Biden Pandemic Life Politics

Reprint.Fact-checking Biden’s press conference.

Original can be found here.

Reprint. Fact-checking Biden’s press conference. We have the most accurate fact checks that we could find. Tell us what you think.

President Biden’s first press conference Thursday turned out to be a trip into an alternate reality. In fact after fact, his statements were either was grossly misleading or downright false. Here is just a small sample:

Biden says: “We’re sending back the vast majority of families who are coming” to the border.

Reality: The actual percentage is about 13 percent of families being turned away.

Biden says: “The idea that I’m going to say, which I would never do, if an unaccompanied child ends up at the border, we’re just going to let them starve to death and stay on the other side, no previous administrations did either, except Trump.”

Reality: Trump never sent any kids off to starve to death. Many were flown back to their home countries.

Biden says: “No, I haven’t” ever rejected bipartisanship.

Reality: His executive orders and legislative agenda couldn’t be more divisive or partisan. His COVID-relief pack with zero Republican votes. And he refuses to deal with any Republicans who won’t accept 100 percent of his agenda.

Biden says: “I hoped to get 100 million shots in people’s arms in my first 100 days. We met that goal last week by Day 58, 42 days ahead of schedule.”

Reality: The nation was already on course to well surpass that goal when he took office.

Biden says: “No other country in the world has even come close, not even close to what we are doing” in terms of vaccinating the population.

Reality: Israel has delivered shots to a far, far greater share of its population that United States.

Biden says: “I also set a goal before I took office of getting a majority of schools in K-8 fully open in the first 100 days. Now, thanks to the enormous amount of work done by our administration, educators, parents, local, state education officials and leaders, a recent Department of Education survey shows that nearly half of the K-8 schools are open now full-time, five days a week for in-person learning.”

Reality: Biden’s administration had nothing to do with school reopenings. That was mostly the work of GOP governors and pols overcoming stubborn teachers unions allied with the president. And more than half are not fully open.

Biden says: His $1.9 trillion relief bill put money in the pockets of “ordinary people.”

Reality: Some of it maybe, but $350 billion was also to bail out bloated state and local governments like those in New York.

Biden says: “The next major initiative is . . . to rebuild the infrastructure, both physical and technological infrastructure of this country, so that we can compete and create significant numbers of really good-paying jobs.”

Reality: Biden canceled the Keystone pipeline project on his first day in office, costing thousands of “good-paying jobs.” His green agenda, push for a $15 minimum wage and planned tax hikes will likely cost millions.


Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Joe Biden ‘Will Always Tell You The Truth’ (Except About COVID Vaccine, Economy, Border Crisis …)

Joe Biden ‘Will Always Tell You The Truth’ (Except About COVID Vaccine, Economy, Border Crisis …). So what has he lied about?

His inability to tell the truth about the COVID-19 vaccine, the economic rebound already underway, or the border crisis. Biden won’t tell the truth about the first two because he’d have to credit President Donald Trump. And he won’t tell the truth about the border crisis because he himself is entirely to blame for it.

Biden has repeatedly claimed that when he got to the White House, there was no plan in place to distribute the vaccine and that the credit for the widespread distribution all belongs to him. In his prime-time address earlier this month, for example, Biden said that “I have as president of the United States put us on a war footing to get the job done. Sounds like hyperbole, but I mean it, a war footing. Thank God we’re making some real progress now.”

But the former head of Operation Warp Speed, the program created by Trump to speed development and production of COVID-19 vaccines, told NBC’s “Face the Nation” over the weekend that “90% of what is happening now is the plan that we had.”

How about how all the economists support his 1.9 trillion fiasco?

But as the Cato Institute’s David Boaz points out, “major economists from left, right, and center (are) opposing the plan as proposed and passed.”

Like Greg Mankiw, chief economic adviser to President George W. Bush. And Olivier Blanchard, former chief economist of the IMF. Michael Strain of the American Enterprise Institute. David Henderson and John Cochrane of the Hoover Institution. Constance Hunter, chief economist at KPMG, and the vast majority of business economists. Tyler Cowen of George Mason University. Nobel laureate Eugene Fama. Even Jason Furman, former chairman of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, while saying he would support the plan on a ‘yes or no’ vote, warned that it risked triggering inflation and should be better designed.

And of course we could write a book on what’s happening on the border.

Biden won’t be held to account for his failure to live up to that bold promise about being a truthteller. The mainstream media has, after all, already decided that Biden is as honest as the day is long, and they aren’t about to let anything like his blatant falsehoods get in the way of that narrative.

What say you?

Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics

Come on man. The Biden Pandemic at the border.You own this crisis.

Come on man.The Biden Pandemic at the border. You own this crisis. Undocumented children by the thousands. Muslim terrorists trying to come in. Immigrants from 49 countries overwhelming our security forces. All because Joe invited them. The left and the MSM tried to label it a surge. Then they said it’s President Trumps fault. But they realized he’s no longer in the White House. Sleepy Joe occupies it.

We saw where Pelosi said there were only 641 undocumented children and there was no crisis. Biden and the DHS reported 4,200 undocumented children. Now CBS NEWS reports over 13,000.

In closing, remember one important thing. The previous administration had it right. These folks were criminals and treated as such. Now they’re the new Democrat party base.