I love it when these double-digit IQ people think I care what they say about me. dERp and Leslie Lapsitter are two prime examples. And LL proved she lurks her by posting how I’d banned Stan for calling me a ‘fucking moron’ on my own blog. Thanks for alerting me to the fact that I’d accidentally spammed his comment by the way I banned him, Leslie.
Everyone else, feel free to comment or post other pertinent memes.
Here’s what I say. No way should you sit and hide. If you have family over or family invites you? Go. Now common sense says that those who are infected need to stay home. Now my sister and brother in law have covid. As do their three children. So no I go nowhere near them. Now they aren’t sick, they just all tested positive.
If you’re healthy and your family and friends are healthy, eat drink and be merry. Don’t hide and wait for the end. Go out, enjoy.
Is at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19
Do not host or attend gatherings with anyone who has COVID-19 or has been exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
People at increased risk for severe illness If you are an older adult or person with certain medical conditions who is at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19, or live or work with someone at increased risk of severe illness, you should avoid in-person gatherings with people who do not live in your household.