Biden Cartel Commentary Economy Links from other news sources.

How can this be? NY Times claims that ‘Stable Jobs with Decent Pay’ Harder to Find Due to Mass Immigration.

Views: 26

How can this be? NY Times claims that ‘Stable Jobs with Decent Pay’ Harder to Find Due to Mass Immigration. The left was always saying that the undocumented were good for the economy. They work, pay taxes, etc. Yes, they do. but at what cost?

They flood the lower jobs and drive down wages. So, when citizens get a job it’s for less pay. Here’s what the NY Times says.

“That influx of workers, which includes a recovery in immigration flows, has also taken the air out of wage increases and made it more difficult for people on the margins of the labor market to find stable jobs with decent pay,” the Times reports:


Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic COVID Just my own thoughts Opinion

Why are you still being jabbed? Part 2. Just my own thoughts.

Views: 15

Why are you still being jabbed? Part 2. In case you haven’t heard, the CDC and the WHO both declared back in May that the Obama-Biden COVID Pandemic was over.

Now some are saying that you still must continue to get the new, better, and miracle cure all vaccine. Again. Forget the fact that it only increases the chances of side effects, Hospitalization, and Death.


Biden Cartel Censorship Corruption Elections Government Overreach January 6 Leftist Virtue(!) Politics Reprints from others.

Jack Smith Asks SCOTUS to Rule on Trump’s Presidential Immunity Defense

Views: 18

(Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Pool via Getty Images)


The special counsel’s office is preempting former President Donald Trump’s appeal of his case to the U.S. Supreme Court by petitioning the high court for a writ certiorari before judgment—an immediate ruling—of whether the former president can rely on his presidential immunity defense.

Special counsel Jack Smith has charged President Trump on four counts regarding his actions to challenge the 2020 election results; President Trump has filed four motions to dismiss the case. Several were rejected by U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, and the defense has since appealed the motion to dismiss based on presidential immunity to a federal appeals court.
The prosecutors are asking the Supreme Court “whether a former President is absolutely immune from federal prosecution for crimes committed while in office or is constitutionally protected from federal prosecution when he has been impeached but not convicted before the criminal proceedings begin.”

President Trump had asked the district court to pause proceedings pending appeal, noting that he would seek that pause from the appeals court if the district court didn’t grant it. If granted in either court, the legal strategy would certainly throw off the trial schedule.

Prosecutors are now asking the Supreme Court to issue judgment before the appeals court makes a decision.

“This case presents a fundamental question at the heart of our democracy,” the special counsel’s team argued in the new filing. “The district court rejected respondent’s claims, correctly recognizing that former Presidents are not above the law and are accountable for their violations of federal criminal law while in office.”

They argue that President Trump’s legal strategy in the appellate court now jeopardizes the March 4, 2024, trial date.

“It is of imperative public importance that respondent’s claims of immunity be resolved by this Court and that respondent’s trial proceed as promptly as possible if his claim of immunity is rejected,” the prosecutors argued.

They claimed that President Trump is “profoundly mistaken” on the law and only the Supreme Court can “definitively resolve” the issues at hand. The court’s granting the writ of certiorari before judgment would “provide the expeditious resolution that this case warrants.”

he former president issued a statement describing the move as a “Hail Mary” on the prosecutor’s part, “by racing to the Supreme Court and attempting to bypass the appellate process.”

He also noted Mr. Smith’s poor record at the high court, which he stated “has not been kind to him, including by handing down a rare unanimous rebuke when the Court overturned him 8-0 in the McDonnell case,” in which Mr. Smith prosecuted former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell.

President Trump reiterated his belief that the prosecution is politically motivated.

“There is absolutely no reason to rush this sham to trial except to injure President Trump and tens of millions of his supporters. President Trump will continue to fight for Justice and oppose these authoritarian tactics,” he stated.

Trial Date

The trial on March 4, one day before Super Tuesday Republican primary elections in more than a dozen states, would be the first of the four criminal cases against President Trump.

The 45th president, who has pleaded not guilty to 91 criminal counts, was also facing a May trial date in a federal criminal case in the Southern District of Florida, which is almost certainly going to be postponed as the judge is set to revisit the trial schedule in January.

In Georgia, prosecutors have pushed for an August 2024 trial start, which President Trump’s attorney has argued falls too close to the general election, likely putting jurors in the position of voting for or against him while they attempt to try the case objectively.

President Trump is also facing criminal charges in Manhattan; prosecutors originally set a March 2024 trial date, but the court is set to postpone the case around the schedules of these other criminal cases.

On top of that, President Trump faces several civil lawsuits, one with trial ongoing in New York and another two set to go to trial in mid-January.

Presidential Immunity?

On Dec. 1, a federal appeals court ruled that presidential immunity doesn’t shield President Trump from lawsuits regarding the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol breach and noted that the court wouldn’t be the final authority on the issue.

In November 2022, Mr. Smith was appointed special counsel on issues related to the Capitol breach, just days after President Trump announced his candidacy. This summer, he unsealed the indictment against President Trump alleging criminal conspiracy in his actions to challenge the 2020 results, tying much of the case to Jan. 6, 2021.

U.S. Circuit Judge Sri Srinivasan ruled that President Trump was acting as candidate Trump in much of what he is being sued for and that his actions weren’t official acts of a president.

“When a sitting president running for re-election speaks in a campaign ad or in accepting his political party’s nomination at the party convention, he typically speaks on matters of public concern. Yet he does so in an unofficial, private capacity as office-seeker, not an official capacity as office-holder. And actions taken in an unofficial capacity cannot qualify for official-act immunity,” he wrote, rejecting an appeal filed by President Trump, who is also facing civil lawsuits related to Jan. 6, 2021.

The judge added that the rejection of presidential immunity in this case assumes truth in the plaintiffs’ allegations against him, which will need to play out in district court.

“When these cases move forward in the district court, [President Trump] must be afforded the opportunity to develop his own facts on the immunity question if he desires to show that he took the actions alleged in the complaints in his official capacity as President rather than in his unofficial capacity as a candidate,” he wrote. “At the appropriate time, he can move for summary judgment on his claim of official-act immunity.”

The special counsel’s office argues that President Trump sought to “overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 presidential election by using knowingly false claims of election fraud” and that he conspired with several people outside of office to do so.

They rebutted President Trump’s presidential immunity defense by arguing that a former president doesn’t have the same immunity and that if he did, it “would be narrower than the ‘outer perimeter’ standard” afforded a sitting president.

The defense argued that President Trump has a history of taking allegations of election fraud seriously, pointing to several investigations he approved while in office, and argued that the speech about election fraud during the end of his term fell squarely within the duties of a president. The special counsel frames the situation quite differently, arguing that President Trump was aware of having legitimately lost the election when he made allegedly false claims about election fraud and “stolen” votes.

In the petition to the Supreme Court, they are also arguing that President Trump has been impeached on similar issues and that the immunity argument is “undercut” by the impeachment clause.

The special counsel has argued, and the district court affirmed, that to grant President Trump presidential immunity here would be to put him “above the law.”

If the Supreme Court agrees to issue judgment before the appeals court rules, it may throw off President Trump’s plans to stall the case past the general election.


America's Heartland Commentary Economy Links from other news sources. Opinion Uncategorized

Hybrid VS Plug in Hybrid.

Views: 27

Hybrid VS Plug in Hybrid. Some folks confuse the two with an all electric car. But the two hybrid’s still have gasoline Engines. And the EV does not. I leave out the EV because I think it’s time still hasn’t come. So below I used a Honda dealership that explains the difference.

Hybrid vs. Plug-in Hybrid: The Basics

You may be wondering: What’s the difference between hybrid and plug-in hybrid? We’ve listed the main differences between these vehicles below:

  • Standard hybrid vehicles rely on their gas engines to keep their batteries charged as you drive.
  • Standard hybrid vehicles use their gas and electric motors interchangeably to maximize your fuel efficiency.
  • Plug-in hybrids use a larger battery that is charged with a 120-volt or 240-volt outlet at your Tampa home. They also have a “backup” gas engine.
  • Plug-in hybrids use electric power until it’s depleted, then switch to the gas engine.

Hybrid vs. Plug-in Hybrid: Benefits of Standard Hybrid Vehicles

There are many benefits that come with making the switch to a hybrid vehicle over a conventional model. To begin, hybrid vehicles can maximize your fuel economy by switching between using their electric engine at lower speeds and the gas engine at higher speeds. Plus, traditional hybrid vehicles are an excellent option for Land O’ Lakes drivers who don’t want to rely on home charging. Since the gas engine charges the battery as you drive, you won’t need to stop and recharge the internal batteries to continue receiving high fuel economy ratings.

Hybrid vs. Plug-in Hybrid: Benefits of Plug-In Hybrid Models

Plug-in hybrid models also work with a gas engine and an electric motor, but the way that energy is distributed is different compared to standard hybrid models. A plug-in hybrid will primarily run on its electric motor until it’s depleted, then the gasoline engine will take over.

Rather than having two engines working simultaneously, plug-in hybrid vehicles use the gasoline engine as a “backup” for when the electric engine is out of charge. The distance traveled while operating solely on the battery is known as the vehicle’s electric range. However, once that limit is reached, you’ll need to plug your car in to regain battery power.

Since you can pre-charge your vehicle, many plug-in hybrid cars offer the range you need to run errands around town or take your commute on pure battery power, allowing you to save gas for longer trips.


Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Links from other news sources. Progressive Racism Stupid things people say or do. Uncategorized White Progressive Supremacy WOKE Work Place

We need more employers like this.

Views: 62

We need more employers like this. A California coffee shop owner in Oakland did what more employers should do. Fire employees who openly threaten folks because they disagree with their views.

They weren’t fired for protesting but fired for blocking a Jewish woman from a bathroom while making anti-Israel comments. This from the coffee shop owner.

“We are committed to working with community leaders and organizations across the Bay Area to make sure we as owners, and our employees, have the resources, education and skills necessary to peacefully exist in this community. We hope to continue to have the privilege of serving our community and to once again being a coffeehouse where everyone feels welcome,” the company posted.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Links from other news sources. The Law

Yes, Virginia the former President is entitled to the DOJ documents.

Views: 25

Yes, Virginia the former President is entitled to the DOJ documents. Smith’s team is arguing that the information requested wouldn’t help the defense team and it’s only a fishing expedition. I ask, how would the prosecution know what the defense team needs? We have this from NTD.

As part of these efforts, defense counsel has requested great amounts of material from the prosecution, arguing that, by law, prosecutors must turn over any potentially exculpatory evidence to the criminal defendant. In recent court filings, the defense submitted email exchanges in arguing that the Department of Justice has refused multiple requests for evidence.

Thus, documents belonging to the FBI, U.S. Attorney’s office, DOJ, the special counsel’s office at large, the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, and Congressional committees are not discoverable, they argued.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic COVID Government Overreach Links from other news sources. The Courts

Will the Supreme Court hear this case on COVID mandates?

Views: 22

Will the Supreme Court hear this case on COVID mandates? The American Freedom Law Center is petitioning the Supreme Court on behalf of four Pennsylvania citizens in reference to COVID mandates. We have this from WND.

The petition explained, “The COVID-19 pandemic created a constitutional crisis. For years, American citizens, including Petitioners, were subject to constantly changing orders that imposed burdens on fundamental freedoms in a way that our nation has never experienced in its history. The cost of these burdens is incalculable. Unfortunately, many courts did nothing, abdicating their duty to say what the law is and allowing this assault on liberty to proceed largely unchecked.”


Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Commentary Elections Links from other news sources. Uncategorized

Privileged White Guy defeats Affirmative Action BLM Supporter For Houston Mayor.

Views: 17

Privileged White Guy defeats Affirmative Action BLM Supporter for Houston Mayor. How can this be? In a city that’s made up of 76% population are people of color, a privileged white guy won as the next mayor of Houston. Below from CBS.

Democratic state Sen. John Whitmire defeated Democratic U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Saturday night in Houston’s closely watched mayoral race, according to the Associated Press.

As of Saturday evening, Whitmire was leading by a resounding margin of 65.27% to 34.73%.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Links from other news sources.

Whistleblowers vindicated. What was the most damaging revelation?

Views: 11

Whistleblowers vindicated. What was the most damaging revelation? Remember when the clown Congressman Raskin said that he believed Hunter and the whistleblowers were disgruntled Republicans( or something along those lines)? The Washington Examinar. 

Now Hunter Biden has been indicted on tax charges, and the indictment is a complete vindication of the IRS whistleblowers. The indictment largely follows the lines that Shapley and Ziegler set out. It says Hunter Biden avoided paying at least $1.4 million in taxes he owed from 2016 to 2019, when he was receiving large amounts of money from Ukraine, Romania, and China. The indictment alleges that Biden “subverted the payroll and tax withholding process” of his company and then withdrew millions from the company without paying taxes on it.

Well these indictments are just the tip of the Iceberg. What I found most revealing is that they also saw the trail was leading to Joe Biden. The higher ups stopped the investigation into Biden.

In closing, again from the Examinar.

Capitol Hill Democrats sought to dismiss the whistleblowers’ allegations. Investigators are often gung-ho, they said, while Justice Department prosecutors have to measure carefully whether a criminal case is warranted. And in this case, Democrats maintained, no charges were warranted against Hunter Biden.


Biden Cartel Commentary Opinion Politics

Fan club greets Joe in L A.

Views: 21

Fan club greets Joe in L A. Flying on two seperate planes, Biden and his wife flew out to LA to pick pocket the Hollywood elite for money for the 2024 Presidential election. But his Progressive fans showed up and let me tell you that they weren’t happy. This from the OC Register.

Meanwhile, throngs of pro-Palestinian protesters gathered not far away to challenge the U.S. government’s support of Israel amid the Jewish state’s ongoing war against Hamas in Gaza. By mid-afternoon, law enforcement had cordoned off a large portion of the park’s open space – restricting access to the side of the street where Biden’s event was expected to get underway – long before the majority of protesters arrived.

As the crowd grew in size, so did tensions – as protesters pounded on cars and blocked some of the roads that led to the site of the Biden fundraiser, chanting “No more genocide” among other things.




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