America's Heartland Black Supremacy Commentary Corruption Crime Democrat Elections Links from other news sources.

Pennsylvania Woman Working for Far Left “New PA Project” Charged with Registering Dead and Non-Existent Voters. And they still lost.

Pennsylvania Woman Working for Far Left “New PA Project” Charged with Registering Dead and Non-Existent Voters. And they still lost.

So what happens when you register dead folks and ghosts? You still lost, but maybe now you’ll go to jail. Another case of the left caught ch

Pennsylvania officials charged Jennifer Hill on Thursday for registering dead and non-existent people to vote in Pennsylvania.

Hill, 38 of Collingdale, worked for the New Pennsylvania Project or New PA Project. She was arrested on Thursday.

According to officials Hill filed more than 300 voter registration forms using an app provided by the Pennsylvania Department of State, but 129 of those were rejected as invalid. She was also caught registering her dead father and a dead acquaintance to vote in the 2024 election.

Back Door Power Grab California. Commentary Corruption Democrat Elections Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Orange County ballot counting. HUGE Ballot Discrepancies. You make the call.

Orange County ballot counting. HUGE Ballot Discrepancies. You make the call. A reprint from GP.

Guest post by Joe Hoft at

The 2024 Election results in Orange County, CA make no sense.

The first indication that something was up in Orange County was on Thursday, November 7, two days after the 2024 Election. Concerned citizens warned that Newsom had sent people to Orange County and that GOP ballots needed to be cured.
Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States but Democrats want control of the House to block the mandate Americans gave us in this election.

President Trump shared this message on Truth Social last night.

That evening, a bomb threat was reported at the election center where ballot counting was taking place in Orange County. Initially, it was reported that staff and members of the public were removed from the center at around 6:45pm, shortly before voting was scheduled to stop for the evening.

The Gateway Pundit was later told that the live stream was taken down and was only running when they were counting ballots.  There were other cameras in the facility, possibly security cameras, that were running in the counting center at all hours.

Per discussions with LEOs with decades of service, the live-stream provided an eye on the operations while the search of the facility was going on.

We don’t know what happened when the live-stream went down, but the registrar told Cristina Laila from The Gateway Pundit that the building was swept for bombs, they evacuated the building for the night, and they locked the facility down for the night.

One month later, five out of six US House races counted in conservative Orange County were “won” by Democrats. We still have no information on who was behind the bomb threat.

The mainstream media is silent about the bomb threats that occurred in 7 California counties after the 2024 election and in more than 50 counties across the nation.

Orange County’s 2024 Election Results

The results of the elections in Orange County were completed weeks after Election Day. In the presidential race in Orange County, 1,417,397 ballots were counted in the 2024 Election. This is out of a reported 1,861,450 registered voters.

This resulted in an unbelievable voter turnout of 76.1%. (Any results in an election with voter turnout over 75% are suspect.)

The total number of votes for President when adding up the votes for all the candidates in the 2024 race in Orange County was only 1,391,307 votes (see below). This is 26,090 votes short of the number of ballots counted in the election. Where did these additional votes go?

Also, although tremendously unpopular in California, somehow Kamala Harris received more votes for President than President Trump in conservative Orange County, California.


In the Senate race in Orange County there were two Senate votes to make. One for the candidate to fill out the remainder of the term of late California Senator Dianne Feinstein, and the other for the next six year term starting in January.

In both races, GOP candidate Steve Garvey received more votes than Adam Schiff. Also, in both cases, Garvey received more votes than President Trump did for President. This too makes no sense.


Orange County also provides information on the number of individuals eligible to vote and active (having voted in the most recent elections). This report (below) shows 1,901,528 active voters in the county.


This is 40,078 voters more than the number of registered voters reported by the county in the reports above (1,861,450).

Orange County election results.

Orange County also provides information on the number of ballots issued in the 2024 Election.

2,186,561 ballots issued in the county. This includes vote-by-mail ballots and military and overseas ballots. This is 325,111 ballots more than the number of registered voters reported by the county in the first report above (1,861,450).

How can Orange County send out over 325,000 more ballots than registered voters in the 2024 Election?

Also, a comparison between the number of ballots counted versus the number of ballots received has a material discrepancy. The number of ballots counted is noted in the first chart above (1,417,397).

However, according to Orange County’s own report, the number of ballots returned to the county is 1,108,281 ballots. This means 309,116 ballots were counted more than the number of ballots returned is less than the number of ballots counted in the county.

How can Orange County count 309,000 ballots more than were returned to the county?


The elections in Orange County, California are a mess. Over 309,000 ballots were counted in the county’s results than were returned in the 2024 election, and more than 325,000 ballots were sent out than the county has registered voters.

What is going on in Orange County?

Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Elections Government Overreach Lawfare Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Weaponization of Government.

DOJ to monitor 86 voting jurisdictions Tuesday.

DOJ to monitor 86 voting jurisdictions Tuesday.


But then I saw that they’re focusing on 27 states. My heart sank. So they’re going to look at states that don’t have issues or juristictions where Democrats and HARRIS NEED HELP.

Texas will have the most counties being monitored with eight. That includes Democratic-leaning Harris County, one of the nation’s largest that has been the target of Republican state officials during elections.

In battleground states, the Justice Department said federal monitors will be on hand in Maricopa County, Ariz.; Fulton County, Ga.; Clark County, Nev.; Mecklenburg County, N.C.; and Philadelphia County, Pa.

In Michigan, the cities of Detroit and Ann Arbor will be monitored along with the city of Milwaukee in Wisconsin.

Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Elections Harris Harris Cartel Links from other news sources.

Here we go again. Voter fraud in Colorado.

Here we go again. Voter fraud in Colorado. So, with thousands of votes already cast, there may be another case of voter fraud. Who would have thought?

Granted it’s only a dozen they caught, but that was enough for them to look at over 30,000. Will Trump win Colorado? Probably not, but this can affect close local, state, and Congressional races.

Voting by mail has become a contentious and politicized issue in recent years. Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold said in a news conference on Thursday that a criminal probe had been launched in the county.

Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold announced Thursday during a press conference that over a dozen mailed ballots were intercepted and cast fraudulently before the actual voters even had a chance to receive them.

“It appears that as of now approximately a dozen voters in Mesa County had their ballots intercepted before they arrived to them and cast without their knowledge,” she said.

The fraud was discovered during the signature verification process, when election staff compared signatures on the ballots to the voters’ signatures on file. When voters were contacted about the rejected signatures, in a process known as “curing,” election staff discovered that some of the ballots had been fraudulently filled out.

Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Democrat Elections Harris Harris Cartel Links from other news sources.

Appeals Court Rules All Mail-In Ballots Must Be Received by Election Day In Order to Be Counted.

Appeals Court Rules All Mail-In Ballots Must Be Received by Election Day In Order to Be Counted. The Fifth Circuit ruled yesterday that all mail in ballots must be counted by election day.

“Congress statutorily designated a singular ‘day for the election’ of members of Congress and the appointment of presidential electors,” the 5th Circuit panel said, according to CNN. “Text, precedent, and historical practice confirm this ‘day for the election’ is the day by which ballots must be both cast by voters and received by state officials.”

Granted that this just pertains to three states, but now this can be used against states like California who still has the undocumented voting three days after election day.

Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Harris Harris Cartel Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Reprints from others. Voter Fraud

Voter fraud.

Voter fraud.

Majorities of Americans Concerned About Voter Fraud & Foreign Interference in Elections

58% of Americans say they are either very concerned or concerned that voter fraud will occur this year. 42% are not very concerned or not concerned at all that people who are not eligible to vote will vote or that voters will cast a ballot more than once.

Republicans (86%) and independents (55%) are more concerned about voter fraud occurring than Democrats (33%).

About two in three Americans (66%) say they are either very concerned or concerned that foreign countries will interfere with this year’s elections, 34% are not very concerned or not concerned at all that this will occur.

While still a majority (52%), fewer Americans are either concerned or very concerned that people who are not U.S. citizens will be able to vote this year. 48% are not very concerned or not concerned at all that this will occur.

Republicans (81%) and independents (53%) are more concerned than Democrats (25%) that people who are not citizens will vote.

Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Democrat Elections Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics The Courts The Law Voter Fraud

If this is what we have to do to win. 90 Lawsuits filed against voter fraud.

If this is what we have to do to win. 90 Lawsuits filed against voter fraud.

In many of the states and counties you have Democrats trying to go around or just totally ignore present law.

“Our legal efforts are fighting to fix the problems in the system, hold election officials accountable, protect election safeguards and defend the law. While Democrats want a system open to fraud without safeguards, that counts illegal votes, we are committed to securing the election so every legal vote is protected,” Gineen Bresso, who is running the election integrity operation for the Republican National Committee and the Trump campaign, said in a statement.

Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Elections Harris Cartel Links from other news sources. Politics The Law Voter Fraud

How could this be? Democratic Candidate Arrested on Multiple Felony Voter Fraud Charges.

How could this be? Democratic Candidate Arrested on Multiple Felony Voter Fraud Charges.

Every time I see an article on voter fraud I think about this loon in California who claimed to have checked all fifty states for voter fraud and only found one case. And supposedly a Republican.

Well, I haven’t checked all fifty states, but it seems as if every time there is an article on voter fraud, it’s a Democrat. A Democratic Party candidate is being charged with a bevy of felony counts, all related to alleged voter fraud.

Terry Andrew Heflin, the 45-year old candidate for a commission seat in Clay County, Alabama, was arrested Tuesday on seven counts of unlawful use of absentee ballots, according to a news release from the Alabama Attorney General’s office. Each unlawful use of the ballots comes with a punishment ranging from one to 10 years in prison.

Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Voter Fraud

Arizona GOP Sues Secretary of State Over Alleged Voter Roll Irregularities.

Arizona GOP Sues Secretary of State Over Alleged Voter Roll Irregularities.

It seems as this an issue with Democrat controlled states. They don’t clean up their voter rolls and just send out ballots to anyone and everyone. Now the Republicans are finally fighting back.

In a recent development, the Arizona Republican Party has filed a lawsuit against Secretary of State Adrian Fontes after allegedly discovering between 500,000 and 1.3 million illegal voters on the voter rolls. This shocking revelation has sent shockwaves through the state, raising concerns about the integrity of the upcoming elections.

This from a local news source.

The lawsuit filed by the Arizona Republican Party against Secretary of State Adrian Fontes has raised serious concerns about the integrity of the electoral process in the state. The presence of between 500,000 and 1.3 million illegal voters on the voter rolls is a cause for alarm and underscores the need for a thorough investigation into the matter. As the legal proceedings unfold, it remains to be seen what impact this will have on the upcoming elections and the future of democracy in Arizona..

America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Columbian Justice. Commentary Corruption Elections Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

Voter fraud INVESTIGATED in Michigan will be outlawed.

Voter fraud INVESTIGATED in Michigan will be outlawed. Yes my friends Michigan is working on a bill that actually will make it easy to commit voter fraud. Some facts about Michigan Senate Bill 603

  • Doubles the fees for a candidate to request a recount.
  • Reduces the time to contest an election to 24 hours.
  • Stops Counties from investigation election fraud, only allowing for reviews of ‘error’
  • Allows Counties to impose inconsistent and incoherent rules
  • Removes public oversight and review of election recounts
  • Only allows fraud investigations to be conducted by the Secretary of State, a highly political office
  • Creates a felony for anyone who ‘interferes’ with a recount, which could be used to threaten citizens who demand a recount and are unfamiliar with the process.
  • You be the judge.