Biden Pandemic Corruption Economy Life Opinion Politics

Still spending like drunken sailors.

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It’s one thing when our tax money is spent on building border walls and protecting the county. But social programs that protect the undocumented and waste tax dollars is another. Another month of just throwing good money out the window.

The September deficit topped the previous record of $73.2 billion set in June, the Commerce Department reported Thursday. The deficit is the gap between what the United States exports to the rest of the world and the imports it purchases from foreign nations.

In September, exports plunged 3% to $207.6 billion while imports rose 0.6% to $288.5 billion. Part of the weakness reflected a 15.5% drop in petroleum exports related to the drilling rig and refinery shutdowns

The Biden Administration reached another record in September. The trade deficit reached the highest amount ever recorded in US history.






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