Black Supremacy Commentary Democrat Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Working at being this stupid. Blasts Trump Jobs Report, Goes Silent When It Turns Out They Were Biden’s Numbers Instead.

Working at being this stupid. Blasts Trump Jobs Report, Goes Silent When It Turns outThey Were Biden’s Numbers Instead.

Congresswoman Crockett never ceases to amaze. An affirmative/DEI elected loon went after President Trump on the jobs report. Her claim was that after two weeks he wasn’t creating enough jobs based on the latest jobs report.

What this loon doesn’t realize is that the January jobs report ends on the 12th of the month.  “So it turns out when you DON’T go woke, you go broke,” she said on X. “It’s only two weeks in and Trump is Making America Broke Again!” she added. President Trump came into office on the 20th so these are Biden’s numbers.

Our partners at The Western Journal was used as a source.

Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Commentary Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

Black Supremacist Affirmative Action Congresswoman attacks fellow White Congresswoman for calling Hunter Biden a White Supremacist.

Black Supremacist Affirmative Action Congresswoman attacks fellow White Congresswoman for calling Hunter Biden a White Progressive Supremacist. Congresswoman Mace called Hunter Biden an example of White Privilege. And with that you must also add White Progressive Supremacist. What Mace said to Hunter.

“My first question is who bribed Hunter Biden to be here today? That’s my first question. Second question, you are the epitome of white privilege. Coming into the Oversight Committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a Congressional subpoena to be deposed. What are you afraid of? You have no balls to come up here,” Mace said.

“It does not matter who you are, where you come from or who your father is or your last name. Yes, I’m looking at you Hunter Biden as I’m speaking to you: you are not above the law at all,” she said, adding, “you [broke the law] so flagrantly, you showed up on the Hill on the Senate side the day of that congressional subpoena to defy it and spit in the face of this committee. That’s what you did.”

“The question the American people are asking us is, what is Hunter Biden so afraid of? Why can’t you show up for a Congressional deposition? You’re here for a political stunt. This is just a PR stunt to you, this is just a game you are playing with the American people. You’re playing with the truth.”

Congresswoman Crockett responded to Mace as if only Black folk are allowed to label a person of White Privilege. Leaving out the fact that Affirmative Action Blacks for some reason label Conservatives as people who benefit from White Privilege.

“I just can get over the gentlelady from South Carolina talking about white privilege,” Crockett said.

“It was a spit in the face, at least of mine as a black woman, for you to talk about what white privilege looks like, especially from that side of the aisle,” she said. “So let me tell you something. Y’all don’t know what white privilege looks like,” she said.