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How soon we forget. Thanks Joe Biden. Trump does have Immunity.

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How soon we forget. Thanks Joe Biden. Trump does have Immunity. Some will call this a stretch, but remember when the fake comittee asked for Trump imformation but couldn’t have it unless Biden removed Trumps Executive Privilege?

Biden’s decision not to block the information sought by Congress challenges a tested norm — one in which presidents enjoy the secrecy of records of their own terms in office, both mundane and highly sensitive, for a period of at least five years, and often far longer. That means Biden and future presidents, as well as Trump.

Biden removing this tells me that even Presidents past and present have certain protections. This goes hand in hand with Presidential Immunity.


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Does she practice at being illiterate? Judge Chutkan.

Views: 59

Does she practice at being illiterate? Judge Chutkan. As many of you know, President Trump went to the Supreme Court to get away from this loon judge. Trump’s claiming immunity for acts while President. But the affirmative appointed Judge is confused. Below is part of her denying Trump.

“Whatever immunities a sitting President may enjoy, the United States has only one Chief Executive at a time, and that position does not confer a lifelong ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ pass.”

When the allegations were supposedly committed, Trump was the President. Why did the judge think that Trump meant anything different?



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