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Catholics, Jews, and Muslims unite against anti religious Michigan law.

Views: 36

The Michigan civil rights law was amended to allow the state to dictate who the religious schools hire. Parents from Sacred Heart Academy in Grand Rapids have filed a federal lawsuit against Michigan officials.

Catholics, Jews, and Muslims unite against anti religious Michigan law. Three major religions in America are united as one when it comes to a civil rights law that was amended to go after Conservative religious beliefs.

The lawsuit has gained support from the Jewish Coalition for Religious Liberty and the Religious Freedom Institute’s Islam and Religious Freedom Action Team, both of which say the legislation will have “an especially deleterious effect” on minority faiths, according to a report from Fox News.

The Michigan Civil Rights Act was amended to cover sexual orientation and gender identity but “provided no protection for religious organizations that believe marriage between one man and one woman and the immutability of sex support human flourishing,” according to Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), who is representing Sacred Heart.

“The missing protections mean that the change to the law requires Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish and its school, Sacred Heart Academy, to hire faculty and staff who lead lives in direct opposition to the Catholic faith, speak messages that violate Church doctrine, and decline to articulate Catholic beliefs in teaching students and when advertising the school to prospective students or job applicants,” ADF said in a statement.



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Efforts to Silence Trump Harm All Americans.

Views: 13

Efforts to Silence Trump Harm All Americans. If you think that these attacks on former President Trump, doesn’t affect you, you’re dead wrong. Be you from all sides of the political spectrum, you will be in danger of government weaponization.

You have judges making decisions before the trial even starts. Judges allowing the prosecution to attack the defense, but stopping the defense from responding and defending themselves.

This from Attorney Bobb.

An attorney for Donald Trump told Newsmax on Friday that efforts to place gag orders on the former president in two court cases not only violate his First Amendment right to free speech, but also the rights of others who wish to hear what he has to say.

Gag orders have been placed on Trump by a judge presiding over his D.C. election interference case and by a judge presiding over his $250 million civil fraud trial in New York. Trump was fined $15,000 by New York Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron for twice violating that gag order, which was temporarily stayed by a New York appellate court.

“The First Amendment not only protects President Trump’s right to speak freely about what’s happening to him, but it also protects our rights as American citizens to receive information,” Christina Bobb told “Eric Bolling The Balance” guest host Sebastian Gorka. “They’re trying to block us from receiving information from the most popular presidential candidate in the race currently, Republican or Democrat.

“This very much is an effort to try to interfere with our ability to understand what President Trump is doing, what’s going on with him with his policy positions, with his views on this. They’re absolutely trying to prevent him from gaining popularity because everything he does and everything they do to him, he only grows in the polls.”

Bobb said the efforts to silence Trump, whether through gag orders or civil and criminal proceedings, have been a systematic assault on the president and the rights of all Americans, from the Department of Justice (DOJ) on down.

“It absolutely appears coordinated,” she said. “A few years ago, people used to talk about the deep state or the administrative state or the political class. Whatever you want to call it, the political establishment. I think we all kind of thought of it as this thing that didn’t really have form.

“But now I think we can see exactly how coordinated it is and how calculated they communicate with folks. If you look at [DOJ special counsel] Jack Smith all the way down to [Fulton County Prosecutor] Fani Willis. A county DA. I mean, this is a local race. This is a local district attorney in one county in Georgia and then coordinating with the state attorney general in New York [Letitia James]. It’s exceptionally coordinated from the highest levels down to simple county officials.”





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Who will they come for next? Progressives goal to wipe out diversity and social disagreement.

Views: 14

Who will they come for next? Progressives goal to wipe out diversity and social disagreement. Have you noticed that those who claim that diversity is their goal want only those who think like they do?

The target since the Obama age was only single white males, then females, and white married couples were added. Children were the last that were added to the list. And maybe they will achieve their goal when they import the new China virus.

Ann Coulter did a take on a famous poem I’m sure you will recognize. Whites are still the main target, but only the beginning.

First they came for working class whites and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a working class white.

Then they came for white police officers and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a white police officer.

Then they came for white women who call the police, and I did not speak out-
Because I was not a white women who calls the police.

Then they came for the white college applicants, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a white college applicant.

Then they came for statues of white male American heroes and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a white male American hero.

Then they came for whites applying for jobs with the S&P 100 and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a white applying for a job with the S&P 100.

And so on.


Biden Cartel Commentary Opinion Uncategorized

Just how scared is the left?

Views: 26


Just how scared is the left? Axios did this big article about two weeks ago about the plans for a Trump takeover when and if he wins the 2024 Election. My friends the fear is real. You need to read the whole article, but here’s just a part.

Former President Trump’s allies are pre-screening the ideologies of thousands of potential foot soldiers, as part of an unprecedented operation to centralize and expand his power at every level of the U.S. government if he wins in 2024, officials involved in the effort tell Axios.

Why it matters: Hundreds of people are spending tens of millions of dollars to install a pre-vetted, pro-Trump army of up to 54,000 loyalists across government to rip off the restraints imposed on the previous 46 presidents.

  • The screening for ready-to-serve loyalists has already begun, driven in part by artificial intelligence from tech giant Oracle, contracted for the project.
  • Social media histories are already being plumbed.



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So, why is the MSM and white progressives afraid of the complete January 6 videos?

Views: 19

So, why is the MSM and white progressives afraid of the complete January 6 videos? Truth be told, facts are facts, and with tens of thousands of folks at the Trump rally and the Capitol, the scene was mostly peaceful.

We had a fake commission of Pelosi handpicked partisans who voted for impeachment. Now that we have the 44,000 hours of video, let’s have a real commission.

Make it small. 2 Democrats and three Republicans. And open up the hearing with Trumps full statement on a peaceful protest. What say you?



Commentary How funny is this? Life Links from other news sources. Uncategorized

Funny Church Signs That May Make You Chuckle.

Views: 21

Funny Church Signs That May Make You Chuckle. I’m sure you’ve seen them. The church signs that are used to draw folks in. Many are humorous and if you don’t stop in, I’m sure you read them and tell others. So let’s begin.

Tweet Others As You Would Like to Be Tweeted

Church Signs So Funny It Might Be A SIn Sin Burn Is Prevented By Son Screen

Church Signs So Funny It Might Be A Sin Bring Your Sin To The Altar And Drop It Like It's Hot

Church Signs So Funny It Might Be A Sin Whoever Is Praying For Snow Please Stop



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Ann Coulter on Joy-Ann Reid.

Views: 24

Ann Coulter on Joy-Ann Reid. From 2021 but so relevant still.


You were admitted to Harvard with SAT scores that would have gotten an Asian kid disowned by his parents.

You manage to keep your show at MSNBC with ratings that would get a white person canceled.

People try harder to laugh at your excruciating jokes than they would for a male of any race.

Plus, I have it on good authority that no one at MSNBC has pestered you about touching your hair.

Your brief daytime show on MSNBC made ratings history, garnering only 38,000 viewers in the demo its first day on air — the lowest for the entire network! That inched up to 56,000 viewers two days later, the second lowest for the network. Ronan Farrow’s show debuted the same week. But while he was quickly cashiered for poor ratings, you were promoted, even though he is white and you are black. Dodged a bullet there!

You weren’t prosecuted for making a false FBI report when you claimed that right-wing saboteurs had hacked your blog, planting long, venomous threads about gay people. It seems your go-to attack for celebrities and Republicans is to accuse them of being gay. (For example, you described Dick Cheney “topping off” Sean Hannity — gay slang for oral sex — and repeatedly ran your “Top 5 ‘totally not gay celebrities of the year.'”)

Nor were you fired for your preposterous, and quickly disproved, lies about having been hacked when it was you who mocked people for being gay — including Oprah.

Your many, many blog posts sneering at gays were written just 10 years earlier, when you were an adult and a professional journalist. Meanwhile, teenagers — even white ones! — are being thrown out of college for the stupid things they said on Snapchat when they were 15. But you came through like a champ, without consequence — despite being black!

Indeed, instead of firing you, MSNBC gave you a prime-time show. This is the network that canned Chris Matthews (astonishingly, another white male) for telling girls they’re pretty. And who took the humiliated Matthews’ time slot? YOU DID! Despite the fact that he is white and you are black.

Actually, if you think about it, in a deeply racist, majority-white country, you’ve done pretty well issuing nonstop libels against white people. Here are three recent quotes:

Joy-Ann: “I’ll say it again: People on the right would trade all the tax cuts for the ability to openly say the N-word like in ‘the good old days.’”

That comment, like many made by you, seems at variance with the facts and not based in reality. But has your delusional hatred of white Americans held you back? Not so’s you’d notice.

Joy-Ann: “Your kid can’t read certain books or learn about history while their kids get Christian prayer in school and get to hurl the n-word on Twitter with no consequences.”

Did kids “hurl the n-word” at your high school, Joy-Ann? You know, the high school in Denver, Colorado, in the 1980s? My heart wants to believe you, but my head is telling me, “This woman is a lunatic fantasist.”

I’ll tell you why I say that. Just 10 years after you matriculated at Denver’s diverse Montbello High School, a Nation of Islam minister was invited to speak, whereupon he told the assembly (all boys, no girls allowed) that, while blacks were building the Egyptian pyramids, white people “ate their dead” and “slept with animals.” Even you have to admit, THAT wasn’t racist.

Joy-Ann: [Thanksgiving is] “a simplistic fairytale interpretation of a 1621 encounter between Indigenous tribes and English settlers that erases the genocide that followed.”

Wow. People who are actually descended from American slaves — Joy-Ann is not one of them — don’t hate white Americans that much. Yet, strangely, white Americans, despite being white, haven’t held that against you.

Your immigrant parents came here in the late 1960s, settling in Iowa. Perhaps you rank Iowa up there with Denver as a bastion of Jim Crow, but even you would have to concede it was a step up from Guyana and the Congo.

While having zero American slave ancestry, you have managed to elbow aside actual descendants of American slaves (DOAS), gobbling up the benefits earned by their ancestors’ suffering and intended for them. That was a good deal for you!

Finally, notwithstanding the White Power Structure, you have a job that reportedly pays millions of dollars a year, which is more than 99.9% of Americans make — even several white ones! All in all, that doesn’t sound so bad.



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Story’s we missed. Yes Virginia the vaccinated children were more vulnerable then unvaccinated children.

Views: 32

Story’s we missed. Yes Virginia the vaccinated children were more vulnerable then unvaccinated children. There have been numerous studies on this, but one we missed was one that was buried on the NIH site.

In this study, which only allowed for the calculation of unadjusted observational associations, higher ORs were observed within the vaccinated versus unvaccinated group for developmental delays, asthma and ear infections.

Now odds are that there are other studies posted on the NIH that shows other incidents where the vaccinated children suffered greatly. Sadly we won’t know until there’s a Republican in the White House.

“The CDC has never looked at long-term health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children,” attested Professor Brian Hooker, Ph.D., during a presentation to the World Council of Health.



America's Heartland Commentary Free Speech Life Links from other news sources. Public Service Announcement

The true story of Thanksgiving.

Views: 28

The true story of Thanksgiving. The great one did this for several years and no-one could do it better. Kick back and enjoy the one and only true master of Conservatism and talk. Rush Limbaugh.

I first started listening to Rush back in 1988 when he was working in Sacramento ( one of the few things that came out of a shit hole ).

His Thanksgiving message became an annual tradition over the years. Limbaugh recounted the “True Story of Thanksgiving” in his book See, I Told You So. He also included the true story in his Rush Revere series.

“The point is, The True Story of Thanksgiving is spreading, and I couldn’t be happier about that. Bottom line: It is spreading. I’m just gonna cut to the chase here before getting into reading the text. The Real Story of Thanksgiving, going back to the very first early days of the Pilgrims arriving at Plymouth Rock, is that socialism failed,” Limbaugh said during his final Thanksgiving radio broadcast.




Censorship Commentary Just my own thoughts Leftist Virtue(!) Progressive Racism Public Service Announcement Racism Racism.

When did ‘thug’ become a specifically ‘racist’ slur?

Views: 66

Recently, one of our Moderators — one of the nicest, if longwinded, people you will ever meet — was banned from a Disqus house channel for using the word “thug.” The moderator, Kandy and Iodine Tabs stated it was racist to “people of color.” Oh. Really?

‘Thug’ is an oft-used derogatory term, and it turns out the Thuggees of India were actually pretty horrible people.

The word “thug” has been in the American lexicon for a long time, but the origins of the word date well past even the founding of the United States. “Thug” finds its roots in the Hindi word “thag,” which translates into “thief,” and the Sanskrit word “sthagati”, which means “to conceal.”

The first reference to thugs dates back to the writings of Ziau-d din Barni, a Muslim political thinker and writer, in 1356.

The original thugs were members of the Thuggee tribe, a professional class of organized criminals who swindled, robbed, and murdered travelers across the Indian subcontinent from as early as the 14th century. Tracing their origins back to seven Muslim tribes, both Muslim and later Hindu members worshipped Mother Kali, the goddess of destruction.

The Thuggees would join caravans as fellow travelers, gaining their trust until they reached a remote place where it would be safe to attack.

At times, different members would secretly join at different legs throughout the journey, pretending not to know each other, until the Thuggees outnumbered the caravan’s travelers. They would then rob and murder the caravan members. The typical method of murder was strangulation, usually with nooses, leading the British soldiers to nickname them “phansigars” or “noose-operators.”

Once the travelers were dead, the Thuggee members would then dispose of the bodies before stealing the caravan’s belongings and escaping. Various historical estimates place the number of their victims somewhere between 50,000 to 2 million people over the years.

It was largely a hereditary profession with membership being passed down from fathers to sons. However, in some cases, the Thuggees spared the lives of young caravan members, instead adopting them and grooming them to become a part of the Thuggee class, and it was not unheard of that an outsider could befriend and then be recruited by members of the Thuggee tribe.

It wasn’t until the 1830s when the British governor-general of India, Lord William Bentinck, and Captain William Sleeman – British soldier and civil servant – worked to eradicate the Thuggee threat in India.

Relying on captured informants, they were able to try, convict, and sentence around 2,000 Thuggee members. Despite British claims that the Thuggee criminals had been all but erased from India by the 1870s, they remained pervasive in the cultural conscience of the British. English and later American writers in the 19th century continued to write about the Thuggee class and were responsible for introducing the word “thug” to the wider English speaking population.

While the word has morphed over time, adopting different nuances and cultural significance, the original conception of a thug as someone who operates outside the law has changed little in the last few hundred years.

Link here

The first printed reference to a “thug” appeared in Ziau-d din Barni’s History of Fīrūz Shāh, which was written in about 1356. However, the Thuggees as a group weren’t “discovered” by the British or even widely discussed until the 1830s. That’s when the British governor-general of India, Lord William Bentinck, and Capt. William Sleeman made a concerted effort to eradicate the thuggees from India.

Nearly 4,000 thugs were discovered and, of those, about 2,000 were convicted; the remaining were either sentenced to death or transported within the next six years. Sleeman then declared the thuggee to be completely eradicated.

This is a graphic that comes up when you look for “thug.” Is he white or POC?

Mark Twain wrote extensively about the thuggees in two chapters of his classic 1897 travelogue, Following the Equator. As critic Gladys Carmen Bellamy notes, Twain “found India a strange and sinister land,” and these feelings are quite clear in his descriptions of Thuggees. Twain devotes page after page of the book to describing exactly how the Thugs killed their victims; one chapter is titled “Eradication of Thuggee.”

Twain also draws a parallel between India’s Thugs and Westerners in this passage:

“The joy of killing! The joy of seeing killing done — these are the traits of the human race at large. We White people are merely modified Thugs; Thugs fretting under the restraints of a not very thick skin of civilization; Thugs who not long ago enjoyed the slaughter of the Roman arena …”

Gee, I guess Mark Twain was wrong, at least according to this Discus house channel moderator.

A thug is a  thug, no matter how much melanin s/he has.  It is someone operating outside the law. To claim that the term is inherently discriminatory against “People of Color” seems absurd and is itself racist.

How many blacks proudly use the term themselves? But if a white person uses it to describe ANY person, it’s racist?

Here in the United States, the word thug has long been a staple in rap lyrics. According to the invaluable site Rap Genius, “thug” appears in either the name of the artist or in the lyrics of over 4,800 songs. And Tupac Shakur famously had “Thug Life” tattooed across his abdomen.

Not everyone is happy with the prevalence of thug culture in hip-hop. As Tricia Rose writes in her book The Hip Hop Wars: What We Talk About When We Talk About Hip Hop and Why It Matters: “The thug both represents a product of discriminatory conditions and embodies behaviors that injure the very communities from which it comes.”

In the publishing world, “thug lit” refers to a genre of fiction that is trying to break into the mainstream. Best-selling author Wahida Clark’s website calls her the “Queen of Street Literature.” Clark is signed to Cash Money Content, a Simon and Schuster imprint that’s operated by the Cash Money record label, which is home to rappers Nicki Minaj, Lil Wayne and Drake.

I guess Kandy has been into the thug life a little too much.

So if a white person uses it, it’s “cultural appropriation” and “racist.”

And on the subject of racism, African-descent people are racist against fellow ‘blacks’ depending on how dark their respective skin color is. Talk about the pot & kettle… This last meme says it all, Kandy.



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