I came across this video by the owner of Egard Watches.
I came across this video by the owner of Egard Watches.
So think about it. We have laws that stop people from doing things before adulthood. Drinking, Smoking, Voting, serving in the Military, etc. Why not make it illegal for a child to have a sex change operation till they reach adulthood? 18-21. Even then they’re still very immature.
You have Progressives who have no problem with teaching 5-8 year olds about transgender and being gay. I just wonder if their parents taught them about that. Odds are no, So why force something like this on children?
Also is it something the government should pay for? Is this something that schools should be teaching? I can see it now. Class instead of learning how to read and write, we will discuss why you should or should not have a penis or vagina.
Our border patrols heroes were cleared of charges that they whipped Haitians trying to come here illegally to vote, or take American jobs.
Now that the agents have reportedly been cleared of any wrongdoing, Congressman Gonzales ( his district ) blasted the administration for sweeping the investigation under the rug. But they’re not out of the woods yet. They made asses out of Biden and his stooges.
If OPR finds that the agents violated CBP policy, they could face termination.
MSM and Conservative media as well as Mueller found that the Steele Dosier was fake. Also Steele got the Phony reports that he copied were Russian documents.
Law and Crime article here.
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton’s campaign violated campaign finance laws by failing to accurately disclose payments related to the so-called Trump Dossier, the non-partisan Campaign Legal Center said in a complaint filed today with the Federal Election Commission.
“The purpose of at least some portion of the payments to Perkins Coie was not for legal services; instead, those payments were intended to fund opposition research,” the FEC complaint reads. “This false reporting clearly failed the Commission’s requirements for disclosing the purpose of a disbursement.”
The FEC, in a memo to the Coolidge Reagan Foundation, which filed its complaint over three years ago, said it fined Clinton’s treasurer $8,000 and the DNC’s treasurer $105,000.
The memo, shared with Secrets, is to be made public in a month
If only we had removed all the weapons, aircraft, armour, etc. from Afghanistan, Ukraine would have a much better fighting chance. But Joe decided that the Taliban was unbeatable, so he sounded the retreat. Let’s hope he doesn’t do the same in the Ukraine.
What say you?
We cut off Russian oil and Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors does this. ExxonMobil’s request to set up interim trucking routes to transport oil — a crucial step toward allowing three dormant 1980s-era drilling platforms to resume production — was rejected by the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors on a 3-2 vote.
So you see that California has the nations highest gas prices, and Santa Barbara won’t allow Exxon to get the oil out. This stops them from doing what Joe said was needed. Ramp up oil production. Oh wait he meant from Venezuela or Iran.
The Pipeline ruptured in 2015 and until repairs can be made Exxon ran through all the roadblocks put in front of them and secured all the needed permits. Still they were denied.
“We disagree with the decision, which disregards our employees, contractors and countless others working in California’s oil and gas industry who depend on these jobs to support their families,” ExxonMobil said in a statement. “ExxonMobil has met all of the requirements for issuance of the permit, which has gone through extensive environmental review and public comment.”
Just a quick note: I was the last guest on War Room with Steve Bannon yesterday morning and then I was the featured guest on Infowars with Alex Jones.
On all the shows, I discussed my latest Substack essay Fox News & Newsmax Took Biden Money To Push Deadly COVID Vaccines To Its Viewers which has nearly 300,000 page views and counting!
Check out my War Room appearance with Steve Bannon.
And here’s a link to my appearance on Infowars with Alex Jones.
And I talked with Jesse Kelly about the undeniable voter fraud in Wisconsin in 2020 last week too.
And I was a guest on the Steve Deace Show on Blaze TV last week too.
Reprint from McClatchy DC.
Kansas Sen. Roger Marshall’s resolution blocking a Biden administration order requiring healthcare workers to get vaccinated against COVID-19 passed the U.S. Senate on Wednesday after Democrats didn’t have enough senators present to vote it down. Called a “resolution of disapproval,” the legislation would block a rule implemented by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that requires every employee, volunteer and contractor working at a healthcare facility that accepts Medicaid and Medicare to get the COVID-19 vaccine unless they have a medical or religious exemption.
“The Biden Administration’s mandate is about fulfilling their desire to control every aspect of our lives, and it’s a slap in the face to the hard-working men and women who never took a day off in the front-line fight of the COVID-19 battle,” Marshall said in a speech on the Senate floor, a stethoscope wrapped around his neck.
Vote was 49-44. This now goes to the House.
Read more at: https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/article258970858.html#storylink=cpy
Axios is reporting that a well known hate group will give a rebuttal to Joe Biden’s speech. They will be attacking so called Moderates for not pushing the anti- American policies. And the so called Moderates are upset. The so called Moderates will be releasing some type of response.
It’s like keying your own car and slashing your own tires,” Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.) told Axios.
Rep. Filemon Vela (D-Texas) also told Axios: “In times of crisis, we should all stand by our president.”
- “It is astonishing that the radical left continues to promote a Democratic death wish, and sees no problem relegating our party to the permanent minority.”
How funny.
Stop the gerrymandering lies. RCP recently did an article where former governor Christie pointed out what gerrymandering looks like from the left. A few years back I pointed out how gerrymandering was done to create phony minority districts. A few blacks here, a few browns there, and you have a gerrymandering minority district.
We have this from RCP.
New York’s new district lines, signed off by the Democratic legislature and governor, are so comically contorted they’ve generated jokes and criticism from the right to the far left. The shape of Rep. Jerry Nadler’s newly crafted district – New York’s 10th – is downright serpentine, so much so that it was quickly dubbed the “jerrymander,” which brings this issue back to its historic roots
The Atlantic put it this way: “[The redrawn district] slices down the west side of Manhattan, takes a ferry ride across the East River, cuts a horseshoe-shaped path through a half dozen neighborhoods on its way to Prospect Park, then wraps around a cemetery containing the earthly remains of Boss Tweed and Horace Greeley before swallowing a huge section of central and south Brooklyn.”
Nadler’s new district is the most egregious example, but there are plenty of others across the Empire State. And some Democrats argue that some district lines in New York are drawn to protect moderate Democratic incumbents with others gaming the systems against Republicans. That is debatable, but regardless, a “jerrymandered” district like Nadler’s isn’t a good look for a party that has railed against GOP gerrymandering as a crime against the Constitution in places like Ohio.
The Princeton group labeled the New York map as particularly egregious; noted that new lines in Illinois and Maryland have benefited Democrats. The Cook Political Report’s Dave Wasserman has given a recent edge to Democrats in the great gerrymandering sweepstakes of 2020.
“For the first time, Dems have taken the lead on @CookPolitical’s 2022 redistricting scorecard,” Wasserman tweeted in early Feb. “After favorable developments in NY, AL, PA et. al., they’re on track to net 2-3 seats from new maps vs. old ones.”
Both sides are raising millions of dollars for their redistricting legal battles. A CNBC report last week, citing internal GOP fundraising invitations, said Republican “megadonors” want to raise at least $3 million to fight the New York maps alone. The report didn’t mention that the NDRC has raised $10 million since 2017, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.