Life Politics

How scary is this? Dozens of House Democrats want Biden to give up sole authority to launch nuclear weapons.

How scary is this? Dozens of House Democrats want Biden to give up sole authority to launch nuclear weapons. When I first saw this, I thought it was a joke. But after seeing almost a hundred videos of Joe’s misspeaks and outright dementia signs, I thought that this may be worth looking into.

About three dozen House Democrats have signed a letter asking President Biden to renounce his sole authority to launch nuclear weapons, according to reports.

According to the letter, which was obtained by Politico, Rep. Jimmy Panetta, D-Calif., said giving this authority to one person “entails real risks.”

“Past presidents have threatened to attack other countries with nuclear weapons or exhibited behavior that caused other officials to express concern about the president’s judgment,” he said.

“While any president would presumably consult with advisors before ordering a nuclear attack, there is no requirement to do so,” the letter states. “The military is obligated to carry out the order if they assess it is legal under the laws of war. Under the current posture of U.S. nuclear forces, that attack would happen in minutes.”

These are the crazy of all crazy’s who signed this letter, but think about it. Under President Trump they talked about this. But never did it go this far. Only way I would support this would be with an expiration date of January 2025.