Education Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Teacher gets the boot. DeSantis gets the last laugh.

Views: 67

Teacher gets the boot. DeSantis gets the last laugh. Recently WP and some no name website ran with a fake story about a school library having no books left because of a Florida law against explicit stories in some books. A teacher showed a video about the shelves in the library being empty. DeSantis said it wasn’t true. Somebody didn’t do the research and ran with the fake news. Here’s the facts.

A viral hoax showing a supposedly cleaned-out library as a result of a new Florida law banning explicit material in schools has resulted in a teacher being fired.

Brian Covey, who was a substitute teacher for Duval County Public Schools (Jacksonville area), was told his services would no longer be needed after he posted a video making it seem as if the Mandarin Middle School library had been emptied out. When questioned about the situation at the time, Gov. Ron DeSantis denounced it as a fake narrative, noting that nothing in the law required any school to take any such action.

Apparently, the school hadn’t taken such action. Covey had instead filmed some random empty shelves in a library otherwise full of books. That was deemed to be a violation of the district’s social media policy and a harm to students by making them believe there were no books to check out.

Naturally, outlets like The Washington Post are still pushing the false narrative, even as they report on the firing and why it occurred.

Hey Lurkers this look familiar?

“In discussion between the district and ESS regarding this individual’s misrepresentation of the books available to students in the school’s library and the disruption this misrepresentation has caused, it was determined that he had violated social media and cellphone policies of his employer,” the district said. “Therefore, ESS determined these policy violations made it necessary to part ways with this individual.”

If you read the article, they admit that Covey’s video was a misrepresentation. Yet, the Post, just a few words later, immediately repeats the falsehood that teachers are being forced to remove and cover books.

No, they aren’t. Rather, they are being forced to remove books with graphic sexual content such as “Gender Queer,” which contains illustrated scenes of gay sex. Ask yourself, why are these press outlets so obsessed with ensuring kids are exposed to sexual content in schools? I don’t have an answer to that, and I suspect the reasons vary, but it’s certainly a really weird and gross dynamic.

The reality is that there is no prohibition on what anyone would consider normal, acceptable reading material for children. The curation of books to exclude explicit and sexual content is not new and has long been part of school libraries. Any teachers or administrators that are rushing to clean out a library or cover up whole bookshelves are doing so simply as a political stunt.

Of course, advocacy groups are treating Covey as a victim, arguing his First Amendment rights were violated.

Kate Ruane, a director at the free-speech nonprofit organization PEN America, said in an interview that Duval’s termination of Covey may have violated the teacher’s First Amendment rights.

“What the district has done is clearly an attempt to chill the speech of public school teachers,” Ruane said.

You do not have a First Amendment right to take video at work in order to mislead and lie about your employer (in this case, partially being the State of Florida). Social media policies for employment have long existed and have long been held up as legal by the courts. Covey wanted his moment in the spotlight, and he got it. All it cost him was his job, and deservedly so. If he wants to be an activist, maybe Al Sharpton’s outfit, which is currently wasting time in Florida, is hiring.


Links from other news sources.

Trump to the Rescue. Hope in a town called East Palestine, Ohio.

Views: 18

After the train wreck in my backyard, a small town called East Palestine, Ohio was looking for help. The governor and Ohio EPA and the locals heard the call. Feds were nowhere to be found.

President Trump heard the call and suddenly help was on the way. Water, Cleaning products, and Trump personal were on the scene. Trump said I’m coming and now the Feds arre tripping over themselves to get here. Joey boy was last seen hiding out in Europe. He was actually caught trying to flee.

Trump supporters wait for their President in Ohio with a message for Joe Biden. (Benny Johnson)

The Trump supporters are lining the streets in Ohio.





And supplies for the suffering.


No Mo Joe!

A hero will rise.


This is great.


Don Jr. went off on Pete Buttigieg


Back Door Power Grab Links from other news sources. Reprints from others. Uncategorized

Former AG Whitaker. Overturning Trump Pardon ‘Abuse of Power’

Views: 35

Former AG Whitaker. Overturning Trump Pardon ‘Abuse of Power’.

Former Attorney General Matthew Whitaker told Newsmax on Tuesday that the administration of Joe Biden’s attempt to retry Philip Esformes, who former President Donald Trump pardoned, is “an abuse of power.”

“This administration appears to not really be grounded by the Constitution,” Whitaker said Tuesday on “Wake Up America.” “The president’s ability to pardon folks is absolute under the Constitution. In this case, President Trump issued a pardon, commuted Mr. Esformes’ sentence, and now this administration wants to go back and re-prosecute the same case and put him back in jail, if they can, and it’s an outrageous abuse of power.”

Esformes, a nursing home owner, was convicted in 2019 in a $1.3 billion Medicare fraud scheme and sentenced to 20 years in prison, CNBC reported in January.

Trump commuted his sentence in 2020, but Esformes lost his appeal on prosecutorial misconduct earlier this year, which could allow him to be retried, the report said.

Whitaker said the Department of Justice under Biden has “gone berserk” with the case and that a presidential pardon should have ended the prosecution.

“Once the president has pardoned somebody for certain types of behavior, that’s usually what it should end in,” Whitaker said. “I can’t find an example where an administration is going back and prosecuted someone for the same crime. This is an extraordinary case. Obviously, it is personal for the prosecutors, which it should never be.”

Whitaker said the main motivation for trying for a retrial seems to be driven by the fact that the Biden administration wants the pardon overturned just because Trump issued it.

Whitaker also said Biden’s surprise visit to Ukraine on Monday to mark the first anniversary this week of Russia’s invasion into that country should have come sooner.

“Biden should have gone there well before the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion,” Whitaker said. “I think he is searching for a way, and a tone, to make this war compelling and interesting to the American people.”

Who else came out? Former AG’S John Ashcroft, Edwin Meese, Michael Mukasey, and Alberto Gonzales endorsed Esformes’ appeal before clemency was granted.


Elections Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

But we were told that there was no voter fraud. San Joaquin Sheriff Discloses Massive Voter Roll Anomalies in California County

Views: 38

Thanks to KCRA and Gateway Pundit.

But we were told that there was no voter fraud. It still sticks in my mind of how this one loon from California claimed that it checked all 50 states and only found one case of voter fraud. And it was a Republican. SMH.

Last week, The Gateway Pundit reported on a press conference about the arrest of a Lodi city councilmember named Shakir Khan.  The San Joaquin Sheriff discovered the election crimes while serving a search warrant for non-election related findings regarding Khan’s businesses in the city.

KCRA reported:

[Khan] is accused of stashing 41 ballots at his home. Investigators also say he registered 23 people to vote at his home and that his email and phone number were used to register 47 others. Body camera footage showed voters telling detectives how Khan allegedly pressured them to vote for him and how he allegedly falsified voter registration documents.

Towards the end of the press conference, before taking questions from the media, Captain Hardy addresses some discrepancies in the voter rolls they discovered during their investigation:

  • 93 people registered w/ birthdate of 1850
  • 232 registered at local prisons
  • 4,144 voters registered over the age of 90 (there’s only 10.3k residents over 80 in that county…this number would drop off significantly at 90)
  • 125 registered to a non-profit, NGO or business
  • ~300 voters with no first name
  • 110 potential double voters – same name, DOB, and address but different Voter ID numbers
  • people registered at various homeless shelters
  • and one voter registered named… “Jesus Christ”


Two of these issues have been scrutinized when found in other jurisdictions across the country:  the 1850 birthdate (various other birthdates used) and the 90+ voter population.


This is the San Joaquin Sheriff conducting this investigation and disclosing this information to the public, so if there were an explanation for the 1850 birthdate relating to privacy protection, protected individuals, etc., it is likely they would have found this during their investigation.  They did claim at the end they are working with the local registrar of voters.

As for the 90+ population, San Joaquin, according to the 2020 census, there are 751,615 people living in San Joaquin.  In the 2010 Census, out of 308M Americans, 1.9M were over 90, or .6% of the population.  Using that average for San Joaquin, it would mean there are approximately 4500 90+ citizens in the county.  This is on track with the 4,144 registered to vote, however, this is assuming a near 100% registration rate among the age group.  It also means that all of those individuals are eligible to vote.



Links from other news sources. Uncategorized

What the MSM leaves out with the Ford-China deal on the new battery plant.

Views: 39

What the MSM leaves out with the Ford-China deal on the new battery plant. So we heard how Ford’s bringing thousands of jobs to Michigan. Investing billions. A plant that Virginia turned down.

A plant that Ford only owns the building. The Chinese company owns the rest. The technology. So if The Chinese walk, Ford has no know how and a empty building. Beijing would be controlling both the technology and the factory operations at the plant, a joint enterprise between Ford and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd., or CATL. Edited.

There are better alternatives. LG Energy Solutions, the leading South Korean battery manufacturer, is considering a sixth North American plant in Arizona. The think tank Atlas Public Policy lists other America-friendly plants in a recent report.

Here’s the scary part.

Changan Ford (Chinese长安福特pinyinCháng’ān Fútè; full name Changan Ford Automobile Co., Ltd.) is a Chinese automotive manufacturing company headquartered in Chongqing. It is a 50/50 joint venture between local Changan Automobile and US-based Ford Motor Company. The company’s principal activity is the manufacture of Ford brand passenger cars for the Chinese market. The company was formed in Dec. 2012 after the decision to restructure Changan Ford Mazda, whereby Ford and Mazda agreed to work with Changan as separate joint ventures.[1] Currently, Changan Ford’s entire production base is the largest manufacturing location outside Detroit, Michigan for Ford.[2] It has plants in Chongqing, Hangzhou & Harbin.




Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Media Woke Politics Progressive Racism Reprints from others.

State Department Helped Fund ‘Disinformation’ Research Group That Reportedly Blacklists Conservative News Sites

Views: 27

I want to thank the Daily Caller for this article.


The U.S. State Department, through its Global Engagement Center (GEC), helped facilitate funding for a group that reportedly works to demonetize sites it claims are disseminating “disinformation,” including conservative news outlets, according to its website.

The Global Disinformation Index (GDI), a United Kingdom-based nonprofit that styles itself as a “non-political” monitor working to “disrupt the business model of disinformation,” lists as a funder the Disinfo Cloud, a now-shuttered GEC project. However, GDI has worked to demonetize conservative news sites by collaborating with ad exchanges to flag alleged purveyors of disinformation, the Washington Examiner reported.

GDI maintains a “dynamic exclusion list” of the worst offenders of disinformation online, according to its website. The organization then provides this list to ad tech companies, which can then “defund and downrank these worst offenders” and thereby defund sites allegedly promoting disinformation.

While the exclusion list isn’t publicly available, popular conservative news site Breitbart is on the list, according to the Examiner, and it is “plausible” that any of the “riskiest” outlets would also be on the exclusion list, according to a member of the GDI advisory panel who spoke to the Examiner.

In this list of news outlets that were deemed the “riskiest” for alleged promotion of disinformation, GDI identified several prominent conservative news sites including the New York Post and the Daily Wire. By comparison, the “least risky” sites were overwhelmingly left-wing.

Moreover, GDI flagged the Examiner itself as disseminating “anti-LGBTQ+” disinformation, according to an October 2022 GDI memo, and pointed to an Amazon ad displayed on the Examiner page. The “anti-LGBTQ+” content in question was found in an opinion article.

In September 2021, the State Department’s GEC hosted the U.S.-Paris Tech Challenge, an event seeking to “advance the development of promising and innovative technologies against disinformation and propaganda” in Europe and the U.K. The event was held in “collaboration with U.S. Embassy Paris, the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab), the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)” and several other entities.

GDI, along with the U.K.-based Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), were two of the three winners; ISD also works to monitor and combat perceived misinformation and disinformation, and lists as government partners the U.S. State Department and U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

The three winners will receive grants totaling $250,000, according to the Atlantic Council, which partnered with the State Department to arrange the event.

GDI also lists among its funders George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, Pierre Omidyar’s Luminate and Craig Newmark Philanthropies.

The Global Disinformation Index and the State Department did not respond to the DCNF’s requests for comment.




How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!)

BREAKING: James O’Keefe resigns from his own company Project Veritas

Views: 19

This leaked video has been posted without comment on YT’s The BCP Report Channel.  (For now, anyway).

O’Keefe was stripped of his authority by his Board of Directors earlier, on February 6.



Who got bought off?

And who did the buying???

Exclusive video from earlier staff meet is here.



Corruption COVID Medicine Reprints from others. Science

Can you guess which did better when COVID broke out- the Most or the Least Vaccinated State?

Views: 20

When a COVID infection wave hit the most and least vaccinated states in 2022, the most vaccinated state had the higher COVID case rates and the higher relative death peaks.


By Stephen Kirsch on Substack

According to US News & World Report, Wyoming is the least vaccinated state (52.8%) and Rhode Island is the most vaccinated state.

So just for fun, I thought I’d see how these states fared when there was a huge COVID infection outbreak at the start of 2022 that affected both these states.

It turned out that the least vaccinated state had the lower rise in all-cause mortality (1.25 vs. 1.42) vs. avg mortality for the year.

In other words, vaccination appeared to increase all-cause mortality when COVID hit.

However, it might be the case that Rhode Island simply was “hit harder” by the COVID wave with twice as many COVID infections per capita. Or was Rhode Island hit harder because more people were vaccinated and thus more susceptible to infection which is what the Cleveland Clinic study showed very clearly?

By looking at a younger age group, we see a 3X disparity between the two states. The least vaccinated state came out on top.

We have further, and more conclusive, confirmation from an extensive study done by Josh Stirling. There is simply no way for anyone to explain those results which looked at every county in the US.

34% increase in Covid deaths in most vaxxed states vs least vaxxed. In yet ANOTHER study.  How many reports have to be published before the truth can no longer be shouted down?

The bottom line: higher vaccination —> higher deaths for all age groups. That’s why 15-year-olds with heart attacks are now the new normal when they were non-existent before the vaccines rolled out.


COVID waves are when the CDC would expect the most vaccinated states to do the best compared to the average death rate for the year. So we’d expect a smaller rise in deaths during a COVID infection wave compared to the deaths over the year.

The biggest COVID death peak is at the start of 2022.

So the method is pretty simple: compare the worst four weeks at the start of 2022 with the average death rate for the year in that state. The winner should have the lowest ratio.

CDC database used for calculations

I used the CDC database of weekly deaths by age and state and the visualization tool on the CDC website.

Rhode Island ages 65-74 (Most vaccinated 87.1%)

Worst consecutive 4 weeks are weeks 1-4: (52+66+40+73)/4=57.75 average per week.
Worst 4-week avg/annual avg = 57/40.23=1.42

Rhode Island 2022 avg 40.23

Wyoming 65-74 (least vaccinated 52.8%)

Worst consecutive 4 weeks are weeks 1-4: (30+26+27+29)/4=28
Worst 4-week avg/annual avg = 28/22.48=1.25

Wyoming 2022 Avg 22.48

45-64 comparison

Maybe we just picked the “wrong” age group.

Let’s try the next age group down which is 45-64 over the same “deadly” period.

Weeks 1-4 avg for Wyoming=(24+23+22+16)/4=21.25
Average for 2022=19.25
Ratio: 21.25/19.25= 1.1

Weeks 1-4 avg for Rhode Island: (50+46+44+31)/4=42.75
Avg for 2022=32.6
Ratio: 42.75/32.6=1.31

Again, Wyoming had the smaller spike among that age group.

A possible explanation for the discrepancy

The only way for a pro-vaxxer to attack this result is to claim that Rhode Island had a COVID infection wave in January 2022, but Wyoming missed the wave.

Let’s check that out…

These are the COVID cases for Rhode Island:

Here are the COVID cases for Wyoming:

Isn’t this interesting? The pre-vax peak is relatively close to the post-vax peak.

So it was a fair test. Both states had their largest COVID peaks in January. So that was fair.

However, you could also argue that Rhode Island was “harder hit” by the COVID wave than Wyoming and that accounts for the greater all-cause mortality.

Let’s see if that is true.

The population is 1.1M in Rhode Island vs 578K in Wyoming, so Rhode Island is 1.9X larger, but they had 4X as many cases!

So for the 65-74-year-old age group, the most vaccinated state did slightly better since it was hit harder than the ratios could account for! But see the next section…

However, when we look at the 45-64 year age group, we have a spike that is 3X higher in Rhode Island. That’s hard to explain since there is only a 2X per capita increase in cases.

Did Rhode Island have more cases because it is more vaccinated?

Is the reason Rhode Island was hit harder on a per capita basis because they were more vaccinated? The Cleveland Clinic study showed that people who vaccinate more are more likely to get COVID. If that is true, then the winner is Wyoming. [This study is also referenced in a previous article. Link at bottom of the page.]

For some insights into this, look at the ratio between the pre-vax peak in Wyoming vs. the peak around Jan 2022… it’s only about 50% higher. But the pre-vax vs. post-vax peak in Rhode Island is more than 4X higher!!! Did Rhode Island simply get unlucky and have an 8-fold increase (=4/.5) in the relative sizes of the COVID infection peaks?

I looked at the next two states on the list: Alabama (least vaccinated) and Vermont (most vaccinated). I compared the pre-vax and post-vax peaks and found the same ratio! The higher vaxxed state had a greater infection ratio pre- vs. post-vax (2564/248=10.3X) than the less vaxxed state (17106/4221=4.05).

Isn’t that interesting? In short, it appears the more vaccinated the state, the greater the COVID infection rate on a per capita basis.

What’s the right answer here?

Josh Stirling looked at how cities in the US did in 2022 vs. 2021. He did a longitudinal study where you compare the city with itself one year ago. This is the best way to see what is going on… did your mortality increase or decrease?

Check this out: cities with higher vaccination had larger all-cause mortality increases than cities with lower vaccination rates. In other words, the line goes the “wrong way.”

The line goes the “wrong way.”

This is devastating for the narrative, but of course consistent with what the death reports are saying.

The R2 doesn’t need to be .9 for this to be convincing. They are correlated and it’s the slope of the line that is significant. The slope goes the wrong way. That’s the point.

Could someone argue that this could be caused by other factors? Sure.

But this result is consistent with other analyses, such as the Devil’s Advocate global analysis by Martin Neil and Norman Fenton showing a similar effect (though not longitudinal).

And how is anyone going to explain why we can’t seem to find any nursing home where the death rates went DOWN after the vaccine program was rolled out?

For example, I know one nursing home in Melbourne, Australia with around 90 people who had close to 30 deaths within 12 months after the vaccines rolled out. So we know it wasn’t COVID that killed people in such huge numbers since they were all vaccinated. So I wonder how they died? I have a video of their death announcements.

Check out my survey results for nursing homes and my Medical Practice stats, especially the comments. If the vaccine is safe and effective, these results and comments are hard to explain, aren’t they?

Finally, a large geriatric practice (around 1,000 patients, 75% over 65, had just 4 COVID deaths (vaccinated) and 1 COVID death (unvaxxed). Population was 85% vaxxed. More important was that in 2022, instead of the normal 11 deaths, they had 39 deaths. They attributed the excess to the vaccine. So it would be difficult for anyone to explain that data. But I’m open to hearing it!

[Several charts shown in a previous article have been omitted for space reasons. The original article is HERE:]


If the vaccine really worked, the state with the lowest vaccination rate should have the highest spike in all-cause mortality during a COVID wave. That wasn’t the case for the 45-64 age group and it’s arguably not true for the 65-74 age group if you believe that the higher cases are due to higher vaccination rates.

Josh Stirling’s analysis of all cities in the US makes it clear that it’s more likely than not that the vaccines have resulted in a net increase in deaths and thus were a very dumb intervention.



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Ohio Sen. Michael Rulli: ‘I’m Begging You Not to Drink the Water’ in East Palestine; ‘It Is Not Safe’

Views: 23

State Senator Rulli along with a brother own two grocery stores ( Rulli Brothers) in the area. Have been in the area for over 100 years. This is a great interview the Senator did with Breitbart.

Ohio Sen. Michael Rulli (R-Salem) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday that anyone living within ten miles of East Palestine should not drink or bathe in the water. “It is not safe,” Rulli affirmed.

“Anyone within ten miles, I am begging you not to drink the water. I am begging you not to bathe in the water. It is not safe,” Rulli told Breitbart News Washington Bureau Chief Matthew Boyle on Saturday.

“Now that we’ve had this disaster, and fortunately for us, no one got killed on the initial explosion, but we got to worry about cancer in the next 5, 10, 15, 20 years,” Rulli continued.

“So what I’m suggesting is that everyone goes as far away as you can and get a hotel room,” he added. “We got people that are fighting with Norfolk Southern. Norfolk says they’re going to pay for it. We got to hold their feet to the fire.”

The state senator went on to say that “nobody showed up” within the first days of the train derailment.

“In all fairness to the governor, he sent some really nice crews down there that were working on it, but the feds were nowhere to be found,” Rulli said.

“We’re day 14 and [Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH)] just comes yesterday, and then the FEMA guy came the day before and he’s telling everyone to drink the water,” Rulli continued. “I mean, give me a break. These are my people. These are the people I go to church with.”

“We brought in six trailer loads of water two days ago. I got four more trailer loads coming down on Tuesday,” he added.

Rulli also noted that there are “over 48 farms within an eight-mile radius of ground zero, and no one’s even talked about doing the soil samples there. So these guys haven’t even put the seed in the ground, and they’re about to lose millions of dollars.”

“I got quite the problem over here in my district,” the state senator declared.

Rulli, who lives just 16 miles from ground zero, also noted that he has “been down there five times in the last 13 days.”

“Every time I leave there I get a sore throat,” he said. “And I have a sore throat for the rest of the day. The next day it starts clearing up, but it is what it is.”

At another point in the interview, the state senator said that it felt like “a zombie apocalypse” when he was at ground zero the Sunday after the train derailment.

Rulli also described what the scene looked like at the command center in an East Palestine elementary school after the train derailment, but before the controlled detonation, which created the now-infamous dark plume of smoke in the sky, captured in photographs that were later circulated across social media:

At the elementary school, which is about a half mile from ground zero, you got 100 cops. You got 100 Army. You got EPA. You got OCSEA. You got ODNR. You got Wildlife. You got all kinds of people. When you first walk in, to the right side, they have this command center where they have these two huge screen TVs, and what they did is they brought remote control robots right up on the five cars that were of most danger. And they had a livestream TV.

And then right before that they had the temperature. They placed the temperature gauge inside each one of those five [train cars]. And when I was there on Sunday, it was 139. On Saturday night it was 154. On Monday [February 6], which is the day that the governor decided to do the controlled detonation, it was at 146. If those five cars reach 18o to 185, they explode. We had 39,000 gallons of diesel gasoline and other lubricants right next to it, and there’s an oil company right there. If that all blows up, the whole town’s gone, because this is the same type of bombs that we used when we dropped on Dresden in Germany.

“So, the governor was forced, and there’s a lot of discrepancy whether that was the right move. I was there. I think it sort of was the right move,” Rulli said.

A black plume and fireball rise over East Palestine, Ohio, as a result of a controlled detonation of a portion of the derailed Norfolk Southern trains Monday, Feb. 6, 2023. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

A black plume and fireball rise over East Palestine, Ohio, as a result of a controlled detonation of a portion of the derailed Norfolk Southern trains Monday, Feb. 6, 2023. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

Boyle noted that it was announced FEMA would be deployed to East Palestine right after it was revealed that former President Donald Trump plans to visit the small Ohio town next week.

“I would imagine that that’s the Biden administration responding to Trump,” Boyle said, to which Rulli replied, “It sure looks like it, doesn’t it?”

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.



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NY Times attacked for agreeing with Hate Groups only 99% of the time. Finally NY Times stands up to progressive hate group. GLAAD

Views: 30

NY Times attacked for agreeing with Hate Groups only 99% of the time. Finally NY Times stands up to progressive hate group. GLAAD. Recently the Times did an editorial defending the Harry Potter writer plus showing the other side of transgender issues.

Well GLAAD lost it. How dare they tell the rest of the story and present both sides of an issue? That’s not what progressives do. We have this from The Hill.

The top editor of The New York Times warned the newspaper’s journalists who have voiced displeasure with the outlet’s coverage of transgender people and issues that such public criticism will “not be tolerated.”

In a memo to staff on Thursday obtained by The Hill, executive editor Joe Kahn said the Times “received a letter delivered by GLAAD, an advocacy group, criticizing coverage in The Times of transgender issues.”


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