America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach

Yes Virginia, we will continue to show the Democrats and Independents the real Joe Biden.

Yes Virginia, we will continue to show the Democrats and Independents the real Joe Biden.

Ever since the debate, the MSM has come out and pretended that they didn’t know that what they saw was the same Joe Biden the Conservatives saw.

Now some are even asking for the DNC to pick a new nominee going forward. That’s not good enough. This website and others like it will contine to point out the real Joe Biden.

A Biden donor.

“I had a father who died at 92 but at 81, I took away his car. It’s a very simple test for me. If you were driving from downtown Beverly Hills to Malibu, would you want Biden to do it at night? ”


America's Heartland Black Supremacy Commentary Corruption Leftist Virtue(!) Opinion Progressive Racism Unions White Progressive Supremacy Work Place

Yes Virginia, there are Black Jobs. Just ask any Black union worker who will tell the truth.

Yes Virginia, there are Black Jobs. Just ask any Black union worker who will tell the truth. Sure you have your regular jobs that are mostly black and brown. House keeping comes to mind. But Unions? What Union doesn’t use affirmative action?

Granted a large number of the Blacks are on the bottom. Labor. But those were created positions. Now a few do get in the skills or management, but that’s because of quota systems.

Hopefully under the next administration, jobs will be for the qualified, regardless of color. Jobs shouldn’t be color labeled, but also Blacks need to do it on their own and not take a job because a certain number needs to be filled.

America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Leftist Virtue(!) Lies Links from other news sources.

Sorry Joe Biden. Ameican Solidiers did die after President Trump left office. Just ask the Pentagon.

Sorry Joe Biden. Ameican Solidiers did die after President Trump left office. Just ask the Pentagon.

In Thursdays debate, Biden claimed that not one soldier died under his watch. Not counting training exercises, 16 died. There have been 16 U.S. troops killed overseas since Biden took office, with 13 during the retreat from Afghanistan on Aug. 26, 2021, and three just five months ago in Jordan. Biden also glossed over the large number of U.S. troops that have perished in training incidents during his time in office.

During the debate with former President Donald Trump, Biden said, “The truth is, I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any this — this decade, that doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like [Trump] did.”

A reporter asked Department of Defense deputy press secretary Sabrina Singh if “the Pentagon stands by those remarks.” “As you have reported on, we have certainly had service members pass during this administration” Singh said.

America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. The Courts Trump

Short and Sweet. Winning. Don’t you just love when the SOTUS gets it right?

Short and Sweet. Winning. Don’t you just love when the SOTUS gets it right?

The US Supreme Court on Friday delivered a devastating blow to Biden’s corrupt Justice Department and overturned the obstruction charge used to jail hundreds of January 6 defendants.

Biden’s corrupt DOJ charged more than 300 J6ers with 18 USC §1512(c)(2). Additionally, two of the four charges against Trump in Jack Smith’s DC case are conspiracy to obstruct so the Supreme Court’s ruling on Friday torpedoed the special counsel’s case against Trump as well.

And what does the DOJ have to say?

US Attorney from DC Matthew Graves fired a warning shot to the US Supreme Court – and J6ers serving time for 18 USC §1512(c)(2), the ‘obstruction’ statute pending before SCOTUS.

Graves threatened to seek more prison time for the J6ers if the Supreme Court reverses the obstruction statute. What arrogance.

America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Elections Lies Links from other news sources. Trump

This is what seven days of preparation looks like.

This is what seven days of preparation looks like.

So five minutes after the debate the excuses came pouring in. He has a cold, COVID, I forget what else. It was obvious that Joe was in no shape to take on President Trump.

This was the saddest moment of the evening: Jill Biden came over to husband Joe at the end of the debate. As President Trump walked away unaided, Jill took Joe by the hand and slowly led him as he stiffly took the few steps from the podium to the edge of the stage where she then helped Joe down the four or five stairs in front so he could talk with the CNN debate moderators, Dana Bash and Jake Tapper.


America's Heartland Commentary Economy Education Elections Free Speech Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Winning. Reuters: Newsmax Is Top US News Brand

Winning. Reuters: Newsmax Is Top US News Brand

A new Reuters study found that Newsmax is one of the influential news brands in the U.S.

Earlier this week, the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism released its annual Digital News Report, surveying 100,000 people across 47 countries.

The Reuters U.S. survey found Americans are turning to just 12 news brands offline for news.

And Newsmax was one of them.

Reuters found that 8% of Americans — about 25 million Americans — turn to Newsmax for their news at least weekly.

Newsmax ranked close to well-known news brands like The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and The New York Times.

“Newsmax’s rise is even more stunning considering the newness of our brand, Big Tech efforts to thwart us, and several virtual TV distributors still keeping us from their subscribers,” Chris Ruddy, CEO of Newsmax, said.

Newsmax started as a digital media company in 1998 and a decade ago launched a cable news channel.

Today, the cable channel is available on all major cable systems and through its proprietary app on Newsmax+.

Newsmax also launched Newsmax2, a streaming news channel.

The Reuters study also found that Newsmax is taking close to 30% of Fox News’ total audience.

The Reuters study did not include Newsmax’s significant reach online through its popular app, its website, and its massive social media following on platforms like Facebook, X, and Truth Social.

Newsmax estimates it reaches 40 million American regularly through all its platforms.

Other surveys have also found Newsmax’s brand is rising and resonating among U.S. consumers.

Last year, the Economist/YouGov annual survey of Trust in Media found Newsmax was among the most trusted cable news brands, ranking with outlets like CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and Bloomberg.

Last week, Newsmax announced that it plans to make a public offering later this year with a listing on the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq.

The company cited significant investor interest and its strong growth in ratings and revenues as helping to make the decision to go public.

Newsmax said its revenues have grown over 330% since 2019 and its cable TV and online ratings have been strong.

Nielsen reported that in 2023 Newsmax was the only cable news channel to see significant ratings growth across all dayparts, making it the fourth-highest-rated cable news channel in the nation.

Article originally was found on Newmax

America's Heartland Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Leftist Virtue(!) Lies Links from other news sources.

No Virginia there is no comparison to Trumps Philly crowd. Trump got thousands. Joe got 100.

No Virginia there is no comparison to Trumps Philly crowd. Trump got thousands. Joe got 100.

So, Biden speaks at a high school gym and gets about 100 folks. Including the students and the media. Trump has between 8-10,000. So what do the Biden folks do? Put out a phony comparison. They use an Obama rally photo for Fetterman.

Below is the Biden rally.

Here’s the real comparison photo along with the fake one.

(3) Libs of TikTok on X: “This is a manipulated cheap fake from the Biden team. Biden actually had to block off half (or more) of the venue with curtains cuz he knew he wouldn’t be able to fill it. @CommunityNotes” / X


America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Elections Latinos Links from other news sources.

Yes Virginia, Latinos are swinging Trumps way.

Yes Virginia, Latinos are swinging Trumps way.


1,592 registered Latino voters in seven battleground states – Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan – “Who do you trust when it comes to immigration?”

The responses showed 41 percent trusted Trump more, with 38 percent trusting Biden more, and 16 percent said they trusted neither. Additionally, the same poll found non-Hispanic voters also gave the edge to Trump as 49 percent chose Trump and 34 percent chose Biden with 14 percent saying neither.

America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Elections Links from other news sources.

Why Republicans lose races. Evangelicals not only don’t vote, 30% aren’t registered to vote.

Why Republicans lose races. Evangelicals not only don’t vote, 30% aren’t registered to vote. What’s even worse is that only 25% of Christians even vote.

We get the government we didn’t vote for. You stay home, then you shouldn’t complain. Georgia and Pennsylvania Republicans stayed home and that’s why we lost the Senate.

“People really need to understand if every Christian in America actually voted, we would never lose another presidential election,” he said. “And 30 percent of evangelicals — it’s not that they don’t even vote — 30 percent are not registered to vote.”


America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Crime Just my own thoughts Opinion Un documented.

City and County lockups (jails) need to adjust for the undocumented criminals.

City and County lockups (jails) need to adjust for the undocumented criminals. I remember a few years back that the restaurants in the Norfolk, Virginia Beach restaurants had a lot of Russian students working there. I wondered if it was because they were in a area with several military bases.

Today with the Joe Biden flood gates opened, it makes one wonder what damage can be done. Drug runners, convicted felons from other countries, spies, etc.

Local jails are not set up to handle these type of criminals. So maybe when an undocumented person is arrested, maybe have them placed in a federally secured prison and their trial done virtual. Something worth looking into.