world—JinkoSolar, JASolar, TrinaSolar and LONGi—all source from at least one polysilicon manufacturer that is implicated in Uyghur forced labour either through direct participation in forced labour schemes, and/or through their raw material sourcing.

Chinese solar companies, and a Washington special interest group funded by them, have been lobbying the Biden administration and Congress to remove the Section 201 solar tariffs on Chinese solar companies, prevent the Department of Commerce from investigating alleged circumvention of anti-dumping and countervailing duties on solar imports, and against the Biden administration’s actions aimed at Chinese solar companies’ use of forced labor in Xinjiang. Additionally, a group of 12 Senate Democrats recently sent a letter to the Department of Commerce parroting the talking points of Chinese solar companies and their trade association that lobbies on their behalf.


Biden Pandemic Corruption Economy Life Opinion Politics

Still spending like drunken sailors.

Views: 10

It’s one thing when our tax money is spent on building border walls and protecting the county. But social programs that protect the undocumented and waste tax dollars is another. Another month of just throwing good money out the window.

The September deficit topped the previous record of $73.2 billion set in June, the Commerce Department reported Thursday. The deficit is the gap between what the United States exports to the rest of the world and the imports it purchases from foreign nations.

In September, exports plunged 3% to $207.6 billion while imports rose 0.6% to $288.5 billion. Part of the weakness reflected a 15.5% drop in petroleum exports related to the drilling rig and refinery shutdowns

The Biden Administration reached another record in September. The trade deficit reached the highest amount ever recorded in US history.




Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Opinion Politics

To use OSHA for this is so asinine. See ya in court. Supreme Court that is.

Views: 22

So knowing that the Presidents directive is illegal and unconstitutional, this administration does an end around and uses OSHA. OSHA releases a 490 page document saying how dangerous and life threatening a job site is if there’s 100 or more employees if all are not vaccinated.

If there’s 99 then all are saved. No life threatening work site. Does that make any sense? How does COVID know company A has 100 employees and company B has 99 or 98 or 10? So what happens next? Does anyone even need to ask? Last year Biden said there would be no mandates.

OSHA can do a million page document, but if 50-100 K fans can be at a sporting event without dying or getting sick, so can 100 at work. See you in court.



Uncategorized Corruption Education Elections Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

School Boards across the country getting rid of the filth.

Views: 29

Nation wide school boards cleansed themself of bad board members. Sweet


Elections Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics

So how powerful is the Trump message? You tell me.

Views: 31

So how powerful is the Trump message? Powerful enough to see the Republicans make major inroads in Blue states, and helping Republicans keep their seats in red states. NJ is still a toss up, but for a Republican to make it this close in a state that Biden won by 20 points is amazing. And the win in VA.?

The left will learn nothing from this. They’ll say the Democrat candidates aren’t progressive enough. Of course they forget that the progressive  candidates got beat. America’s not ready for left wing racism. What say you?

President Donald Trump celebrated the victory of Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin in the Virginia governor’s race on Tuesday.

“The MAGA movement is bigger and stronger than ever before,” Trump wrote in a statement.


Reprints from others. Economy Opinion Politics Uncategorized

As inflation takes off, politicians eye more of your money

Views: 16

As inflation takes off, politicians eye more of your money. Original article can be found here.

In a grocery store near you, prices are up and sizes are down. Inflation is roaring.

This is something former Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers warned about back in February, when he unsuccessfully advised the Biden administration to scale down the size of its $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief legislation. Calling the plan “macroeconomic stimulus on a scale closer to World War II levels than normal recession levels,” he predicted that it could “set off inflationary pressures of a kind we have not seen in a generation.” Summers also wondered how the administration would pay for “the public investments that should be the nation’s highest priority.”

So don’t believe President Biden when he says no one earning less than $400,000 per year will see a tax increase. His claims are wildly inflated.

So what happened? Inflation going up, up, up. Grocery and Utility bills are up. Gas up at the pump or recharge your electric vehicle. What’s  up is not coming down.




Biden Pandemic Crime Elections Opinion Politics

My bad. It’s the Virginia and New Jersey elections the undocumented are coming here for and Progressive Democrat Congressman are calling in the big guns.

Views: 24

I was thinking that the left was bringing in the undocumented for 2022. Of course they are, but I forgot about the elections tomorrow in New Jersey and Virginia. Now Progressive Congessman want the feds to step in. We have this from the Hill.

Democratic representatives are calling on Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate Texas’s border policies.

The letter, led by Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas), calls for a federal investigation into the Operation Lone Star program started by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) to handle illegal immigration.

Now you had 26 Democrats who signed the letter. But the Democrat Congressman who represents the Laredo area Henry Cuellar, did not sign the letter. So what’s the left afraid of?


Corruption Crime How sick is this? Opinion Politics

Texas arrests 7,700 Democrats before they could register to vote

Views: 58

As you know, the Feds do not arrest the undocumented. Why give them a hard time since they’re here looking for work and getting ready to vote for the 2022 elections. But the state of Texas said not so fast.

“Operation Lone Star,” ordered by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, has resulted in 7,744 migrants arrested on criminal charges.

The announcement came from the Texas Military Department (TMD) and the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). The figures are as of Oct. 14 and include 1,300 arrests for criminal trespassing and 6,339 arrests for felony charges.

And here’s what the National Guard did.

In addition, there were 73,031 migrant apprehensions and referrals and 822 vehicle pursuits.


Biden Pandemic Corruption Economy How sick is this? Opinion Politics

Biden Blinks and Backs Down. White House signals flexibility over Dec. 8 vaccine deadline.

Views: 45

Old Joey boy gave a deadline to all federal contractors. Fire those who aren’t vaccinated. If not you will no longer do business with the federal government. Well things changed today.

The Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccination deadline will not require immediate action on the part of employers against non-vaccinated employees when it comes into force on Dec. 8, the White House coronavirus response coordinator said on Wednesday. Maybe this MAY BE WHY.

Southwest Airlines Chief Executive Gary Kelly said last week: “We want our employees to know that nobody is going to lose their job on December 9 if we’re not perfectly in compliance… “We’re not going to fire anybody who doesn’t get vaccinated.” Or this.

Raytheon Technologies’ (RTX.N) Chief Executive Greg Hayes warned in a CNBC interview Tuesday the U.S. aerospace and defense firm will lose ‘several thousand’ employees who refuse to take COVID-19 vaccines, as it prepares to meet the Dec. 8 deadline. And finally this.

A group representing FedEx Corp, United Parcel Service Inc and other cargo carriers told the White House last week it would be virtually impossible to have 100% of their respective work forces vaccinated by Dec. 8.


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