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Friday Funnies: The New Face of Marxism “It’s a suicide note to the World”

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Thank You Dr. Malone.

Friday Funnies: The New Face of Marxism “It’s a suicide note to the World”

Today’s videos are not comedies, but after four days in Brussels and experiencing the European Parliament in person – my mood is heavy. I worry for the world.

Orwell’s final warning – Picture of the future (On Rumble)

‘Net Zero is taking the world’s population backwards’ (On Rumble)

This week, I have been at the EU Parliament and it is not joke that “Net Zero” messaging dominates at the EU Parliament –

“It is a suicide note to the world” – Neil Oliver

This video seems apropos, given Orwell’s final message (above) to the world.

(BTW: I am looking forward to being on Neil Oliver’s show tomorrow with my friend Dr. Kat Lindley -Saturday, May 6th).



What our allies in the Australian media think about Joe. WOW! Never before has the leader of the free world been so cognitively compromised.

Views: 45


What our allies in the Australian media think about Joe. WOW! Never before has the leader of the free world been so cognitively compromised. This from our friend at Sky News.

It is clear US President Joe Biden is not up to the task he has been “sworn in to do”, according to Sky News host Cory Bernardi.

“Never before has the leader of the free world been so cognitively compromised,” Mr Bernardi said

“It’s clear to me at the least that US President Joe Biden is struggling with dementia and is clearly not up to the task he’s been sworn in to do.”

Mr Bernardi said it is something which was “evident” during the election campaign, but the “partisan and poisonous” mainstream media chose not to highlight anything which could have “derailed a Biden victory”.

“Even now, after he has been sworn in, many of them are still refusing to speak the truth about Biden’s lack of capacity.”

Joe Biden recently emerged to make his “sanitised” Presidential Town Hall Debut, at which the new president “promptly gave away his teleprompter”.

“The result was nothing short of a disaster … it was littered with total falsehoods,” Mr Bernardi said.

“It’s all rather pathetic, but even usually smart people are blinded by the nonsense put out by the mainstream media. They believe every perceived sin of Donald Trump while they seem intent on canonizing St. Joe.”


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