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Jack Smith request to hide evidence from Trump legal team is denied.

Jack Smith request to hide evidence from Trump legal team is denied. Last month Jack Smith’s lawyers asked Judge Cannon to keep documents under seal because it is considered “highly sensitive classified information.”

Excerpt from Newsweek:

Aileen Cannon, the judge presiding over former President Donald Trump’s classified documents case, on Monday ordered the unsealing of documents filed by Special Counsel Jack Smith, who had asked that they be kept under wraps because they could reveal his trial strategy.

On Monday, Cannon ordered the unsealing of documents filed by Smith in the case, making them public, adding that she was “mindful of the strong presumption in favor of public access to judicial documents.”

On November 22, Smith asked that the filing be kept under seal because it contained government plans to delete “highly sensitive classified information” from sharable discovery.

Cannon said that Smith had not provided “sufficient justification” for his filing because the motions did not “contain or otherwise reveal classified information.”

Additionally, a Friday court document revealed the response to the initial order of unsealing in which Smith’s team agreed to unseal the documents, as requested by the defense, though prosecutors insisted on some redactions.

“The defendants did not oppose the Government’s request, but reserved the right to challenge them later,” Smith wrote, adding that a full unsealing could disclose classified defense counsel information about how government’s CIPA motion.

“This is the same information that the Government proposed redacting. Because the Court rejected that position and ordered the Government to provide unredacted versions of the two docket entries to defense counsel, there is no justification for keeping them from the public.”


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Not a Nothingburger: My Statement to Congress on Censorship.

Not a Nothingburger: My Statement to Congress on Censorship
The key question in censorship is always the same. Who’s doing it?

For time reasons, I had to cut my actual address a bit short Thursday. This statement, which began with a nod to Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, is what was entered into the congressional record:

November 30, 2023

Chairman Jordan, ranking member Plaskett, members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to speak.

Exactly one year ago today I had my first look at the documents that came to be known as the Twitter Files. One of the first things Michael, Bari Weiss and I found was this image, showing that Stanford’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya had been placed on a “trends blacklist”:

This was not because he was suspected of terrorism or incitement or of being a Russian spy or a bad citizen in any way. Dr. Bhattacharya’s crime was doing a peer-reviewed study that became the 55th-most read scientific paper of all time, which showed the WHO initially overstated Covid-19 infection fatality rates by a factor of 17. This was legitimate scientific opinion and should have been an important part of the public debate, but Bhattacharya and several of his colleagues instead became some of the most suppressed people in America in 2020 and 2021.

That’s because by then, even true speech that undermined confidence in government policies had begun to be considered a form of disinformation, precisely the situation the First Amendment was designed to avoid.

When Michael and I testified before the good people of this Committee in March we mentioned this classically Orwellian concept of “malinformation” — material that is somehow both true and wrong — as one of many reasons everyone should be concerned about these digital censorship programs.

But there’s a more subtle reason people across the spectrum should care about this issue.

Former Executive Director of the ACLU Ira Glasser once explained to a group of students why he didn’t support hate speech codes on campuses. The problem, he said, was “who gets to decide what’s hateful… who gets to decide what to ban,” because “most of the time, it ain’t you.”

The story that came out in the Twitter Files, and for which more evidence surfaced in both the Missouri v. Biden lawsuit and this Committee’s Facebook Files releases, speaks directly to Glasser’s concerns.

There’s been a dramatic shift in attitudes about speech, and many politicians now clearly believe the bulk of Americans can’t be trusted to digest information. This mindset imagines that if we see one clip from RT we’ll stop being patriots, that once exposed to hate speech we’ll become bigots ourselves, that if we read even one Donald Trump tweet we’ll become insurrectionists.

Having come to this conclusion, the kind of people who do “anti-disinformation” work have taken upon themselves the paternalistic responsibility to sort out for us what is and is not safe. While they see great danger in allowing anyone else to read controversial material, it’s taken for granted that they’ll be immune to the dangers of speech.

This leads to the one inescapable question about new “anti-disinformation” programs that is never discussed, but must be: who does this work? Stanford’s Election Integrity Project helpfully made a graphic showing the “external stakeholders” in their content review operation. It showed four columns: government, civil society, platforms, media:

One group is conspicuously absent from that list: people. Ordinary people! Whether America continues the informal sub rosa censorship system seen in the Twitter Files or formally adopts something like Europe’s draconian new Digital Services Act, it’s already clear who won’t be involved. There’ll be no dockworkers doing content flagging, no poor people from inner city neighborhoods, no single moms pulling multiple waitressing jobs, no immigrant store owners or Uber drivers, etc. These programs will always feature a tiny, rarefied sliver of affluent professional-class America censoring a huge and ever-expanding pool of everyone else.

Take away the high-fallutin’ talk about “countering hate” and “reducing harm” and “anti-disinformation” is just a bluntly elitist gatekeeping exercise. If you prefer to think in progressive terms, it’s class war. The math is simple. If one small demographic over here has broad control over the speech landscape, and a great big one over there does not, it follows that one group will end up with more political power than the other. Which one is the winner? To paraphrase Glasser, it probably ain’t you.

It isn’t just one side or the other that will lose if these programs are allowed to continue. It’s pretty much everyone, which is why these programs must be defunded before it’s too late.

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Cuomo Aide: How We Killed New York.

Cuomo Aide: How We Killed New York.

Madame Lockdown Speaks!. By Ann Coulter.

I’ve just finished reading the hilariously terrible book “What’s Left Unsaid” by Melissa DeRosa, secretary to former Gov. Andrew Cuomo (New York) that is so unself-aware, so arrogant, so embarrassing that I have to review it.

I only read it in the first place because I wanted to interview Cuomo on my Substack, figuring that after his defenestration, he’d be a fun interview. But I’m willing to sacrifice that possibility just to wallow in the awfulness of this book. (Plus, recent press reports say he’s thinking of running for mayor of New York, so it’s topical.)

Most dumbfounding, DeRosa brags about Cuomo bullying everyone into implementing his tyrannical COVID policies — all of which, as we now know, accomplished absolutely nothing (other than causing half a million New Yorkers to flee the state, making 2020-2021 New York’s largest single-year population loss in history).

— First, Cuomo bulldozed the legislature into giving him emergency powers to “institute mass quarantines, order businesses to close, suspend laws and issue sweeping directives.”

His COVID diktats did squat to slow the spread of COVID, but they did destroy businesses, annihilate cultural institutions, kill budding careers, stunt children’s educational development and delay urgent medical care, among other things. (What’s the word for that, again? It begins with an “A” … describes a strongman …)

— Next, Cuomo closed all public colleges in the state and browbeat private universities into doing the same.

In the first year of the pandemic, there were a grand total 648 deaths among 15-to-24-year-olds in the entire country — and we don’t know what other health problems those kids had. Cuomo ruined hundreds of thousands of young lives for no reason.

— Then, he badgered Mayor Bill de Blasio into shutting down public schools in New York City — over the objections of the (wildly left-wing) mayor and the teachers union. As DeRosa puts it, both “were adamantly opposed to closing schools in the city, no ifs, ands or buts about it.”

One week after the governor had demanded that de Blasio close the schools, DeRosa writes, “the governor was done waiting.” He peremptorily called into a local TV station and simply announced that the city’s public schools were closed.

This was the single worst decision made during COVID, as even The New York Times has admitted. The little tykes were at essentially zero risk from COVID. But shutting down schools did irreparable harm to their cognitive and psychological development. 

— Next, Cuomo bullied President Trump into sending the military to convert the Javits Center and the USS Comfort into field hospitals for New York City.

“’This will get Trump’s attention,’” Cuomo predicted of his op-ed. “The piece ran [in the Times] the next day under the headline: ‘ANDREW CUOMO TO PRESIDENT TRUMP: MOBILIZE THE MILITARY TO HELP FIGHT CORONAVIRUS.’”

A kazillion dollars later, it turned out these temporary hospitals were completely unnecessary. They were shuttered after about a month, at which time the Javits Center had a grand total of 72 patients for its 2,500 beds.

— Finally, Cuomo demanded that upstate hospitals send all their ventilators to New York City, leaving upstate residents high and dry. He even forced recalcitrant private hospitals to relinquish their ventilators by calling the CEOs and threatening: “I will personally pull your operating license.”

Everyone now knows that ventilators were wildly overused and killed a lot of patients because COVID confused the oxygen readings, meaning the mechanical breathing tubes were unnecessary.

It could be argued that some of these policies were not known to be utterly catastrophic when Cuomo imposed them. But 1) That’s why it’s not a good idea to give one man the authority to “institute mass quarantines, order businesses to close, suspend laws and issue sweeping directives”; and 2) Now that we do know, why would you write a book reminding everyone that it was your boss who forced these policies on the public? It’s like bragging that he was the guy who made doctors give Thalidomide to pregnant women.

DeRosa seems quite pleased with herself for her own contribution to New York’s ludicrous COVID rules. She was the one, for example, who pushed for a quarantine on travelers from states like Texas, Florida and Arizona.

To his credit, Cuomo initially rejected the idea, saying, “Isn’t that exactly what we opposed back in March when Rhode Island threatened to quarantine New Yorkers?” To his discredit, he then acceded to Madam Ceausescu.

DeRosa was also the one whose bright idea it was to wreck New Yorkers’ 2020 Christmas holidays by insisting on a 10 p.m. curfew on bars and restaurants. She says she’d have preferred to “unilaterally close all bars, restaurants and other State Liquor Authority–licensed establishments” but was worried that “there would be no public buy-in.” (You think?)

To really nail down the nuking of everyone’s holidays, she also “advocated that we limit indoor and outdoor gatherings at private residences to no more than 10 people.”

Again, at first, Cuomo objected, on the grounds that the idea was insane, but quickly deferred to his drunk-with-power assistant.

Amazingly, DeRosa still doesn’t understand the virus she dedicated a year of her life to suppressing. In humble-brag fashion, she recounts her conversation with a senior health official early in the pandemic:

Health official: “'[A]ccording to top medical professionals at the CDC and WHO, by all accounts, this virus acts like, well, the flu,’ he said.

“’The flu?’ I asked, honestly confused.

“’Yes, the flu; that’s what the federal government is saying.’

“’Okay, accepting that premise, can I ask you a stupid question?’ I went on. [This is always the tip-off that sheer brilliance is coming.]

“’Of course.’

“’Isn’t the major difference between this and the flu that the flu has a vaccine?’”

Although the “health official” agreed (naturally), that was a stupid question. A vaccine is not the main difference at all. The difference is: Our immune systems were familiar with the flu but had never encountered anything like COVID before.

The 1918 flu virus is still in circulation, and yet 50 million people don’t die of it every year because our immune systems recognize it. Now that we’ve all been exposed to COVID, it is just like the flu. (Also, FYI, only about half of adults in America get the flu shot anyway, and its effectiveness, year to year, is a crapshoot.)

Finally, it’s nice that DeRosa’s COVID lockdown was a blast, but kind of annoying to have her tell us about it. While poor families were jammed like sardines into tiny living quarters for a year, DeRosa spent her lockdown living like a queen.

She moved into the “Princess Beatrix suite” at the governor’s mansion, which, she says, had “a large bedroom and a separate sitting room with its own fireplace. There was an en suite bathroom, multiple closets to hang my perpetually wrinkled clothing in and an antique vanity.”

While gyms were closed throughout the state, she worked out in the mansion’s gym every day. While pools were closed and gatherings of more than 10 people banned, she regularly worked, dined and hung out by the mansion’s pool.

Once a week, DeRosa helicoptered with the governor to New York City. Whizzing through the city in the governor’s car one day, she describes the deserted streets of the once-bustling metropolis as “haunting and yet somehow beautiful.”

I’m sure little Pedro, who spent his lockdown in a one-bedroom apartment with his abusive father, drunk mother and seven siblings, appreciates these poetic reflections on the empty city created by you, Melissa. It makes you sound like a really swell person.

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Hamas has a new friend in high places. Joe Biden.

Hamas has a new friend in high places. Joe Biden.I’m sure you heard by now that Biden came out and rightly so didn’t believe the Hamas death figures. Well guess what happened the very next day.

President Biden apologized to some prominent Muslim-American leaders for publicly questioning the Palestinian death toll being reported by the Hamas-controlled Gaza Ministry of Health, a new report says. “I’m sorry. I’m disappointed in myself,” Biden told the group, the Washington Post reported.

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Winning. Only 14% of Americans get the latest jab.

Winning. Only 14% of Americans get the latest jab. If you want or did get the latest jab, that’s fine. But don’t come crying when you get side effects, hospitalization, and of course death (of course it’s too late then).

The loons over at VOX call it a miracle drug. But what they and the CDC leave out is that since the so called miracle drugs arrived, more Vaccinated folks are getting COVID, Hospitalized, and dying.



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Efforts to Silence Trump Harm All Americans.

Efforts to Silence Trump Harm All Americans. If you think that these attacks on former President Trump, doesn’t affect you, you’re dead wrong. Be you from all sides of the political spectrum, you will be in danger of government weaponization.

You have judges making decisions before the trial even starts. Judges allowing the prosecution to attack the defense, but stopping the defense from responding and defending themselves.

This from Attorney Bobb.

An attorney for Donald Trump told Newsmax on Friday that efforts to place gag orders on the former president in two court cases not only violate his First Amendment right to free speech, but also the rights of others who wish to hear what he has to say.

Gag orders have been placed on Trump by a judge presiding over his D.C. election interference case and by a judge presiding over his $250 million civil fraud trial in New York. Trump was fined $15,000 by New York Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron for twice violating that gag order, which was temporarily stayed by a New York appellate court.

“The First Amendment not only protects President Trump’s right to speak freely about what’s happening to him, but it also protects our rights as American citizens to receive information,” Christina Bobb told “Eric Bolling The Balance” guest host Sebastian Gorka. “They’re trying to block us from receiving information from the most popular presidential candidate in the race currently, Republican or Democrat.

“This very much is an effort to try to interfere with our ability to understand what President Trump is doing, what’s going on with him with his policy positions, with his views on this. They’re absolutely trying to prevent him from gaining popularity because everything he does and everything they do to him, he only grows in the polls.”

Bobb said the efforts to silence Trump, whether through gag orders or civil and criminal proceedings, have been a systematic assault on the president and the rights of all Americans, from the Department of Justice (DOJ) on down.

“It absolutely appears coordinated,” she said. “A few years ago, people used to talk about the deep state or the administrative state or the political class. Whatever you want to call it, the political establishment. I think we all kind of thought of it as this thing that didn’t really have form.

“But now I think we can see exactly how coordinated it is and how calculated they communicate with folks. If you look at [DOJ special counsel] Jack Smith all the way down to [Fulton County Prosecutor] Fani Willis. A county DA. I mean, this is a local race. This is a local district attorney in one county in Georgia and then coordinating with the state attorney general in New York [Letitia James]. It’s exceptionally coordinated from the highest levels down to simple county officials.”




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Biden just doesn’t get it. No the gas prices are not down.

Biden just doesn’t get it. No the gas prices are not down. They’re still over a dollar higher from when President Trump left office.Folks on X (Twitter ) have been pointing out to Joey boy that he has no clue.

And it’s not just gas that skyrocketed. Food, Housing, Clothes, etc. And did Joe forget that he said Putin raised the price of gas and he had no control of it going up or down. editor @Politibunny wrote, “You don’t get credit for jacking up prices like crazy and then bringing them down a teensy bit. Not to mention you blamed Putin for the increase and said you had no control over it.”

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Democrat Senator tells the AG to stop the White House from phone spying.

Democrat Senator tells the AG to stop the White House from phone spying. We know it’s not Joey cause we know his mental state, but Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland on Monday expressing “serious concerns about the legality” of a surveillance program run out of the Biden White House called “Data Analytical Services.”

We  have this from Wired, And if you’re wondering, this was started about 10 years ago. And who was in the WH back then? You guessed it, the same folks who control the WH today.

A little-known surveillance program tracks more than a trillion domestic phone records within the United States each year.

First disclosed by The New York Times in September 2013 as Hemisphere, the DAS program—renamed in 2013—has since flown largely under the radar. Internal records concerning the program’s secrecy that were obtained by the newspaper at the time show that law enforcement had long been instructed to never “refer to Hemisphere in any official document.”

Following the Times’ story, former US president Barack Obama reportedly suspended funding for the Hemisphere program in 2013. And while discretionary funding was withheld over the following three years, a White House memo obtained by WIRED shows that individual law enforcement organizations across the US were permitted to continue contracting with AT&T directly in order to maintain access to its data-mining service. Last year, under president Joe Biden, the funding resumed once more, the memo says.

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Were laws broken when Bank of America was sharing Jan. 6 Info With the FBI. How many other banks did the same?

Were laws broken when Bank of America was sharing Jan. 6 Info With the FBI. How many other banks did the same? My interest is if the FBI falsely obtained the information.

Did they tell the banks that crimes were being committed by the bank customers? We already know that the FBI and the DOJ lied to get warrants, so why wouldn’t they lie to the banks?

In a 78-page whistleblower report released by the House Judiciary Committee on May 19, it was alleged that in the aftermath of the riot, Bank of America gave the FBI information about customers who made transactions in the Washington, DC, area on or near Jan. 6.

Those who had used Bank of America accounts to purchase a firearm, regardless of when or where the transaction took place, were bumped to the top of that list.

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Sanity comes in the NY Trump case. For now.

Sanity comes in the NY Trump case. For now. A short term removal of the gag order against Trump has been lifted for now. Appellate judge David Friedman stayed Engoron’s gag order citing Trump’s First Amendment rights. “considering the constitutional and statutory rights at issue an interim stay is granted.”

This is a no brainer case that never should have happened. Judge David Friedman of the state’s intermediate appeals court issued what’s known as a stay — suspending the gag order and allowing the former president to speak freely about court staff while a longer appeals process plays out.