
Why Pfizer and Barr were wrong to withhold information.

Views: 18


Politics Elections

Opinion. The three frauds the Democrats and MSM created.

Views: 40

Opinion. The three frauds the Democrats and MSM created. You may or may not now it but in the past year we have seen voter/election fraud actually evolve.

No.1 Absolutely no voter fraud.

No.2 There is no large amount of voter fraud.

No.3 There is no creditable proof of massive voter fraud. 

Let me explain.

Up until six months ago the left and MSM would tell us that there absolutely was no voter fraud. They would use a study did by the Second Bush administration I think in 2005.

Then this was changed to this. There is no large amount of voter fraud. This came out after case after case of fraud was posted and folks were being arrested.



Under the pretense of compassion, Michigan Governor asks for forgiveness. Forgiveness for State rep who’s non repentant.

Views: 47


Under the pretense of compassion, Michigan Governor asks for forgiveness. Forgiveness for State rep who’s non repentant. Now state rep Johnson claimed she was just using ghetto talk when she made her threats. You be the judge.

In the video posted Tuesday, Johnson thanked her supporters and asked them to retaliate against political opponents by hitting them “in the pocketbook.” She also warned “Trumpers” to “be careful,” advising them to “walk lightly.”

“And for those of you who are soldiers,” she added, “youknow how to do it. Do it right. Be in order. Make them pay.”



Opinion. Why the Supreme Court should hear the Texas Case.

Views: 19

Why the Supreme court should hear the Texas Case. MSM and most if not all on the left feel this is a waste of time. As do some on the right and many Independents. Let me explain why it’s not.

Now we are looking at Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. All four states had laws passed by the legislature. In all four states either the governor or the Secretary of state under the pretense of you’re gonna die ( Covid-19 ) if you don’t do this my way. Totally ignoring what the law was. Here’s where this effects the other 46.

Say Ohio or any other state has existing laws passed by the state legislature already in place. A new Governor or Secretary of State comes into power and says I think the elections should be done my way. Uses some type of catastrophic event as an excuse to do it their way. If that’s allowed, why have Senators and House reps to make laws? Just let the Governor or Another office holder decide what the law should be.

What say you?



Democrat Congresswoman wants a law to protect the baby after the attempted murder failed.

Views: 41

Democrat Congresswoman wants a law to protect the baby after the attempted murder failed. You know the drill, Abortion in most cases is outright murder. But now. This bill protects the child after birth.

The act of murder ( abortion ) fails. A baby boy or girl is born. Well this Congresswoman says let it live. Those with a bad hair day on the left say no. Kill it, it must die.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, seems to be defying her social gathering’s management once more as she launched a regulation mandating medical look after infants who survive abortions, a measure that gave the impression to be much like one her social gathering blocked earlier this yr.

Launched on Wednesday, H.R. 8923 would amend U.S. legal code “to make sure a well being care practitioner workout routines the right diploma of care within the case of a kid who survives an abortion or tried abortion.”

The transient modification resembled laws pushed by Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., and Rep. Ann Wagner, R-Mo., earlier this yr. Each the Senate and Home Democrats rejected the invoice, which might have imposed penalties on medical doctors who refused to supply lifesaving medical care to abortion survivors.




China’s connection to the illegitimate President elect is being investigated for tax fraud.

Views: 30


This is more about Joe than Hunter.

China’s connection to the illegitimate President elect is being investigated for tax fraud. China’s go to connection to the Biden administration may not be available if the US Attorneys office has anything to say about it.

Hunter’s been notified that they’re looking into his tax affairs with the China payments from 2018. CNN is reporting that Joe’s cut of the money hasn’t been mentioned. Yet. Let’s see if this develops any further. We close with this from Gateway Pundit.

Now that the election is over, the investigation is entering a new phase. Federal prosecutors in Delaware, working with the IRS Criminal Investigation agency and the FBI, are taking overt steps such as issuing subpoenas and seeking interviews, the person with knowledge said.

Activity in the investigation had been largely dormant in recent months due to Justice Department guidelines prohibiting overt actions that could affect an election, the person said.



Tell Governor Newsom I moved. Elon Musk confirms his move to Texas.

Views: 6

Tell Governor Newsom I moved. Elon Musk confirms his move to Texas. So who’s next? Maybe California should raise Taxes again.
Elon Musk revealed his move from California to Texas during The Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council annual summit Tuesday.
Musk told the paper’s Editor in Chief, Matt Murray, that while “there’s a lot of things that are really great about California,” he believes the state is taking its success for granted.
The CEO has been hinting at leaving California for a while. Back in May, Musk tweeted that Tesla would “now move its HQ and future programs to Texas/Nevada immediately” after local officials refused to let the company reopen its Fremont factory during the coronavirus pandemic.




Nancy P. will be sweating bullets. Smallest Party Majority in over a Century

Views: 11

Nancy P. will be sweating bullets. Smallest Party Majority in over a Century. HOUSE DEMOCRATS are going to begin the 117th Congress with a razor-thin majority that could leave the chamber effectively ungovernable. Man is this cutting it close or what?

THIS IS THE SMALLEST DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY we could find since 1893. There will be special elections to fill FUDGE’S and Rep. CEDRIC RICHMOND’S (D-La.) seats, and then the Dem majority will grow once again. But special elections take time.

Democrats severely underperformed in congressional races in November’s elections, losing seats after Pelosi predicted a double-digit gain.




Atlanta Mayor denies children the right to schools, but not Hollywood.

Views: 15

Atlanta Mayor denies children the right to schools, but not Hollywood. Congressman Jim Jordan calls out Democrats for shutting down the schools and denying the children interaction with friends and teachers.

Ohio Republican Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) has slammed Atlanta on Twitter for closing their schools but reportedly allowing Hollywood to make movies in those same schools in which they are closed.

Jim Jordan tweeted, “Let me get this straight: Democrats closed schools in Atlanta. But let their Hollywood friends make movies in those very same schools?”

While schools in Atlanta are closed because of Democratic Mayor ​Keisha Lance Bottoms, Clay Travis claimed that the new Spider-man movie will be able to film scenes for their movie in those schools. He said, “They are going to be able to film scenes inside of public high schools in Atlanta for the new Spider-Man movie, but they aren’t able to let ACTUAL kids go to ACTUAL school in those same buildings.”



Joe and Hunter Biden”s New Best Friend. Sends warplanes, troops for drill in Pakistan. China

Views: 20

Joe and Hunter Biden”s New Best Friend. Sends warplanes, troops for drill in Pakistan. China. I wonder what friends of Joe were there to watch? Members of his future staff if he’s elected?

China’s western Xinjiang territory hosted the last Shaheen-IX drill in September 2019, the Hindustan Times recalled on Tuesday. It was the largest bilateral military drill orchestrated between Beijing and Islamabad at the time “with nearly 50 warplanes from the two countries taking part in it.”

The PLA Air Force (PLAAF) has reportedly deployed fighter jets close to the border with India as part of the drill, taking place near Pakistan’s border with India’s western Gujarat state.

Of course this is close to the Pakistan-Indian border. So yes I’m sure Joe’s allies were sending a message to India.

China and India are currently engaged in a border standoff along their unmarked boundary in the western Himalayas following a skirmish between the two countries’ border regiments in the north Indian state of Ladakh this past summer. The June 15 clash killed 20 Indian soldiers and an estimated 40 Chinese troops and was the deadliest military conflict between the two Asian neighbors in 45 years. In July and August, the PLA conducted live-fire drills in the “middle section of the Himalayas” despite officially claiming to have “disengaged” from the border standoff.



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