Below are links to articles that MSM usually ignores and hopes that the common man and woman won’t read? Why? They aren’t written from a progressive spin.
Feibush, who met with available staff in person Monday afternoon, called the shutdown a difficult decision, citing rising costs, reduced sales, and the expiration of leases for a business that he said was never profitable during its 13 years.
”But we pushed forward because we understood the positive impact we were making in our communities and the importance to maintain a level of compensation and benefits … that you each deserved,” he wrote in an email announcing the decision to staff who did not attend Monday’s meetings.
Combined with financial and logistical headwinds, however, “the administrative and legal costs associated with your desire to organize has regrettably moved us beyond any cost that we could sustain,” he wrote.
Just one week after staff at the OCF Coffee House informed him of their intention to unionize, owner and real estate developer Ori Feibush confirmed that he would be closing all three locations down.
Coach Lisa Leslie of Team Ryan during the NBA All Star Ruffles Celebrity Game at Vivint Arena on Feb. 17, 2023, in Salt Lake City, Utah. (Tim Nwachukwu/Getty Images)
Get over it. Caitlin Clark is the real deal.
Clark is a female version of Steph Curry and Pete Maravich. And if she was a male, she would be better than both. She’s that good. Sadly she’s playing in a league of women basketball players who are built like NFL linebackers and many resent her talent. Oh did I mention she’s white and straight?
WNBA legend Lisa Leslie was pretty sure that Caitlin Clark was going to make the U.S. women’s national basketball team for the 2024 Olympics back in April.
“She better be on the Olympic team,” Leslie told ESPN at the time. “We should not leave the country without her. She’s a bona fide baller. There’s no doubt she’s already one of the best players in the world.”
No Virgina, changes to your appliances are not good for you.
Ever since this rogue gang came into power, they have gone crazy with changes to your household appliances. Under the fallacy it will clean the air. Contributing mightily to the nation’s carbon footprint. With these changes they say you will save $120.00 a year.
At what cost? This covers six different appliances. Take just one. A new washer would cost anywhere from $1,200 to $2,000. Now add in the dryer, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, and air conditioner.
To save $120.00 you need to spend $10- $20,000. My exact replacement washer and dryer would be $4,000.
That’s a far different wish list than Trump’s campaign:
Biden’s response to a porous southern border
The lack of law and order in America’s cities
Rampant inflation
I would like to see the corruption in the DOJ covered. Also if Trumps court cases are brought up, then so should the Hunter laptop and Hunter and Joe’s family cases and Chinese business dealings.
Doubles the fees for a candidate to request a recount.
Reduces the time to contest an election to 24 hours.
Stops Counties from investigation election fraud, only allowing for reviews of ‘error’
Allows Counties to impose inconsistent and incoherent rules
Removes public oversight and review of election recounts
Only allows fraud investigations to be conducted by the Secretary of State, a highly political office
Creates a felony for anyone who ‘interferes’ with a recount, which could be used to threaten citizens who demand a recount and are unfamiliar with the process.
Yesterday’s verdict represents the culmination of a legal process that has been bent to the political will of the actors involved: a leftist prosecutor, a partisan judge, and a jury reflective of one of the most liberal enclaves in America—all in an effort to “get” Donald Trump.
That this case—involving alleged misdemeanor business records violations from nearly a decade ago—was even brought is a testament to the political debasement of the justice system in places like New York City. This is especially true considering this same district attorney routinely excuses criminal conduct in a way that has endangered law-abiding citizens in his jurisdiction.
It is often said that no one is above the law, but it is also true that no one is below the law. If the defendant were not Donald Trump, this case would never have been brought, the judge would have never issued similar rulings, and the jury would have never returned a guilty verdict.
In America, the rule of law should be applied in a dispassionate, even-handed manner, not become captive to the political agenda of some kangaroo court.
The 1960s were some of the most significant years in American history. The decade saw the Civil Rights Movement and a rising counterculture that reimagined the shape of the American social fabric. Pop music exploded like never before with the British Invasion led by the Beatles and Rolling Stones, but the ’60s were also an intense era of war and political violence.
The decade’s most monumental moments tend to be widely covered, and the sheer number of historic events during this time almost create the impression that every moment was imbued with turbulence. But while the tumult of the decade played out on the evening news in homes across America, many people were still living normal everyday lives — albeit lives that looked quite different from our modern lifestyle. The following numbers offer a snapshot of day-to-day life in 1960s America.
Credit: PhotoQuest/ Archive Photos via Getty Images
42% of Adults Were Smokers
Smoking was still widespread in the middle of the 20th century. The smoking rate in the U.S. reached a peak of 47% of adults (including 50% of doctors!) by the end of 1952. Though cigarette sales declined somewhat in 1953 and 1954 amid growing health concerns, the introduction of the filtered cigarette created a rebound. Through the early years of the 1960s, the smoking rate held steady at 42% of adults. On January 11, 1964, Surgeon General Luther L. Terry published the first report of the Surgeon General’s Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health, a landmark event that brought the link between smoking and disease front and center in the American consciousness. Smoking has been on an overall downward trend ever since: As of 2021, smoking has declined to 11.5% of adults.
In 1966, the national average for the price of a men’s haircut was $1.95 ($19.03 in today’s currency). For women, it was $2.16 ($20.79 today) — unless an extravagant “permanent wave” was desired, which cost an average of $12.15 ($118.57 today). The permanent wave (or “perm”) was a multi-step process to make long-lasting curls, which required additional materials and could take between six to eight hours to complete, hence the premium cost. Chicago was the most expensive city for men to get a haircut in; the average price there was $2.48 ($24.20 today), while Dallas was the least expensive at $1.79 ($17.47 today). But interestingly, Chicago was the cheapest city for women’s haircuts — $2.08 ($20.30 today) for a conventional cut, and $11.27 ($109.98) for the permanent wave. The most expensive city for women was Washington, D.C., at $3.31 and $18.19 ($32.30 and $177.51, respectively).
At the beginning of the 1960s, marriage was still a fairly unquestioned rite of passage into adulthood. The median age for brides in 1960 was 20.1, while the median age for grooms was 24.2, and the percentage of adults who were married was a large majority: 72% in 1960. But the decade brought about sweeping social changes in attitudes toward divorce, sexuality, and parenthood, creating a downward trend in marriage that persisted into the 21st century. Data collected in 2023 shows that the current median age at first marriage is 28 for women and 30 for men, and 53% of American adults are married.
A single dollar bill had a lot of buying power throughout most of the 20th century. The national average price for most grocery staples in the ’60s was less than a buck: A 5-pound bag of flour was 61 cents; a dozen eggs cost 66 cents; a pound of ground beef (which was broadly referred to as “hamburger” even when not formed into a patty) was 55 cents; and a box of generic corn flakes was 32 cents. In today’s dollars, these prices equate to $5.95, $6.44, $5.37, and $3.12, respectively. With the notable exception of eggs (which have infamously inflated in cost since 2020), these equivalent prices are right in line with what we’d expect to see at a grocery store today.
Credit: Three Lions/ Hulton Archive via Getty Images
A Three-Minute Phone Call to Someone Across the Country Cost $2
Though many aspects of daily life are more expensive today than they were in the past, phone service is one item that’s actually more affordable today than it was in the 1960s. During most of the landline era, phone calls to different regions incurred long-distance charges, based on the duration and distance of the call. In 1960, the cost for a three-minute call from New York to San Francisco was $2.25; it dropped to $1.75 by the end of 1967. With inflation, the $2 average for that three-minute call would be the equivalent of $19.89 today. A lengthier conversation could easily incur enough long-distance charges to surpass the cost of an entire month of cellphone service today.
For most of the 20th century, the typewriter was the quintessential office item. In 1946, leading manufacturer IBM set out to improve the typewriter design that had been standard since the late 19th century. IBM engineer Horace “Bud” Beattie developed a mushroom-shaped type element to replace the basket of individual typebars that manual typewriters were equipped with; it solved the problem of typebars jamming if keys were pressed in too rapid succession. Beattie and a team of engineers refined the “mushroom printer” to a spherical shape about the size of a golf ball, which allowed for a pivoting motion that made the page more stable and less prone to small shifts that could result in unwanted slanted text.
In 1954, the team at IBM developed a prototype of the new design. The type sphere was designed to be easily replaceable, allowing for switching out typefaces, thus giving the machine its name: Selectric. The Selectric was capable of printing 186 words per minute and accommodating keystrokes as quick as 20 milliseconds apart with no risk of jamming. It included ergonomic keys, and was available in eight color combinations. It took seven years from the completion of the prototype for the product to go to market, but when the Selectric went on sale on July 31, 1961, the buzz around it was instant. First-year sales hit 80,000, topping projections by 400%. For the rest of the decade and beyond, it became the new standard in offices, comprising 75% of all typewriters sold, and eventually a 94% market share for electric typewriters.
The Appeal to Heaven flag flown underneath the American flag. EDUCATION IMAGES
Yes Virginia, Now we know why white progressive supremacists hate patriotic flags. Now a flag that was flown last year is now being used by known hate groups to try and get a Supreme Court Justice removed. Didn’t work with Thomas and it won’t work with Alito. Below is what this flag represents.
The flag displays a lone pine tree against a white background underneath the line “An Appeal to Heaven” in black bold lettering, a phrase based on the writings of philosopher John Locke, who suggested people must “appeal to heaven” when there is no proper rule of law.
It was originally commissioned by a secretary of George Washington and flew on several military ships dating back to 1775, meant to signify a plea to a higher power for help saving early American colonies from the rule of the King of England, according to the book “The American Flag: An Encyclopedia of the Stars and Stripes in U.S. History, Culture, and Law.”
Also known as the Pine Tree flag, it became a symbol for resistance in New England colonies and was used to rally early American settlers against perceived oppression, “The American Flag” says.
Former Biden supporter? Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
How funny is this? Trump Makes Inroads with Arab Americans, Muslims as They Abandon Biden. What groups are left? Seems as if those with a minority tag, are leaving Joe Biden Who’s next?
Washington Post columnist Josh Roginreported Monday that “Arab-American donors and activists from around the country plan to convene in Oakland Hills, Mich., for a private dinner initiated by” Trump’s former Acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell. Among those in attendance will be Michael Boulos, and his father, Dr. Massad Boulos.
The polling average between six battleground states—Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin–found Trump at a whopping 57 percent with Muslim and Arab American voters, while Biden scored less than half of that at 25 percent.