
Opinion. If your Thanksgiving was cancelled or downsized, thank Biden, Obama, and the Fauch.

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Opinion. If your Thanksgiving was cancelled or downsized, thank Biden, Obama, and the Fauch. I’m sure that by now your state has some type of Thanksgiving restrictions. Or I should say they want to put some type of restrictions on you. Well you have Biden, Obama, and the Fauch to thank. Let me explain.

Obama gave Biden the responsibility of running the countries swine flu epidemic. Results are frightening. First year over 65 million folks got it. After eight years of mismanagement, almost 200,000 died. And that’s with a vaccine. In the first year testing was stopped. Against the advice of the CDC and the doctors and scientists.

And what can be said about the fauch? A man who hasn’t practiced medicine in how many years? Try 36 years. So excuse me if I don’t use him as my go to guy. Has contradicted himself numerous times. Everyone else is wrong, but he’s always right. According to himself.



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