
One of the reasons hospitals are being overwhelmed. Thank the fauch for that. Covid Antibody Drugs Go Unused as Need Soars.

Views: 27

One of the reasons hospitals are being overwhelmed. Thank the fauch for that. Covid Antibody Drugs Go Unused as Need Soars. We have some great drugs that were approved by the FDA that aren’t being used. Why? Well the self proclaimed loon outfit headed by the Fauch ( NIH ) is telling folks to run to the hospitals for the vaccine or ICU treatment. I guess they want to send these drugs back for more testing. SMH.

One of the drugs were given to President Trump when he came down with the COVID.  President Trump had taken one of the treatments, made by Regeneron, in October and promoted it as a “cure.” Early trial data had shown the treatments could keep people at risk of severe disease out of the hospital if administered soon after infection with the coronavirus. What I find upsetting is that the FDA wasn’t good enough for the fauch on these drugs, but was when it came to the vaccine. We have this from NPR.

The federal government has purchased 1.2 million doses of these drugs and allocated more than 300,000 of those doses to states and territories. But Dr. Moncef Slaoui, chief adviser to the federal government’s Operation Warp Speed, says initial surveys suggest only 5% to 20% of the drug that has been delivered has actually been used.

People over 65 or those with preexisting conditions such as obesity are eligible for the drugs, which means hundreds of thousands of people could potentially be in line to get them every week.



Sweet. New York State Gives Bills Permission to Host Limited Number of Fans for Wild Card Playoff

Views: 15

Sweet. New York State Gives Bills Permission to Host Limited Number of Fans for Wild Card Playoff. 

Buffalo has always had a special place in my heart. My parents settled in Lackawanna a suburb. Also the Bills were my favorite AFL team. And finally at the age of 54 I was at the Bills training facility in Orchard Park. I took three snaps at Quarterback. You won’t find that in the record books.

The State of New York has given the OK for the Buffalo Bills to allow a limited number of fans to attend their upcoming playoff game.

State health officials will allow the team to host 6,772 fans for their playoff game scheduled for either Jan 9 or 10, according to the team’s press release.

Even with strict limits in place, the decision is a notable reversal for New York, which has enforced strict bans on gatherings in large spaces, even outdoors, and gone after those who try to flout the rules. The move prompted backlash among health experts and a range of state and local officials, who expressed concern about limited supplies of rapid testing kits and the general wisdom of backtracking for an NFL game.



I’m planning on going out New Years Eve. How about you?

Views: 101

I’m planning on going out New Years Eve. How about you? They shall not force me into a lock down. I’ll social distance, mask up, and enjoy the evening. Early dinner, shopping, and company of family and friends. So go out, stimulate the economy and be careful.

So tell us of your plans if any. Going out, staying home? Having family or friends over? This from our friends at USA Today and AAA.

AAA says it expects about 34 million fewer U.S. residents to travel over the Christmas and New Year’s holidays (Dec. 23-Jan 3.) than last year. That’s a drop of nearly 30%.

AAA’s forecast estimates 2.9 million Americans will travel by plane, down 59% from last year’s 7.3 million.

And it predicts the vast majority of holiday travelers – about 81 million in total –  to go by car. But that’s still a nearly 25% drop from 108 million in 2019.




Affirmative action judge says she will not recuse, but will make sure Democrats win.

Views: 398

Affirmative action judge says she will not recuse, but will make sure Democrats win. I’m sure by now you’ve heard that Stacey Abrams sister is the judge who is making sure the Democrats win the two Senate seats. She has been asked to walk away. She refuses.

True the Vote founder and president Catherine Engelbrecht on Tuesday called on Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner, a federal Georgia judge who is also the sister of failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, to recuse herself from the case regarding two Peach State counties and issues related to voter eligibility following the judge’s Monday ruling.

“Judge Gardner’s ruling is wrong on the law, and the glaring conflict of interest – pointed out by Muscogee County – undermines faith in the judicial process,” Engelbrecht said in a statement. Her organization has partnered with electors across the Peach State to ensure election integrity efforts ahead of the January 5 runoff elections.

So it makes no sense to have this judge rule on this case




Does my heart good. Millions traveled during the Holidays.

Views: 21

Does my heart good. Millions traveled during the Holidays. It’s good to see that folks are getting out and traveling. Now those who take precautions will be OK. And those who don’t? Guess what, they would act irresponsibly if they did or did not travel.

In one day, U.S. airports screened well over one million people, the highest number since the beginning of the pandemic in March, according to the U.S. Transportation Security Administration.

In closing, we have this from Breitbart.

White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx is among officials who have not heeded to CDC warnings to limit nonessential travel, traveling to a vacation property in Delaware after Thanksgiving with her family last month. Several Democrat politicians — including California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker —  have also come under fire for violating their own purported beliefs.



Loon Michigan AG considering prosecuting those who wish to expose voter fraud in Michigan.

Views: 55

Loon Michigan AG considering prosecuting those who wish to expose voter fraud in Michigan. No I’m not talking about the loon the fauch. A different one who’s just as dangerous. Now the President met with House and Senate leaders from Michigan to discuss voter fraud and suppression by the Governor of Michigan. To the AG this constitutes a bribe. Now how crazy is that? We have this from Law and Crime.

“I see no basis, certainly at this point, for a criminal inquiry,” Tulane Law Professor and election litigation expert Ross Garber told Law&Crime in an email. “In fact, the legislators released a statement after their meeting reaffirming that the will of the voters will control the Michigan electoral votes.”

UCLA Law Professor Eugene Volokh was similarly unimpressed.

“Well, bribery is a crime, so if someone was bribed, that warrants a criminal prosecution – but is there any actual evidence?” he said. “Perjury is a crime, so if someone perjured himself, that warrants a criminal prosecution – but is there any actual evidence? Rescinding one’s vote, of course, isn’t a crime.”

But the loon from Michigan is looking for someone to agree with her. Odds are that the only folks who may agree with her are White Plantationists. Especially one who goes with and does a law students home work. What say you?




Former Black Democrat Congresswoman. Left meets right. Biden Cheated, Trump Won

Views: 198

Former Black Democrat Congresswoman. Left meets right. Biden Cheated, Trump Won. Former affirmative action babe Cynthia McKinny even called it.  She was spot on and is asking President Trump to continue the fight. We have this from McKinny

Blasting “miscreants” in places of authority, McKinney called on Trump to keep fighting to drain the swamp and expose evildoers.

Now it is time for every legal vote to be counted so President Trump’s victory can be certified in the Electoral College, said McKinney, a progressive who has allied with the liberty movement on issues of mutual concern.

According to the firebrand ex-lawmaker, it is time for the evil forces in D.C. to be exposed and cleaned out once and for all. “What the president must do is stay the course and expose it all,” added McKinney in a 20-minute video commentary.

Some past history on McKinny. As a member of the Democratic Party, she served six terms in the United States House of Representatives. She was the first black woman elected to represent Georgia in the House.[2] She left the Democratic Party and ran in 2008 as the presidential candidate of the Green Party of the United States



President pardons another American Hero.

Views: 26

President pardons another American Hero. Our President has pardoned a third protector of our border. The agent did a good job and was rewarded with two years in prison.

“President Trump granted a full pardon to Gary Brugman,” the White House said in a written statement Wednesday night. “His clemency is supported by numerous elected officials, including Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, Senators Ted Cruz, and John Cornyn, Representative Louie Gohmert, Representative Ted Poe, Representative Steve King, Representative Paul Gosar, Representative Walter Jones, Representative Brian Babin, and Representative John Culberson.”

Like Brugman, Trump also pardoned Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, two former Border Patrol agents who were convicted of assault. Ramos’ and Compean’s sentences had been commuted by then-President George W. Bush. Trump granted them a full pardon.




How we take it back in 2022 and 2024. Republicans need to realize one thing. The Democrat party is united when they cheat.

Views: 25

How we take it back in 2022 and 2024. Republicans need to realize one thing. The Democrat party is united when they cheat. Does that mean that we cheat also? Absolutely not. We do what our Moderate brothers and sisters did in California. We throw their hate and cheating back in their face. So here are some easy steps to follow.

First we continue to go diverse. We don’t change the message, we just add more diverse messengers. In the past we just looked at Blacks. But we only attracted wealthy Blacks. In Southern California, the message was tuned into Blacks, Latinos, Asians, and Women. And not just married white women. Our diverse candidates won and they all had a Conservative message.

Second we make it local. All politics are local regardless of race. Be it Councilman, Mayor, Congressman, or Senator. And yes President. MSM sold their soul to the Democrats on a national level. Just look how they hid all the Biden Gaffs, Obama -Biden virus, China gate, and Hunter Biden scandal. Use local television, radio, and print media.

Finally put a label on the Democrats and make it stick. The Republicans of Southern California were great using this. Democrats were the party of socialism, defunding the police and abolishing private health insurance. Also remember that over 99% of all rioting started when hate groups like Antifa and BLM rioted.



Millions no longer have social benefits. Democrats want the money to go to Foreign aid and building a wall. In Jordan.

Views: 11

Millions no longer have social benefits. Democrats want the money to go to Foreign aid and building a wall. In Jordan. So the President says the Democrat plan of $600.00 per person isn’t enough. He asks for 2,000 but get rid of the pork and foreign aid.

Democrats say we need that wall. A wall in Jordan to keep out undocumented immigrants. So what’s wrong with that picture?


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