Corruption Crime Opinion Politics

Man makes threats against Democrat Congressman and his family and is arrested 20 days later. Same thing happens to Republican Congressman and man is arrested 10 months later.

Views: 31

So we see how quick the DOJ acted when a Democrat Congressman and his family were threatened. And rightfully so. 20 days. Now a Republican Congressman receives the same type of threats and the person is arrested 10 months later. The man has worked for many of the major news media venues. Interesting. So can anyone explain why? This from Politico.

ABC, NBC, CNN, are just three of the news organizations this man worked for. I wonder if that had anything to do with the DOJ dragging their feet on this. Waiting 10 months gave this person plenty of time to carry out his threats.

A California man was arrested last week for allegedly making a death threat to Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) earlier this year, just days after the Jan. 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol.

Authorities arrested Eugene Huelsman, 58, of Thousand Oaks, last week in the Los Angeles area on an indictment returned in May by a federal grand jury in Pensacola, Fla., court records show.


Uncategorized Biden Pandemic Corruption Crime Opinion Politics

Science according to the fauch. Go after the children and puppies.

Views: 51

We knew how the fauch played a major part in the deaths of almost 700,000 Americans including over 500 children. Now we’re hearing about the money being spent under the alleged direction of Tony the fauch on the killing of puppies.

A group of lawmakers, including prominent members of both parties, has signed onto a letter calling on Dr Anthony Fauci and his agency to answer questions on funding for experiments involving canine testing.


The letter, first obtained by Daily Caller, was spearheaded by Rep Nancy Mace of South Carolina and joined by some of her fellow Republicans as well as Democrats including Ted Lieu of California and Eleanor Holmes Norton, representative for the District of Columbia.

It calls for Dr Fauci and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to detail the federal government’s involvement in experiments that use dogs to test new drugs before they reach the market, despite, as the lawmakers note, “the Food and Drug Administration [clearly stating] that it does not require dog testing for new drugs”.



Don’t get me wrong, I support much of the animal testing that  has saved the lives of hundreds of millions. But that testing has been on mice and rats. This testing if true on puppies crosses the line.

In closing. The letter from the members of Congress refer to one in which young dogs were given experimental vaccines before being killed and dissected.


Crime The Courts

Winning again. Supreme Court: Police Knee in Back During Arrest Not ‘Excessive Force’. Supreme Court in two cases supports cops putting rapid dogs down. If needed.

Views: 32

Once again the Supreme court has ruled that In two unsigned decisions without noted dissents, the Supreme Court on Monday ruled in favor of police officers accused of using excessive force. The rulings were a signal that the court continues to support the doctrine of qualified immunity, which can shield police  from lawsuits seeking damages. Will the Floyd family have to refund the money they received? Edited.

In one of the cases, The U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday in favor of a California police officer who was accused of using “excessive force” during an arrest, reversing the liberal Ninth Circuit appeals court on an issue at the center of the “defund the police” movement.

“Officers saw a knife in Cortesluna’s left pocket,” The Supreme Court explained. “While Rivas-Villegas and another officer were in the process of removing the knife and handcuffing Cortesluna, Rivas-Villegas briefly placed his knee on the left side of Cortesluna’s back.”

The second decision on Monday, in City of Tahlequah v. Bond, No. 20-1668, also arose from a 911 call, this one in Tahlequah, Okla., reporting that a woman’s ex-husband was drunk in her garage and would not leave.

When three officers arrived, Dominic Rollice, the ex-husband, brandished a hammer. Officers Josh Girdner and Brandon Vick fired their weapons, killing Mr. Rollice. His estate sued, and the Tenth Circuit, in Denver, let the case proceed, ruling that a jury could find that the officers were not entitled to qualified immunity because previous rulings had put them on notice about creating circumstances that could lead to the shooting.

The Supreme Court ruled that the appeals court had not identified any earlier decision that “comes close to establishing that the officers’ conduct was unlawful.”



Biden Pandemic COVID Crime How sick is this? Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

More hate from the left. American hero signs out. Good cop forced out after 22 years.

Views: 37

Complete article can be found here.

A Washington State Patrol officer who refused to comply with the state’s vaccine mandate signed out for the last time on Friday and issued a strongly worded message to Gov. Jay Inslee, according to a report.

Robert LaMay, the officer, filmed his final sendoff in a video obtained by Jason Rantz, a host on KTTH 770/94.5FM in Seattle. He thanked his fellow officers but said he was asked to leave “because I am dirty.”

He said that he worked sick and buried a lot of friends over the past 22 years of service. He acknowledged that it was the effort of the entire team that got him home safe every night to be with his family.

SEATTLE, WA - MARCH 16: Washington state Governor Jay Inslee provides details on a temporary statewide shutdown of restaurants, bars, and entertainment and recreational facilities to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak, on March 16, 2020 in Seattle, Washington. Pool/Getty Images)


“I wish I could say more, but this is it so state 10-34, this is the last time you’ll hear me in a state patrol car. And Jay Inslee can kiss my a–.”

On Monday, Washington will require more than 800,000 workers in the state to either be fully vaccinated or have received an exemption and job accommodation in order to keep their jobs.


The mandate applies to most state workers, long-term care employees, and teachers and staff at the state’s schools, including the state’s colleges and universities. The only opt-out is a medical or religious exemption, though the exemption only ensures continued employment if a job accommodation can be made.

Inslee’s did not immediately respond to a Fox News inquiry.



Crime Economy Opinion Politics

ICE used to go into companies and arrest the undocumented. Now they baby sit them before they’re sent off to take jobs from Americans.

Views: 17

Gone are the days where ICE went in and removed the undocumented from American factories. Now DHS is going after companies to make sure they’re paying the undocumented a livable wage. President Joe Biden’s border security chief is promising to end the workplace enforcement of migration laws and to help illegal migrants get higher wages from their U.S. employers.

We will not tolerate unscrupulous employers who exploit unauthorized workers, conduct illegal activities, or impose unsafe working conditions … By adopting policies that focus on the most unscrupulous employers, we will protect workers as well as legitimate American businesses. The message is, exploitative employers should beware. Businesses that merely employ [illegal] immigrants not authorized to work but offer them fair wages and safe working conditions wouldn’t be a priority for immigration enforcement, he added.

No longer will we see Americans and documented workers getting these jobs, but the undocumented will keep the jobs, stay in this country and possibly get a raise.


Biden Pandemic Corruption Crime Opinion Polls

Thank Joe Biden and the left. Crime surge nationwide. Especially in the cities.

Views: 23

Thank Joe Biden and the left. Crime surge nationwide. Especially in the cities. 2020 was the year of the BLM and Antifa race wars. Wars against Police and Capitalism. Well since Joe came into office, it hasn’t let up. If you don’t believe me, even CNN gets it for once.

The number of homicides continues to rise in major American cities following a year that saw a record increase in homicides across the country, according to a report published Thursday by the Council on Criminal Justice.

A study of homicides during the first six months of this year in 22 cities showed that the number of murders increased by 16% compared to the same period in 2020 and by 42% compared to the first six months of 2019.




Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Crime Economy Education Opinion Politics

My two cents. So where’s the normalcy Joe promised us?

Views: 27

So where’s the normalcy Joe promised us? Joe said he would bring us back better. He brought us back alright, but he left out the better. He was going to create millions of new jobs, get rid of COVID, end the war in Afghanistan with his 300,000 man army, and fix what he saw as a broken economy. So how did this work out?

Inflation, price increases, begging OPEC for oil, ( since he froze drilling and shut down the pipeline ). Oh and more people tested positive for COVID this holiday than last year. And there was no vaccine this time last year.


Crime Uncategorized

Chicago police officer’s suspected killer. A Lion of Liberalism charged with first-degree murder.

Views: 23

Chicago police officer’s suspected killer. A Lion of Liberalism charged with first-degree murder. We have this from FOX News.

A Chicago man and his brother have been charged in a weekend shooting that left one police officer dead and another seriously wounded, the Chicago Police Department confirmed Monday.

Emonte Morgan, 21, is charged with first-degree murder in Saturday’s fatal shooting of 29-year-old officer Ella French, as well as attempted murder and other charges.

His brother, 22-year-old Eric Morgan, faces charges of aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, unlawful use of a weapon by a felon and obstruction of justice.

Ella French, 29, was identified Sunday by the Chicago Police Department as the officer who was fatally shot in West Englewood while in the line of duty Saturday night. Her partner, who was also wounded during a traffic stop shortly after 9 p.m. at 63rd Street and Bell Avenue, remained in critical condition Sunday at the University of Chicago Medical Center, CPD Supt. David Brown said.

“Our officers need this city to pray for their strength, to pray for peace that they are comforted, that their families are comforted,” Brown said Sunday during a news conference at CPD headquarters, where he announced the arrest of a third suspect in the fatal shooting on the South Side.



Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Crime Reprints from others.

Reprint. Now you can see why Biden won’t allow the media or Congress into the Biden gulags.

Views: 16

Original NBC article is here.

Reprint. Now you can see why Biden won’t allow the media or Congress into the Biden gulag. For Joe this must seem like the good old days when they caged children. But now two folks come forward.

Two more whistle blowers have come forward to allege that children were mistreated by contractors and senior federal employee managers at a Department Health and Human Services migrant shelter in Fort Bliss, Texas, earlier this year, and also say HHS told them to downplay hundreds of Covid infections among children held at the facility.

“Covid was widespread among children and eventually spread to many employees. Hundreds of children contracted Covid in the overcrowded conditions. Adequate masks were not consistently provided to children, nor was their use consistently enforced,” the whistle blowers, Arthur Pearlstein and Lauren Reinhold, said in a federal whistle blower complaint filed Wednesday

But at the end of their service, they said, federal detailees were regularly given written instructions from HHS public affairs that told them, “when asked, to make everything sound positive about the Fort Bliss experience and to play down anything negative.”



Corruption Crime Opinion Politics

Let’s talk about the real riots, not the cry baby protest.

Views: 57

Let’s talk about the real riots, not the cry baby protest.The fake hearing wants to talk about a protest gone bad, but not about  the thousands of police officers who were injured during the George Floyd riots last year. We have this from the National Police Association Betsy Bratner Smith.

“People need to see that police officers go through horrible things, and Jan. 6 was a horrible thing for some of those officers,” she said. “But, quite frankly, I find this whole Jan. 6 Commission, frankly, a dog and pony show. It doesn’t tell the whole story.”

“Myself, like millions of Americans, sat there watching the testimony thinking, ‘Wait, where are the police officers who appeared – appeared – to let some of the protesters in?” she asked. “Where is the police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt? In fact, why aren’t we talking about Ashli Babbitt? I mean there’s so much more here.”

Over 700 police officers were injured in the BLM riots — and that was just in the month of June 2020!



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