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What are they afraid of? WH sends out someone dumber than Jean-Pierre. Lies even more. To try and cover up the Hur report, the WH sent out a spokesman for the WH counsel. Salad dressing.
We have gotten used to the bubble headed redhead and the affirmative action babe that has been the Biden administration spokeperson. But yesterday the spokesman for the WH counsel took his turn to lie.
One pressmember wasn’t buying it. “Two questions just for clarity,” Jon Decker, the White House correspondent for Gray Television, began. “You’re from the White House Counsel’s office, correct? But you’re not a lawyer, correct?”. The reporter then asked to speak with Sams’ boss in his stead, “Any chance that we’ll get the White House counsel to come out here and answer questions directly?”
And of course the answer was no, and the affitmative action babe took over.