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Under the pretense of marriage an ALLEGED M-13 member tries to enter and three justices say no problem.

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Under the pretense of marriage an ALLEGED M-13 member tries to enter and three justices say no problem. Thank God for the other six.

The Supreme Court ruled in a 6-3 opinion against an illegal alien who sought to secure a visa to stay in the United States after having been denied for allegedly being a member of the MS-13 gang.

From this Nation’s beginnings, the admission of noncitizens into the country was characterized as “of favor [and] not of right.” And when Congress began to restrict immigration in the late 19th century, the laws it enacted provided no exceptions for citizens’ spouses. And while Congress has, on occasion, extended special immigration treatment to marriage …  it has never made spousal immigration a matter of right. [Emphasis added]


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