Fact check. What part of 38 times doesn’t the MSM and Progressives understand? 38 times Trump denounces racism, bigotry, and hate. Joe Biden did not. So 38 times and counting, but yet Joe Biden embraces hate groups like Antifa and BLM. The President got it right when he said that Joe Biden has never condemned the KKK but did praise a former KKK Grand Wizzard as his “mentor” We have this from FOX.
The Trump campaign on Tuesday released a video compiling more than three dozen times President Trump has denounced White supremacy, as his Democratic rival Joe Biden and his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris of California continue to claim this week on the campaign trail that he has failed to do so.
The Trump campaign rolled out a nearly 5-minute-long video of the president, featuring video clips from as recently as this month, to his 2016 presidential campaign, and dating all the way back to an interview Trump gave to Matt Lauer in the early 2000s, where he denounced White supremacy and “disavowed” White supremacist groups.

Joe Biden has said that violence from the left and right is wrong, but when BLM and Antifa commit violence, Joe Biden is silent.