America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Lies Links from other news sources. Uncategorized

Fact Checking Biden’s State of the Union Hate Speech.

Fact Checking Biden’s State of the Union Hate Speech. So who didn’t Biden attack last night? The address wasn’t about the state of the union, but about the lies Biden has been telling for the pst three years. Even the MSM was nailing his lies to the Wall.

From the Washington Post.

“And now instead of importing foreign products and exporting American jobs, we’re exporting American products and creating American jobs — right here in America where they belong!”

Biden is being a bit slippery here because he’s only telling only part of the story. Exports are up, which means more U.S. products are being shipped overseas. But that does not necessarily mean jobs are no longer being shipped overseas. Imports are also up during his presidency, though they fell a bit last year.

According to the Census Bureau, exports in goods and services have climbed from $2.16 trillion in 2020 to $3.05 trillion in 2023.

But imports have also gone up, from $2.81 trillion in 2020 to $3.8 trillion last year. That total was down 3.7 percent from 2022, bringing the trade deficit down with it.

The trade figures obscure the fact that many manufacturers import goods that they use to manufacture products that are later shipped overseas. Some of those imports represent lost American jobs.

“There are 1,000 billionaires in America. You know what the average federal tax rate for these billionaires is? … 8.2 percent! That’s far less than the vast majority of Americans pay. No billionaire should pay a lower tax rate than a teacher, a sanitation worker, or a nurse!”

This is another favorite line — the president has referenced this “fact” in more than 30 appearances over the past year — but Biden is comparing apples and oranges. We’ve given the president two Pinocchios for this claim.

The “lower tax rate” refers to a 2021 White House study concluding that the 400 wealthiest taxpayers paid an effective tax rate of 8 percent. But that estimate included unrealized gains in the income calculation. That’s not how the tax laws work. People are taxed on capital gains when they sell their stocks or other assets. So this is only a figure for a hypothetical tax system.

According to IRS data on the top 0.001% — 1,475 taxpayers with at least $77 million in adjusted gross income in 2020 — the average tax rate was 23.7 percent. The top 1 percent of taxpayers (income of at least $548,000) paid nearly 26 percent.

As for less-wealthy Americans, few, such as schoolteachers or firefighters, pay even the lowest rate of 10 percent because of deductions, exemptions and the like.

According to the Tax Policy Center, about 60 percent of all tax returns are filed by those with income under $50,000 — and about half of those pay no income tax at all; 22 percent paid an effective tax rate of less than 5 percent and another 22 percent paid less than 10 percent.

Among taxpayers with income between $50,000 and $100,000, about 60 percent paid an effective tax rate below 10 percent.

And how about The USA Today?

“Since I’ve come to office, our GDP is up.”

Biden is correct that GDP has grown since he came to office in January 2021, but this is hardly a unique achievement. Every president since Harry Truman has experienced GDP growth from the beginning to the end of their presidency, according to data from the U.S. Federal Reserve.  

“Inflation has dropped from 9% to 3% – the lowest in the world!”

Biden is simply wrong here.

The inflation rate refers to the annual percent change in consumer prices compared to the previous year’s prices. That number was 3.1% in the U.S. for the year ending in January 2024, a reduction from 3.4% the previous January, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

But that’s not the lowest in the world.

The latest data from the International Monetary Fund shows the U.S. has a higher inflation rate than dozens of countries. Those with lower rates include G7 countries such as Canada and France (2.4% and 2.5% respectively) and other advanced economies such as New Zealand, Italy, Switzerland, Finland and China. The global average inflation rate is currently 5.8%, according to the IMF.

And far left

Biden boasted that “wages keep going up, inflation keeps coming down.” But over the entirety of Biden’s presidency, wages are down when adjusted for inflation.

Average weekly earnings for rank-and-file workers went up 14.8% during Biden’s first three years in office, according to monthly figures compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But inflation ate up all that gain and more. “Real” weekly earnings, which are adjusted for inflation and measured in dollars valued at their average level in 1982-84, actually declined 3.1% since Biden took office.

Biden continues to misleadingly claim, as he did during his address, that’s he’s “already cut the federal deficit by over $1 trillion dollars.”

Budget deficits have declined from the record spending gap of $3.1 trillion in fiscal year 2020, the last full fiscal cycle before Biden took office. In FY 2021, the deficit was about $2.8 trillion; in FY 2022, it was almost $1.4 trillion; and in FY 2023, which ended Sept. 30, it was roughly $1.7 trillion.

But as we’ve explained several times, the primary reason that deficits went down by about $350 billion in Biden’s first year, and by another $1.3 trillion in his second, is because of emergency COVID-19 funding that expired in those years.

On multiple occasions, Biden has left the misleading impression that new jobs in U.S. semiconductor factories would pay above $100,000 annually for those without a college degree.

But only those with a bachelor’s degree ($120,000) or a graduate degree (over $160,000) had wages that topped six figures. Workers with a high school education or less could expect to earn a little more than $40,000. Those with at least some college experience could make $60,000, while earning an associate’s degree could increase that to $70,000.

Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption

How Sick. Biden and his Hollywood friends.

How Sick. Biden and his Hollywood friends. How can this man even think that his Hollywood friends would be excepted by the American public?

As he faces record-low approval numbers going into his State of the Union address on Thursday, President Joe Biden turned to the one constituency he knows he can rely on for moral support and unconditional love —  Hollywood celebrities.

Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Opinion Progressive Racism Reprints from others. Un documented.

The Myth of Low Immigrant Crime.

The Myth of Low Immigrant Crime. Ann Coulter gives us the rundown on the future members of the Democrat party.

With the Biden administration hauling in millions of “newcomers” (the latest euphemism for illegal aliens) from booming economies like Venezuela, Senegal and Haiti, we seem to be getting a Kate Steinle every day.

Among the recent atrocities committed by Our Greatest Strength is the savage murder of 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley by Jose Antonio Ibarra, a Venezuelan illegal alien released into our country by the Biden administration. The “newcomer” beat Riley so badly that he disfigured her skull.

MEDIA ALERT: Time to roll out the fake studies on low immigrant crime!

The one-man factory producing these studies is Alex Nowrasteh of the libertarian Cato Institute. (Take our country, just don’t raise taxes.) He fudges the data, slaps a false title on his report, and journalists copy his work like they’re Claudine Gay writing a thesis.

Thus, in its story on the murder of Riley, The New York Times cited “studies” showing “no causal connection” between immigrants and crime. Indeed, the Times said, studies “have concluded” that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than U.S. citizens.

The article links to 1) Nowrasteh’s sham study and 2) a 2017 Times story that cites Nowrasteh’s sham study.

That same day, the Times’ Angelo Fichera ran a “fact check” on Donald Trump’s claim that “the United States is being overrun by the Biden migrant crime. It’s a new form of vicious violation to our country.” Fichera’s ruling: “This lacks evidence.”


His proof:

“One recently updated analysis by Alex Nowrasteh, the vice president for economic and social policy studies at the libertarian Cato Institute, found that the homicide conviction rate for illegal immigrants in Texas in 2015 was slightly lower than the rate among U.S. citizens.”

(If they’re so law-abiding, why are they fleeing the crime in countries full of people just like them?)

The Nowrasteh “study,” and others that perform the exact same error-ridden analysis, is the heart and soul of the immigrants-commit-less-crime scam. If it’s wrong, liberals have nothing, and you can go back to believing your lying eyes.

Needless to say, his study is not merely off by a homicidal illegal or two. He — and others like him — aren’t even comparing illegal aliens to citizens. They’re comparing illegal aliens to a group that includes both illegal aliens and citizens.

As I pointed out in “Adios, America!” (and apparently will have to keep pointing out for the rest of my life): Texas’ crime data only counts illegal aliens who have already been caught and fingerprinted by the Department of Homeland Security.

That leaves out a lot of illegals. Is the DHS even fingerprinting migrants at the border anymore? If not, then by Nowrasteh’s calculations, illegals’ crime rate in Texas is zero.

How about we only count the murder convictions of citizens who’ve previously been fingerprinted by the Denver police? Why would we do that?

Obviously, a lot of the inmates originally classified as “other/unknown” will later turn out to be illegals. But all these Nowrasteh counts as “citizens.” He had his headline, so why bother updating the data?

According to the more accurate count of illegals in Texas prisons, they commit 30% more murders than U.S. citizens — not to be confused with a “slightly lower” rate than citizens.

Not only that, but the longer inmates are in prison, the more of them will be found to be illegals, whereas the reverse is not true. Consequently, the number of illegal alien murderers continues to grow, while the “other/unknown” — all of whom Nowrasteh calls “citizens” — continues to shrink.

Apart from Nowrasteh’s “study,” the main argument for the peacefulness of illegal aliens relies on “post hoc, ergo propter hoc” reasoning:

The national crime rate declined since 1980, even as illegals poured in. Therefore, illegals cause crime rates to drop.

Cities with lots of illegals have low crime rates. Therefore, illegals are law-abiding.

This is how primitives think. Heard of Rudy Giuliani? Ed Meese? COMPSTAT, California’s three strikes law, the boom in prison construction or the sentencing commission? The cause-and-effect argument about immigration and crime employs the logic of a witch doctor, which may be where this country is headed.

One September day, New York City was 65 degrees, the skies crystal clear, and 3,000 people were murdered. Therefore, cool, clear days cause mass murder.

The media seem to think the criminality of immigrants is a critically important fact, judging by how often they wheel out these nonsense studies. But they don’t have the necessary information. There are no such “studies.”

Why doesn’t the government tell us? The fact that it won’t — and that the media aren’t asking for concrete numbers — tells us more than a million phony studies.


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Economy Links from other news sources.

What happens when Biden inflation raises prices? You create a phony committee to blame Corporations.

What happens when Biden inflation raises prices? You create a phony committee to blame Corporations. We all have seen what Biden policies have done to the economy and high prices.

So what does Biden do to fix it? Joe Biden will launch a new strike force jointly led by the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice, to tackle “unfair and illegal” corporate pricing, which he blames for consumers’ continued high costs of living.

Only person missing is AG James from NY. She has a history of going after corporate giants. The announcements and the meeting are part of Biden’s ongoing crusade against corporate pricing practices that he claims are unfair. The White House believes they contribute directly to the public perception that the economy is doing poorly, despite data that objectively shows a strong U.S. economy.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Links from other news sources.

How soon we forget. Thanks Joe Biden. Trump does have Immunity.

How soon we forget. Thanks Joe Biden. Trump does have Immunity. Some will call this a stretch, but remember when the fake comittee asked for Trump imformation but couldn’t have it unless Biden removed Trumps Executive Privilege?

Biden’s decision not to block the information sought by Congress challenges a tested norm — one in which presidents enjoy the secrecy of records of their own terms in office, both mundane and highly sensitive, for a period of at least five years, and often far longer. That means Biden and future presidents, as well as Trump.

Biden removing this tells me that even Presidents past and present have certain protections. This goes hand in hand with Presidential Immunity.

Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Corruption Elections Government Overreach January 6 Politics Reprints from others. The Courts The Law Trump Weaponization of Government.

Winning – MAGA edition: Supreme Court rules states can’t kick Trump off the ballot

Winning – MAGA edition: Supreme Court rules states can’t kick Trump off the ballot

The decision swiftly ended the legal fight over whether states could bar Trump from their ballots based on the Constitution’s 14th Amendment.

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday handed a sweeping win to former President Donald Trump by ruling that states cannot kick him off the ballot over his actions leading up to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol — bringing a swift end to a case with huge implications for the 2024 election.

In an unsigned ruling with no dissents, the court reversed the Colorado Supreme Court, which determined that Trump could not serve again as president under Section 3 of the Constitution’s 14th Amendment.

The provision prohibits those who previously held government positions but later “engaged in insurrection” from running for various offices.

The court said the Colorado Supreme Court had wrongly assumed that states can determine whether a presidential candidate or other candidate for federal office is ineligible.

The ruling makes it clear that Congress, not states, has to set rules on how the 14th Amendment provision can be enforced against federal office-seekers. As such, the decision applies to all states, not just Colorado. States retain the power to bar people running for state office from appearing on the ballot under Section 3.

By deciding the case on that legal question, the court avoided any analysis or determination of whether Trump’s actions constituted an insurrection.

The decision comes just a day before the Colorado primary.

Minutes after the ruling, Trump hailed the decision in an all-capital-letters post on his social media site, writing, “Big win for America!!!”

Get out the legal vote. Tenor Photo.

America's Heartland Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Commentary Corruption Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources.

What a brilliant move. Democrat Leaders Triggered by President Trump’s Rally in Richmond, Virginia.

What a brilliant move. Democrat Leaders Triggered by President Trump’s Rally in Richmond, Virginia. Trump needs more of this. As we see Trumps support continuing to grow with Blacks and Latinos, the Progressive Supremacists are having fits cause Trump had a rally in a blue City and the crowd was very large.

Trump needs more of these rallies in both blue states and cities. Let the folks of color see who is the racist. Trump or some old white guy who in the past has hung out with the Jim Crow crowd.

This from the affirmative action mayor. Hey folks, Levar Stoney here. I’m a member of the Biden/Harris National Advisory Committee. And I’m here to remind folks that President Trump has chosen Richmond as a campaign stop. And I wanted President Trump to know this, that your rhetoric of division and hate and destruction of our democracy is not welcome here in Richmond. We reject those values. We believe in the values of being more inclusive, more welcoming, a place where people belong, a place where people can thrive, and that’s the opposite message of Donald Trump. That is why I’m supporting Joe Biden for reelection, and I ask all of you to get out there and support the president.

Back Door Power Grab Commentary Corruption COVID The Courts

Winning. Covid Vaccine Mandates Ruled ‘Unlawful’ by Australian Supreme Court.

Winning. Covid Vaccine Mandates Ruled ‘Unlawful’ by Australian Supreme Court. A win is a win. At least the Australian Supreme Court recognizes wrong doing.

Justice Glenn Martin found the Queensland Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll’s direction for mandatory Covid vaccination, issued in December 2021, to be unlawful under the Human Rights Act.

A similar Covid vaccination order issued by the Director-General of Queensland Health at the time, John Wakefield, was determined to be “of no effect,” with enforcement of both mandates and any related disciplinary actions to be banned.

In his decision handed down on Tuesday 27 February, Justice Martin held that the Police Commissioner “did not consider the human rights ramifications” before issuing the Covid workplace vaccination directive within the Queensland Police Service (QPS).

Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics White Progressive Supremacy

What a sly dog. Schiff plays the long game eliminate other Democrats.

What a sly dog. Schiff plays the long game to eliminate other Democrats.Schiff has decided that he can’t beat Porter in a one on one, so he’s built up Garvey hoping Garvey finishes second.

In a two way race Schiff leads Garvey 52-38%. But in a two way race with Porter, it’s tied. In the California races, the top two go on to the next level.

Who supports Schiff?

Democrat mega-donor Ed Buck – who was convicted of two counts of distribution of controlled substances resulting in death in 2022, as Breitbart News reported – was another donor to Schiff’s campaign and was also “a social acquaintance” of the representative.

Furthermore, a “Schiff booster” and lawyer named Arthur Charchian, “the head of the Southern California Armenian Democrats,” was implicated in a money laundering scheme.

Commentary Corruption Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources. Opinion Terrorism

If true, there can be no peace with Hamas and their allies in Gaza.

If true, there can be no peace with Hamas and their allies in Gaza. Hamas has announced that seven more hostages have been killed in the retaking of Jewish land.

Israel must give Hamas 24 hours to release all hostages. Civilians and Soldiers. After 24 hours call in the families of those prisoners and tell them that Gaza will be destroyed. Leave no building standing.

Then issue a warning to the West Bank and Hezbollah that they are next.