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Voter fraud INVESTIGATED in Michigan will be outlawed.

Views: 40

Voter fraud INVESTIGATED in Michigan will be outlawed. Yes my friends Michigan is working on a bill that actually will make it easy to commit voter fraud. Some facts about Michigan Senate Bill 603

  • Doubles the fees for a candidate to request a recount.
  • Reduces the time to contest an election to 24 hours.
  • Stops Counties from investigation election fraud, only allowing for reviews of ‘error’
  • Allows Counties to impose inconsistent and incoherent rules
  • Removes public oversight and review of election recounts
  • Only allows fraud investigations to be conducted by the Secretary of State, a highly political office
  • Creates a felony for anyone who ‘interferes’ with a recount, which could be used to threaten citizens who demand a recount and are unfamiliar with the process.
  • You be the judge.


America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Columbian Justice. Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Lawfare Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Friday Funnies: The Rule of Law.

Views: 10

Friday Funnies: The Rule of Law.

In a Kangaroo World

Yesterday’s verdict represents the culmination of a legal process that has been bent to the political will of the actors involved: a leftist prosecutor, a partisan judge, and a jury reflective of one of the most liberal enclaves in America—all in an effort to “get” Donald Trump.

That this case—involving alleged misdemeanor business records violations from nearly a decade ago—was even brought is a testament to the political debasement of the justice system in places like New York City. This is especially true considering this same district attorney routinely excuses criminal conduct in a way that has endangered law-abiding citizens in his jurisdiction.

It is often said that no one is above the law, but it is also true that no one is below the law. If the defendant were not Donald Trump, this case would never have been brought, the judge would have never issued similar rulings, and the jury would have never returned a guilty verdict.

In America, the rule of law should be applied in a dispassionate, even-handed manner, not become captive to the political agenda of some kangaroo court.

Ron DeSantis

If you think groceries are expensive, try eating out!


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Lawfare Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Yes Virginia what you call paybacks could be looked on as poetic justice.

Views: 24

Yes Virginia what you call paybacks could be looked on as poetic justice. Some Conservatives are calling for what others are calling paybacks. Red states charge Biden, Hillary, and Barack for crimes they may have committed.

Leftist media are shitting their pants about this possibly happening. How dare Conservatives act like us their saying.

CEO from the Federalist.

“Democrats stole the 2020 election, and then they ran a Soviet show trial with a rigged jury to throw their top political opponent in prison in 2024. Understand what they’re coming for next, and why.”


Corruption Free Speech Lies Poetic Justice Uncategorized

Protecting Yourself from a Bully with a Badge Part 3 Some GOOD COPS

Views: 6

Protecting Yourself from a Bully with a Badge Part 3 Some GOOD COPS

Not all Bullies with a Badge are evil or have underlying mental problems. There is no doubt that some most definitely do have severe problems, and civilians get injured or die because of them.

Then, some think they are doing things correctly but are either ignorant of the laws they are supposed to enforce or harbor unconscious biases.

There is also the “the end justifies the means” group.


Note the good cop was penalized for speaking up, and the bad cop was rewarded — until a news station filed a FOIA request for the body cam footage.

Finally, there are the cops who are so thin-skinned that they harass and/or arrest people because their feelings get hurt.


The end justifies the means. Here, the “end” is getting credited with an arrest. I would likely fail the walking a straight line (heel and toe) test because my toes rarely point straight ahead unless I’m running. This test also forces you to place your feet in an unnatural, unbalanced position. Even professional wire walkers have trouble maintaining their balance when forced to walk like that without a balance pole or something similar, and any swaying as you walk will cause the cops to claim that “proves” you’re intoxicated.



Here, we start with the typical bad attitude, this time by a court bailiff. As usual, when a bad cop gets frustrated, they escalate, but this time, officers who KNOW the law stand up for the civilians.


I don’t think I’d be brave enough to do what this guy does. Too much chance of suffering an “accident.” But again, Good cops straighten out the bad cops and the civilian Karens/Kevins.


And cops doing good deeds:


Support good cops and report the bad ones.


America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

Yes Virginia, Now we know why white progressive supremacists hate patriotic flags.

Views: 16

Yes Virginia, Now we know why white progressive supremacists hate patriotic flags. Now a flag that was flown last year is now being used by known hate groups to try and get a Supreme Court Justice removed. Didn’t work with Thomas and it won’t work with Alito. Below is what this flag represents.

The flag displays a lone pine tree against a white background underneath the line “An Appeal to Heaven” in black bold lettering, a phrase based on the writings of philosopher John Locke, who suggested people must “appeal to heaven” when there is no proper rule of law.

It was originally commissioned by a secretary of George Washington and flew on several military ships dating back to 1775, meant to signify a plea to a higher power for help saving early American colonies from the rule of the King of England, according to the book “The American Flag: An Encyclopedia of the Stars and Stripes in U.S. History, Culture, and Law.”

Also known as the Pine Tree flag, it became a symbol for resistance in New England colonies and was used to rally early American settlers against perceived oppression, “The American Flag” says.


Biden Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Censorship Commentary Corruption COVID Crime Daily Hits. Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

Articles the MSM pretty much ignores.

Views: 19

Articles the MSM pretty much ignores. Many of these articles should be front page news. MSM does their best to do coverups.

#10 – Middle schooler’s patriotic speech CENSORED by principal goes viral.

#9 – White House issues NINE corrections to one Biden speech.

#8 – A new video shows what really happened during the arrest of the world’s number one golfer.

#7 – Megyn Kelly schools Bill Maher on Hillary Clinton’s election denialism.

#6 – Three hundred pages of emails leave no doubt that Fauci lied, people died.

#5 – Orwellian digital IDS simultaneously begin rolling out in multiple nations.

#4 – Turbulence during Boeing flight results in one dead and several injured.

#3 – US government ‘cartel’ bribed CVS and Walgreens with billions of dollars to reject ivermectin prescriptions and promote COVID shots.

#2 – FBI authorized deadly force in Trump’s Mar-a-Lago raid.

#1 – Brilliant report explains how to stop the World Health Organization’s horrific Pandemic Treaty.


Affirmative Action Corruption Gun Control How sick is this? Racism The Law WOKE

Protecting Yourself from a Bully with a Badge (When You’ve Done Nothing Wrong.) Part 2

Views: 19

Protecting Yourself from a Bully with a Badge (When You’ve Done Nothing Wrong.) Part 2

Cop Gets FIRED After Troopers Call Out His INSANE Behavior

The  main focus of this episode happened in my home state, on a road that I regularly traveled: US Route 23, on Independence Day 2023



While the main idiot here is the cop, we see at the 1:02 mark an OHP (Ohio Highway Patrol – aka State police) officer exiting his vehicle WITH AN “ASSAULT RIFLE” TRAINED ON THE TRUCK — over a mud flap! I would also pull away if I saw an ASSAULT RIFLE aimed at me for no apparent reason! Note this officer copsplained his reason for doing that the truck driver had made “direct eye contact” with the officer signaling him to pull over — something that is physically impossible given the Patrolman was in his car while the Driver was in the cab of his truck. PRIMA FACIE, there is physically NO WAY this could occur given the difference in heights of the car and the cab of the truck, So this right off was a bad call.

Getting to the meat of this video:
From about 4:16 OHP radio:”Circleville PD has a dog” 4:19(OHP):“That’s a dog. Come to me!” “You don’t want bit!”
4:25 Circleville COP:“Get on the ground, or you’re gonna get bit!”
Here, we can see two conflicting orders: Come to me (OHP) and Get on the ground, or you’re going to get bit! (Circleville cop)

My personal opinion is that this cop was NOT in charge and should have kept his mouth shut and kept that dog in the cruiser. But what do I know, right?

From this point on OHP repeatedly tells the cop not to release the dog, which the cop ignores. The cop runs towards the trucker who is clearly seen to have his hands in the air. At about the 4:43 mark the cop RELEASED the dog, who runs away from the trucker towards the OHP officers.

Trucker was already on his knees when the cop ordered his dog — which had veered off — to ATTACK!
Dog hasn’t been pulled off the trucker who was on his knees with his hands in the air when the Circleville cop ordered the dog to attack him. The cop is just standing there instead of calling the dog off.


At 4:45 the Cop ORDERS THE DOG TO ATTACK! Against a man ON HIS KNEES ALREADY!! The dog attacks for at least 10-12 seconds before he is finally made to stop.

This cop was eventually fired, but not for siccing his dog on the helpless trucker, but for lying during the investigation!!

What is truly unbelievable is that THE COURTS said he was wrongfully terminated, turned his firing into a ‘resignation,’ fixed his record so he could go work for another police department, and allowed him to “adopt” the dog he used as a deadly weapon for $1!

Comments on the video:

Even the dog knew he wasn’t a threat, he ran right past him.

Exactly. The dog is trained to detect the person that is the threat and deal with them. The dog does not have to be told any history. That dog determined that the dude was not a threat and so went looking elsewhere for the actual threat.

“Come to me!” “Get on the ground”
Good lord, I swear they create situations like this on purpose so they can escalate force

Update: Rose got a $225,000 settlement from the city with a lawsuit. The shitty cop got $40,000 for the “termination without cause” lawsuit, his firing removed from his record in favor of a forced “resignation”, a “neutral” letter detailing the time he worked for the county (essentially a letter of recommendation for another county to hire him after his “resignation”), and a deal to purchase the dog he used as a weapon from the city for $1. Gotta love our “justice” system.

They just proved this man’s fear of police very right

Sounds like this mans fear of stopping was COMPLETLY justified.

“I told him if he doesn’t get on the ground he’s going to get the dog.”

Says the officer who ordered his dog to attack the suspect WHILE HE WAS ON THE GROUND SURRENDERING! The fact this cop didn’t get prison time for an actual literal war crime is deeply upsetting.

The fact that the highway patrol were telling them to not release the dog and that one trooper was walking away covering her face tells you everything you need to know about how bad this situation is.

Here, it isn’t merely an ego-tripping corrupt cop, but a corrupt judge, a trooper lying about the initial contact, and the other State troopers doing the bare minimum for the Trucker. 

And all over a missing mud flap!

From the open road to a person’s house:

This one shows the victim was killed in her own house by a cop that went lurking around her house without identifying himself and fired off his gun less than 2 seconds after the victim looked out her window to see what/who was making the noise in her back yard:


The red flags were there, but the PD ignored them and ignored their own psychologist’s warning that the man was a narcissist and lacked the temperament needed for the job.

And police wonder why they aren’t trusted?

Next, Good cops.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Columbian Justice. Commentary Corruption Crime Elections Free Speech Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

What we are finding out about the persecution of Trump and those associated with him.

Views: 13

What we are finding out about the persecution of Trump and those associated with him. More and more back room schemes by the government are coming out. Judge Cannon pushed back on why the DOJ had not gathered any evidence regarding the 2022 conversation. Allegations where a Trump lawyer was threatened.

Lawyers, employees, and even close friends of Trump are being harassed and threatened if they don’t play ball with the government. FBI with shoot to kill on Trump and the Secret Service. And yes it was mentioned that they were to engage if they encountered Trump and the Secret Service.




Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption COVID Free Speech Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. MSM

Stories you may have missed.

Views: 12


Stories you may have missed.

Below are stories that were covered, but didn’t receive much MSM coverage. Of course that shouldn’t surprise anyone.

#10 – Cancer surgeon drops ivermectin bombshell, revealing its potency in fighting cancer.

#9 – Michael Cohen gets destroyed by Trump’s defense team in cross-examination.

#8 – Climate scientist suggests “culling” the human population with a deadly pandemic to lower carbon emissions.

#7 – Journalist Glenn Greenwald makes eye-opening prediction about Ukraine.

#6 – Dr. Peter McCullough issues urgent COVID vaccine warning to Donald Trump.

#5 – King Charles unveils hellish painting of himself.

#4 – Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fico shot following criticisms of WHO Pandemic Treaty and Ukraine war.

#3 – UNC Chapel Hill abolishes DEI department and transfers all funds to campus cops.

#2 – Stephen A. Smith defends Aaron Rodgers’ COVID-19 vaccine stance.

#1 – Fourteen senators and MPs urge Australian Prime Minister to reject World Health Organization’s pandemic reforms.


America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Economy Links from other news sources.

Will the Chinese flag fly over a Chinese EV battery plant in Michigan? You make the call.

Views: 8

Will the Chinese flag fly over a Chinese EV battery plant in Michigan? You make the call. This article first was posted on Breitbart.

The Michigan community of Green Charter Township on Friday lost a court battle to block Chinese-linked electric vehicle (EV) battery manufacturer Gotion Inc. from building a factory near the town.

Michigan is generally friendly to Chinese investments and the Gotion project in Green Charter Township was specifically endorsed by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), who called it “the biggest ever economic development project in Northern Michigan.”

Gretchen Whitmer

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) delivers remarks at the SelectUSA Investment Summit on May 04, 2023, in National Harbor, Maryland. (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

Gotion pledged to spend $2.36 billion on the factory, which is supposed to create 2,350 jobs. The company settled on Green Charter Township, a rural community northwest of Detroit that acts as a self-governing district of Big Rapids, as the location for its battery plant. The township signed a development agreement with Gotion in August 2023.

Sentiment among the township’s residents soon turned against the factory project, in part because Gotion Inc. is a U.S. company that is wholly owned and controlled by a Chinese firm called Hefei Gotion High-Tech Power Energy Co. Ltd.

Gotion Inc. was obliged to describe this relationship in detail in its filings under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA). In those filings, and in subsequent statements by Vice President of North American Manufacturing Chuck Thelen, the company has denied being controlled by agents of the Chinese government and insisted the Chinese Communist Party will not have offices in its proposed Michigan factory.

Gotion Inc.’s planned $2.4 billion EV battery plant is to be built near Big Rapids. (Gotion, Inc.)

However, skeptical politicians and reporters in Michigan uncovered Gotion corporate documents that said the company is required to “set up a Communist Party of China organization” and ensure the implementation of Communist Party guidelines within all corporate operations. Investigative journalists discovered Hefei Gotion High-Tech employs hundreds of Chinese Communist Party members, and its CEO is a high-ranking Party official.

Thelen insisted these company documents were misunderstood or misrepresented by critics and their practical meaning was simply that the American subsidiary of Gotion was not allowed to do business in China. Somewhat awkwardly for the American branch and its CEO, Chinese state media enthusiastically celebrated the Gotion plant as a major step toward the Communist regime’s worldwide domination of the EV industry.

A controversy erupted over whether Gotion had misrepresented its relationship with the Chinese government or not, especially since the new factory would be located within a hundred miles of Camp Grayling, the largest U.S. National Guard training facility. Concerns were also raised about the plant’s compliance with wetlands regulations, and the heavy water use anticipated for large-scale battery manufacturing.

The Gotion project received the blessing of the U.S. Treasury Department Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), but that only added fuel to the controversy, as critics claimed CFIUS was derelict in its oversight duties, allowing the Gotion project to pass without full transparency by declaring the company was operating outside of its jurisdiction.


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