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Yes Virginia, Harris and friends are Trumps best advertisement for his victory.

Yes Virginia, Harris and friends are Trumps best advertisement for his victory. It looks like Harris and friends are making Trumps political adds for him.

You have Biden saying Harris has been running the government, Biden administration calling for the elimination of Trump. And even Harris saying how bad things have been the last four years.

Even with softball questions, Harris was dazed and confused.
  1. But nevertheless, she persisted with other, substantive questions. On tariffs, for example, she challenged Harris, who opposes Trump’s tariff policies. “But tariffs aren’t unique to President Trump,” the MSNBC anchor said. “President Biden has tariffs in place. He’s actually looking to potentially implement more. Where do you come out on, is there a good tariff, a bad tariff?” Harris was stumped again, attacking Trump’s proposed tariffs for being “across-the-board. The first two sentences says it all.


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