COVID Drugs Politics

N.H. House Approves Bill for Ivermectin ‘Standing Order’ in Pharmacies

Views: 37


The New Hampshire’s state House approved a bill making ivermectin available by a medical prescribers’ “standing order,” meaning pharmacists will be able to dispense the medication without individual prescriptions.

Narrowly approved

The Republican dominated House in Concord voted 183-159 to approve the bill.

Republicans had argued that the drug is already over the counter in several countries and had been used specifically for COVID-19.

Supporters of the bill claimed the legislation would allow the medication to be safely dispensed by health care providers rather than patients buying and using the drug in its veterinary formula.

Democrats had criticized the legislation in the past.

“The committee’s endorsement of boosting access to ivermectin came over the criticism of Democrats on the committee. ‘I don’t think the legislature should be practicing medicine, which is basically what this is,’ said Rep. Gary Woods of Bow, a retired doctor and former president of the New Hampshire Medical Society.”

TrialSite has followed ivermectin research and intrigue since April 2020 when an Australian lab found that the drug attacks SARS-CoV-2 in a cell culture.

While a few key studies didn’t show any results many more have which makes the matter just more confusing for many.

According to a website that tracks 81 ivermectin studies worldwide the vast majority show promising results.

Fifty-three of these studies from 48 independent teams in 22 countries show statistically significant improvements in isolation (39 primary outcome and 36 most serious outcome) while meta-analysis using the most serious outcomes reveal 63% and 83% improvements for early treatment and prophylaxis with similar results post exclusion based sensitivity analysis for primary outcomes in peer-reviewed studies and for randomized controlled studies.

Yet the medical establishment in not only the United States but also most other developed places ignore much of this data declaring it afflicted with one problem or another, from design flow to too small a sample size.

The controversial bill made it to the floor of the New Hampshire House on Wednesday with the Republicans majority voting yay. In a 183 to 159 vote the House approved the proposal allowing pharmacists to make ivermectin available via standing order reports Adam Sexton of local WMUR.

State Representative Leah Cushman, a key Republican proponent declared for the local press:

“A standing order is a prescriptive protocol written by a physician or nurse practitioner that allows a pharmacist to dispense medication without an individual prescription.”

Reporting for WMUR Sexton wrote Advocates for the standing order legislation said any benefits of ivermectin might have been obscured by the political debate over the drug.

Cushman followed “Because of this politicization, doctors are afraid to prescribe, and pharmacies are afraid to dispense,” Cushman said.

Dr. Paul Marik has been actively involved with the proposed legislation. An ivermectin and early treatment advocate, Marik is a co-founder of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance or “FLCCC.”

Marik has been recognized in New Hampshire and elsewhere for his commitment to the effort. Marik’s accomplishments, awards and credentials can be found here.



COVID Drugs Politics The Courts

Federal judge blocks DC law allowing kids to get vaccinated without parental consent

Views: 27

Federal judge blocks DC law allowing kids to get vaccinated without parental consent
© The Associated Press

A federal judge temporarily blocked the District of Columbia from enforcing a law that would have allowed children to get vaccinated without the knowledge of their parents, ruling the law violated parents’ religious liberties.

The law in question, the Minor Consent for Vaccinations Amendment Act of 2020, allows children as young as 11 years old to be vaccinated so long as a provider deems them capable of informed consent.

The decision, issued Friday, comes as health officials debate the merits of recommending additional COVID-19 booster shots, and as regulators and drug companies continue to analyze clinical evidence for COVID-19 vaccines for children under 5 years old.


Under the law, children whose parents objected to vaccines on religious grounds would have access to their own medical records, and providers would be allowed to seek reimbursement directly from the insurer without parental knowledge or consent.

The law was initially aimed at allowing teenagers to have access to the HPV vaccine and the meningitis vaccine, as it was passed prior to COVID-19 vaccines becoming available. The law applies only to vaccines that are approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Parents brought two separate lawsuits in July that challenged the law.

One lawsuit, brought by the father of a teenager at a public charter school, alleged that the District created a “pressure-cooker environment, enticing and psychologically manipulating” their child to “defy their parents and take vaccinations against their parents’ wills.”

The father alleged that his child was “medically frail” and developed autoimmunity, alopecia (severe hair loss), asthma, and eczema after receiving vaccines. As a result, he said he is of the sincere religious belief that “he should not inject a foreign substance into his son’s body that may harm him,” and objects to the COVID-19 vaccine as well as all standard childhood vaccines.

The lawsuit did not identify the father’s religion. It was filed by Children’s Health Defense, an organization run by anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 


A second lawsuit was filed by a Maryland resident who said his 16-year-old daughter sought a vaccine in D.C. in order to attend a summer camp, without his knowledge and despite his religious objections.

Judge Trevor McFadden, appointed by former President Trump, ruled that the parents in both cases have standing and showed a likelihood of success on the merits for those claims, because the law requires providers to hide children’s vaccination status from parents who invoke their religious exemption rights but not from other parents.

McFadden ruled the law “targets religious parents” by withholding information available to secular parents who file a medical exemption for their children and said it was preempted by the federal National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

McFadden said he doesn’t anticipate a wide ranging impact from the injunction.

The ruling “will not prevent children from being vaccinated. Nor will it prevent the District from continuing to advertise the importance of vaccines, incentivizing vaccinations, and setting up vaccine clinics in schools. The only impact will be that children will be unable to decide to get vaccinations without their parents’ consent,” he wrote.

This article comes from The sHILL and their support of the narrative can be seen both in the article (passages highlighted)and in their tags: Donald Trump Coronavirus COVID-19 vaccines anti-vaccination


Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics

DNC and Joe make asses out of themselves. Again.

Views: 41

Not so long ago Joey boy met with the Democrats at their winter meeting and said some assinine comments on how the Republicans stand for nothing and only get in the way. well his comments hit twitter and he was just destroyed.

Republicans stand for secure borders, strong families, lower taxes, less crime, school choice, the Constitution, capitalism, fraud-proof elections, protecting the unborn, and energy independence.

Now the Republicans have one impressive list. What do Democrats stand for? Just the opposite.
































COVID Drugs How sick is this?

Woman Died of Rare Brain Bleed After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine: Coroner

Views: 32

File photo dCOVID-19 vaccine maker AstraZeneca has revealed it made four billion dollars in sales from its coronavirus jab last year (PA)

A coroner in the United Kingdom has determined that a woman died from a side effect caused by the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.

The woman was identified as 34-year-old Kim Lockwood, who had complained of a headache eight days after taking the shot in March of 2021, South Yorkshire Coroner Nicola Mundy told the BBC in a statement on March 16.

The coroner said her condition quickly deteriorated, and she was pronounced dead 17 hours after being admitted to the hospital, eight days after getting the shot.

Mundy said Lockwood was “extremely unlucky” in developing a “sudden and catastrophic” bleed on her brain. Her death was recorded at the Doncaster Coroner’s court as Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT), officials told the broadcaster.

An article published by the U.S. National Center for Biotechnology Information says VITT is “defined as a clinical syndrome” that entails the “development of thrombosis at uncommon sites” that include cerebral venous sinus thrombosis or splanchnic venous thrombosis. Thrombosis occurs when blood clots block veins or arteries.

The American Society of Hematology in January 2022 stated that VITT is marked by low platelet count, known as thrombocytopenia, and blood clots that usually occur in the splanchnic veins located in the abdomen and stomach or the cerebral veins located in the brain.

Lockwood’s husband, Damian, told news outlets that his wife, a mother of two, had complained that “her head felt like it was going to explode,” while her father, Wayne Merrill, recalled her last words, which he said were that her headache was “actually killing her.”

“Kim’s pain wasn’t appropriately managed, and the family should have been listened to,” Mundy said.

The UK government says there have been 438 reported cases of thromboembolic events (blood clotting) and 79 deaths to date after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Last year, officials in Edmonton, Canada, said a woman in her 50s died of VITT after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine, which entails two doses and uses adenovirus technology. AstraZeneca’s vaccine, while common across Europe, hasn’t been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for usage.

“I am sad to report … that we have confirmed Alberta’s first death from VITT following vaccination from the AstraZeneca [COVID-19] vaccine,” Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Deena Hinshaw wrote on Twitter on May 4, 2021. “My sincere condolences go out to those grieving this loss.”

U.S. and UK government officials have repeatedly said that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks for most people.

COVID-19 is the illness caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.

AstraZeneca officials didn’t respond by press time to a request by The Epoch Times for comment.

Original here:


Corruption Crime Drugs How sick is this? Opinion Politics

Deadliest U.S. cities. And you can guess what political color 18 out of 20 are. Not red.

Views: 32

20. Columbus, Georgia

Hospital shootings
Shannon Szwarc/Columbus Ledger-Enquirer/Tribune News Service/Getty Images

The murder rate in Columbus is 20.94 per 100,000.

19. Cincinnati, Ohio

Nightclub Shooting Cincinnati

The murder rate in Cincinnati is 21.1 per 100,000. The murder rate increased in the city by 2.2 per 100,000 from 2018 to 2019.

18. San Bernardino, California

Murder Suicide Shooting At Elementary School In San Bernardino Kills Three And Injures Others

The murder rate in San Bernardino is 21.23 per 100,000.

17. Columbia, South Carolina

USC shooting
Getty Images

The murder rate in Columbia is 21.68 per 100,000.

16. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

National Guard Patrols In Philadelphia After Police Killing Of Walter Wallace, Jr. Sparks Nightly Protests
Mark Makela/Getty Images

The murder rate in Philadelphia is 22.47 per 100,000.

15. Peoria, Illinois

Federal jury finds man guilty of kidnapping, slaying Chinese scholar
Getty Images

The murder rate in Peoria is 22.53 per 100,000.

14. North Charleston, South Carolina

CBS affiliate WLTX-TV

The murder rate in North Charleston is 22.55 per 100,000.

13. Washington, D.C.

Police Set Up Vehicle Checkpoints After Surge In Violence
Getty Images

The murder rate in Washington, D.C., is 23.52 per 100,000.

12. Miami Gardens, Florida

Worshippers Attend Church Services in Miami After Zimmerman Verdict
Angel Valentin/Getty Images

In Miami Gardens, the murder rate is 23.64 per 100,000.

11. Richmond, Virginia

Shooting At Richmond Bus Station
Getty Images

The murder rate in Richmond is 23.84 per 100,000.

10. Cleveland, Ohio

A police car is parked before the reside
Stefan Hlabse/AFP/Getty Images

The murder rate in Cleveland is 24.09 per 100,000.

9. Memphis, Tennessee


The murder rate in Memphis is 29.21 per 100,000.

8. Kansas City, Missouri

Missouri attorney shot dead on his porch as man he recently defeated in court is tied to case
Kansas City Star/Getty

The murder rate in Kansas City is 29.88 per 100,000.

7. New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans Violent Crime Claims Three Young Brothers
Getty Images

The murder rate in New Orleans is 30.67 per 100,000.

6. Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Sadie Roberts-Joseph murder - Baton Rouge, LA
Getty Images

The murder rate in Baton Rouge is 31.72 per 100,000.

5. Dayton, Ohio

Funerals Held For Victims Of Dayton, Ohio Mass Shooting
Getty Images

The murder rate in Dayton is 34.18 per 100,000. That number spiked nearly 7.8 per 100,000 residents from 2018 to 2019.

4. Detroit, Michigan

Three Killed, Multiple Wounded In Shooting In Detroit
Getty Images

The murder rate in Detroit is 41.45 per 100,000 residents.

In 2019, 275 people were murdered in that city.

3. Birmingham, Alabama

Eric Rudolph Pleads Not Guilty To 1998 Birmingham Bombing
Brian Schoenhals/Getty Images

In 2019, the murder rate in Birmingham was 50.62 per 100,000.

2. Baltimore, Maryland

Getty Images

The murder rate in Baltimore is 58.27 per 100,000.

1. St. Louis, Missouri

Victor Whittier Sentancing Hearing
Getty Images

With 64.54 murders per 100,000 residents, St. Louis had the highest murder rate for any major American city in 2019.


How funny is this? COVID Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Emerald Robinson kicking Psaki’s Ass.

Views: 33


Who can forget The Circle Back Girl running from the podium?

1) Who was the only reporter to ask Biden regime spokesperson Jen Psaki why Biden had invited China to interfere in our power grid within days of taking power?

That was me. Psaki’s still checking on that one.

2) Who was the only reporter to ask Biden regime spokesperson Jen Psaki why Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was on extended family leave in the midst of the worst supply chain crisis in the history of the United States?

That was me. (That one actually became a funny skit.)

3) Who was the first reporter in the White House briefing room to ask the Biden Administration about its terrible poll numbers?

That was me.


4) Who was the only reporter in the White House briefing room to question the science surrounding kids wearing masks for COVID?

That was me.

Twitter avatar for @atruparAaron Rupar @atrupar

Lord, grant me the patience that Jen Psaki has with Newsmax staffer Emerald Robinson



5) Who was the only reporter in the White House briefing room to ask why the Biden Administration forced the DOD to work on “domestic extremism” while Afghanistan collapsed?

That was me.

6) Who was the only reporter to ask the Biden Administration when NSC Advisor Jake Sullivan would step down because of the Durham investigation into the Russia Hoax?

That was me.

Twitter avatar for @TheFirstonTVThe First @TheFirstonTV

Psaki hurries away and WH cuts livestream as reporter tries to ask a question.



7) In September, I asked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki why the Biden Administration wanted to get involved in the distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments for various states. It was all about attacking Florida Gov. DeSantis of course —and everybody knew it.

8) Who can forget when Jen Psaki ran away from the White House podium when I asked why Dr. Fauci had been lying to the American people about his role in funding the creation of the COVID-19 virus?

Twitter avatar for @RushieMahaMaha Rushie @RushieMaha

“Newsmax reporter Emerald Robinson asked Psaki about the documents recently published by The Intercept on financing the improvement of the functionality of the coronavirus in the laboratories of Wuhan. Psaki chose to run away.” @worldawakening



9) Who can forget the time in October when I asked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki whether Hunter Biden had finally sold his interest in various Chinese business assets that he had no business owning in the first place? First, Psaki tells me that I need to go ask somebody else. Then she complains that I’m yelling at her because she can’t answer the question honestly.

Twitter avatar for @TPostMillennialThe Post Millennial @TPostMillennial

Emerald Robinson challenges Psaki over Hunter Biden’s potential divestment from China




10) Finally, do you remember when I asked Jen Psaki about the origins of COVID-19 and the Wuhan Lab of Virology, and I was branded a “conspiracy theorist” for asking the question?

Remember that? I do.

Here’s the video.

Twitter avatar for @atruparAaron Rupar @atrupar

“I’m sorry, Emerald, I think you’ve had plenty of time today” — Psaki ran out of patience with a Newsmax staffer’s conspiracy theories



Who held the Biden Administration to account for its corruption ever day like me?

Independent and fearless journalists need your support like never before.

The corporate media is completely corrupt. They just got exposed for taking the Biden regime’s money to push the deadly vaccines on your family without disclosing it! There’s a word for that — and the word is: propaganda.

If we are going to survive the current regime then we must stand together.

I’ve got your back.

Do you have mine?


COVID Biden Pandemic Drugs Science

45,500 Rapid COVID Tests Recalled – “High Number Of False Positive Reports”

Views: 17

Rapid COVID tests have proven to be a complete disaster.

The FDA announced that the pharmaceutical company Celltrion USA has recalled 45,500 COVID-19 rapid tests.

The reason cited is that the tests were giving out a “high number of false positive reports.”

Fox News reported:

The Food and Drug Administration announced Wednesday that a healthcare company has recalled 45,500 COVID-19 rapid tests due to a “high number of false positive reports.”

Pharmaceutical company Celltrion USA announced on Feb. 28 it is recalling specific lots of the DiaTrust COVID-19 Ag Rapid Test due to the high number of false-positive reports, an FDA recall webpage read on Wednesday.

The FDA says that a false-positive test result can lead to a delay in “the correct diagnosis and treatment for the actual cause of a person’s illness.”

The COVID-19 rapid tests also displayed a shelf life of 18 months, but the FDA’s emergency use authorization states that the tests can only be used for 12 months.

Rapid tests are not the only thing giving out false positives.

Massachusetts was forced to lower its pandemic death count after a change in COVID reporting rules.

Nicolas Menzies, Associate Professor of Global Health at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health admitted that COVID deaths can not be identified with 100% certainty.

How many other COVID tests are giving out false positives?



Drugs Corruption Crime

Russia Challenges US: If Biolab Documents are Fake Then Ask Head of the DTRA Office at the US Embassy in Kiev Joanna Wintrol Why She Signed Off on Them?

Views: 33

The Russian Defense Department presented documents allegedly from the US Defense Threat Reduction Office in Kyiv

On Friday, March 18, the Russian Permanent Representative at to the United States Security Council Vassily Nebenzia presented what the Russian government claims is proof of a US bioweapon program in Ukraine and Georiga (Gateway Pundit reported). Nebenzia claims that the program has been running since 2005, and thatAmerican colleagues were not assisting the Ministry of Health as they claimed, but rather the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.”

According to Nebenzia, the US Department of Defense “delegated broad authorities to its affiliated contractor Black & Veatch in cooperation with Ukrainian state authorities.” The experiments on deadly pathogens in Ukraine were not conducted by Ukrainians, but by Pentagon personnel and foreign researchers, Nebenzia claims.

“The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) competitively awarded Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp. (Black & Veatch) one of its Biological Threat Reduction Integrating Contracts (BTRIC) in 2008 (in Ukraine). The 5-year IDIQ contract (with a 5-year option) has a collective ceiling of $4B among the five selected contractors”, the Black & Veatch website acknowledges.

“Simply speaking, Ukrainian authorities gave Pentagon a carte blanche and let them carry out dangerous biological experiments on the territory of Ukraine. Thereby, the American contractor was exempt from any taxes under Ukrainian legislation”, Nebenzia said. He called the programs “a cynical use of Ukraine’s territory and population for dangerous research that Washington does not want to have at home so that to not put its own population at risk.”

As to claims the Russian charges were merely “disinfomation”, Nebenzia pointed out the Russian government published documents  “signed by real US officials. Many of them were signed by head of the DTRA office at the US Embassy in Kiev Joanna Wintrol,” whom he called “well-known in non-proliferation circles.” Prior to Ukraine, Wintrol addressed elimination of chemical weapons in Libya, Nebenzia stated. “If journalists have doubts as to the authenticity of documents that we shared, I suggest they ask her directly whether this is really her signature on them.”

Wintrol left Kiev in August 2020, according to Russia Today: “In her parting interview, she insisted no US scientists worked in Ukrainian biolabs and accused Russia of spreading “false information” about the program. “

On Thursday, March 17, the head of  Russian Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection  Igor Kirillov presented the documents in Moscow that were allegedly seized during Russia’s special operation in Ukraine, purportedly of Ukrainian and US origin. According to the documents, the US had been “carrying out experiments in Ukraine with viruses within the framework of projects P-382, P-444 and P-568 and one of the supervisors of this research was the head of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) office at the US embassy in Kyiv, Joanna Wintrol”, Turkish news agency AA reports. “During the experiments, six families of viruses were chosen, including coronaviruses and three kinds of pathogenic bacteria — pathogens of plague, brucellosis and leptospirosis,” said Kirillov, citing the documents.

Ukrainian Defense Ministry laboratories in Kiev, Odessa, Lvov and Kharkov received $32 million funding from the US, Kirillov claimed: “I draw your attention to the fact that the agreement on joint biological activity was signed between the US military ministry and the Health Ministry of Ukraine. However, the true recipients of the funds were laboratories of Ukrainian Ministry of Defense located in Kiev, Odessa, Lvov and Kharkov. The total funding amount was $32 million,” he said. According to Kirillov, these laboratories were selected by US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and its contractor Black & Veatch for the implementation of Project UP-8, aimed at studying the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF), leptospirosis and hantaviruses, TASS reported.

“The United Nations is not aware of any biological weapons programmes” in Ukraine, the UN High Representative of Disarmament Affairs Izumi Nakamitsu told the Security Council.  “There are no Ukrainian biological weapons laboratories supported by the United States — not near Russia’s border or anywhere”, stated U.S. Representative to the United Nations  Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

Since it has been largely ignored by the media, Gateway Pundit again documents the entire speech by Vassily Nebenzia to the United States Security Council:


Mr. President, Colleagues,

As we said earlier, during the special military operation in Ukraine we discovered facts that Ukrainian authorities, supported and directly sponsored by the US Department of Defense, were implementing dangerous projects in the framework of a military biological program. This activity was carried out on the Ukrainian territory, in the middle of Eastern Europe and close to Russia’s western borders, which posed a real threat to biological security of our country and the region.

A week ago upon our request UNSC held its first meeting on this issue, where we asked some questions to our Western colleagues, but did not receive any answers.

US officials claim that there are no US-controlled biolabs in Ukraine, however the Permanent Representative of the United States could not explain how these statements reconcile with the fact that there are documents proving this sort of “cooperation” between Kiev and Washington. I am referring to 2005 Agreement between the US Department of Defense and Ukrainian Health Ministry which stipulates Pentagon’s support for “cooperative biological research” with regard to “dangerous pathogens located at the facilities in Ukraine”.

Though the American delegation is not able or willing to answer our questions, the answers come to light as our Defense Ministry studies the materials received from personnel of Ukrainian biolabs that address US and NATO military biological programs in Ukraine.

Over the past week, we have discovered new details indicating that components of biological weapons were being developed in Ukraine.

The 2005 US-Ukraine Agreement that I mentioned and that we still expect the US representative to comment on was up and running all those years. As we take it from the documents, American colleagues were not assisting the Ministry of Health as they claimed, but rather the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. This morning we circulated as UNSC document a set of materials, where you can find “Plan of technical assistance to certain recipients of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine”. I suggest that you should study it carefully. It confirms that Pentagon’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) directly funded and supervised military biological projects in Ukraine. The total funding amounted to 32 million USD, and the recipients of those funds were the following labs of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine:

– In Kiev – 10th regional sanitation and epidemiological branch of the Central Sanitation and Epidemiological Department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

– in Odessa – 27th regional sanitation and epidemiological branch of the Central Sanitation and Epidemiological Department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

– in Lvov – 28th regional sanitation and epidemiological branch of the Central Sanitation and Epidemiological Department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

– in Kharkov – 108th regional sanitation and epidemiological branch of the Central Sanitation and Epidemiological Department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Let me flag another critical aspect. Representatives of the US Department of State still get confused when asked about it and assure that the United States allegedly takes no part in running any biolabs in Ukraine. Facts, however, speak of the opposite.

Under the technical assistance plan that I mentioned, the “donor” (US Department of Defense) set out goals, determined the scope of Ukraine-based projects, endorsed lists of equipment required, and delegated broad authorities to its affiliated contractor “Black & Veatch” in cooperation with Ukrainian state authorities. The recipient of American assistance (Defense Ministry of Ukraine) had to grant “timely access of personnel” of the Pentagon and its contractor to the labs on the territory of Ukraine “for the purpose of conducting works” as part of the projects. Apart from the Pentagon personnel, they also had to grant access to the facilities to some “foreign researchers”. The projects were not supposed to be implemented by, but rather “with participation of” Ukrainian researchers.

Simply speaking, Ukrainian authorities gave Pentagon a carte blanche and let them carry out dangerous biological experiments on the territory of Ukraine. Thereby, the American contractor was exempt from any taxes under Ukrainian legislation.

What did Ukrainian scientists and people of the country get in return? Free travel to international conferences “based on the tariffs for meals and lodging endorsed for official travel of US governmental officials”. A nice “compensation” for having most hazardous research conducted right on their doorstep.  

This is not the “noble” assistance to Ukraine that American representatives are ranting about. This is cynical use of Ukraine’s territory and population for dangerous research that Washington does not want to have at home so that to not put its own population at risk.

We would not be surprised should similar facts come to light regarding the activity of US-sponsored labs in other parts of the globe. We call on states who provide their areas to Pentagon for such experiments to read carefully contract documents regarding their cooperation with the United States in the biological area. We fully support China’s demand to the United States to disclose information about activities of 360 US-controlled labs in the world.

Back to Ukraine. It is no coincidence that the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency chose the biolabs in Kiev, Odessa, Lvov, and Kharkov. They were the executors of the UP-8 project aimed at studying the pathogens of the Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever, leptospirosis and hantaviruses. From our point of view, the interest of US military biologists in these pathogens is related to the fact that they have natural foci both on the territory of Ukraine and in Russia, and their use can be disguised as natural outbreaks of diseases.

The Kharkov laboratory was also home to project P-781 on the study of ways of transmitting diseases to humans through bats. This work was done jointly with the infamous R. Lugar Center in Tbilisi.

In this context, we should make a special mention of the company “Black & Veatch” that the Pentagon chose as a contractor for Ukraine. This is not an ordinary business. For over 100 years, it has been working for the US armed forces, building military bases and facilities, including the labs in Los Alamos, where nuclear weapons were developed.

Research in the area of transmitting diseases to humans through bats is systematic and has been conducted in Ukrainian labs since at least 2009 under the direct supervision of specialists from the United States. During the implementation of these projects, six families of viruses (including coronaviruses) and three types of pathogenic bacteria (pathogens of plague, brucellosis and leptospirosis) were identified. Those pathogens are most favorable for the purposes of infection, as they are characterized by resistance to drugs and rapid speed of spread from animals to humans.

Within the framework of the FLU-FLYWAY project, the Kharkov Institute of Veterinary Medicine studied wild birds as vectors for the spread of avian influenza. At the same time, the conditions under which spread processes can become unmanageable, cause economic damage and pose risks to food security were assessed. Documents were discovered that confirm the involvement of the Kharkov Institute in the collection of avian influenza virus strains with high epidemic potential and capable of overcoming the interspecific barrier.

Defense Ministry of Russia keeps receiving more documents that prove the fact of transfer of blood serum samples of Ukrainian citizens to third countries, including Great Britain, Georgia, Germany. Having analyzed that data, we can say that Ukrainian experts were not aware of potential risks of transferring biological samples. They had to act blindly and did not realize the real goals of research conducted. This does not seem surprising if we recall that under the contract documents that I mentioned, they had a secondary role to play.

Information continues to be received about attempts to destroy biomaterials and documentation in laboratories in Ukraine in order to “cover up the tracks” of a military biological program.

We know that during the liquidation measures in the laboratory of veterinary medicine in Khlebodarskoye, the employees (citizens of Ukraine) were not even allowed into the building. This laboratory cooperates with Anti-Plague Research Institute named after Mechnikov in Odessa, which conducts research with pathogens of plague, anthrax, cholera, tularemia.

In an attempt to cover the tracks, biological waste from the laboratory in Khlebodarskoye was taken 120 km away towards the western border of Ukraine to the area of Tarutino and Berezino settlements. Defense Ministry of Russia keeps record of all these facts in order to have them legally assessed at a later stage.

We also must mention the emergency destruction of documents in  Kherson biological laboratory. One of the reasons for such a rush may be the need to conceal from Russian experts the information about an outbreak of dirofilariasis, a disease transmitted by mosquitoes, that occurred in Kherson in 2019. Four cases of infection were detected in February, which is unusual for the life cycle of these insects, even taking into account the incubation period of the disease. We are also aware that in April 2018, representatives of the Pentagon visited local healthcare institutions, where they got acquainted with the results of the epidemiological investigation and copied medical documentation.

Western media, who readily perceive any fakes presented by Ukrainian authorities with the support of their Western sponsors, doubt the authenticity of the materials published by our Ministry of Defense. In this regard, let me draw your attention to the following fact. All documents we published had been signed by real US officials. Many of them were signed by head of the DTRA office at the US Embassy in Kiev Joanna Wintrall. This representative of the Pentagon is well known in the non-proliferation circles. Prior to Ukraine, she addressed elimination of chemical weapons in Libya. If journalists have doubts as to the authenticity of documents that we shared, I suggest they ask her directly whether this is really her signature on them.

I repeat that it is not just about Ukraine and the United States violating the BTWC. It is about evidence of high-risk military biological activity that has been underway in the middle of Eastern Europe until recently. Its implications could have “spilled” beyond the borders of Ukraine and even the entire region at any point. It is hard to imagine what toll it would have taken, i.a. on the European states. Perhaps it would have outmatched even the COVID-19 pandemic.

We already see alarming signs of such threat. For example, a sharp increase in cases of tuberculosis caused by new multi-resistant strains was detected among citizens living in Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics in 2018. During a mass outbreak recorded in the area of Peski settlement, more than 70 cases of the disease were detected, which ended in a rapid fatal outcome. This does not look like a coincidence.

In conclusion, let me comment on the words of UN Secretariat representatives who claim to have no proofs of military-purpose biological programs being carried out in Ukraine.

Under the BTWC, member states submit to the United Nations data regarding biological facilities and related activity. I mean confidence-building measures that are published for the purposes of monitoring the implementation of the Convention. Since 2016, the moment Ukraine embarked on the mentioned projects, including UP-4, UP-8, and Р-781, both the United States and Ukraine have knowingly omitted those projects from their reviews, even despite their clear military biological orientation.

That is why Russia for many years has been calling to strengthen the BTWC regime, adopt a legally binding protocol to the Convention that would allow to create an effective verification mechanism and bind member states to report on their military biological activity abroad. The United States has been opposed to this work for almost 20 years now and refused to provide such data. By the way, this is yet another question that US representatives evade answering.

The facts that we shared today and on 11 March are only the tip of the iceberg. Our Defense Ministry continues to receive and analyze new materials. We will keep the global community updated on the issue of Pentagon’s illegal activity in Ukraine.

Thank you.


Right of reply:

Mr. President,

Propaganda, disinformation, amateurism, baseless allegations, false flag operation – that’s what we heard today. Some statements repeated what was said on 11 March almost word-by-word. If you found nothing new in our today’s statement, you either were not listening or did not hear what we were saying. What we presented were not the conspiracy theories that we pried out of the deep abyss of the Internet. Those were new materials and documents that we had circulated among UNSC members. These documents elaborate on biological cooperation between Ukraine and the United States. I ask you to read those materials. If you can refute them, please do it. But do it by answering our questions rather than by spouting baseless allegations about Russian propaganda. You refuse to do this because you have nothing to say. Instead, you try accusing us of plans to use biological and chemical weapons in Ukraine. This is the height of cynicism. We already warned you that we had information that Ukrainian nationalists had delivered toxic chemical agents to some areas of Ukraine in order to carry out a provocation and blame Russia. This is what you call a false flag operation.

As I said, you, in particular the United States, did not listen carefully to us. We did not say (as the US representative would interpret it) that Ukraine had a military biological program of its own. We said the United States had such program, where Ukraine was used blindly. We cited facts about the growing incidence of dangerous diseases in Ukraine that could not be explained by simpler factors, but could be related to this sort of activity.

We heard again that the best argument you have to prove that no military biological activity was carried out in Ukraine is the opinion of the UN Secretariat. But as mentioned already, the United Nations cannot be aware of secret military biological programs. Those who implement them do not report it to the UN or whoever.

We do not lift this issue from the agenda. More facts will surely arrive soon, and we will keep the Security Council and the global community posted.

Thank you.


Uncategorized Opinion Politics

Let’s just send the weapons we had in Afghanistan to the Ukraine. Oh wait we can’t. The Taliban has them.

Views: 75

If only we had removed all the weapons, aircraft, armour, etc. from Afghanistan, Ukraine would have a much better fighting chance. But Joe decided that the Taliban  was unbeatable, so he sounded the retreat. Let’s hope he doesn’t do the same in the Ukraine.

What say you?


Corruption COVID Politics

DHS: Agency Created after 9/11 to Protect Transport Investigates 3,800 “Non-Masked Passengers”

Views: 23

Mask up or else!

The Homeland Security agency created after the 2001 terrorist attacks to protect the nation’s transportation system has been quite busy investigating and fining travelers who do not wear masks to supposedly slow the spread of COVID-19. Since February 2021 when the face mask security directive was implemented to March 2022, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has investigated more than 3,800 cases involving “non-masked passengers,” according to a federal audit. The agency charged with preventing another 9/11 issued more than 2,700 warning notices and over 900 civil penalties against passengers who violated the mask mandate, the probe found. The average fine was $699.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO), the investigative arm of Congress, conducted the audit and issued a report this week with the findings. Because the TSA is responsible for securing the nation’s transportation sector, it issues security directives if threat information, events, or significant vulnerabilities indicate that additional security measures are needed. In this case, surface transportation operators within the U.S. were ordered to implement face mask requirements for passengers and employees because the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) determined that multi-person transportation modes potentially increase the risk of spreading COVID-19 because travelers are in close proximity to others in enclosed spaces where physical distancing is not possible.

It appears that the TSA, not exactly known for its competence, was more efficient than ever in cracking down on mask violators. Congressional investigators found that the agency issued the COVID-19 directives in less than a week and “expedited coordination with external stakeholders—other federal agencies and industry—to develop and issue these directives, due to the urgent nature of the COVID-19 pandemic.” Not everyone was happy. “While selected external stakeholders raised several issues with the security directives, they stated that TSA’s expedited coordination was generally effective,” the GAO writes. Some may wonder if health-related issues fall under the security threats that Congress created the TSA to deal with. Not really, but the TSA claims that the introduction or spread of a communicable disease through the transportation sector is a threat that allows it to exercise its authority as needed, including the authority to issue security directives.

Coinciding with the report highlighting the TSA’s mask policing duties, new research conducted by a European consulting and health group shows travel restrictions failed to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Even when travel restrictions are implemented immediately after the discovery of a new variant, it only delays infection peaks by a maximum of four days, researchers found. By the time restrictions are issued, the new variant has likely been circulating in communities worldwide, according to the study. “Air travel restrictions do not affect the size of the peak,” researchers write, adding that “introducing air passenger testing does not affect the height of the peak of cases, relative to not having any restrictions in place. This holds even when travel volumes are high.” The study has led the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and Airports Council International Europe to call for an end to all COVID restrictions, including mask mandates.

The TSA’s “security directive” for mask use on public transportation and transportation hubs has been extended through April 18. The agency will continue to crack down on violators, issuing warning notices and civil penalty fines against passengers. First-time offenders typically get warning notices and “repeat offenders” get slapped with civil penalties of up to $1,500. Because so many passengers refused to comply with the face mask requirement, last fall the TSA expanded the list of aggravating factors that qualify a violator for a monetary civil penalty to include instances of defiant behavior while refusing to wear a face mask and repeated removal or improper use of a face mask after being instructed to wear one. The agency also increased the penalties, with first-time offenders receiving $500 to $1,000 fines and repeat offenders fines of up to $3,000. The overwhelming majority of mask incidents investigated occurred onboard aircrafts.

As the TSA does an impeccable job chasing non-masked passengers, its lapses in more serious areas come to mind. They include missing guns and bombs during covert exercises known as “red team tests,” TSA agents literally sleeping on the job and STEALING FROM PASSENGERS, the failure to properly screen luggage and a number of other violations that have risked national security. Records obtained by Judicial Watch a few years ago show hundreds of badges that allow agents to access secure areas of airports went missing along with uniforms and other devices used to control entry. Last year a federal audit disclosed that nearly 2 million workers with unescorted access to security restricted areas at airports throughout the U.S. could pose an “insider threat” as the TSA studies how to curb the risk. The agency is supposed to submit a plan to Congress examining the cost and feasibility of enhanced worker screening measures at American airports.



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