How sick is this? Opinion Politics Reprints from others. Uncategorized

Kissing China’s Ass. White House cuts Taiwan feed at democracy summit.

An unusual moment in the recent democracy summit highlights a problematic irony in Joe Biden’s Taiwan policy. A video feed of a Taiwan Minister was cut during US President Joe Biden’s Summit for Democracy on December 10. The video was cut after the Taiwanese Digital Minister’s presentation showed a map with Taiwan & China marked in different colors.

The US State Department called it an honest mistake and said the video was removed due to a confusion over share-screening. However, some reports say the presentation by Taiwanese Minister Audrey Tang alarmed US officials. Some news agencies said the video was cut during a discussion & was replaced with audio only after orders from the White House.



According to Reuters, Tang’s map sparked a flurry of emails between US officials, and the National Security Council reached out to the State Department to complain that the slide had not been included in “dry-run” versions of the presentation before the summit.

Life Opinion Reprints from others. Sports-Entertainment

Michele Tafoya’s NBC role changing after Kaepernick remarks on ‘The View’: report

FOX article can be found here.

Michele Tafoya will no longer be the sideline reporter for NBC’s “Sunday Night Football” after this season, according to a report.

NBC’s coverage of the upcoming Super Bowl in February is expected to be her final appearance on the sideline for the network, the New York Post reported. Her role afterward remained unclear.

The apparent decision comes several weeks after Tafoya was criticized for making comments about former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick during an appearance on ABC’s “The View.”

Tafoya returned to NBC for a few games after “The View,” but has been missing from NBC’s NFL coverage since Thanksgiving Night’s game between the Buffalo Bills and New Orleans Saints.


Her absence was described by NBC as “bye weeks” as speculation swirled that something might be amiss in the relationship between Tafoya and the network, the Post reported.

‘The View’ clash over Colin Kaepernick and his NFL slavery comparison: ‘Nobody forces these guys to play’

Sports analyst Bill Simmons drew attention to Tafoya’s prolonged absence earlier this week on his podcast.

“She was in the conservative seat,” Simmons said about Tafoya’s “View” appearance, “Then a couple weeks later, all of a sudden, just on a bye [from NBC]. Taking a break.”

Tafoya, 56, a native of California, has been with NBC for about a decade after previous stints with CBS and ABC/ESPN. She is the winner of five Emmy Awards for her sports reporting.

Side note Opinion.

Kaepernick if white, would have been out of the NFL years earlier. No one would sign him because of diminishing talent, not political views. Eric Reid who had similar views as Kaepernick played up to last year. So goes the Colin theory of white owners against the black man.


Child Abuse Education Reprints from others.

Has it come down to this? Progressive Gulag alive and well in America. Kindergartners forced to eat lunch outside in the cold to stop the spread of COVID.

This from the Portland Millennial.

Elementary school students in Portland, Oregon were filmed eating lunch outside, socially distanced in cold temperatures, allegedly to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

A shocking video sent to The Post Millennial on Wednesday showed Kindergarten students at Capitol Hill Elementary School eating lunch outside in 40 degree weather while sitting on buckets to social distance.
One of the students’ parents at Capitol Hill Elementary School told The Post Millennial that forcing their children to eat outside was their “final straw” with Portland Public Schools.
A video posted to Twitter shows the miserable scene outside of Capitol Hill Elementary School in Portland, Oregon. The elementary school students were filmed eating lunch outside, sitting on buckets, away from friends in 40-degree temperatures, presumably as part of the school’s COVID-19 mitigation policy.
The Post Millennial reached out to Portland Public Schools for comment but have not yet heard back. This is a developing story and will be updated when more information is made available.



Biden Pandemic Economy Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Amazon Emerging as Top ‘Ocean Vendor’ as it Skirts Supply Chain Using Private Vessels

Original article can be found here.

Amazon is doing what many companies have been doing. Using their own freight forwarders and avoiding the ports of Long Beach and LA. A friend of mine brings in all his goods into Miami than trucks it up to Chicago. Half the time and a third of the cost.

Ocean freight analyst Steve Ferreira said in a CNBC report:

They are doing over 10,000 containers per month of the small- and medium-sized Chinese exporters. Amazon’s volume as an ocean vendor — that’s right, you heard me correct, they’re considered an ocean vendor — would rank them in the top five transportation companies in the Trans Pacific.

This isn’t the first time the retailer has hired private ships to transport goods, according to CNBC. But Amazon has expanded its plan, which has cut waiting times in ports from more than a month to just days.

“Los Angeles, there’s 79 vessels sitting out there up to 45 days waiting to come into the harbor,” Ferreira said. “Amazon’s latest venture that I’ve been tracking in the last two days, it waited two days in the harbor.” Ferreira said:

Who else would think of putting something going into an obscure port in Washington, and then trucking it down to L.A.? Most people are thinking, well, just bring the ship into L.A. But then you’re experiencing those two-week and three-weeks delay. So Amazon’s really taken advantage of some of the niche strategies I believe that the market needs to employ.

Amazon has produced probably 5,000 to 10,000 of these containers over the last two years I’ve been tracking it. Ferreira said. When they bring these containers onto U.S. soil, once they unload them, guess what? They get to be used in the domestic system and the rail system. They don’t have to return them to Asia like everyone else does.

Even so, Amazon is still feeling the pinch like other retailers because of the supply chain crisis, including a 14 percent rise in out-of-stock items and an average price increase of 25 percent since January 2021, according to the e-commerce management platform CommerceIQ.

CNBC reported on Amazon’s move:

Amazon has been on a spending spree to control as much of the shipping process as possible. It spent more than $61 billion on shipping in 2020, up from just under $38 billion in 2019. Now, Amazon is shipping 72% of its own packages, up from less than 47% in 2019 according to SJ Consulting Group.

It’s even taking control at the first step of the shipping journey by making its own 53-foot cargo containers in China. Containers are in short supply, with long wait times and prices surging from less than $2,000 before the pandemic to $20,000 today. A cargo vessel called the Star Lygra called at the Port of Houston on October 5, 2021, filled with Amazon containers.

Then in 2017, Amazon started quietly operating as a global freight forwarder through a Chinese subsidiary, helping move goods across the ocean for its Chinese sellers who pay to be part of the Fulfilled by Amazon program. Internally, Amazon dubbed this project “Dragon Boat.”

Amazon is also using long-haul aircraft to transport its “highest-margin goods,” which can get smaller amounts of cargo from China to the U.S. much faster.

A handful of other major retailers are also chartering vessels, including Walmart, Costco, Home Depot, Ikea, and Target, according to CNBC.

Biden Pandemic Economy Life Reprints from others.

Joe Biden’s America. UPS Lays Off 100s of Workers in Biden’s Hometown Scranton

Whole article is here.


UPS is laying off hundreds of workers in Atlanta, GA, Chicago, IL, Louisville, KY, and President Joe Biden’s hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania.

“UPS is transitioning some of the work currently done at one of our Global Business Services offices in Atlanta, GA, Chicago, IL, Louisville, KY, and Scranton, PA to another location,” UPS said. “We are having one-on-one meetings with the affected employees to discuss their next steps with the company, which includes the opportunity to apply for open positions at UPS.”


“This layoff will be permanent, and ‘bumping rights’ (that is, the right to avoid termination by displacing another employee) do not exist,” UPS said in a letter to affected employees.

Employees told local news outlets they feel like “we don’t matter” and that it is “just a terrible blow” for those who have worked for the company for years.

As Newswatch 16 reported:

The employees at the UPS facility in Dunmore we talked to wanted to remain anonymous, but they said they feel like they are “being used” for the company’s busiest time of year before the layoffs take effect.

Jim Bognet, a candidate for Congress in Pennsylvania’s 8th congressional district, expressed his support for Pennsylvanian workers on Twitter. “I will FIGHT for the workers of Northeast Pennsylvania,” Bognet tweeted.


“UPS should be embarrassed to announce their shameful plan to layoff 232 hardworking employees. Unfortunately layoffs, inflation, and misery are all too common in Joe Biden and Matt Cartwright’s America,” Bognet said in a statement. “When I’m in Congress, I’ll fight for the workers of Northeast Pennsylvania. I will fight to cut regulations and help businesses grow.”

“‘Scranton’ Joe Biden and ‘Lapdog’ Matt Cartwright have let down the people of Lackawanna County that they claim to represent,” Bognet said.

Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Jefferson will have the last laugh. Biden and Democrats Abandon Jefferson over Equality, Not Slavery.

Whole article can be found here.

Claire Brighn is the pen name of a conservative researcher and writer with previous domestic and foreign policy experience in the Executive Branch.

On Monday, a statue of Thomas Jefferson that had stood watch over the New York City Council chambers for 187 years was carted away to be relocated just a few miles North at the New York Historical Society. The removal follows a vote by a mayoral commission in October to remove the statue after months of increased pressure from leftists on the City Council, and is the culmination of a decades-long campaign by progressive city leaders, who claim that the statue is offensive to minority groups because Jefferson was a slave owner.

Rather, Jefferson appears to be despised by the far left today for the same reason that he was nearly universally acclaimed for most of American history: he is the author of the principle of human equality contained in the Declaration of Independence that founded our country in 1776. And the Declaration’s principle of human equality is very much out of fashion with today’s radical left—which is trying to turn the very year “1776” into a symbol of hate.

Jefferson’s vision of equality also underpinned the Civil Rights Movement a century later. In his famous “I Have a Dream Speech,” Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. famously called for all Americans to “live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.’” The words of the slave owner Jefferson became the rallying cry for the end of racial segregation in America.

Biden Pandemic COVID Reprints from others.

Reprint. Jen Psaki Attacks GOP Gov. DeSantis Over Disney Ending Vaccine Mandate.


Whole article can be found here.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki claimed Monday that Walt Disney World halting its employee vaccine mandate showed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has taken “steps backward” fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

“They’re based in Florida, and obviously, the governor there has consistently taken steps backward as it relates to fighting the pandemic, not forward,” Psaki told reporters, Fox News reported.

Psaki’s comments come after DeSantis signed four bills last week empowering private businesses to allow more vaccine exemptions in the wake of President Joe Biden’s employer vaccine mandate earlier in November.

“Nobody should lose their job due to heavy-handed COVID mandates, and we had a responsibility to protect the livelihoods of the people of Florida,” DeSantis said of the legislation.

Education Opinion Reprints from others. Uncategorized

Actual Historian Dr. Mary Grabar Exposes Radicalization of ‘1619 Project’ Creator Nikole Hannah-Jones: She ‘Blames All White People and Her Country’ for Personal Issues


A Breitbart News Reprint.

Nikole Hannah-Jones, author of the debunked New York Times ‘1619 Project,’ “blames America for her family’s problems,” according to Mary Grabar, Ph.D., resident fellow at the Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization and author of Debunking The 1619 Project: Exposing the Plan to Divide America and Debunking Howard Zinn: Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation Against America.

Grabar joined Breitbart News Saturday with host Matthew Boyle to discuss the power of false historical narratives on American society and the danger in the proliferation of Hannah-Jones’s work and Critical Race Theory.

“She is not a historian,” Grabar said, explaining Hannah-Jones’s background is in journalism whose “beat is race,” and came to national prominence because in 2019, she proposed “upon remembering a high school black studies class … devoting a special issue to the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first Africans at Jamestown” to the New York Times Magazine.


The magazine published a “completely distorted view … of what 1619 meant,” Grabar explained, continuing that Hannah-Jones’s view on this part of history “came almost exclusively from Lerone Bennett, who was this polemicist … and he’s also the one who coined the phrase ‘black power’ … and, of course, Stokely Carmichael took it up as a rallying cry, inspiring riots and mayhem.”

In the middle of the violent riots across the country in the summer of 2020, Hannah-Jones remarked in a tweet that “it would be an honor” to have the riots called “The 1619 Riots.” She later deleted the tweet.

Speaking about Hannah-Jones’s upbringing, Grabar remarked that “she has a black father and a white mother. The mother hardly ever gets any mention — she only focuses on the black side of her family.”

Hannah-Jones’s father was “discharged under murky circumstances” from the military and “had to take menial jobs for his entire life,” leading to the perception that “he’d been cheated,” Grabar said.

She also explained that Hannah-Jones was subject to the notorious busing policy of the 1960s and 1970s, where children were “taken away from their communities, from, you know, where their friends are from and where their churches are, into a sort of an alien place, and they have difficulties.”

The new book by journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones, “The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story” is displayed at a New York City bookstore on November 17, 2021 in New York City. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

She “was bused to a majority-white school in a nicer neighborhood,” Grabar said of Hannah-Jones. “So, from second grade, she was bused one hour each way to this nice school and she recently recounted how she observed the changes, as she was riding along, how the houses got nicer, you know, the streets were kept up, and she was going into this ‘white world,’ and there she claimed she was not taught black history.”

“From a historical perspective, we can see [how] the bad policies of the 1960s and 1970s, which produced busing, and produced these radical activists who are writing these false histories — these were being taught in the schools to people like Nikole Hannah-Jones, who has risen to the top by producing this false narrative of American history, and weaving it in with her own personal story,” Grabar said.

“So, someone who probably could have benefitted from psychotherapy is now being exalted and placed on a platform as a historian whose, you know, are worthy of being taught in schools K through 12, and at the college level,” she concluded.


Grabar explained that Hannah-Jones’s first experience with “black history” came when she was introduced to “this fraud of a historian” Lerone Bennett, “and that radicalized her.”

“And she says that she became incorrigible,” Grabar continued. “She would not say the Pledge of Allegiance, she began to hate America, and so she blames America for her family’s problems. … You’ve got a woman who seems very embittered, blames all white people and her country for problems that she had.”

Grabar explained that Hannah-Jones took on a “Marxist” worldview that she “uses to explain current events, through that historical lens, and the end game is a Marxist socialist revolution and also reparations.”

Mary Grabar is also the founder of the Dissident Prof. Education Project. Debunking Howard Zinn: Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation Against America and Debunking the 1619 Project: Exposing the Plan to Divide America can be found on her website, as well as Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Biden Pandemic Child Abuse How sick is this? Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

How sick is this? Dr. Fauci says he expects babies and toddlers will have a COVID-19 vaccine by spring 2022

I’m sorry but this now has to be considered child abuse. I had to read this article from Business Insider twice. Just to make sure I wasn’t on the Babylon Bee. The fauch now is going after those from six months to two years. But that’s not all. The Business Insider.

At some point, COVID-19 vaccines will likely be recommended for all children, down to six months of age, or even younger. Studies of vaccinated mothers’ umbilical cords and breast milk suggest that newborn babies born to vaccinated moms have some protection against COVID-19 for their first few months of life.

So I guess the next step is at birth. Picture the fauch standing over a and the moment she gives birth, he jabs the infant.

Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Axios warns about ‘reckoning’ on news outlets that touted the Steele dossier.


Axios Article is here.

As we see more and more come out about the Clinton Russian collusion, some left wing hate news channels still don’t get it. But Axios seems to.

A reckoning is hitting news organizations for years-old coverage of the 2017 Steele dossier, after the document’s primary source was charged with lying to the FBI.

Why it matters: It’s one of the most egregious journalistic errors in modern history, and the media’s response to its own mistakes has so far been tepid.

Outsized coverage of the unvetted document drove a media frenzy at the start of Donald Trump’s presidency that helped drive a narrative of collusion between former President Trump and Russia.

  • It also helped drive an even bigger wedge between former President Trump and the press at the very beginning of his presidency.

Driving the news: In wake of the key source’s arrest and further reporting on the situation, The Washington Post on Friday corrected and removed large portions of two articles.

  • To The Post’s credit, its media critic, Erik Wemple, has written at length about the mistakes made by The Post and other media outlets in their coverage of the dossier.

BuzzFeed News, which made waves in 2017 by publishing the entire dossier, says it has no plans to take the document down. It’s still online, accompanied by a note that says “The allegations are unverified, and the report contains errors.”

  • Ben Smith, who was BuzzFeed’s editor-in-chief at the time and is now a media columnist at The New York Times, told Axios, “My view on the logic of publishing hasn’t changed.”
  • BuzzFeed defended the decision in a 2018 lawsuit by arguing that because the FBI opened an investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, the dossier itself was newsworthy, whatever the merits of its contents turned out to be. It won that case. Other outlets that gave the document outsized coverage have so far been less forthcoming.


  • CNN and MSNBC did not respond to requests for comment about whether they planned to revisit or correct any of their coverage around the dossier
  • Mother Jones Washington bureau chief David Corn began reporting about the dossier prior to the 2016 election. Asked by Wemple whether he planned to correct the record, Corn said,” My priority has been to deal with the much larger topic of Russia’s undisputed attack and Trump’s undisputed collaboration with Moscow’s cover-up.”
  • Corn did not respond to a request to speak on the record with Axios.
  • The Wall Street Journal told Axios, “We’re aware of the serious questions raised by the allegations and continue to report and to follow the investigation closely.”
  • Axios was among the outlets that did not publish the dossier or original reporting based on its contents.

What to watch: The Steele screwup will undoubtedly cause an even bigger rift in trust between Democrats and Republicans.