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So why so Surprised? California businesses are now shouldering the state’s federal unemployment debt with higher payroll taxes.

So why so Surprised? California businesses are now shouldering the state’s federal unemployment debt with higher payroll taxes.

Business owners are acting like they’re shocked that the taxes went up. Why? This is California, why not? You get the government that you voted for, so live with it. From our friends at KCRA3.

The state failed to repay on time its $20 billion loan from the federal government that helped with California’s unemployment costs during the pandemic. The state forced businesses to close during COVID-19, leaving many jobless and in need of unemployment pay. State officials have said California ended up paying more than $200 billion in benefits. More than $32 billion of was the subject of fraud, according to nationally recognized fraud experts. Officials for California’s Employment Development Department have disputed this, stating the amount of fraud was $20 billion with $6 billion of it recovered.

Now will the business owners wake up and work to get a government for the people? Or will they leave the state or shut up and pay the taxes they voted for?

Hey the state is trillions in debt so the politicians just pass along that debt to you. But not to worry. The undocumented will have a very Merry Christmas.