Elections Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources. Opinion Reprints from others. Uncategorized

Where Ruddy gets it right. Why the red wave was so small. According to MC.

Christopher Ruddy is the CEO of Newsmax Media. Fastest growing cable news channel. He had a piece yesterday where he got it mostly right on what happened election day. I’ll post that but will leave out the rest cause he went out into loony tune land for the most part from where I left off. I’ll have a reason or two of my own at the end.

Christopher Ruddy

By Christopher RuddyTuesday, 29 November 2022 03:23 PM Current | Bio | Archive

Since Election Day 2022, almost everyone has been playing Monday morning quarterback.

Today, it’s my turn.

Republicans seriously underperformed and the establishment/media points the finger at two big factors: Donald Trump and abortion.

Specifically, voters were turned off by former President Trump and they reacted negatively to the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

If you look at election results across the nation, neither holds up as the real culprit.

In Florida, we saw Gov. Ron DeSantis, a MAGA candidate if ever there was one, win by a record 19 percentage points.

In recent elections, Florida had been a close state in terms of the “red vs. blue” dynamic.

Still, DeSantis won so big, he even carried Democrat stronghold counties like Miami-Dade and Palm Beach.

DeSantis was also a strong pro-life proponent, last year signing a strict heartbeat bill banning abortions after 15 weeks.

In bellwether Ohio, Republican Gov. Mike DeWine, who also signed a law banning abortion after six weeks, won reelection by 26 points.

And then in Democratic Wisconsin, pro-Trumper and pro-lifer Sen. Ron Johnson won reelection.

Even in liberal, extremely pro-choice New York, Republican Lee Zeldin moved the needle 17 points from Trump’s loss in 2020, coming within five points of beating Democrat Gov. Hochul.

Zeldin was both pro-life and pro-Trump, even seeking the former president’s endorsement in the race.

More astounding, the GOP won 11 House seats across New York state, including several in suburban districts with those allegedly angry-over-Roe women swing voters.

As it turned out, 10 of the 11 New York Republican congressional winners were pro-life, and almost all were pro-Trump.

So, what really happened on Election Day?

I believe the Republicans completely misread the electorate.

The GOP actually believed their own press releases (and yes, polls) and thought voters were just as furious as they were with Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and their friends.

From here I give my thoughts and opinions. Everything Mr. Ruddy said was true. But when it came to abortion, the Republicans who lost in the blue districts should have went with Senator Grahams 15 weeks. Saying it was state rights was taking the easy way out. ” I don’t want to talk about it.”

Finally the Republicans weren’t able to make the case that the economy, the border inflation, and the fiasco in Afghanistan was Biden’s doing and weren’t able to tie their opponent to those disasters. Why? Cause they didn’t say what they would do to fix things. Just said blame Joe.


Links from other news sources. Reprints from others. Uncategorized Work Place

13 Attorneys General, Consumer Advocacy Org Move to Stop Pro-ESG Investment Firm from Gaining More Control over Energy Companies

Thirteen attorneys general and Consumers’ Research on Tuesday filed two motions to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to stop Vanguard from purchasing shares in publicly traded utilities.

Both motions argue that Vanguard’s Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) investment advocacy puts politics before consumers and that FERC should reject Vanguard’s authorization unless Vanguard can prove that its policies will not impact energy consumers. Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street, the three largest asset managers, apply for blanket authorization before FERC every three years. The attorneys general and Consumers’ Research intervened to block Vanguard’s authorization.



ESG investing is the latest vector through which large corporations, especially the big three asset managers, can exert their undue influence upon publicly trade companies to have them adopt left-wing causes such as green energy or diversity requirements the companies otherwise would not adopt.

Kentucky Attorney General said in a written statement that Vanguard’s commitment to net-zero emissions requirement for public utilities would only hurt consumers:

Kentucky joined a coalition of attorneys general, led by Indiana and Utah, in challenging Vanguard’s application to extend its blanket authorization under the Federal Power Act for the acquisition of certain securities of publicly traded utilities. Consumers across our country are already feeling the sting of skyrocketing electricity bills, and Vanguard’s request to extend its authorization, coupled with its commitment to imposing net-zero requirements on publicly traded utilities, would only increase these costs. Kentuckians and Americans deserve access to affordable and reliable utilities, and we will oppose any effort that will undermine Kentucky’s economy, destroy good paying jobs, and make it harder for Kentuckians to heat their homes and feed their families.

Will Hild, the executive director of Consumers’ Research, a consumers advocacy group, said that BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street use to leverage the utilities’ shares to force them to adopt left-wing policies that spike energy bills:

We took this action on behalf of American energy consumers because time and time again we see massive wall street firms pretending to “passively” manage their shares, but instead they use those assets to bully utility companies into adopting radical left-wing policies that drive up electric bills and risk the stability of our power grid. Affordable, reliable energy production is the foundation of America’s economy and the quality of life we enjoy. FERC’s job is to defend utilities from exactly this type of reckless interference. They should act to protect these utilities and American consumers from fat cat wall street wreckers who blithely endanger our electricity supply.

The attorneys general wrote in their motion to intervene to FERC that Vanguard may have “breached” its promises to the commission by engaging in environmental activism:

The Commission granted the 2019 Authorization based on assurances from Vanguard that it would refrain from investing “for the purpose of managing” utility companies.4 Vanguard also guaranteed that it would not seek to “exercise any control over the day-to-day management” of utility companies nor take any action “affecting the prices at which power is transmitted or sold.”5 Now, Vanguard’s own public commitments and other statements have at the very least created the appearance that Vanguard has breached its promises to the Commission by engaging in environmental activism and using its financial influence to manipulate the activities of the utility companies in its portfolio.

While Consumers’ Research notes in its motion to intervene that BlackRock is the most “notorious spear carrier” concerning corporate activism, the group noted that Vanguard also plays an instrumental role in advancing climate change policies on a corporate level.

Consumers’ Research elaborated:

In publications on its website, Vanguard details its “important role” in promoting “meaningful progress across both [its] actively managed and index-based products” such that portfolio companies adopt its climate goals.15 To be sure, it is not the case that Vanguard pursues its environmental agenda only through special “ESG” investment vehicles, while passively managing its other funds. Rather, according to Vanguard, even those funds “without explicit ESG mandates [] nonetheless align to net zero [carbon] objectives because of the existing philosophy and process used by the investment managers.”16 Even supposedly passive index funds are managed by Vanguard’s “investment stewardship teams” that pressure portfolio companies to adopt “emission reduction goals.”1

Consumers’ Research concluded in its motion to intervene, “With each passing day, BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street exert greater influence on U.S. energy markets under the guise of “passive investing.” Because Vanguard should not have a blank check to dictate energy policy in America, Consumers’ Research moves to intervene, protests, and urges the Commission to deny the Application.”

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.

Social Venues-Twitter Uncategorized

Why the left no longer loves Twitter. Inclusiveness.

Not so long ago the left just loved Twitter. Why? They for the most part would single out Conservatives and use a broad brush when they would call something racist or misinformation. But recently that changed. Gone are the days when COVID looked at from a scientific point of view was banned. Gone when you would be banned for calling the undocumented illegals.

Twitter has missed a few far right loons, but they also are still allowing race baiters and progressive racists spew their hate. So I guess it’s an even trade off. But I FOR ONE HAVE NO ISSUES WITH TWITTER.

Economy Uncategorized

Let’s talk Turkey. Joey boys record.

One of the white house clowns put out a list of Joey boys accomplishments the past two years. But I have to say I’m a bit puzzled. For some reason a complete list wasn’t posted. So I thought that I will include just a few of the items that somehow got left off. How these items were not on this impressive list amazes me.

Airplane travel is 46% higher this year over last year. And last year was 38% higher than the year before. How about gasoline. Still on average $1.50 a gallon higher than 2020. And how can we forget inflation?

Inflation at 40 year high, and the administration brags how they got it under control at 8%. I’m sure that  put you at ease. Having Turkey tomorrow? Only 20% higher than last year. Last year 15% higher than the year before. And those 4 or 5 million undocumented?

Thanks to Joe you can invite one of the millions of undocumented folks over for Thanksgiving. Maybe they can show you their new phone the government gave them for free. And Joe’s great record on Crime.

Mass shootings are up this year and last year up over the year before. A record to truly be proud of. So in closing it looks like the only thing that Joe can claim he brought down was wages and spendable income after you figure in inflation. Walk and be proud Joe.

Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Stupid things people say or do. Uncategorized

Joe plays Sgt. Schultz. Biden Insists He Learned About Merrick Garland’s Decision to Appoint a Special Counsel to Investigate Trump From the media.

Monday after the Turkey pardon, Biden came out and said he had no clue that his appointed AG was going to go after President Trump. And if you believe that, I have ocean front property in Frost Bite Falls, Montana I’m trying to sell.

Garland was Joe’s political appointment. Knowing Biden’s mental state, maybe Joe wasn’t told, but there’s no doubt that the Administration knew what was going on.


Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Politics Uncategorized

Democrat Charged with ‘Wide Scale’ Election Fraud in Philadelphia, ‘Forgery of Signatures’

Only THREE YEARS late…

by John Nolte

Attorney General and Governor-elect Josh Shapiro charged a Democrat campaign consultant with ‘wide scale’ voter fraud.

Here’s the pertinent information from the attorney general’s office:

Attorney General Josh Shapiro today announced the arrest of Rasheen Crews, a Philadelphia political consultant, for charges related to forging signatures on nomination petitions to get his clients on the ballot for the 2019 Democratic primary races in Philadelphia.

“In advance of the 2023 municipal elections, this arrest is an important reminder that interfering with the integrity of our elections is a serious crime,” said AG Shapiro. “By soliciting and organizing the wide scale forgery of signatures, the defendant undermined the democratic process and Philadelphians’ right to a free and fair election. My office is dedicated to upholding the integrity of the election process across the Commonwealth, to ensure everyone can participate in Pennsylvania’s future.”


Crews is charged with cheating in a Democrat primary. This means he cheated Democrats. If he had cheated Republicans, Shapiro wouldn’t do a thing.

Crews is alleged to have forged “thousands of signatures” to qualify his clients to have their names included on the ballot for some local 2019 Democrat primary races.

The petitions are said to have had over a thousand duplicate signatures. Some of the pages were photocopied and used again as separate pages. Some individuals whose names were on the petitions said they never signed.

And so, Crews is now charged with “criminal solicitation to commit forgery and theft by failure to make required disposition.”

What a stupid and lazy crime to commit.

Gathering signatures that qualify you (or your client) to appear on a ballot is not that difficult. I’ve done it, and almost no one says no if you ask. It’s only a matter of gathering supporters and going out to where the people are. If you’re going to pay people to forge a petition, why not pay them to gather legal signatures?

You see, it’s all about being a Democrat and believing you can be above the law because you’re a Democrat. The fact that you are a Democrat tells Democrats they can do whatever they want because they are virtuous, which means everything they do is virtuous simply because they do it.

And don’t get all happy that a Democrat politician is charging a Democrat here. Remember, this Crews guy is charged with cheating in a Democrat primary. This means he cheated Democrats. If he had cheated Republicans, Shapiro wouldn’t do a thing.

How sick is this? Just my own thoughts Un documented. Uncategorized

How sick is this? Schumer calls for blanket Immunity for 30 million undocumented.

So Schumer admits that we have 30+ million undocumented here.

“Now more than ever, we’re short of workers, we have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to, the only way we’re gonna have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants! The DREAMers and all of them!” Schumer said.

Nuff said.

Elections Opinion Politics Uncategorized

Yes Virginia there was a red wave. Going back to 2020.

People forget that The Democrats completed their house wave in 2018. In 2020 the Republicans took 15 House seats. When the counting is all done for 2022 it looks like 15 more. So that’s 30 seats.

I’m sorry progressives, 30 seats is a wave. Now the significance is that the crazy spending by Biden ends in January 2023.

Immigration Opinion Un documented. Uncategorized

Florida Latinos differ from California Chicano’s.

Florida Latinos differ from California. I’m seeing how white progressives and MSM are trying to lump all Latinos in the same group. Poor and looking for low wage jobs they can take from American citizens. That’s just not the case.

California Chicano’s are mostly from poor countries and many are illiterate. Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, etc. Gold diggers openly ignoring Federal Laws.

In Florida when I was working there in 2008-2009 ( Yeah lurkers I left Buffalo in 2007. But you already knew that ) I found out that beside Cubans, and Puerto Ricans, you have many from South American countries. The Latinos there are very diverse and mostly educated.


Meloni takes down the welcome sign to the migrants.

New Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni pledged during her campaign to safeguard Italy and stop ships harboring illegal aliens from Africa. Fortunately for Italians, this lady’s not for turning unlike most of her European counterparts.

Italy has been ravaged by illegal crossings this year thanks to their previous government caring more about the European Union’s feelings rather than protecting the ports. Over 77,000 illegals have arrived in Italy this year and Italian citizens have paid the price for this cowardice. Data released by the Italian statistics agency showed that almost half of all violent sex crimes in Italy are committed by foreign nationals. Back in August, police arrested an illegal alien from Guinea for raping a middle-aged Ukrainian female refugee in broad daylight. Meloni highlighted this heinous crime as part of her campaign to secure Italy’s borders.

Meloni’s government so far has refused safe port to four ships in the Mediterranean Sea carrying over 1,000 illegal African migrants combined. This marks a return to the policy under former Interior Minister Matteo Salvini from 2018-2019, which saw illegal immigration into Italy plummet by 96% in two years. Migrant deaths at sea also went down because of the border controls, proving that secure borders save lives.

This has irked the EU open borders fanatics. A spokesman for European Commission stated “it must be stressed that it is a moral and legal obligation” for members of the EU to rescue unwanted illegal aliens. The German government also blasted Italy for not allowing one of the boats, Humanity 1, to dock though the vessel flies under the German flag.

The reason Europe faces this migrant crisis is due to NATO overthrowing Muammar Gaddafi over a decade ago which resulted in him being brutally murdered by Islamist savages. Gaddafi correctly warned that if he fell in Libya, Europe would be overrun with millions of illegal migrants and the Mediterranean would become “a sea of chaos.” Since his death, the continent has experienced skyrocketing crime, housing shortages, and social welfare strains thanks to the invasion.

While Europe has suffered, non-government organizations (NGOs) have made a killing working with human traffickers to bring poor African migrants into the continent. They also undertake careful steps to ensure the traffickers never come into contact with authorities. The European Union Frontex in 2017 provided details of their nefarious tactics:

“Satellite phone calls to MRCC Rome decreased sharply to 10% and NGO rescue operations rose significantly to more than 40% of all incidents.  Since June 2016, a significant number of boats were intercepted or rescued by NGO vessels without any prior distress call and without official information as to the rescue location. NGO presence and activities close to, and occasionally within, the 12-mile Libyan territorial waters nearly doubled compared with the previous year, totaling 15 NGO assets (14 maritime and 1 aerial). In parallel, the overall number of incidents increased dramatically.”

Meloni will face vicious attacks from radical left politicians and judges in Italy wanting to ensure the gravy train continues.  The Gateway Pundit previously reported how Salvini was treated for enforcing Italian law. In August 2019, an Italian court usurped Salvini’s inherent constitutional authority and forced Italy accept over 100 illegal aliens from an NGO ship. The Italian Senate in February 2020 then voted to let authorities prosecute him on kidnapping charges for preventing the migrants from landing in Italy and he stood trial on October 23, 2021. Meloni must remain vigilant and ready to strike back against these dark forces. Impeaching judges should be on the table, for example.

Globalist politicians aligned with these corrupt NGOs have brought Europe to its knees. With Italy now joining Hungary, Poland, and perhaps Sweden, the tide is shifting in favor of the patriots.