America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Economy Links from other news sources.

Will the Chinese flag fly over a Chinese EV battery plant in Michigan? You make the call.

Will the Chinese flag fly over a Chinese EV battery plant in Michigan? You make the call. This article first was posted on Breitbart.

The Michigan community of Green Charter Township on Friday lost a court battle to block Chinese-linked electric vehicle (EV) battery manufacturer Gotion Inc. from building a factory near the town.

Michigan is generally friendly to Chinese investments and the Gotion project in Green Charter Township was specifically endorsed by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), who called it “the biggest ever economic development project in Northern Michigan.”

Gretchen Whitmer

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) delivers remarks at the SelectUSA Investment Summit on May 04, 2023, in National Harbor, Maryland. (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

Gotion pledged to spend $2.36 billion on the factory, which is supposed to create 2,350 jobs. The company settled on Green Charter Township, a rural community northwest of Detroit that acts as a self-governing district of Big Rapids, as the location for its battery plant. The township signed a development agreement with Gotion in August 2023.

Sentiment among the township’s residents soon turned against the factory project, in part because Gotion Inc. is a U.S. company that is wholly owned and controlled by a Chinese firm called Hefei Gotion High-Tech Power Energy Co. Ltd.

Gotion Inc. was obliged to describe this relationship in detail in its filings under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA). In those filings, and in subsequent statements by Vice President of North American Manufacturing Chuck Thelen, the company has denied being controlled by agents of the Chinese government and insisted the Chinese Communist Party will not have offices in its proposed Michigan factory.

Gotion Inc.’s planned $2.4 billion EV battery plant is to be built near Big Rapids. (Gotion, Inc.)

However, skeptical politicians and reporters in Michigan uncovered Gotion corporate documents that said the company is required to “set up a Communist Party of China organization” and ensure the implementation of Communist Party guidelines within all corporate operations. Investigative journalists discovered Hefei Gotion High-Tech employs hundreds of Chinese Communist Party members, and its CEO is a high-ranking Party official.

Thelen insisted these company documents were misunderstood or misrepresented by critics and their practical meaning was simply that the American subsidiary of Gotion was not allowed to do business in China. Somewhat awkwardly for the American branch and its CEO, Chinese state media enthusiastically celebrated the Gotion plant as a major step toward the Communist regime’s worldwide domination of the EV industry.

A controversy erupted over whether Gotion had misrepresented its relationship with the Chinese government or not, especially since the new factory would be located within a hundred miles of Camp Grayling, the largest U.S. National Guard training facility. Concerns were also raised about the plant’s compliance with wetlands regulations, and the heavy water use anticipated for large-scale battery manufacturing.

The Gotion project received the blessing of the U.S. Treasury Department Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), but that only added fuel to the controversy, as critics claimed CFIUS was derelict in its oversight duties, allowing the Gotion project to pass without full transparency by declaring the company was operating outside of its jurisdiction.

America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Crime Just my own thoughts Opinion

Yes Virginia Red states have high crime rates. Just look at the large Blue cities in them.

Yes Virginia Red states have high crime rates. Just look at the large Blue cities in them.

There’s a local loon on this obscure website that keeps onbringing up crime. But for some reason always stops at 2020/ Why is that? And this person always brings up crime in red states. So what’s left out?

Look at Ohio. Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Akron, Youngstown, Toledo, and Dayton. Blue cities run by Democrats Compare them to the red cities run by Republicans.

So yes, Red states have a high rate of crime since Biden, but when you look at those red states, look at the blue cities in them.


America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Economy Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

No Virginia there’s no gas shortage. Biden admin to release 1 million barrels of gas, hoping to lower prices.

No Virginia there’s no gas shortage. Biden admin to release 1 million barrels of gas, hoping to lower prices.

So now out of the blue, the Biden Administration is again hitting the oil reserves because we are going in to the summer months where his policy on gas will effect Americans the most. When was the last time this was done by Biden?

During the 2022 election, President Joe Biden drew considerable scrutiny for repeated tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in a bid to drive down prices. U.S. Oil and Gas Association President Tim Stewart, at the time, accused him of using the reserve “as a campaign credit card to buy down political risk for the midterms.”

America's Heartland Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Gun Control

Hey Virginia, do you even know the difference between NRA members ( legal gun owners) and folks of color shooting others with illegal guns?

Hey Virginia, do you even know the difference between NRA members ( legal gun owners) and folks of color shooting others with illegal guns?

The Biden campaign even posted fake news about the NRA and Trump himself.

The Biden campaign posted a clip of the pause during Trump’s NRA speech and wrote, “Trump starts playing QAnon music during his bizarre slur-filled NRA speech.”

Former President Trump was at the NRA yearly meeting and yes my friends the NRA is made up of legal gun owners. Not like the folks of color who are shooting up blue cities with guns that are usually stolen or bought illegally.

America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Economy Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

The Real Reason Americans Prefer Trump’s Economy to Biden’s.

The Real Reason Americans Prefer Trump’s Economy to Biden’s.

Article was originally on Breitbart.

The Progressive Fury at the Public’s Preference for Trump’s Economy Over Bidenomics

American progressives are in a state of high dudgeon, gnashing their teeth at the realization that the American people favor Donald Trump’s economy over Joe Biden’s. This strikes them as utterly irrational, and they’ve spent months concocting elaborate theories to explain why Americans just can’t see that we supposedly live in an economic utopia under Biden. But the reality is much simpler: we were better off under Trump.

In the annals of economic blunders, Biden’s presidency is fast securing a prominent spot. Despite the administration’s self-congratulatory rhetoric on job creation and recovery, the average American remains unimpressed.

A recent Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll reveals that 51 percent of respondents felt better off financially under Trump, compared to a meager 32 percent under Biden.

The issue at the forefront? The relentless surge in the cost of living, a direct consequence of Biden’s inflationary policies.

Inflation: A Biden-Made Crisis

Let’s be clear: inflation is Biden’s albatross. The president inherited an economy already on the mend, yet he pushed through a $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, ignoring clear warnings about its inflationary risks.

The Wall Street Journal’s James Freeman recently pointed out that Biden’s initial economic plan was based on serial deceptions:

His inauguration occurred during a stretch of fast growth and low inflation. Real GDP was growing at an annual rate of better than 5% during the quarter he took office. It has grown more slowly in the years since and of course with the additional plague of rising prices.

This is not just an issue of deceptive rhetoric. The deceptions of 2021 actually helped cause the resulting inflation. That’s because Mr. Biden’s false portrayal of an economy in distress was the justification for the spending spree he initiated despite warnings from prominent Democratic economists. The bogus claims have had highly destructive consequences.

In other words, Biden falsely claimed that Trump’s policies had left the economy in ruins during the campaign, and then he exaggerated the economic peril when he took office to justify a spending spree designed to placate his leftwing base and claim credit for a recovery already in motion. The Democrats feared that if the economy were allowed to recover without a big Biden bill, people might actually credit Trump with the rebound.

KEARNY, NEW JERSEY - OCTOBER 25: U.S. President Joe Biden gives a speech on his Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and Build Back Better Agenda at the NJ Transit Meadowlands Maintenance Complex on October 25, 2021 in Kearny, New Jersey. On Thursday during a CNN Town Hall, President Joe Biden announced that a deal to pass major infrastructure and social spending measures was close to being done. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also announced on Sunday that she expects Democrats to have an "agreement" on a framework for the social safety net plan and a vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill in the next week.The reconciliation package, which was slated at first to cost $3.5 Trillion, would still be the biggest support to expanding education, health care and child care support, and also help to fight the climate crisis as well as make further investments in infrastructure. Congress still needs to pass a bipartisan infrastructure bill by October 31 before the extension of funding for surface transportation expires. (Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)

President Joe Biden gives a speech on Build Back Better agenda on October 25, 2021, in Kearny, New Jersey. (Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)

It’s almost like a children’s fairytale aimed at teaching the dangerous consequences of dissembling. Biden’s first lie about the state of the economy at the time of the election more or less required his second lie about the necessity of a huge stimulus bill in 2021, which in turn required him to claim that inflation wasn’t a danger as it got started and then flip to claiming it would quickly fade once it was undeniable. And then, every time inflation dipped, Biden claimed inflation was defeated—only to see it re-emerge, forcing Biden into concocting fictions about “Putin’s price hikes” and “greedflation.”

More recently, Biden has repeatedly and falsely claimed that inflation was nine percent when he took office. In reality, the consumer price index was up just 1.4 percent year-over-year in January 2021. When the White House was confronted with this lie, it just fabricated another blameshifting tale about the “factors” of inflation being in place when Biden took office.

The Job Growth Mirage and the Income Dearth Reality

Biden’s cheerleaders love to tout the creation of 15 million jobs and a low unemployment rate. Most of those jobs, however, were not created so much as recovered due to the re-opening of the economy. We were always going to hire back millions of people into jobs once the shackles—in some cases, literally—came off the doors of American businesses.

Biden’s record looks less impressive when it is remembered that at the end of the third year of his presidency, the unemployment rate was 3.7 percent; and it was actually a bit lower (at 3.6 percent) in the third year of the Trump presidency. And while Biden’s supporters love to claim that Trump’s record on jobs is terrible because of the lockdown job losses, most Americans see this as the partisan hackery it is.

Americans know the 2020 spike in unemployment was not a result of Trump’s economic policies but because of the pandemic lockdowns. They probably suspect—correctly—that these pandemic job losses would have been even higher if a Democrat had been in the White House because the left was eager to close down the economy while Trump was somewhat reluctant to do so. Would we have been better off if Trump’s reluctance had instead been resistance to lockdowns? Probably. But that’s not a policy Biden can plausibly claim he would have supported.

Signs in the window of a business on Main Street in Walnut Creek, California, on March 24, 2020, announcing the store’s closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown orders. (Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images)

More importantly, Americans understand that their real incomes—that is, incomes after inflation—were far more improved under Trump than Biden. According to a devastating analysis by Bloomberg News running under the headline “Voters Prefer Trump Over Biden on Economy. This Data Shows Why,” real disposable personal income per capita under Biden has improved at only about a quarter of the pace set during the Trump years.

In the first three years of Trump’s presidency, real disposable income rose seven percent, compared to just two percent under Biden. Looking at all four years of Trump’s presidency, income rose 12.4 percent, whereas during Biden’s term, it’s expected to rise just 2.9 percent, assuming continued economic growth this year.

“Real disposable personal income per capita — money available to spend after taxes and adjusted for inflation — is a clear measure of standard of living. Under Biden, it’s improved, but on average only at about a quarter the pace set during the Trump years,” Bloomberg reports.

And then there is Biden’s inflation record. Consumer prices are cumulatively up 19.5 percent since Biden took office. At this point in Trump’s presidency, Americans had experienced cumulative inflation of just 5.6 percent. In short, we’ve had 350 percent more inflation under Biden than under Trump.


President Joe Biden speaks about the economy on January 12, 2023, in Washington, DC. (ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

Both presidents ran up huge deficits to finance COVID relief spending. Trump backed the $1.8 trillion CARES Act in March 2020, while Biden backed the $1.9 trillion American Relief Plan in March 2021. But the timing mattered. When Trump’s stimulus spending was passed, the economy was in free fall due to the lockdowns and social distancing. As a result, it didn’t pump up inflation much but did dramatically reduce unemployment and ignite growth. When Biden’s was passed, the economy was already growing rapidly—so the payoff in terms of growth and jobs was smaller while the inflation cost was enormous.

According to a survey from ABC News and IPSOS, Biden’s approval rating languishes at 35 percent, with 57 percent disapproving. Forty-three percent of Americans report being financially worse off under his administration, and a staggering 81 percent believe he is too old for another term.

On critical economic issues, Trump holds a commanding lead: a 14-point advantage on the economy and inflation. This preference isn’t irrational; it’s a straightforward assessment of who has delivered better economic results.

The Future of Interest Rates and Economic Growth

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powellrecently sidelined by COVID-19, has repeatedly said that bringing inflation down to the Fed’s two percent target will require patience. And he’s confident that inflation will fall to the Fed’s target—and that it will not require a serious economic downturn or outright recession.

Yet the root causes of our inflation woes—Biden’s early spending spree and his insistence at keeping deficits at levels unseen outside of wars, natural disasters, or serious recessions—remains unaddressed. Without a fundamental policy shift, inflation will persist, and interest rates are unlikely to fall, prolonging economic pain for everyday Americans.

Former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally on May 11, 2024, in Wildwood, New Jersey. (Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)

Progressives may continue to rationalize Biden’s economic policies, but the facts are indisputable. Under Trump, Americans enjoyed faster income growth, lower inflation, and a more robust economic environment. The preference for Trump’s economic stewardship is not nostalgia but a clear-eyed recognition of superior economic outcomes.

As we approach the 2024 election, voters are signaling a desire for a return to policies that prioritize economic growth and stability. The numbers and personal experiences of Americans underline the failures of the current administration and the urgent need for a change in direction.



America's Heartland Biden Cartel Commentary Elections House January 6 Lies

Loser. Former Capitol Police officer who lied to lawmakers about Jan. 6, 2021, defeated in primary.

Loser. Former Capitol Police officer who lied to lawmakers about Jan. 6, 2021, defeated in primary. Let this be a lesson to others who try to capitalize off their lies about January 6.

Dunn resigned as a Capitol Police officer in December after serving for more than 15 years. He told the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot, that he was the target of racial slurs and joined support groups after the attack to deal with the trauma of what had unfolded. His claims were not verified by the government investigation.

Dunn said on X, formerly Twitter, that he ran for Congress to “protect our democracy from MAGA Republicans & greedy corporations while also fighting for abortion rights & economic opportunity for every Marylander.”


America's Heartland Commentary Economy Education Elections Free Speech Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics

What Trumps rally in NJ means to the political landscape. On to Maryland, Virginia, and yes Delaware.

What Trumps rally in NJ means to the political landscape. On to Maryland, Virginia, and yes Delaware. So what happens next? I have to believe that this Beach rally has the left scared big time.

Trump needs to hit Virginia Beach, Ocean City Maryland, and even Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Rallies in those areas would bring in folks from border states like NY, and PA. in the east, plus your southern states. It forces Biden to spend money in areas where he normally would not.

The 45th president added that New Jersey and Virginia are also in play as he looks to defeat Democrat President Joe Biden in a highly anticipated rematch of the 2020 general election.

America's Heartland Commentary Links from other news sources. Trump

Sights and sounds of Trumps rally yesterday.

Sights and sounds of Trumps rally yesterday.

We’ve seen the numbers posted anywhere from 40,000 to 100,000. By far the largest political rally in the state of New Jersey. What I saw was amazing to draw such a crowd in a blue state. Below are the sights and sounds from that rally.

America's Heartland Anti Semitic Biden Cartel Commentary Links from other news sources. The Courts

Winning big time. 13 Federal Judges Won’t Hire Columbia Graduates Over Campus Protests.

Winning big time. 13 Federal Judges Won’t Hire Columbia Graduates Over Campus Protests. Let’s hope that this also carrys over to the business world.

In a letter sent to Columbia President Minouche Shafik, the judges state that since the Oct. 7 attack, the college has “become ground zero for the explosion of student disruptions, antisemitism, and hatred for diverse viewpoints on campuses across the Nation.” The judges call for “Serious consequences for students and faculty who have participated in campus disruptions and violated established rules concerning the use of university facilities and public spaces and threats against fellow members of the university community.”

The judges accuse Columbia of having a double standard concerning the protesters, stating, “If Columbia had been faced with a campus uprising of religious conservatives upset because they view abortion as a tragic genocide, we have no doubt that the university’s response would have been profoundly different.” The letter concluded, “Considering recent events, and absent extraordinary change, we will not hire anyone who joins the Columbia University community—whether as undergraduates or law students—beginning with the entering class of 2024.”

America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Crime Education

New Law One Page. Three hours to vacate. Part 13.

New Law One Page. Three hours to vacate. Part 13. This would pertain to any private or public school that receives federal money. Peaceful protest is one thing. Set up encampments is another.

First a permit must be applied for and it must have a time limit. Second if no permit is issued, the protestors have three hours to vacate. Third the protestors are liable for clean up and the cost of security. If the rules are not followed the protestors will be arrested and tried in a federal court.

USC and UCLA were right to clear the campuses, but this never should have gone more than the first day. Filing federal charges means no slap on the wrist.

Nuff Said.