Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Opinion Politics Reprints from others. Uncategorized

Reprint. Dr. Fauch Finally Gets Exposed How The Dr. Mengele Of Our Days Got Caught Lying To Congress. Edited.

Views: 71


Emerald Robinson is the White House correspondent for Newsmax – the 3rd largest cable news network in America. She was previously the White House correspondent for One America News.


As many of you know, I was the first reporter who asked President Trump about Dr. Fauci and the NIH funding the Wuhan Lab of Virology in China at a White House press briefing. My question is widely credited with ending US taxpayer funding to the Wuhan Lab (at least temporarily). It was April 17, 2020. I had asked President Trump the following question:

“The NIH under the Obama administration in 2015 gave that lab [the Wuhan Institute of Virology] $3.7 million in a grant. Why would the U.S. give a grant like that to China?”

“We will end that grant very quickly,” President Trump replied. “It was granted quite awhile ago,” he added. “Who was president then, I wonder?” The grant funding was canceled almost overnight.

My question set off a firestorm in the media. I was denounced as a conspiracy theorist by several corporate media outlets. Vanity Fair ran crappy articles about it. I was the subject of lame fact-checks by bogus organizations. The antiquated TV news show 60 Minutes even had their correspondent Scott Pelley attempt to discredit my question in a segment that painted the nefarious “gain of function” researcher Peter Daszak as a hero.

It turned out that I was right and all those media outlets were wrong. It’s always been perfectly obvious that COVID-19 came from the Wuhan lab in China but America’s national security state didn’t want you to know your tax dollars were funding bioweapons research conducted by the Chinese Communist Party.

It’s also been obvious that Dr. Fauci was lying to the American public about absolutely everything. (Dr. Fauci has funded grafting the scalps of aborted babies onto the backs of lab rats — in case you’re wondering about his ethics.) His previous statements of support for “gain of function” research were all over the Internet hiding in plain sight. The fear of Fauci’s experiments was bipartisan too. The research that Fauci funded on weaponizing the bat coronavirus was so dangerous that even liberals disliked it. A broad spectrum of concerned scientists had convinced the Obama Administration to stop it in 2014.

Who had wanted to start it again under the Trump Administration? Fauci himself.

This led to an insane media scenario that future historians will write about for years: Americans were told to take medical advice on COVID-19 from the same guy who funded the creation of COVID-19. That’s right: one man funded the genetic weaponization of bat coronaviruses in China and, when the mutant virus “escaped” from the lab, one man helped create experimental vaccines — and he makes royalty money from those vaccines! How’s that for a conflict of interest?

In July 2020, Judicial Watch received a trove of NIH emails through a FOIA request that showed the high level funding and coordination with China over “gain of function” research. The NIH had provided at least nine grants to the Wuhan Lab (via 3rd parties like EcoHealth Alliance) for bat coronavirus research. (Officials at the Wuhan Lab had even asked NIH for help with disinfectants!) The emails also showed that NIH officials tailored confidentiality forms to help China control information about COVID-19.

It was now obvious that Fauci and the NIH had funded research that “was clearly part of a bio-weapons program” as Gordon Chang told Newsmax recently. “It’s indefensible what we did. This stuff you can’t do in the USA. What Fauci was doing was saying ‘I want to help China’s biological weapons program by doing this in China!’”

It took a year but Fauci’s lies are now collapsing around him in 2021. The American people know that he funded the Wuhan lab. They know that he pushed for bat coronaviruses to be weaponized. He knew the risks. He just didn’t care. Fauci is not just morally responsible, he’s directly responsible for the man-made COVID-19 pandemic and 3 million deaths around the world.

The credit for exposing the lies of Dr. Fauci should go to many people, of course, but Senator Rand Paul should be mentioned this year in particular. Alone among his Senate colleagues, Rand Paul has sparred with Fauci in public over the latter’s medical advice and funding priorities. In testimony before Congress on May 11th and later, Rand Paul cornered Fauci on a number of issues. Fauci’s insane denialism and hubris were on full display, with statements like “I do not favor gain of function research in China” impossible to explain or walk back. Clearly, the blanket corporate media immunity that Fauci had enjoyed for a year went to his head, as they say.

We must heed Paul’s warnings to Fauci from those Senate hearings for ourselves too: “You do support [gain of function research] in the US. We have 11 labs doing it and you have allowed it here. You are fooling with Mother Nature here. You are allowing super viruses to be created with a 15% mortality. It’s very dangerous. It was a huge mistake to share this with China, and it’s a huge mistake to allow this to continue in the United States.”

Senator Paul recently sent a criminal referral to the Department of Justice to investigate Fauci for lying to Congress after Fauci’s latest testimony (a felony by the way). Whatever the DOJ does with that referral, it’s obvious that Fauci is guilty: there’s two decades of his public statements and his scientific conference lectures that cannot be easily disappeared. And now we have 900 more emails unearthed by The Intercept and released yesterday to confirm the depth of Fauci’s deceptions.

One thing’s for sure: when the American people finally learn the truth about Dr. Fauci and the experiments he funded, there must be a reckoning for the US federal government and for the sciences funded by our government. The truth is so awful and dangerous that it must be confronted: American taxpayers actually paid the Chinese Communist Party to create COVID-19. Why in the world would our government do such a thing? Why in the world would we allow it to continue? Fauci’s lies to Congress (and his emails) are not only the death-blow to his own credibility but to the credibility of the corporate media which amplified every lie he told the American public, and to the credibility of our intel agencies which hid the truth, and to our national security state which got in bed with China to make bioweapons in the first place.


Biden Pandemic Economy Opinion Politics

Who’s Really Not Paying Their ‘Fair Share’? About 61% of American households—more than 100 million of them—paid no federal income tax last year.

Views: 20

Who’s Really Not Paying Their ‘Fair Share’? About 61% of American households—more than 100 million of them—paid no federal income tax last year. First thing that the pundits on the left say it’s because of COVID. And when COVID diminishes?  The share of non-payers will decline to about 102 million or 57 percent this year.

And what about the so called rich? The top 20% of taxpayers paid 78% of federal income taxes in 2020, according to the Tax Policy Center, up from 68% in 2019. The top 1% of taxpayers paid 28% of taxes in 2020, up from 25% in 2019.

What sense does this make? “Imagine somebody who would have owed $1,500 in 2020 income tax until they got two stimulus payments — $1,200 in April and $600 in December,” he said. “That threw them into the category of non payers.


Uncategorized Biden Pandemic Corruption Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Reprint. White House officials resist Biden’s push to purge Trump appointees.

Views: 37

Original article is here.

Reprint. White House officials resist Biden’s push to purge Trump appointees. Many of these folks are former military personal. Spicer graduated from the US Navy War college. He also served 22 years in the Navy.

White House officials appointed by the 45th president are resisting Joe Biden’s push to force them out of office. Reports on Wednesday found the Biden administration told Trump appointees to either resign from military academy boards or face termination.

The move would reportedly affect up to 18 officials including Kellyanne Conway, Sean Spicer and Office of Management and Budget Director Russ Vought. Vought has already released a statement saying he’s serving a three-year term and Biden has no authority to remove him.

Conway also responded to reports saying she’s not resigning, but Biden should instead.

Meanwhile, Press Secretary Jen Psaki stated, “I will let others evaluate whether they think Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer and others were qualified, or not political, to serve on these boards, but the President’s qualification requirements are not your party registration, they are whether you’re qualified to serve and whether you’re aligned with the values of this administration.”

Critics added the dismissal of Trump officials from the military advisory boards is disappointing and against tradition.





Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Crime Economy Education Opinion Politics

My two cents. So where’s the normalcy Joe promised us?

Views: 27

So where’s the normalcy Joe promised us? Joe said he would bring us back better. He brought us back alright, but he left out the better. He was going to create millions of new jobs, get rid of COVID, end the war in Afghanistan with his 300,000 man army, and fix what he saw as a broken economy. So how did this work out?

Inflation, price increases, begging OPEC for oil, ( since he froze drilling and shut down the pipeline ). Oh and more people tested positive for COVID this holiday than last year. And there was no vaccine this time last year.


Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics

This is on you Joe. TRAPPED & TERRIFIED Pregnant US woman ‘kicked in stomach by Taliban’ & goes into hiding as ‘several hundred’ Americans stuck in Afghanistan.

Views: 40

This is on you Joe. TRAPPED & TERRIFIED Pregnant US woman ‘kicked in stomach by Taliban’ & goes into hiding as ‘several hundred’ Americans stuck in Afghanistan. “She was kicked in the stomach, but she was kicked in the stomach well after – as she got through the first checkpoint for hours, waiting for those people at the south point to supposedly come and get her,” Issa said.

So Joe cut and ran. Forget the fact that he said that he would leave no one behind. SMH. Last time we saw Joe.


Joe doing what he does best. Geller Report-WP


Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics

Get out of Dodge. Translation, Pack up and run.

Views: 31

So the last plane took off. Who cares if hundreds of Americans and thousands of Afgans were left behind. Joe is probably going to go on TV and brag how he got out a day early US time. MSM and the progressives will call this betrayal a military success. Historians will call it a sad day in American Military History.

The Pentagon announced Monday that all U.S. troops have departed Afghanistan. The final C-17 carrying service members lifted off from the Kabul airport at 3:29 pm U.S. Eastern Time.

McKenzie conceded that hundreds of Americans were left behind in the country.

“I believe our State Department is going to work very hard to allow any American citizens that are left — and we think the citizens that were not brought out number in the low — very low hundreds,” he said.

He called the evacuation mission the “largest non-combatant evacuation in the U.S. military’s history” and a “monumental accomplishment.”


Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Economy Opinion Politics

Joe lies and what did you think would happen?

Views: 25

Joe lies and what did you think would happen? What happened 8-26-2021 will go down as a day that Americans must never forget. Joe lied and our soldiers died. Is this the icing on the cake?

We’ve had one major screw up after another. The opening of our southern border. The loss of thousands of good paying jobs with the closing of the pipeline and banning of fracking and drilling. The out of control inflation. COVID mess, begging OPEC to produce more oil. And the deaths of our soldiers in Afghanistan.

What do all of these screw ups have in common? Biden saying the buck stops with me. But it’s Donald Trumps fault. SMH.


Corruption Biden Pandemic COVID Science

Real Scientists tell the fauch and white plantationists that you jumped the gun. No jab for you.

Views: 76

Real Scientists tell the fauch and white plantationists that you jumped the gun. A third shot has no science behind it.This is one of those occasions where junk science needs to be debunked. As I’ve said in the past, I’ll only write about COVID when there is something worthwhile.

Now real scientists and medical experts ( not 80 year old junk theorists). Don’t see the science behind a third shot. Now there is some data for moderate to severely immunocompromised, Dr. Chatterjee said. Federal health officials on Friday approved giving booster shots to such people – which include cancer and HIV patients and people who have had organ transplants – after data suggested they don’t produce an adequate immune response after getting two doses.



Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics Reprints from others. The Courts

Federal judge reverses Biden’s policy to limit ICE deportations

Views: 18

Original can be found here.

Federal judge reverses Biden’s policy to limit ICE deportations.  We received another great court ruling on the status of the undocumented occupiers of our country. You just have to love thee rulings.

A federal judge struck down Joe Biden’s attempts to restrict the authority of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to arrest illegal immigrants. Judge Drew Tipton ruled on Thursday that Biden violated earlier decisions made by U.S. Congress with his attempts to narrow the categories of illegal immigrants that can be arrested by ICE.

The judge also said Louisiana and Texas would likely succeed with their lawsuit against Biden, saying he also violated the Administrative Procedures Act.


Biden Pandemic

British and French forces are rescuing their citizens in Kabul. But SJ is using the DOJ to go after first graders without a mask.

Views: 45

Original article is here.

British and French forces are rescuing their citizens in Kabul. But SJ is using the DOJ to go after first graders without a mask. Who cares about THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS? It’s all about the children in kinder garden and first grade wearing masks. SMH.

The Daily Mail reported that London deployed an additional 300 troops to Kabul specifically to extract trapped British nationals earlier in the week. Within hours of touching down in Kabul, the British troops retrieved some 200 British nationals from around Kabul, the Telegraph reported. Prompting the mission were reports of Taliban hunting down former Afghan government officials, along with Britons stuck behind a web of Taliban checkpoints lining the route to the airport.

Additionally, France 24 reports that the French military has been conducting similar operations since Monday. French President Emmanuel Macron thanked French security forces on Twitter for executing a ‘sensitive operation’ which evacuated more than 200 French and Afghans.



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