
My Opinion. Why you don’t give Biden any briefing on the virus.

My Opinion. Why you don’t give Biden any briefing on the virus. I don’t care if he is declared the winner. He’s not the President. He would just muddy the waters. Let me explain.

The President has a team in place. What happens when Joe listens to his so called experts and it differs. I know he’s doing that now and parroting what the President is saying and has said in the past. But here’s the issue.

Joe having access to the government experts would allow him to make unverifiable comments that he would claim he got from the government scientists. And of course the MSM would go along with Joe. So he must be kept in the dark.

Listen. We don’t need the President saying and doing one thing, and Biden and his so called scientists saying and wanting to do another. So if he’s declared the winner, you brief him January 19th.

What say you?


It’s the Weekend so let’s party.

It’s the Weekend so let’s party. Weekend before Thanksgiving and some folks went into lock down. So let’s have a good time with party or dance tunes.




Teachers UNIONS put up the yellow flag. Cowards are afraid they’re going to die.

Teachers UNIONS put up the yellow flag. Cowards are afraid they’re going to die. The UNION thugs want to lock down the schools nationwide. Afraid of the virus is going to get them.

Let’s fix this nonsense. President needs to declare them essential workers. That way you take away the bitching and moaning.


Opinion. If your Thanksgiving was cancelled or downsized, thank Biden, Obama, and the Fauch.

Opinion. If your Thanksgiving was cancelled or downsized, thank Biden, Obama, and the Fauch. I’m sure that by now your state has some type of Thanksgiving restrictions. Or I should say they want to put some type of restrictions on you. Well you have Biden, Obama, and the Fauch to thank. Let me explain.

Obama gave Biden the responsibility of running the countries swine flu epidemic. Results are frightening. First year over 65 million folks got it. After eight years of mismanagement, almost 200,000 died. And that’s with a vaccine. In the first year testing was stopped. Against the advice of the CDC and the doctors and scientists.

And what can be said about the fauch? A man who hasn’t practiced medicine in how many years? Try 36 years. So excuse me if I don’t use him as my go to guy. Has contradicted himself numerous times. Everyone else is wrong, but he’s always right. According to himself.



Update on my invite list and some personal notes.

Update on my invite list and some personal notes. Today I’ve decided to cover a few topics. First I’ve added more folks to my invite list. If anyone on my invite lists want off, just let me know. Also if you do not wish to be invited on political articles, please also let me know.

2nd. I want to thank all who have placed orders on the websites I manage. So far all the money I earned goes back into the channels. Updating channels and other miscellaneous uses. Amazon and E-bay are offering some great deals. You can go to Amazon or E-Bay from the links on the channels or the links below.



E-Bay. page

3rd. Mods and writers. I’m looking for folks who would be willing to mod or write articles. Recently we’ve had an increase of down voters. Steps have been added to cut down on the down voters. Some of it’s been traced to the lurkers from NV. . Now none of the regulars from NV have been banned. It seems as if the management and their socks are the culprits. Wishy has been added as a mod to help out.

Finally. I’ve been doing disqus for 11 years now. Started back in November of 2009. I’ve also had three trolls, lurkers, or what ever you want to call them, for 11 years. So Happy Anniversary.


Happy Veterans Day. Honor the heroes.

Happy Veterans Day. Honor the heroes. We here in the states honor our heroes. Those men and women who served and gave their life to protect our freedom.

So if you, or someone in your family served, please let us know. It can be in any country. I honor my father and oldest brother who served.


Throw it up against the wall. Are people starting to see that Biden was part of his sons doings?

Throw it up against the wall. Are people starting to see that Biden was part of his sons doings?  When this first came out with Tony B., I thought that it was going nowhere. Just like the other Ukrainian garbage. Remember they had Joe on tape, and nothing was done.

But now more and more media outlets are running with this. And Tony B. is no Rudy G. I just hope that it’s not too late. What if Biden wins and here it’s all true. Joe goes to jail and Hunter ends in rehab, and the nail in the coffin? Harris is President.

I don’t think that the old ticker could take it. That would be terrible. But enough. Let’s have your thoughts.


Private schools sue Oregon over in-person learning restrictions.

Private schools sue Oregon over in-person learning restrictions. So a private school that’s in what’s called a white safe zone is not allowed to open. But a public school that’s in a dangerous red zone is. Why?

Horizon Christian School in Hood River, McMinnville Christian Academy, and Life Christian School in Aloha are participating in the suit, which claims Gov. Kate Brown hasn’t proven why universities can open with safety measures but churches hosting large gatherings cannot. Why?

Can it be that parents are pulling their students out of the public schools? The governor, the suit argues, hasn’t given any reason why COVID-19 would spread more quickly at a religious gathering than inside a university classroom, which currently is allowed to open to college students when following safety guidelines.




My opinion. The fauch must not have anything to do with the vaccine. Use Science instead of his opinion.

The fauch must not have anything to do with the vaccine. Use Science instead of his opinion. I where recently ome on the left are saying that Dr. Fauci will play a roll in the vaccine roll out. That must not happen. He has been all over the place on the vaccine.

He’s used several  different dates. End of 2021, April 2021, end of 2020, November 2020, all fake news. FDA makes the final decision not the fauch.

I’m glad Pfizer is using science and not guess work Fauci. That’s great  They oped out of receiving Federal money for their

Pfizer opted not to accept government funding and participate in the federal program to develop a coronavirus vaccine, known as Operation Warp Speed. (The government did make an almost $2 billion deal with Pfizer to preorder up to 600 million doses of the company’s vaccine, but it isn’t contributing money to the vaccine’s development like it is for other companies.)


Throw it up against the wall. See what sticks. Disqus up votes gone.

Throw it up against the wall. See what sticks. Disqus up votes gone. This will be a new feature I’m going to try on the weekends. I’ll throw something out and see if it sticks. You can also make suggestions for articles.

Our first one will be the disappearance of up votes. I’m estimating that I’ve lost over 250,000 up votes. Now I still show over 100,000. Some folks show negative numbers, and many show 0. Tell us what you lost.