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What happens when you put a unqualified affirmative action clown in charge.

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What happens when you put a unqualified affirmative action clown in charge. Riots and Vandalism. What made this clown go out and attack the speaker hours before the event?

I get it that he’s at some obscure no name college. Was this his way of hoping he would get out of that dump? Hours before a Turning Point USA event that turned violent thanks to Antifa agitators who smashed windows and tried to storm into the event, the chancellor of University of California Davis condemned Charlie Kirk as a purveyor of “hate” and “misinformation.”

Of all people to speak of hate and information,  we have this from the College Fix. While he accused Kirk of spreading “misinformation,” the chancellor himself made false claims about the conservative group leader.

Thank you for sharing your distress at a student group hosting a speaker who is a well-documented proponent of misinformation and hate, and who has advocated for violence against transgender individuals. as a campus that is committed to our principles of community. UC Davis stands with our transgender and non-binary Aggies in opposition to this hateful and divisive messaging. UC Davis did not invite this individual and is not sponsoring this event.

Because of him, riots broke out and Antifa caused vandalism.



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