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No Virginia, The law breaking act that Biden did is not the same as what Reagan, Trump, and Bush’s did.

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No Virginia, The law breaking act that Biden did is not the same as what Reagan, Trump, and Bush’s did. Fanatics are trying to compare what Biden did illegally to what other Presidents did legally.

Reagan, Bush’s, and Trump operated within the law, which requires the president to notify Congress of sales or pauses in weapons delivery. Biden did not follow the procedures of the Impoundment Control Act (ICA), keeping Congress in the dark.

Biden’s decision to withhold arms is being interpreted as a betrayal, both because he has long touted his pro-Israel credentials, and because he made specific promises to Israel to ensure that it could defeat and destroy Hamas.

So while it is true that Reagan — and other U.S. presidents — have used pressure on Israel, including the delay or denial or arms, it is unprecedented to do so while Israel is still under attack and Israeli hostages are still in captivity.



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