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Dago Red: Its creator and legacy.

Dago Red: Its creator and legacy. Six decades of grape growing for Los Alamos, Calif., farmer Joe Carrari produces compelling history. Carrari was awash in an acre foot of wine and going broke when he created Dago Red California coastal red wine. Dago Red was far ahead of Two Buck Chuck and has a gold medal to prove it. Bulking wine not for the faint-of-heart growers.

<p> Joe Carrari spends his time at Rancho Alamo, a 3,600-acre ranch at Los Alamos. He leases out 400 acres for vegetable production and the rest is foothills where cattle are grazed.</p>

There was Dago Red long before there was Two Buck Chuck.

More than 136,000 cases of Dago Red wine were sold in the mid-1980s. That’s miniscule compared to the more than 50 million cases of Charles (Two Buck Chuck) Shaw wine sold so far by the Franzias’ Bronco Winery.

Numbers aside, Dago Red is a far more compelling story than Bronco’s economic assault on bulging wine tanks during the miserable economic plight of the California wine industry in the early 2000s.

Dago Red was an admitted desperation idea two decades ago of crafty, veteran California wine grape grower Joe Carrari of Los Alamos, Calif., who refused to fall prey to measly winery grape prices.

When grape prices are low, there is always the debate among growers, vintners and wine merchants about the wisdom of custom crushing. Although wineries and wine merchants say it is a bad idea, many growers do it. However, what about times like now when prices are the highest they’ve been in a couple of decades? Does it make sense to custom crush to meet what seems to be a growing wine grape shortage for at least the next few seasons?

Carrari, the 78-year-old son of an Italian immigrant, has won the custom crush gamble more than once, and he would no doubt do it again, if he felt like it made economic sense. However, he’ll tell you it’s not for the timid.

Carrari is a gregarious, wily, calculating grape grower whom his wife Phyllis claims was born under a grapevine. Joe denies it, although he is not sure about conception. He will confess to picking his first wine grapes at age five.

Joe_20Carrari_20_231.jpgHe whet his wiles growing up in the sand hill vineyards of San Bernardino County, once the largest pre-Prohibition wine grape growing region in the U.S.

Carrari, christened Ferruccio when he was born in 1934 in Alta Loma, Calif., is easily likeable. He has a joke-a-minute and has a remarkable memory with one tale after another about his six decades in the wine grape business and one year of going broke growing corn in Argentina. He ends almost every narrative with a gravelly chuckle.

Although his grapes have become wine behind hundreds of wine labels from wineries big and botique, Carrari will never adorn the cover of a glossy wine aficionado magazine.

However, you will find his craggy mug in American Farmera pictorial depiction of hundreds of men and women who farm America. Joe doesn’t particularly care for his likeness there. It’s an artistically darkened black-and-white photo that makes his well-weathered face look like a Texas Farm to Market road map. Nevertheless, it’s definitely the portrait of proud farmer Joe Carrari, who is as adept in a machine shop as he is in a vineyard or on the phone marketing his grapes or bulk wine.

Indomitable Carrari

Carrari’s farming career has taken him from Southern California to Argentina to farm and back to the U.S. to work for some of the biggest names in the industry — Paul Masson and Rene DiRosa’s Winery Lake Vineyards to name two. He has consulted with Jekel, J. Lohr and several wineries/grape growers in the Paso Robles area. He has also been a consultant for grape growers in New Zealand and delivered grapes to Mexican wineries in the Guadalupe Valley. When he was farming in Cucamonga, he delivered grapes to the only winery in Santa Barbara County at the time. Today there is a winery on just about every corner in the county.

He has planted 6,000 acres of grapes and installed more than 400 Ford industrial engines on well pumps through his company, Videco. His stake driving count is in the hundreds of thousands.

You can read Winkler’s “General Viticulture” from cover to cover several times and consult with the viticultural elite and still go broke producing premium wine grapes.

Joe_20Carrari_20_232_20His_201973_20vintage.jpgThat is where Carrari found himself about 30 years ago in Los Alamos, Calif., — losing money. He refused to sell his Santa Barbara County premium red wine grapes at prices lower than it cost him to produce them. His obstinate Italian nature left him awash in bulk wine. An acre foot — 326,000 gallons — to be fairly specific.

“I refused to take what wineries were offering and lose money. I worked too hard to do that. Production Credit was taking wine as collateral on loans back then, so I crushed the grapes myself,” said Carrari.

His stubbornness extended through four vintages of Zinfandel, Merlot, Petite Sirah and Cabernet Sauvignon from the late 1970s until the mid-80s. The grapes came from parts of his 250 acres of vineyards. They were crushed at San Martin Winery and later moved to the Paul Masson winery in Soledad, Calif., when San Martin sold.

The wine grape economy continued to flounder from an overplanting of grapes, and storage fees were eroding Carrari’s chances for turning a profit on his bulk wine gamble. “I was paying $7,000 per month in storage fees and had to do something, even if it was wrong,” laughs the indomitable Carrari.

He blended the varietals in the proportions he had in storage into a California red wine and then had an artist create an art deco black-and-white checkerboard label and called it Dago Red. It sold retail for $1.99 per bottle. “I was way ahead of Two Buck Chuck. It made a helluva wine. I liked it, and I had other people taste test it before we bottled it. Nine out of 10 who tasted it agreed with me. Everyone liked it. We even sold it by the case in Los Alamos for $1 per bottle,” he chuckles.

Dago Red became a wine phenomenon. It was very popular in California, particularly in the Central Valley. It even won a gold medal as a California Red at the Orange County Wine Festival. That led to the sale of 1,200 cases to a wholesaler in New York (“that put me in business”). He poured it at a California congressional wine reception to rave reviews.

Why Dago Red?

Why Dago Red? “I am Italian. My father immigrated to California from Italy during the Depression. What else would I call it,” roars Carrari.

Dago is from Diego, which was Christopher Columbus’s son’s name. Diego Columbus was the first viceroy to the West Indies, but the local natives could not pronounce his name. They called him Dago.

History aside, the name did not sit well with fellow Italians on the East Coast. He even got in trouble with the Italian Anti-Defamation League. “This fellow called me from Washington, D.C., to complain about the use of Dago on my wine. I responded to him in Italian. He did not understand a word I said. I told him to call me back when he learned to speak Italian and hung up,” howls Carrari.

He later altered the label, putting a photo of the gold medal over the word Dago on the label in deference to his fellow Italians.

Dago Red sold so well Carrari came up with spin-offs from that using white wine grapes from his vineyard.

“It took me 10 years to get rid of all that wine, but in the end I made a $1 million profit after all my expenses,” he said.

Dago Red was not the only time he turned a sour wine deal into a bouquet of money. A prominent North Coast winery contracted for grapes at 22 sugar. The weather turned hot, and the grapes started ripening quickly. He called the winery, but the winery was not ready to accept them. He was told to wait a few days to pick. He waited and when the grapes arrived at the winery, the loads were downgraded for being too high in sugar.

Carrari was angry and left the grapes on the truck and hauled them back to the coast for custom crushing. It was a 250-mile round trip.

“The trucker was really good about it and did not charge me for the back haul. I had worked with him over the years at other vineyards,” Carrari explains.

He eventually sold the wine bulk to Beringer for $3 per gallon. “I made more money that way than had I had them crushed at the winery where they were going to dock me,” he laughs.

These are just two of the tales Carrari likes to spin from more than 60 years of growing grapes and marketing wine not only in California, but throughout the U.S. “I shipped a lot of bulk wine to wineries in other states to get started,” he said.

He learned his viticultural prowess from his father, who was adept at nudging 4 to 5 tons per acre from head-pruned, dryland farm Zinfandel vines. The average rainfall at Rancho Cucamonga is 17 inches per year, just 6 inches more than in Fresno, Calif. Dryland farming wine grapes on less than 2 acre feet of water will make you resourceful for life.

From the 1890s into the mid-1950s, the Cucamonga-Guasti-Ontario Wine District was considered California’s largest wine-growing and wine-producing district. Much of the valley’s grape and wine property was owned by Secundo Guasti, who founded the Italian Vineyard Company in 1883 and built it into a gigantic wine enterprise prior to Prohibition. Guasti farmed the largest contiguous block of wine grapes at the time, 6,000 acres, and Carrari’s father managed some of those vineyards.

Failure brings opportunity

Joe and his father later farmed on their own. Eventually, their vineyards reached 1,400 acres. One of their vineyards was planted in 1906 and was farmed continuously until 1984.

“We shipped grapes all over the U.S.” One year the Carrari family shipped 4,500 tons of grapes to home vintners.

Joe made spending money in high school delivering grapes to Southern Californians for homemade wine. He once rented a stall at the Los Angeles produce market where he sold 145 tons of grapes one season, all hand-picked in lug boxes.

His father was born in Argentina, and Joe tried his hands at farming there after leaving the Cucamonga area in the mid 1960s. That was a disaster. He came back to the U.S. broke with a wife and four children. Fortunately, his viticultural skills quickly landed him jobs with some of the 1970s pioneers, as the state’s grape industry was evolving into a new era.

He was working for Masson when the Central Coast wine grape planting boom of the 1970s began. He was involved in both the successful and the failed. It was a failure that opened the door for him to start his own vineyard management and consulting business and plant his own coastal vineyard.

He became involved in a proposed 2,200-acre vineyard development/bulk wine marketing project that went bankrupt. Carrari stayed with the project for another year afterward to work with creditors. “We eventually paid off unsecured creditors 90 cents on the dollar. That’s unheard of in a bankruptcy.” That established Carrari’s credibility and helped him obtain credit to plant his own vineyard in Los Alamos and bolster his fledgling Videco farm management business.

His company was one of the first to mechanically harvest grapes on the coast. He also owned a nursery that supplied rootstock for new plantings.

Carrari loves to tell stories about the people and projects from his six decades in the business, but at heart Carrari is a grape grower. He beams when he talks about his vineyard adventures.

Vineyard adventures

It put him in good stead with many grape growers.

Like the time he interviewed with Paul Masson at Soledad, and he was asked what he thought about grafting over 75 acres of Pinot Noir to Chenin Blanc because the Pinot Noir was not producing.

“I never did like Pinot Noir. It is hard to set a crop, and it ripens very quickly. Birds love it,” explains Carrari.

Nevertheless, he did not necessarily agree with the decision to graft over the Pinot as Masson’s management was considering.

“I did not think I had all the facts. I asked Vince Petrucci (California State University, Fresno viticulture professor) to come over to take at a look it,” he says.

The duo recommended it be spur pruned rather than caned pruned. It was pruned to two spurs and 15 tons of manure was spread. The result was two canes per vine and 6 tons per acre.

“It went from nothing to 6 tons per acre in 13 months,” he says. “You cannot be expected to have all the answers in this business, but you should be expected to know where to get the answers.”

He found himself farming a block of Muscat that was faltering for no clear reason.

“The spurs looked like toothpicks. The vines were ready to die,” Carrari. He had various clues as to what might be the problem, but nothing was obvious.

“I suspected salt build-up. Muscats are very sensitive to salts, and we were irrigating with a well with 8.2 pH water,” he said.

Carrari decided to create 18-inch-wide French drain 6 feet deep down every other row and apply 5 tons of gypsum per acre. “The vines developed luscious growth the next year, and we got 1 ton per acre. I called it my chemotherapy treatment,” he laughs.

Over the years, Carrari developed a two-row hydraulic stake driver as well as propane burners for leaf thinning and weed control.

Birds are a perennial problem and Carrari’s mechnical prowess tackled that issue with a unique solution. He bought several large mobile, mechanical air compressors. He positioned in them in the vineyard to cycle compressed air through overhead sprinklers used for frost protection to scare the birds away.

Hawk kits, cannons and foil streamers never work, according to Carrari. The air spitting intermittently from the sprinklers did. “We went from 20 percent bird damage down to 4 percent. The only damage was on the edge of the vineyard.”

The 78-year-old Carrari has slowed down. He sold his vineyard a few years back. He still consults and his 1973 Chisholm Ryder grape harvester still harvests a few grapes. He also keeps busy making sure the irrigation systems are working properly on the 400 acres of vegetable ground he leases on the 3,600-acre ranch he bought when he sold his vineyard.

Regrets from six decades of wine grape growing?

“Only regret I have is that it took me so long to learn anything” with another trademark Joe Carrari howl.

Whole article can be found here.


Biden Pandemic COVID Medicine Public Service Announcement Reprints from others. Science

Researchers “alarmed” to find DNA contamination in Pfizer covid-19 vaccine.

Researchers “alarmed” to find DNA contamination in Pfizer covid-19 vaccine.

A researcher testifies before a South Carolina Senate hearing about the discovery of DNA contamination found in Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine

Phillip Buckhaults, a cancer genomics expert, and professor at the University of South Carolina has testified before a South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee saying that Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine is contaminated with billions of tiny DNA fragments.

Buckhaults, who has a PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology, said “there is a very real hazard” that these fragments of foreign DNA can insert themselves into a person’s own genome and become a “permanent fixture of the cell.”

He said it’s a plausible mechanism for what might be “causing some of the rare but serious side effects like death from cardiac arrest” in people following mRNA vaccination.

Buckhaults is not an alarmist and has been reluctant to go public with his findings for fear of frightening people.

He himself was vaccinated three times with Pfizer’s covid vaccine and recommended it to family and friends. He described the mRNA platform technology as “revolutionary” and said the vaccine has saved many lives.

“I’m a real fan of this platform,” Buckhaults told the Senate. “I think it has the potential to treat cancers, I really believe that this platform is revolutionary. In your lifetime, there will be mRNA vaccines against antigens in your unique cancer. But they’ve got to get this problem fixed.”

Buckhaults is most concerned about the “very real theoretical risk of future cancer in some people, depending on where this foreign piece of DNA lands in the genome, it can interrupt a tumour suppressor gene or activate an oncogene.”

“I’m kind of alarmed about this DNA being in the vaccine… DNA is a long-lived information storage device. It’s what you were born with, you’re going to die with and pass on to your kids. … So alterations to the DNA…well, they stick around,” he said.

Buckhaults believes the vaccines were deployed in good faith, but given the panic and urgency of the crisis, “there were a lot of shortcuts taken.” He puts it down to incompetence not malice, quoting Hanlon’s razor…

“…. which is never attribute malice to that which can be better explained by incompetence. There could be malice underneath, but I’m trying to see just incompetence to be gracious,” he told the Senate.

How did the vials end up contaminated with DNA?

Buckhaults explained how two different manufacturing processes were used to make Pfizer’s vaccine.

The initial production of Pfizer’s covid vaccine used a method called Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to amplify the DNA template that was then used for production of the mRNA. This method, called PROCESS 1, can be used to make a highly pure mRNA product.

However, in order to upscale the process for large-scale distribution of the vaccine to the population for its “emergency authorisation” supply, Pfizer switched to a different method – PROCESS 2 – to amplify the mRNA.

PROCESS 2 used bacteria to make large quantities of “DNA plasmid” (circular DNA instructions), which would be used to make the mRNA. Hence, the final product contained both plasmid DNA and mRNA.

The switch from PROCESS 1 to PROCESS 2, ultimately resulted in the contamination of the vaccine (see red circles).

Pfizer tried to deal with the problem by adding an enzyme (DNAse) to chop up the plasmid into millions of tiny fragments.

But Buckhaults said it made the situation worse because the more fragments you have, the greater the chance that one of the fragments inserts itself into the genome and disrupts a vital gene.

“[Pfizer] chopped them up to try to make them go away, but they actually increased the hazard of genome modification in the process,” explained Buckhaults.

“I don’t think there was anything nefarious here, I just think it was kind of a dumb oversight,” he added. “They just didn’t think about the hazard of genome modification…it’s not all that expensive to add another process to get it out.”

A BMJ investigation found that batches of vaccine derived from PROCESS 2, were shown to have substantially lower mRNA integrity, and some say these vaccines have been associated with greater adverse events.

Buckhault’s research is not an outlier. Genomics expert Kevin McKernan has also reported plasmid DNA contamination in both Pfizer and Moderna bivalent covid-19 vaccines, in amounts that far exceeded the safety limit set by the FDA.

FDA safety limits

The FDA acknowledges that there are risks to having residual DNA left in vaccines:

Residual DNA might be a risk to your final product because of oncogenic and/or infectivity potential. There are several potential mechanisms by which residual DNA could be oncogenic, including the integration and expression of encoded oncogenes or insertional mutagenesis following DNA integration. Residual DNA also might be capable of transmitting viral infections if retroviral proviruses, integrated copies of DNA viruses, or extrachromosomal genomes are present.

In its guidance to industry, the FDA says:

The risks of oncogenicity and infectivity of your cell-substrate DNA can be lessened by decreasing its biological activity. This can be accomplished by decreasing the amount of residual DNA and reducing the size of the DNA (e.g., by DNAse treatment or other methods) to below the size of a functional gene (based on current evidence, approximately 200 base pairs). Chemical inactivation can decrease both the size and biological activity of DNA.

The problem with this advice said Buckhaults, is that it applies to the manufacturing of traditional vaccines, which contain what is known as “naked DNA.”

Normally, low levels of naked DNA in a vaccine would not be a problem because the bits of DNA are chewed up by tissue enzymes before they’ve had a chance to get inside cells. However, the DNA in Pfizer’s vaccine is not “naked.”

It is wrapped up in lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) – essentially fat globules – that help transport the genetic material (mRNA and plasmid DNA) inside the cells where the DNA can migrate to the nucleus and insert itself into the genome.

That’s why Buckhaults told the Senate that the FDA’s rules for safe levels of DNA in vaccines does not apply to the new mRNA platform technology.

“The fact that there is a regulatory threshold for the amount of DNA allowed in a vaccine is a throwback to an era when we were talking about [traditional] vaccines…but they inappropriately applied that regulatory limit to this new kind of vaccine where everything is encapsulated in this lipid nanoparticle — this was an inappropriate application of an old school regulation to a new kind of vaccine,” said Buckhaults.

What now?

Buckhaults said that vaccinated people need to be tested to see if any of the foreign DNA has integrated into the genome of their stem cells. This is easily detectable because the foreign DNA has a unique signature.  Buckhaults said “It leaves a calling card.”

“This is not terribly expensive to do these kinds of tests,” he added, “But there has to be a system where professors are not going to be penalised for producing results that are counter to what the party line is supposed to be.”

Senator Billy Garrett asked whether Buckhaults could test for DNA contamination in the new covid boosters that the Biden administration just recommended for all Americans aged 6 months or older.

“I would like to do that,” said Buckhaults. “It takes about three hours to check a vial of vaccine to see if it’s got this in it – about 100 bucks of reagents.”

“And I will not get the vaccine again myself unless I get a batch and find out that it’s free of DNA,” he added.

While the Senators offered to intervene if Buckhaults received any retribution or harassment in response to his testimony at the hearing, they did appear helpless in their ability to bring about meaningful change.

Senator Richard Cash said, “We are not going to have any authority over the FDA to force Pfizer to do something. I mean, that’s a federal issue.”

Buckhaults told the Senate that he emailed the FDA about the contamination problem but had not received a reply.

The FDA has been approached for comment.

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Just putting this out there. COVID news updates.

Just putting this out there. COVID news updates.


“There is so little data available on the safety of this latest booster, the FDA’s actions create an unnecessary risk to the public’s health.” —Dr. Pierre Kory

Let’s start there with what our doctors are saying about the safety of the new COVID shots that were recently approved by the FDA and blessed by the CDC.

It is our moral and ethical imperative to report to you the most reliable information and scientific data available of which you must be aware so that you can make the best and most informed decisions possible to preserve your health.

Dr. Kory, chief medical officer of the FLCCC and Dr. Paul Marik, the FLCCC’s chief scientific officer, want you to be fully aware of the lack of trustworthy science for the safety and efficacy of these injections before you decide whether or not you wish to receive a shot.

“Our government continues to look for shortcuts in approving vaccines under the guise of an emergency while putting the public at risk of more injuries from these boosters that have not been through the extensive review and testing that is required outside of the EUA,” said Dr. Marik.

He’s right. Pfizer and Moderna—with the full-throated assent of the FDA— have leveraged the (unnecessary) Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) that remains in effect—despite there being no emergency— in order to push these new shots to market—for a low-risk illness that produces mild symptoms for most people.

There is no emergency (except for the vaccine purveyors’ urgent desire to fill their pockets with more and more $$$.)

Meanwhile, what do YOU get? Let’s see.

💉 You get a “vaccine” for a strain of COVID that is quickly becoming extinct.

💉 You get a shot whose ingredients are linked to clotting, which leads to lack of oxygen in body tissues.

💉 You run the risk of acquiring pathophysiologic abnormalities triggered by the spike protein, which lead to myriad damages to a number of organ systems.

💉 You get a ticket to a lottery to win a chance to become one of 65 million people worldwide suffering debilitating vaccine injuries.

💉 You get exposed to ad after ad after ad trying to guilt-shame you into getting a dangerous injection for a fading strain of COVID by warning you that not doing so will place your loved ones in harm’s way. It’s simply not true, but many doctors remain afraid to talk to their patients about it for fear of reprisals by their employers, licensing bodies and medical boards. ***

“The ‘system’ does not encourage independent thinking when it comes to treatment. They want everyone to follow the same protocols — and many healthcare providers do, as they’re afraid of the repercussions,” said Dr. Joe Varon, a critical care physician and one of the co-founders of the FLCCC. “If there’s one thing that the FLCCC is proud of, it is that we never give up. If one thing doesn’t work, we go and find something else. That’s what makes us different, and what makes us a complete alternative to what’s out there in healthcare.”

100%, Joe. An alternative to the current healthcare system is critical—especially now— given that the FDA’s recommendation for this new booster was based on data submitted by the companies that have a financial interest in the approval. There was no independent or peer review of this data.

“There is the almost unfathomable rise of 6 standard deviations from the norm in disability rates coinciding with the COVID-shots rollout in late 2020 followed by their mandating on the American labor force,” said Dr. Kory, who addressed rising cases of vaccine injuries, the continuing war on ivermectin and Big Pharma on the Kevin Wall radio program this week. (Hear Dr. Kory starting at about 15:00.) “Most dispiriting of all is that the vast majority of the vaccine-injured were highly functional before these spike protein exposures or injections.”

BOTTOM LINE: Educate yourself thoroughly about the COVID shots before deciding what’s best for you and your family.

***A one-year-old California law that allowed for the punishment of physicians who provided “misinformation” to their patients—specifically regarding COVID-19 and the vaccines— will soon be voted on for repeal. Under the law, if doctors violated “scientific consensus” and official “standards of care”, they could be cited for unprofessional conduct and subject to board disciplinary action. Many physicians claimed the law violated their First Amendment rights, and prompted several lawsuits challenging its constitutionality.

Lawmakers in both Florida and South Carolina have, in official proceedings, voiced their concern over the safety, efficacy and need for the current COVID shots.

In South Carolina, attorney Aaron Siri testified in a pandemic preparedness listening session about COVID vaccine “safety” (an oxymoron?). And in Florida, Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo warned healthy adults under the age of 65 against taking a new COVID-19 booster.

“With the amount of immunity that’s in the community — with virtually every walking human being having some degree of immunity, and with the questions we have about safety and about effectiveness, especially about safety, my judgment is that it’s not a good decision for young people and for people who are not at high risk at this point in the pandemic,” said Dr. Ladapo.

Keep talking, gentlemen. Keep talking.


Ohio House Bill 73 advanced to the next important step in the Ohio legislature and will soon be considered by the Senate Health Committee. Testimony will be heard by the committee followed by a vote to advance the bill to the entire Ohio Senate.

The Dave and Angie Patient and Health Provider Protection Act, if passed into law, will protect the rights of doctors to prescribe repurposed drugs. This encouraging progress on bipartisan legislation will ensure access to essential treatments that were arbitrarily restricted during the pandemic.

Our own Dr. Paul Marik, who testified on HB73 before the Ohio House Health Provider Services Committee, said this about the bill’s advancement in the Senate: “The bill is not only critical to the future of the practice of medicine in Ohio, but sets an example for the nation to follow.”

“We are seeing an increase in the number of cases of COVID. That’s the bad news. The good news is that not a single patient has had to go to the hospital because of COVID.” —Dr. Joe Varon.

Dr. Joseph Varon and Dr. Katarina Lindley joined host Betsy Ashton this week for the FLCCC Weekly Webinar to discuss what they are seeing at their practices in terms of COVID, long COVID and vaccine injury/“long vax”. No need to panic, FLCCC protocols are focused on preventiontreatment and recovery!

“Fear is a liar. So—faith over fear. Do the things you always do when you get sick and find a doctor you trust.” advised Dr. Kat Lindley.

In this new episode of ‘Whole Body Health’, Dr. JP Saleeby describes how hormones, drugs and supplements can support or interfere with your thyroid. Dr. Saleeby also explains why it is important to check your thyroid hormones if you have long COVID or post-vaccine syndrome.

In this episode of Long (COVID) Story Short, our Dr. Been reviews an early pandemic study.

This is a study of COVID-19 confirmed hospitalized patients. Researchers found two groups of individuals with biomarker profiles: the first had high fibrinogen levels in relation to C-Reactive proteins (CRP) and the second had an increase in D-Dimers in relation to CRP. These molecules generally increase in relation to CRP; however, here the researchers found that the fibrinogen and D-Dimers increased while the CRP stayed low. These cohorts were associated with higher likelihood of neurological long COVID. Dr. Been takes us through both the findings and the mechanisms.

The FLCCC protocols save lives all around the world!

From the very start in March 2020, through sharing the FLCCC Alliance COVID-19 protocols, this doctor was able to share life-saving information with hundreds of his contacts, his extended family (USA, Philippines, UK, Canada, Israel), close friends, former patients, relatives and former classmates locally and overseas. The protocols prevented infection, severe infection and untimely death for ALL of his contacts. Watch his MyStory now.

Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Links from other news sources. Public Service Announcement Reprints from others. The Courts The Law

Arizona judge rules common practice of validating ballot signatures illegal.

Arizona judge rules common practice of validating ballot signatures illegal.

By Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services

A practice used by some, if not all, Arizona counties to verify signatures on early ballots may be illegal.

And that could result in election officials across the state have to change their procedures – and potentially result in more signatures on ballot envelopes being questioned.

Yavapai County Superior Court Judge John Napper, said state law is “clear and unambiguous” that election officials must compare the signatures on the envelopes with the voter’s actual registration record. And that, he said, consists only of the document signed when a person first registered along with subsequent changes for things like altering party affiliation.

And what that means, the judge said, is it is illegal for county election officials to instead use other documents to determine if the signature on that ballot envelope is correct and should be accepted.

John Napper

Napper’s conclusion is not the last word.

Strictly speaking, he only rejected efforts by Secretary of State Adrian Fontes to have the lawsuit by two groups challenging the process thrown out. Napper has not issued a final order.

“We look forward to the issue being litigated,” said Paul Smith-Leonard, spokesman for Fontes.

But the judge, in his ruling, made it clear that he is not buying arguments by the secretary of state that the rules in the Elections Procedures Manual allowing the comparison of signatures against other documents – the practice now widely in use – complies with what state law clearly requires.

And Kory Langhofer, who represents those challenging the practice, said Napper’s refusal to dismiss the case means “there’s nothing left to fight about.”

Central to the fight is a section of law which requires the county recorder, on receiving early ballots, to “compare the signatures thereon with the signature of the elector on the elector’s registration record.”

Langhofer, in his court filing, acknowledged that there is nothing in state law that explicitly defines what is a “registration record.”

But he argued that “most naturally” means the state or federal documents by which someone signs up to vote and provides certain other information. And what it also includes, Langhofer said, are updated state or federal forms.

Only thing is, he said, is the most recent version of the Elections Procedures Manual, prepared by the Secretary of State’s Office, says county recorders “should also consult additional known signatures from other official election documents in the voter’s registration record, such as signature rosters or early ballot request forms.”

In some cases, Langhofer said, counties are using signatures on early ballot envelopes from prior elections for their comparisons.

Pima County Recorder Gabriella Cazares-Kelly doesn’t go that far. But she said her office relies on much more than the voter registration record.

It starts, she said, with the fact that some people register to vote when they get a driver’s license. But those licenses, she noted, can be good for up to 45 years.

“As everybody should know, signatures vary by time and place and how much time you have,” Cazares-Kelly said. “You will change your signature a number of times throughout your life, going from adolescent to full adulthood.”

And she said even her own signature changes given having to sign “a hundred documents a day.”

So other documents can be helpful.

“We receive other notifications from the voters,” Cazares-Kelly said.

“Every single time we receive something in writing, it goes into their voter file,” she continued. “So every single thing that has a signature on it, it is another indication, another touch point, another opportunity to update what those signatures look like.

Cochise County Recorder David Stevens said his office also relies on signatures on other correspondence it has received from a voter. He also said that ballot signatures can be compared with those on file with the Motor Vehicle Division.

Fontes, in asking Napper to dismiss the lawsuit, argued that other documents listed as acceptable in the Elections Procedures Manual are within the definition of a “registration record.” And if the judge wasn’t buying that, Fontes said that phrase is ambiguous, meaning that the manual can interpret it as part of his duties.

Napper was having none of that.

“The language of the statute is clear and unambiguous,” the judge wrote. “The common meaning of ‘registration’ in the English language is to sign up to participate in an activity.”

And Napper derided the idea that other documents submitted by a voter fit that definition.

“No English speaker would linguistically confuse the acting of signing up to participate in an event with the act of participating in the event,” the judge wrote.

“Registering to attend law school is not the same as attending class,” he continued. “Registering to vote is not the same as voting.”

Nor was Napper impressed by the claim that the phrase “registration record” is ambiguous, allowing the secretary of state some latitude to interpret it.

“Pursuant to the statute, the recorder is to compare the signature on the envelope with the voter’s prior registration,” he said, quoting from the law. “If they match, then the vote is counted.”

The judge also noted there is a procedure in state law that allows county election officials, if they question whether a signature on a ballot matches the official record, to contact the voter. That allows the voter to verify that it is his or her signature and offer an explanation that could be related to age, illness or injury.

Langhofer represents the Arizona Free Enterprise Club. It has backed various measures to impose new identification requirements on voters while opposing efforts to restore the state’s permanent early voting list.

Also suing is an organization called Restoring Integrity and Trust in Elections. It bills itself as opposing laws changes in election laws that seek to give one group a partisan advantage and enforcing “constitutional standards against voting laws and procedures that threaten or dilute the right of qualified citizens to vote.”

Reuters says that that founders of RITE, formed last year, include former U.S. Attorney General William Barr, Karl Rove who was a top adviser to former President George W. Bush, and hotelier Steve Wynn.

America's Heartland Daily Hits. How funny is this? Life Links from other news sources. Public Service Announcement Reprints from others. Satire

Sunday Strip: Extremists from the Other Side of the World.

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Commentary Public Service Announcement

Just for fun, after visiting the 421st Blog…

I love it when these double-digit IQ people think I care what they say about me. dERp and Leslie Lapsitter are two prime examples. And LL proved she lurks her by posting how I’d banned Stan for calling me a ‘fucking moron’ on my own blog. Thanks for alerting me to the fact that I’d accidentally spammed his comment by the way I banned him, Leslie.

Everyone else, feel free to comment or post other pertinent memes.


Links from other news sources. Public Service Announcement Reprints from others. The Courts

Winning at the 9th. James O’Keefe Wins HUGE Lawsuit in Oregon: Court Rules Anti-Recording Law Unconstitutional

Winning at the 9th. James O’Keefe Wins HUGE Lawsuit in Oregon: Court Rules Anti-Recording Law Unconstitutional. This article was originally posted at the GP.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the law that prohibits recording in the state of Oregon. James O’Keefe and Project Veritas filed the lawsuit in Portland, Oregon back in 2020.

In Project Veritas vs Schmidt, the organization argued it had a right to engage in undercover journalism and record people without their consent. “WON in Ninth Circuit – Federal Appeals Court STRIKES DOWN Oregon criminal recording law” James O’Keefe said boasting about his win.

“It violates the 1st amendment right to free speech, INVALID ON ITS FACE” – the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals said in its ruling.

“Oregon Revised Statute 165.540(1)(c). This law prohibited anyone from making an audio recording unless that person “specifically informed” others they were recording. But the law also included special permissions from the government to allow for non-notified recording of the police, but not any other government employee,” O’Keefe said.

“That just leaves the government putting its thumb on the lens of newsgathering, deciding which news is easiest to get and skewing reporting. Like the Ninth Circuit has explained before, whatever concerns Oregon has over shoddy reporting or “fake news,” the remedy for speech that is false is speech that is true and not the suppression of speech.” O’Keefe added.

Circuit Judge Sandra S. Ikuta out of the 9th circuit in Pasadena, California authored the opinion. Ikuta wrote, “Oregon does not have a compelling interest in protecting individuals’ conversational privacy from other individuals’ protected speech in places open to the public, even if that protected speech consists of creating audio or visual recordings of other people.”




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Looking. Friday Funnies: Rough Justice

Looking. Friday Funnies: Rough Justice. Just to break up the day but still being political. You got some cartoons or Giffs, feel free to post them.


If the shoe fits…

Why Weren’t We Allowed To Question The Covid Vaccines? (on Rumble)

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Looking. Dershowitz to Newsmax: 65 Project Un-American for Targeting Trump Lawyers.

Looking. Dershowitz to Newsmax: 65 Project Un-American for Targeting Trump Lawyers.

Harvard professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz told Newsmax on Thursday that the 65 Project, a primarily left-leaning group of lawyers that is trying to intimidate lawyers representing former President Donald Trump in post-2020 election litigation or challenging those election results, “the most un-American group of people I have encountered in all my years of practicing law.”

David Brock, founder of Media Matters for America and a senior adviser to the group, told Axios in March 2022 the group’s method of intimidation is to “not only bring the grievances in the bar complaints, but shame them and make them toxic in their communities and in their firms.”

Such a move could violate the Sixth Amendment, which guarantees a right to “assistance of counsel for his defense.” There is a presumption the amendment provides defendants the right to retain counsel of their choice, although it is not absolute. Such intimidation by the 65 Project could thwart that right, according to Dershowitz.

“These are lawyers who ought to be themselves subject to bar association discipline,” Dershowitz, who was part of Trump’s legal team for his first impeachment, told “Carl Higbie FRONTLINE.

Dershowitz said after he pledged to defend any lawyer pro bono who was targeted by the 65 Project for defending Trump or anyone in his circle, the group filed a complaint with the bar association in Massachusetts, where he lives. He said so far, nothing has come of it.

“I’ve now spoken to three lawyers who were asked to defend either Donald Trump or his co-defendants, and they all are reluctant to do it largely because of Project 65,” Dershowitz said. “This is McCarthyism, the worst form of McCarthyism. It violates the code of professional responsibility. And in numerous ways, it puts the profession in a bad light.”

Dershowitz said every American is at risk when there is a group of “distinguished lawyers, members of the bar, elite members of the bar, members of law firms, people who have held high office in bar associations, essentially threatening lawyers, threatening their careers, threatening their friendships if they continue to represent people this group doesn’t like.”

“It is the worst abuse of the legal profession I’ve seen in 60 years of practicing law, and this is one lawyer who’s fighting back,” he said.

Said Eddie Vale, communications director for the 65 Project, in an email to Newsmax: “Talk is cheap and if Mr. Dershowitz actually believes it he is more than welcome to file a complaint that we would be glad to litigate in addition to ours against him.”

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Winning. Schiff is Censured. Now we go to the House Ethics Committee.

Winning. Schiff is Censured. Now we go to the House Ethics Committee.

The House voted on party lines Wednesday to censure Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) as a formal condemnation for Schiff’s outspoken promotion of allegations that former President Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia in the 2016 election.

The vote passed 213 to 209. Six voted present, including five Republicans on the House Ethics Committee, who are now required to probe Schiff as part of the resolution, and Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO).

Democrats, who unanimously opposed the vote, could be seen rallying around Schiff at the conclusion of it, chanting “Shame! Shame!” and “Disgrace!” at House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as the speaker stood up to read the resolution.

“I have all night,” McCarthy said in response to the disruptions.

Censures are rare and serve as the highest form of punishment in Congress outside of an expulsion. Only two other members have been censured in the last nearly four decades, including, most recently, Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) for sharing a cartoon of himself killing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).



The resolution against Schiff stated that while he was serving as the top Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, he “spread false accusations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.”

Schiff also “perpetuated false allegations from the Steele Dossier accusing numerous Trump associates of colluding with Russia into the Congressional Record.”

The resolution required Schiff to present himself in the well of the House floor while McCarthy read the resolution and for the Ethics Committee to conduct an investigation into Schiff’s “falsehoods, misrepresentations, and abuses of sensitive information.”

Schiff notoriously claimed while in his position of authority on Intel that “clear evidence” that Trump colluded with the Russians existed in “plain sight,” despite multiple federal investigations ultimately concluding that there was no sufficient evidence of the alleged collusion.

McCarthy removed Schiff from his position on Intel this year because of the same reasons cited in the censure resolution.



Schiff has never retracted his claims and said on the House floor prior to the vote that he would wear the censure as a “badge of honor.”

He said:

I wear this partisan vote as a badge of honor, knowing that I have lived my oath, knowing that I have done my duty to hold a dangerous and out of control president accountable, and knowing that I would do so again in a heartbeat if the circumstances should ever require it.

The resolution was led by Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL), who initially included a $16 million fine against Schiff, which she said would compensate for a portion of what American taxpayers ultimately paid for the Trump-Russia federal probes. Several Republicans opposed the fine though, including Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), who said it was unconstitutional, leading Luna to excise that provision.

Several Republicans celebrated the passage of the resolution in statements on social media:

Schiff, who is running for the open Senate seat in California in 2024, has been fundraising off the disciplinary action against him, sending what Insider found to be at least 20 fundraising emails, in addition to social media posts soliciting donations.

Ashley Oliver wrote this article.