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California AG files lawsuit that babies must die.

Views: 17


California AG files lawsuit that babies must die. Pro Abortionists have a pill that kills the baby without going through an abortion. Now the right to life groups have a pill they say reverses the process and saves the babies life.

The California AG will not stand for that so he filed a lawsuit to stop pro lifers from trying to save the children. He’s suing several organizations that provide information about that very abortion pill reversal process. And they are asking a California Superior Court to throw the case out.

Bonta has sued Heartbeat International and RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics over their advocacy for “Abortion Pill Reversal,” the medical intervention provided to women who decide to reverse their in-progress chemical abortions, ” according to officials with the Thomas More Society.

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Fact check. Fake News? Opinion. Covid scare. I don’t think so. Regardless of what happens, we are all going to die.

Views: 16



Fact check. Fake News? Opinion. Covid scare. I don’t think so. Regardless of what happens, we are all going to die. Yes I’m sure that’s come as a shock to you, but one day all of us will die. But if you listen to the fauch and the jun science clown, all are going to die from the virus. Unless you lock down, close schools, or shut down the economy.

Well hopefully with the vaccine only weeks away, folks will settle down. No I don’t believe it’s a hoax, and yes many have died. But to treat this like the Spanish flu is ridiculous.

Now I’m not one like the two faced politicians on the left who continue to cry mask up and die. Then they’re out in public with no mask. I’m not one who says stay in. Then Politicians are seen out in Restaurants. I’m one who obeys the law, keeps my distance and lives life to the fullest.


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