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Federal Judge Bitch slaps Biden Administration on Texas Wall/Fence.

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Federal Judge Bitch slaps Biden Administration on Texas Wall/Fence.

A federal judge has issued an emergency temporary restraining order against the federal government from taking down razor wire barriers at the border.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who took to social media to tout the decision, had asked the judge to take quick action against the “disassembling, degrading, and tampering with” the concertina wire barriers after video came out that U.S. Border Patrol agents were using forklifts and heavy machinery to cut pieces of the razor wire along the Texas/Mexico border.

The razor wire, along with the controversial buoys in the Rio Grande, were installed as part of Governor Greg Abbott’s Operation: Lone Star, which was launched in March 2021 as a border security initiative to help battle the rising border crossings that Gov. Abbott blames on the Biden Administration’s lax immigration policies.




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