California fires. California. Commentary Democrat How sick is this? Links from other news sources. Loser

Stupidity already started in California. Gavin Newsom to Victims of California Fires: ‘You Can’t Rebuild the Same, Have to Rebuild With Climate Reality in Mind’.

Stupidity already started in California. Gavin Newsom to Victims of California Fires: ‘You Can’t Rebuild the Same, Have to Rebuild With Climate Reality in Mind’.

Less than 24 hours after going to Washington and kissing Trumps ass, Newsom goes back to his mind set that makes the fires worse. He’s telling the folks who are going to rebuild that you have to go along with the Science deniers and build climate friendly housing.

Gavin Newsom just appeared on CNN and explained that people ‘can’t rebuild the same.’ Newsom suggests that there is a new reality due to the ‘science’ and climate change, and that all of that has to be taken into account as people rebuild.

California. Corruption Democrat Just my own thoughts

So will the Newsom fires in California change peoples political views?

So will the Newsom fires in California change peoples political views?

It’s not like this is the 1st time we’ve seen this happen. Will this change anyone’s mind on how the left runs the state? Time will tell. I myself think that the folks have become used to bad government.

The first step would be a recall. Second since the next 180 days of recovery is being paid by the federal government, let’s hope this also means they direct the recovery and the clearing of brush in areas that haven’t been effected.

Now the state legislature is also to blame. They pass the crazy laws based on what junk science tells them. And the media doesn’t ask questions until after there ‘a a disaster. And the questions never have a follow up.

Finally California Republican politicians need to stop acting like Liberal like clowns. They once ruled the state. Go back to what works.

Biden Cartel California. Commentary Government Overreach Hate Links from other news sources. Progressive Racism Racism

Make a bad situation worse. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) issued a proclamation on Saturday declaring April as Arab American Heritage Month.

Make a bad situation worse. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) issued a proclamation on Saturday declaring April as Arab American Heritage Month.

So you have Hamas supporters on California campuses disrupting classes and private events, threating Jews, and Newsom says let’s give them a special reward.

Newsom’s statement comes as anti-Israel protests and encampments have sprouted up on university and college campuses across the United States, calling for a ceasefire in the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, for the U.S. government to stop arming Israel, and for colleges to divest from Israeli companies.

“During Arab American Heritage Month, we honor the past, present and future of this community in our California story and rededicate ourselves to ensuring the safety and belonging of Arab Americans across our state,” Newsom said.

Commentary How funny is this? Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

If true, Gavin Newsom’s Wife Intervenes and Reportedly THROWS IN TOWEL to Prevent Extended Debae.

If true, Gavin Newsom’s Wife Intervenes and Reportedly THROWS IN TOWEL to Prevent Extended Debae. Not making this up. This is what NBC was reporting. I guess Gavin’s wife had enough.

According to a report from NBC News, citing multiple sources, including DeSantis aides and unaffiliated individuals, Jennifer Siebel Newsom intervened on her husband’s behalf during a commercial break, saying, “We’re done.”

According to four sources in the DeSantis camp — one who witnessed the moment in the room and three others who were standing backstage (where there was no press or live studio audience) — Newsom’s wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, came into the debate room on at least two occasions to raise some objections.

She also made her way to the stage during the break after the candidates agreed to extend the debate and put an end to it.

A fifth source on the ground, unaffiliated with either campaign, confirmed that Siebel Newsom ended the debate on her husband’s behalf, saying, “We’re done.”

Leftist Virtue(!) Politics Uncategorized

Looking. So why did Governor Newsom go on Hannity’s program?

Looking. So why did Governor Newsom go on Hannity’s program? A week or so ago Governor Newsom appeared for an interview with Hannity. Why? I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors about Newsom is looking to run for President. I guess like others he feels Biden may not run.

So why the interview? Like Biden before him, he’s trying to wipe away that look of a Progressive and show he can even lean right. Hell he even praised Trump for his good works when it came to COVID.

Newsom has a record that he can’t run away from. How can you explain 100 billion in the black, and the very next year you’re 30 billion in the red. And the folks fleeing the state?

One loon from Northern California claimed that only the white trash ( this person would know? ) was leaving and every single one was a Republican. Yeah poor white folk took over 20 billion with them. SMH.



Newsom picks Padilla for Senator. Is he better than the two affirmative action picks BLM wanted. Barely.

Newsom picks Padilla for Senator. Is he better than the two affirmative action picks BLM wanted. Barely. So the suspense is over. No more who will it be, a Latino or one of the affirmative action babes.

Padilla wins hands down. Where the gals were only interested in promoting hate groups like Antifa and BLM, Padilla was saying the right things. What he does in office is a horse of a different color.

The pro affirmative gang, the California Legislative Black Caucus and other groups pushed for Bass and Lee to replace Harris, noting that once she left the Senate there would be no other Black women in the chamber next year.