
Two things I like about the compromise. The Pipeline and no new IRS agents this year.

Views: 20

Two things I like about the compromise. The Pipeline and no new IRS agents this year. There’s a lot that’s lacking in this so called compromise, and it’s not a sure bet to pass.

But I do like the fact that The  Mountain Valley Pipeline is projected to create 2,500 construction jobs, $40 million in new tax revenue for West Virginia, $10 million in new tax revenue for Virginia and up to $250 million in royalties for West Virginia landowners.

Also it stops at least for this year no new IRS agents are to be hired. There are other small things in here that are good, but I think we get the bigger items next year.


Uncategorized Economy

They have been pumping oil under the Great Lakes since 1953. Now the Governor is worried about drinking water?

Views: 39

They have been pumping oil under the Great Lakes since 1953. Now the Governor is worried about drinking water? Enbridge is the worlds largest oil mover. They move over 540,000 barrels of oil  a day. What do you think happens to the price of both gasoline and natural gas if this is halted?

Enbridge said Tuesday it would defy Michigan’s demand to shut down an oil pipeline that runs through a channel linking two of the Great Lakes, contending that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s decision was based on bad information and political posturing.

This not only effects the US, but Canada also. So far Enbridge has refused to comply. They have till May 12.


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