
This was a classy first lady. Melania Trump Farewell Message: ‘Violence Is Never the Answer’

This was a classy first lady. Melania Trump Farewell Message: ‘Violence Is Never the Answer’ After eight years of race baiting and hatred from the previous first lady, Melania was a breathe of fresh air.

“No words can express the depth of my gratitude for the privilege of having served as your first lady,” she said. “To all of the people of this country, you will be in my heart forever.”

“The past four years have been unforgettable,” she said. “As Donald and I conclude our time in the White House, I think of all of the people I have taken home in my heart and their incredible stories of love, patriotism, and determination.”


“When I think about these meaningful experiences I’m humbled to have the opportunities to represent a nation with such kind and generous people,” she said.


“In the midst of hardships we have seen the best of America shine through,” she said.


“Be passionate in everything you do, but always remember that violence is never the answer and will never be justified,” she said.

“The promise of this nation belongs to all of us. Do not lose sight of your integrity and values,” she said.

Not to fear. She will be back in four years.