Commentary Elections Harris Harris Cartel How funny is this?

Tell me about how you get a crowd at a political rally. If Harris you hire entertainment.

Tell me about how you get a crowd at a political rally. If Harris you hire entertainment.

I’m sure you heard about the crowds recently at the Harris rally’s. Tens of thousands. But what MSM isn’t telling you is that in Philly after the entertainment the crowd started to head for the doors.

So now the entertainment is being moved to after the speeches. How funny is that? And why? Maybe the folks came for the free musical acts?

What does it tell you when the entertainment is moved to the back of the schedule instead of being the opening act? Harris is supposed to be the main event. But I guess Philadelphia proved that she was second best.

America's Heartland Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Economy Education Elections Government Overreach Harris Harris Cartel Just my own thoughts Opinion

The scar that Harris and Biden left on this country. No compassion for the legal worker and family in the USA.

The scar that Harris and Biden left on this country. No compassion for the legal worker and family in the U S A.

I guess this started when Biden decided to go total lock down during his COVID pandemic. True that Trump lost 22 million jobs, BUT HE GOT BACK 10 MILLION IN A FEW SHORT MONTHS.

Joe Biden took almost three years to recover the other 12 million. Why so long? His 6 trillion in new spending that caused inflation. Going up to almost 10% under his administration.

But the opening of the southern border was the killer. We hear anywhere from 10-20 million undocumented flooded our border. And where were they going to work?

I saw a leftist cry out that we needed to show compassion for these folks. A small number were fearful of government persecution. But most came for the jobs. Where was the compassion for the American workers and legal immigrants who had to compete against these interlopers?

Where was the compassion for the hundred thousand deaths a year because of the drugs brought in from the southern border? Excuse me for not caring about folks who brought unemployment and death upon those born here and those here legally.

America's Heartland Commentary Elections Harris Harris Cartel How funny is this? How sick is this? The Funnies. White Progressive Supremacy

Some fun facts about the Harris VP pick.

Some fun facts about the Harris VP pick.

OK so they’re really not funny, but her’s what the MSM is leaving out. This will not be in no particular order, so come along with me as we go through his history.

Let Minneapolis burn forfourdays then called it a teachable moment and said he understood how the hate groups felt.

Said after meeting with Biden, declared Joe fit for duty. What did he see that the rest of the country didn’t?

How about his service to his country? Where he was demoted and when his unit was called to go to Iraq, he resigned.

“Walz served in the Minnesota Army National Guard and retired at the rank of master sergeant, or an E-8. However, on his official website bio, he lists a higher rank that he served at for a short period that ultimately was rescinded, as he did not complete all the requirements to serve at that rank. However, his bio implies that he retired at the rank of command sergeant major, or an E-9,” the report said.

We will post more in the comment section.

Biden Commentary Harris Harris Cartel Links from other news sources. Opinion Warfare

Israelis Brace for Potential Attack by Biden-Harris ally. Progressive leaning Iran.

Israelis Brace for Potential Attack by Biden-Harris ally. Progressive leaning Iran.

Make no mistake. The present administration removed sanctions on Iran thinking that Iran would be forever grateful. So what did removing those sanctions get us in return?

Terrorists armed with drones, misles, and who knows what else. So where are we now with Iran? Oh and Iran continues to process Uranium to create a nuclear weapon.

The Jerusalem Post reported speculation that Iran would attack on the Jewish holiday of Tisha B’Av, the Ninth of Av, a day of mourning on which the destruction of the First and Second Temples is commemorated by fasting:

Western intelligence sources told Sky News Arabia that they had evidence Iran plans to attack Israel on Tisha B’Av in response to the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, which begins on August 12 and ends on August 13, the site reported on Friday.

The report indicates that there is an emotional and psychological impact in targeting Israel on the holy day of mourning.

The report claimed that Jewish Israelis may feel particularly vulnerable on this day – adding an additional layer of psychological torment.

Can you really protect yourself 100% against an enemie who’s goal is to end your very existance? Rumors flew of potential Iranian plans — including a missile strike several times larger than the 300 projectiles launched at Israel in April, almost all of which were intercepted.

Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Commentary Elections Links from other news sources.

Still a box of rocks. Harris.

Still a box of rocks. Harris.

More and more examples of this loon will be coming out, but the tweet below is a perfect example.

What Harris doesn’t get or doesn’t want to get is the fact that the only folks who see her perception are the criminal undocumented, MSM, and white progressive supremacists.

And let’s not forget that she never was a big fan of ICE. She actually suggested that ICE should be aboloshed.

Her original comments on any association between ICE and the Klan are not only vile, but spit directly in the face of the men and women working to combat illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and human trafficking while keeping our country safe.

Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Harris Links from other news sources.

Fact checking Harris and that huge crowd. 3,000.

Fact checking Harris and that huge crowd. 3,000.

So, Harris had a huge crowd in a Wisconsin high school gym. Huge. Bigly. 3,000 people. Counting the MSM. She also had a few things to say that need fact checked.

She claims to have shut down Trump University done as AG. She was AG starting in 2011. Trump University shut down in 2010. I guess the folks at Trump University saw her coming.

The billion-dollar oil profit she said Trump was giving to big oil. WP wrote that Trump was talking about relaxation of taxes and regulations.

Harris also suggested that Trump “intends to cut Social Security and Medicare”. However, Trump’s policy platform states he would not introduce cuts to Social Security or Medicare. Point 14 of the agenda says his administration would “fight for and protect Social Security and Medicare with no cuts, including no changes to the retirement age.”

Biden Harris administration has cut Medicare Advantage the past two years and starting next year those on Social Security will see their Medicare Advantage go up almost $400.00.

Biden Cartel Elections Harris Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics

Will descendants of former slaves owned by the Harris family indorse her and other things.

Will descendants of former slaves owned by the Harris family indorse her and other things. So can anyone else remember when Harris’s father came out and spoke about the family owning slaves?

Will any of the descendants of those slaves be forgiving and support Harris? And what about her mental fitness?

Kamala Harris‘s rambling ‘word salad’ speeches may be a symptom of a little-known but common psychological condition called logorrhoea — also known as verbal diarrhoea.

These include schizophrenia, lesions on the brain, damage to areas of the brain that deal with language, and ADHD.

A Washington bar started offering $5 'Pina Kamala' coconut shots all night after Joe Biden stood down from the presidential race on Sunday

A Washington bar started offering $5 ‘Pina Kamala’ coconut shots all night after Joe Biden stood down from the presidential race on Sunday

Hawaii senator Brian Schatz posted a picture of himself climbing a coconut tree, a reference to Ms Harris's infamous anecdote about something she claimed her mother used to say

Hawaii senator Brian Schatz posted a picture of himself climbing a coconut tree, a reference to Ms Harris’s infamous anecdote about something she claimed her mother used to say

Biden Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Commentary Elections Harris Just my own thoughts Leftist Virtue(!) MSM

The Mistake the Democrats made. Ignoring RFK JR and others.

The Mistake the Democrats made. Ignoring RFK JR and others.

Now that Biden dropped out, the Democrats are talking about their deep bench. Pelosi wants to use that bench instead of Harris. Obama is doing a wait and see.

RFK JR and other Democrats knew Biden’s elevator was stuck in the basement. But the powers to be stopped any serious opposition to Joe. Especially RFK JR. Except for his crazy stance on all vaccines, he is a Socialist, Liberal Democrat. So reap what you sow Democrats.

Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Elections Just my own thoughts White Progressive Supremacy

Yes Virginia, look at how Harris labeled Joe Biden.

We hear how six or eight years ago JD wasn’t a fan of Donald Trump. He’s since taken it back. But what about what Harris said about Biden? Has she taken that back?

During a 2019 Democratic presidential debate, Senator Kamala Harris directly challenged former Vice President Joe Biden’s record on race. She recounted her personal experience as a child in California who was part of the second class to integrate public schools. Harris said, “There was a little girl in California who was bused to school every day. That little girl was me.” While Harris didn’t label Biden as racist, she found his remarks hurtful, especially given his opposition to busing as a means of desegregating American schools.

Biden hung out and voted with White Progressive racist Senators. Biden’s remarks had previously sparked rebukes from Harris and Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), presenting perhaps the sharpest disagreement in the Democratic primary so far. Speaking of former segregationist Sens. James Eastland (D-Miss.) and Herman Talmadge (D-Ga.), Biden said at a New York fundraiser that “at least there was some civility” and “we got things done.”



Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Elections Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Media Woke Opinion Politics White Progressive Supremacy

No Virginia, Skin color or race has nothing to do with why folks don’t want Harris as President.

No Virginia, Skin color or race has nothing to do with why folks don’t want Harris as President. Remember Jen Psaki? The red head bitch who circled herself out of a job. Well, she’s back and is throwing out White Progressive Supremacist trash talk.

She’s claiming that Harris should be the President if Joe doesn’t cut the mustard. But claims that America is racist cause of her race and skin color.

So, didn’t those same Americans vote in not once but twice a person who was not white? A person who was black? He even had a funny name. Now we see why she was given her walking papers.