Biden Cartel Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics

Time is now. Deter China. Place a military base in Taiwan.

Views: 6

Time is now. Deter China. Place a military base in Taiwan. It’s a known fact that Biden has no issues with China. If he was serious, he would place a military base their now.

At the very least, place part of our fleet and Airforce fighter jets. Maybe a Nuclear sub or two. Countries like China respect and fear strength.

We were in Taiwan up to 1979 with our military. Now’s the time to return. Peace through strength.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Corruption Elections Government Overreach January 6 Politics Reprints from others. The Courts The Law Trump Weaponization of Government.

Winning – MAGA edition: Supreme Court rules states can’t kick Trump off the ballot

Views: 24

Winning – MAGA edition: Supreme Court rules states can’t kick Trump off the ballot

The decision swiftly ended the legal fight over whether states could bar Trump from their ballots based on the Constitution’s 14th Amendment.

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday handed a sweeping win to former President Donald Trump by ruling that states cannot kick him off the ballot over his actions leading up to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol — bringing a swift end to a case with huge implications for the 2024 election.

In an unsigned ruling with no dissents, the court reversed the Colorado Supreme Court, which determined that Trump could not serve again as president under Section 3 of the Constitution’s 14th Amendment.

The provision prohibits those who previously held government positions but later “engaged in insurrection” from running for various offices.

The court said the Colorado Supreme Court had wrongly assumed that states can determine whether a presidential candidate or other candidate for federal office is ineligible.

The ruling makes it clear that Congress, not states, has to set rules on how the 14th Amendment provision can be enforced against federal office-seekers. As such, the decision applies to all states, not just Colorado. States retain the power to bar people running for state office from appearing on the ballot under Section 3.

By deciding the case on that legal question, the court avoided any analysis or determination of whether Trump’s actions constituted an insurrection.

The decision comes just a day before the Colorado primary.

Minutes after the ruling, Trump hailed the decision in an all-capital-letters post on his social media site, writing, “Big win for America!!!”

Get out the legal vote. Tenor Photo.


America's Heartland Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Commentary Corruption Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources.

What a brilliant move. Democrat Leaders Triggered by President Trump’s Rally in Richmond, Virginia.

Views: 19

What a brilliant move. Democrat Leaders Triggered by President Trump’s Rally in Richmond, Virginia. Trump needs more of this. As we see Trumps support continuing to grow with Blacks and Latinos, the Progressive Supremacists are having fits cause Trump had a rally in a blue City and the crowd was very large.

Trump needs more of these rallies in both blue states and cities. Let the folks of color see who is the racist. Trump or some old white guy who in the past has hung out with the Jim Crow crowd.

This from the affirmative action mayor. Hey folks, Levar Stoney here. I’m a member of the Biden/Harris National Advisory Committee. And I’m here to remind folks that President Trump has chosen Richmond as a campaign stop. And I wanted President Trump to know this, that your rhetoric of division and hate and destruction of our democracy is not welcome here in Richmond. We reject those values. We believe in the values of being more inclusive, more welcoming, a place where people belong, a place where people can thrive, and that’s the opposite message of Donald Trump. That is why I’m supporting Joe Biden for reelection, and I ask all of you to get out there and support the president.




Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics White Progressive Supremacy

What a sly dog. Schiff plays the long game eliminate other Democrats.

Views: 24

What a sly dog. Schiff plays the long game to eliminate other Democrats.Schiff has decided that he can’t beat Porter in a one on one, so he’s built up Garvey hoping Garvey finishes second.

In a two way race Schiff leads Garvey 52-38%. But in a two way race with Porter, it’s tied. In the California races, the top two go on to the next level.

Who supports Schiff?

Democrat mega-donor Ed Buck – who was convicted of two counts of distribution of controlled substances resulting in death in 2022, as Breitbart News reported – was another donor to Schiff’s campaign and was also “a social acquaintance” of the representative.

Furthermore, a “Schiff booster” and lawyer named Arthur Charchian, “the head of the Southern California Armenian Democrats,” was implicated in a money laundering scheme.


America's Heartland Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Education WOKE

Mom does what any loving mom would do. Goes after school that kicks daughter out for wearing Trump shirt.

Views: 33

Mom does what any loving mom would do. Goes after school that kicks daughter out for wearing Trump shirt. School claims it was over a flag.

Principal Dan Serrano, in an email to parents on Saturday, said the situation was about safety, not stifling political viewpoints. Serrano explains that the students were asked to leave campus “because they had this flag we didn’t want.”

Nuff said.


America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Climate "change" Economy Government Overreach Green Energy Links from other news sources.

Wind Turbines not the answer in coal country. Or anywhere else.

Views: 17

Wind Turbines not the answer in coal country. Or anywhere else. In 2022, the country’s first major climate policy, known as the Inflation Reduction Act, passed with the promise to speed up that transition, offering at least $4 billion to boost development of renewable projects like the Pinnacle Wind Farm in Keyser.

Keyser got the jobs, all six of them. Nuff said.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Immigration Links from other news sources. The Border

Trumps going to Texas, Joe asks if he can go also.

Views: 12

Trumps going to Texas, Joe asks if he can go to. Last week Donald Trump announced that he was going to Texas. Not to be left out, Joey asked his handlers if he could go to. They said yes, but not anywhere near the hot zones. Not Eagle Pass, but Joe’s going to Brownsville.

Monday almost 5,000 undocumented crossed the border in Texas. Brownsville recorded 12. The Texas governor should send about a hundred busloads to Brownsville so they can maybe pick up their ballots for the 2024 election.


Biden Cartel Commentary Elections Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Biden defeats Pro Hamas Candidate in Michigan. Uncomitted.

Views: 12

Biden defeats Pro Hamas Candidate in Michigan. Uncomitted. Yesterday in Michigan part of Bidens base went for the uncomitted candidate. Mostly Hamas supporters who were upset that Biden didn’t come out 100% in support of Hamas in the war with Israel.

In Dearborn, Michigan The Hamas candidate actually defeated Biden by 1,000 votes. So the Hamas supporters either Support Trump (not happening) stay home, or hold their nose and vote for Biden.



Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

NY State Legislature rejects new state maps. They wish to return to Gerrymandering.

Views: 9

NY State Legislature rejects new state maps. They wish to return to Gerrymandering. The Democrat controlled good old boys network are up to their same dirty tricks. They lost four seats last election. So, they want them back and more. Let’s review.

The people voted for a bipartisan Independent Election Comission to draw up the state maps. Well the Democrats rejected it and drew up maps if used would only leave two Republican House seats. The Court thre that out and had an Independent Court Master draw up the maps. The maps reflected the state and Republicans won four Seats.

Now the Legislature rejected those maps and the new maps drawn up. The New maps took away two Republican districts and made them more Democrat. Republicans said OK and acccepted them.

Democrats said no we want to draw up our own maps so more Republican districts would turn blue. Stay tuned.


Abortion rights? Biden Cartel Child Abuse Commentary Crime Government Overreach Just my own thoughts Leftist Virtue(!)

One Law, One Page, Part 4. Pro Abortion Laws. No federal money for you.

Views: 10

One Law, One Page, Part 4. Pro Abortion Laws. No federal money for you. If I was in Congress and could pass one law, this would be it. When you use federal money for Abortions or groups like Planned Parenthood, an equal amount would be deducted from you.

If a state or even a local community want to support abortions, use your own money. Federal funds should be used for supporting communities, not killing it’s members.

States like California who have Liberal Abortion laws now, aren’t happy with abortion up to 24 weeks. They now want to pass a ballot iniiative where abortion would be up to and including birth.



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