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Short and sweet. Who won the debate last night?

Views: 20

Short and sweet. Who won the debate last night? Yes, I watched the two-hour debate, and yes Donald Trump is still the one to beat. I did like that the focus was mostly on Biden’s failed policies, and Chris needs to get a life.

Of course, the four are still so far behind, and Haley is making the John McCain mistake thinking that the media and Progressives support her. VIVEK WON THE BATTLE FOR VP. DESANTIS WON THE DEBATE.



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More proof that masks don’t work. Especially on children.

Views: 15

More proof that masks don’t work. Especially on children. How many times do we have to show proof? I guess some folks will never believe and they will continue to follow the Faucci school of lies.

A new systematic review by Sandlund et al published in BMJ’s Archives of Diseases in Childhood shows that public health officials were wrong to mandate masks for children due to an absence of high quality evidence.

Here’s just a bit of that report.

Results We screened 597 studies and included 22 in the final analysis. There were no randomised controlled trials in children assessing the benefits of mask wearing to reduce SARS-CoV-2 infection or transmission. The six observational studies reporting an association between child masking and lower infection rate or antibody seropositivity had critical (n=5) or serious (n=1) risk of bias; all six were potentially confounded by important differences between masked and unmasked groups and two were shown to have non-significant results when reanalysed. Sixteen other observational studies found no association between mask wearing and infection or transmission.

Conclusions Real-world effectiveness of child mask mandates against SARS-CoV-2 transmission or infection has not been demonstrated with high-quality evidence. The current body of scientific data does not support masking children for protection against COVID-19.


Biden Cartel Commentary Daily Hits. Free Speech Links from other news sources.

Articles making the news.

Views: 20

Below are article making the news since Monday. Just click on the headlines and it will take you to the article.

Mike Johnson’s Jan. 6 Tapes Have Gone Missing.

Kissinger’s Final Interview: Forget a Palestinian State, Let Jordan Rule.

‘His Dream Came True’: Ohioans Decorate Elderly Man’s Christmas Tree He Planted 40 Years Ago.

‘Frasier’ Star Kelsey Grammer Says He Still Supports Donald Trump, Paramount Reportedly Cuts Interview Short.

COP28 President Declares ‘No Science’ in Demands for End to Fossil Fuel Use.

Saudi Arabia Says ‘Absolutely Not’ to Fossil Fuel Phase Down Demand by Climate Crazies

Ex-Capitol Police Officer Reveals How He Decided Jan. 6 Was a ‘Set-Up’


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Was there collusion between the fake January 6 committe and Fani Willis? You be the judge.

Views: 14

Was there collusion between the fake January 6 committe and Fani Willis? You be the judge. A real Committe, House Judiciary Committee released a letter that showed Fani Willis asking for damaging information that the fake January 6 committee had on President Trump.

Remember that this fake committee was hand picked by Pelosi. The only folks on it were members of congress who voted for impeachment.

Willis began her investigation into Trump in February 2021. Yet, she waited until the 2024 election season was in full swing to charge the former president and current leading GOP candidate.


America's Heartland Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Child Abuse Commentary Corruption COVID Emotional abuse Government Overreach Just my own thoughts Medicine Science

So what are your COVID vaccine side effects?

Views: 27

So what are your COVID vaccine side effects? Of course if you didn’t get the jab, there was none. The most common side effects of a COVID vaccine are a sore arm and sometimes fever, chills, tiredness and headaches for a day or two, according to the CDC.

We all know that the main side effects are hospitalization, and sometimes death. The true numbers may never be released, but hopefully people will contimue to tell their story.

Tell us your story in the comments.


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Jack Smith request to hide evidence from Trump legal team is denied.

Views: 15

Jack Smith request to hide evidence from Trump legal team is denied. Last month Jack Smith’s lawyers asked Judge Cannon to keep documents under seal because it is considered “highly sensitive classified information.”

Excerpt from Newsweek:

Aileen Cannon, the judge presiding over former President Donald Trump’s classified documents case, on Monday ordered the unsealing of documents filed by Special Counsel Jack Smith, who had asked that they be kept under wraps because they could reveal his trial strategy.

On Monday, Cannon ordered the unsealing of documents filed by Smith in the case, making them public, adding that she was “mindful of the strong presumption in favor of public access to judicial documents.”

On November 22, Smith asked that the filing be kept under seal because it contained government plans to delete “highly sensitive classified information” from sharable discovery.

Cannon said that Smith had not provided “sufficient justification” for his filing because the motions did not “contain or otherwise reveal classified information.”

Additionally, a Friday court document revealed the response to the initial order of unsealing in which Smith’s team agreed to unseal the documents, as requested by the defense, though prosecutors insisted on some redactions.

“The defendants did not oppose the Government’s request, but reserved the right to challenge them later,” Smith wrote, adding that a full unsealing could disclose classified defense counsel information about how government’s CIPA motion.

“This is the same information that the Government proposed redacting. Because the Court rejected that position and ordered the Government to provide unredacted versions of the two docket entries to defense counsel, there is no justification for keeping them from the public.”



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Hopefully not arrested for a good shoot. LA man protects family and home.

Views: 40

Hopefully not arrested for a good shoot. LA man protects family and home. Early Saturday morning police got a call of a burglary in progress. Police reported that three or four suspects who were armed were involved in a shoot out. One died at the scene and the others fled. Police say one of the others may have been wounded because of a blood trail.

Now we have this from KTLA5.

According to the LAPD, present in the home were the homeowner, a grandmother and a toddler. Video shows the male homeowner being detained by police during the initial investigation, though it is not known if he faces charges.


Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Crime Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Politics

Is the Biden administration just using the weaponization of the DOJ against Republicans?

Views: 5

Is the Biden administration just using the weaponization of the DOJ against Republicans? We’ve been hearing about how ehis administration was focusing on Trump and Republican groups, but some say that they’re not the only ones.

Senator Menendez and Mayor Adams seem to also likly targets of this administation. We have this from NewsNation.

In the past 24 months, New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez, former California Congressman TJ Cox, former Louisiana Democratic Party chief Karen Carter Peterson and former Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum have all been arrested and charged by the DOJ.


Commentary How funny is this? Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

If true, Gavin Newsom’s Wife Intervenes and Reportedly THROWS IN TOWEL to Prevent Extended Debae.

Views: 33

If true, Gavin Newsom’s Wife Intervenes and Reportedly THROWS IN TOWEL to Prevent Extended Debae. Not making this up. This is what NBC was reporting. I guess Gavin’s wife had enough.

According to a report from NBC News, citing multiple sources, including DeSantis aides and unaffiliated individuals, Jennifer Siebel Newsom intervened on her husband’s behalf during a commercial break, saying, “We’re done.”

According to four sources in the DeSantis camp — one who witnessed the moment in the room and three others who were standing backstage (where there was no press or live studio audience) — Newsom’s wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, came into the debate room on at least two occasions to raise some objections.

She also made her way to the stage during the break after the candidates agreed to extend the debate and put an end to it.

A fifth source on the ground, unaffiliated with either campaign, confirmed that Siebel Newsom ended the debate on her husband’s behalf, saying, “We’re done.”


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Not a Nothingburger: My Statement to Congress on Censorship.

Views: 17

Not a Nothingburger: My Statement to Congress on Censorship
The key question in censorship is always the same. Who’s doing it?

For time reasons, I had to cut my actual address a bit short Thursday. This statement, which began with a nod to Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, is what was entered into the congressional record:

November 30, 2023

Chairman Jordan, ranking member Plaskett, members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to speak.

Exactly one year ago today I had my first look at the documents that came to be known as the Twitter Files. One of the first things Michael, Bari Weiss and I found was this image, showing that Stanford’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya had been placed on a “trends blacklist”:

This was not because he was suspected of terrorism or incitement or of being a Russian spy or a bad citizen in any way. Dr. Bhattacharya’s crime was doing a peer-reviewed study that became the 55th-most read scientific paper of all time, which showed the WHO initially overstated Covid-19 infection fatality rates by a factor of 17. This was legitimate scientific opinion and should have been an important part of the public debate, but Bhattacharya and several of his colleagues instead became some of the most suppressed people in America in 2020 and 2021.

That’s because by then, even true speech that undermined confidence in government policies had begun to be considered a form of disinformation, precisely the situation the First Amendment was designed to avoid.

When Michael and I testified before the good people of this Committee in March we mentioned this classically Orwellian concept of “malinformation” — material that is somehow both true and wrong — as one of many reasons everyone should be concerned about these digital censorship programs.

But there’s a more subtle reason people across the spectrum should care about this issue.

Former Executive Director of the ACLU Ira Glasser once explained to a group of students why he didn’t support hate speech codes on campuses. The problem, he said, was “who gets to decide what’s hateful… who gets to decide what to ban,” because “most of the time, it ain’t you.”

The story that came out in the Twitter Files, and for which more evidence surfaced in both the Missouri v. Biden lawsuit and this Committee’s Facebook Files releases, speaks directly to Glasser’s concerns.

There’s been a dramatic shift in attitudes about speech, and many politicians now clearly believe the bulk of Americans can’t be trusted to digest information. This mindset imagines that if we see one clip from RT we’ll stop being patriots, that once exposed to hate speech we’ll become bigots ourselves, that if we read even one Donald Trump tweet we’ll become insurrectionists.

Having come to this conclusion, the kind of people who do “anti-disinformation” work have taken upon themselves the paternalistic responsibility to sort out for us what is and is not safe. While they see great danger in allowing anyone else to read controversial material, it’s taken for granted that they’ll be immune to the dangers of speech.

This leads to the one inescapable question about new “anti-disinformation” programs that is never discussed, but must be: who does this work? Stanford’s Election Integrity Project helpfully made a graphic showing the “external stakeholders” in their content review operation. It showed four columns: government, civil society, platforms, media:

One group is conspicuously absent from that list: people. Ordinary people! Whether America continues the informal sub rosa censorship system seen in the Twitter Files or formally adopts something like Europe’s draconian new Digital Services Act, it’s already clear who won’t be involved. There’ll be no dockworkers doing content flagging, no poor people from inner city neighborhoods, no single moms pulling multiple waitressing jobs, no immigrant store owners or Uber drivers, etc. These programs will always feature a tiny, rarefied sliver of affluent professional-class America censoring a huge and ever-expanding pool of everyone else.

Take away the high-fallutin’ talk about “countering hate” and “reducing harm” and “anti-disinformation” is just a bluntly elitist gatekeeping exercise. If you prefer to think in progressive terms, it’s class war. The math is simple. If one small demographic over here has broad control over the speech landscape, and a great big one over there does not, it follows that one group will end up with more political power than the other. Which one is the winner? To paraphrase Glasser, it probably ain’t you.

It isn’t just one side or the other that will lose if these programs are allowed to continue. It’s pretty much everyone, which is why these programs must be defunded before it’s too late.


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