How funny is this? Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Senate Republican Group Hammers Democrat Tim Ryan for Continuously Being ‘Two-Faced’

Tim Ryan for years has been two faced. Also would claim as something he got for his area when he had no part. His last election he won, but lost in his home district where he lives.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) released a video on Wednesday hammering Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) as being a “two-faced” that answers to his party leadership and not his Ohio constituents.

The NRSC, the Senate Republican-aligned campaign arm working to elect Republicans to that body, released a video showing Ryan running in the Ohio U.S. Senate Democrat primary going back on his work to work on behalf of Ohioans, not the leadership in DC.

The roughly 30-second video shows clips of Ryan saying, Ohioans “don’t want a senator who’s got to go kiss someone’s ring or kiss someone’s rear end” before cutting to a clip of the congressman sucking up to House Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stating, “Schumer’s here, and I want to make sure he’s my future boss. So I gotta suck up a little bit here.”

Another part of the video showed Ryan saying, “I’m not someone who’s going to toe the line for my political party… So you got to be able to tell your own party, which I have, and tell the Democrats, ‘no.’” But, the Senate hopeful was also shown saying, “I want to make sure he’s my future boss… I gotta suck up a little bit here.”

The NRSC displayed the stark difference of what Ryan is saying at different parts of his career, calling him “two-faced,” most likely looking to question what the congressman would do as a senator. The end of the video shows, “Tim Ryan… answers to Democrats, not Ohioans.”

Ryan, who’s running for the U.S. Senate seat that could decide the fate of the who is in the upper chamber majority past the midterm election, has also expressed interest in getting rid of the filibuster rule, which has been a long-sought out plan from the far-left.

The Democrat told MSNBC that the filibuster rule — requiring 60 votes to pass legislation giving the minority party a chance to argue the legislation instead of sidelining them — that the Senate is “broken.” He went on to say, “I’m sorry it has come to this point, but we don’t have an honest broker on the other side, and America can’t wait any longer.”

The NRSC also displayed that Ryan has a history of flip-flopping and going where the money is.

The Democrat’s campaign ran ads on Facebook that hit Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) for not wanting to pass the Democrat’s partisan reconciliation package, but days later look accepted $5,000 from Manchin’s leadership PAC, Country Roads, and accepted $10,000 from another PAC founded by Manchin and nine other Senate Democrats, ModSquad.

In another instance, Ryan — who was at one point trying to distance himself from President Joe Biden while even campaigning with failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton — tweeted in support of “what Democratic leadership looks like” when jobs are added to the market, but rescinded the statement when the “economy has not been great” and in a “tough slog for a long time.”



COVID How funny is this? Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Emerald Robinson kicking Psaki’s Ass.


Who can forget The Circle Back Girl running from the podium?

1) Who was the only reporter to ask Biden regime spokesperson Jen Psaki why Biden had invited China to interfere in our power grid within days of taking power?

That was me. Psaki’s still checking on that one.

2) Who was the only reporter to ask Biden regime spokesperson Jen Psaki why Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was on extended family leave in the midst of the worst supply chain crisis in the history of the United States?

That was me. (That one actually became a funny skit.)

3) Who was the first reporter in the White House briefing room to ask the Biden Administration about its terrible poll numbers?

That was me.


4) Who was the only reporter in the White House briefing room to question the science surrounding kids wearing masks for COVID?

That was me.

Twitter avatar for @atruparAaron Rupar @atrupar

Lord, grant me the patience that Jen Psaki has with Newsmax staffer Emerald Robinson



5) Who was the only reporter in the White House briefing room to ask why the Biden Administration forced the DOD to work on “domestic extremism” while Afghanistan collapsed?

That was me.

6) Who was the only reporter to ask the Biden Administration when NSC Advisor Jake Sullivan would step down because of the Durham investigation into the Russia Hoax?

That was me.

Twitter avatar for @TheFirstonTVThe First @TheFirstonTV

Psaki hurries away and WH cuts livestream as reporter tries to ask a question.



7) In September, I asked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki why the Biden Administration wanted to get involved in the distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments for various states. It was all about attacking Florida Gov. DeSantis of course —and everybody knew it.

8) Who can forget when Jen Psaki ran away from the White House podium when I asked why Dr. Fauci had been lying to the American people about his role in funding the creation of the COVID-19 virus?

Twitter avatar for @RushieMahaMaha Rushie @RushieMaha

“Newsmax reporter Emerald Robinson asked Psaki about the documents recently published by The Intercept on financing the improvement of the functionality of the coronavirus in the laboratories of Wuhan. Psaki chose to run away.” @worldawakening



9) Who can forget the time in October when I asked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki whether Hunter Biden had finally sold his interest in various Chinese business assets that he had no business owning in the first place? First, Psaki tells me that I need to go ask somebody else. Then she complains that I’m yelling at her because she can’t answer the question honestly.

Twitter avatar for @TPostMillennialThe Post Millennial @TPostMillennial

Emerald Robinson challenges Psaki over Hunter Biden’s potential divestment from China




10) Finally, do you remember when I asked Jen Psaki about the origins of COVID-19 and the Wuhan Lab of Virology, and I was branded a “conspiracy theorist” for asking the question?

Remember that? I do.

Here’s the video.

Twitter avatar for @atruparAaron Rupar @atrupar

“I’m sorry, Emerald, I think you’ve had plenty of time today” — Psaki ran out of patience with a Newsmax staffer’s conspiracy theories



Who held the Biden Administration to account for its corruption ever day like me?

Independent and fearless journalists need your support like never before.

The corporate media is completely corrupt. They just got exposed for taking the Biden regime’s money to push the deadly vaccines on your family without disclosing it! There’s a word for that — and the word is: propaganda.

If we are going to survive the current regime then we must stand together.

I’ve got your back.

Do you have mine?

How funny is this? Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Jonah Goldberg Joins CNN!

The Never Trumpers are still needed on TV because they’ll cheer the harassment of Trump supporters in the run-up to the 2024 election.

Only a week after I wrote an article about the final extinction of the Never Trumpers (“The Cruise Is Over”) a remarkable thing happened: Jonah Goldberg announced that he was joining CNN. Finally, he was embracing his new role as the laughingstock of the Right. Think about: Jonah gets to do zoom calls now with Jeffrey Toobin! (I’m sure those two will be fast friends.) He gets to lecture the public using his imaginary doctorate as the “Asness Chair of Applied Asininity” along with fellow academic Don Lemon! This was the height of perfection in terms of comedic timing, and I want to personally thank Jonah for humiliating himself so publicly.


The thing you have to understand about Jonah is that he’s no longer even the most popular pundit in his own family. How do I know this? Because I noticed a number of links attached to some of my recent Substack articles coming from Lucianne Goldberg’s website. That’s right: Jonah’s mother prefers to read Emerald Robinson. Can you really blame her?

Jonah has fallen very far and very fast in the world and hubris has been the lube that greased those skids all the way. A prominent Washington think tank expert once told me a remarkable anecdote about Goldberg and Stephen Hayes back in 2016. While Trump was busy beating Hillary Clinton, these two magazine editors were busy sending out dinner invitations to other conservatives to inform them that any pro-Trump journalists who came to town would be targeted and drummed out of the business. Their self-appointed mission, in other words, was to police conservatives. Goldberg was still at the National Review, and Hayes was running the Weekly Standard — and both of them believed that they controlled conservative journalism in America.

Now they’re both a year or two away from starring in Jenny Craig diet commercials.

Shameless people do shameless things. Stephen Hayes was just picked up to be a “conservative analyst” at NBC News — Chuck Todd even put out a statement about it. Any serious conservative intellectual who got a compliment from Chuck Todd would ordinarily go into hiding — but Hayes has signed up to be the court jester for NBC because he doesn’t really have any core beliefs. He claimed that he couldn’t stand Tucker Carlson’s view anymore but joining a network that promotes anti-white bigots like Joy Reid and Russia Hoax diehards like Rachel Maddow is just fine with him. Does that sound conservative to you?

Trump broke these people. There is simply nothing that they won’t do (or say) in order to be viewed as his opposition. That’s why Bill Kristol is now a fundraiser for Democrats. That’s why Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are working with Nancy Pelosi That’s the most important thing that you must understand. The Never Trumpers are still on TV because they provide the intellectual justification for jailing Trump supporters on flimsy pretexts in the run-up to the 2024 election. Does this sound like hyperbole to you? The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) just released this bulletin about “misinformation” on February 7th:

While the conditions underlying the heightened threat landscape have not significantly changed over the last year, the convergence of the following factors has increased the volatility, unpredictability, and complexity of the threat environment: (1) the proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions; (2) continued calls for violence directed at U.S. critical infrastructure; soft targets and mass gatherings; faith-based institutions, such as churches, synagogues, and mosques; institutions of higher education; racial and religious minorities; government facilities and personnel, including law enforcement and the military; the media; and perceived ideological opponents; and (3) calls by foreign terrorist organizations for attacks on the United States based on recent events.

To the Biden Administration lackeys at DHS, the term “domestic terrorist” is simply code for Trump supporters. The White House has put out a “National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism” that is probably the most Orwellian document ever produced by the U.S. federal government. It’s also completely unconstitutional — but, these days, who cares about that in Washington? The creeping authoritarianism of the Biden regime continues to grow because the GOP establishment also wants Trump supporters muzzled. How else are Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romney going to get their party back now that GOP voters have deserted them?

Just watch as Goldberg and Hayes (and Kristol and Boot and all the rest of the Never Trumpers) cheer on the Biden regime’s harassment of Republican voters in the coming years. We are watching the United States fall into tyranny — and they’re going to support it every step of the way. How’s that for a prediction of the ultimate fate of the author of Liberal Fascism? He’s going to end up denouncing everything he once defended. He’s going to end up as Jennifer Rubin with a beard. It reminds me of a delicious quote: “If you can’t be a good example, then you’ll just have to be a horrible warning.”

Biden Pandemic COVID How funny is this? Opinion Politics

How funny is this? Sens. Warren and Booker Test Positive for COVID . So much for the booster working effectively.

Two of the most disgusting members of the Senate found out that getting the booster sure didn’t do it for them. Yes as we are finding out, more and more vaccinated folks are getting COVID. But not to worry my friends, Moderna is here to save the day.

Moderna says that preliminary data from lab testing found the version of its booster currently in use in the United States and elsewhere provided increased antibody levels to neutralize the virus. But it also found that a double dose of the booster shot provided a much greater increase in those levels. But there’s more.

Moderna is working on a new super duper booster that will be coming out next year.

Biden Pandemic How funny is this? Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Can’t Make This Up… Fake News Newsweek Mocks Trump for Having 200 Tickets Left Unsold in Arena That Holds 21,000 — But Say NOTHING About Joe Biden’s 20 Circle Crowds

You can find the full Gateway Pundit here.


19,000 see President Trump in Houston on December 18, 2021 — 20 see Joe Biden in Georgia in 2020


Biden Pandemic COVID How funny is this? Just my own thoughts Life

How funny is this? California still hasn’t learned. Mask up Kemosabe.

Well, the loons after lockdown after lockdown, strict restrictions, are still dropping like flys. COVID running rampant, and what is the solution? Masks.

Yes, same masks that the fauch at first said didn’t work, then did work, then said wear two, then said not needed, is needed again. What a bunch of loons.

Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration announced the new mandate will start Wednesday and last until Jan. 15. The order comes as the per capita rate of new coronavirus cases in California has jumped 47% in the past two weeks. So when do the SS start their door to door and business to business searches?



Crime How funny is this? Just my own thoughts Life Politics Sexual Abuse

How funny is this? Don Lemon feels his boy Jussie’s lie will hurt legitimate hate crime claims. No Don, believing someone just because they are a person of color hurts the facts.

Please no pictures of Lynching. They will be removed.


The left has been fooled so many times now but still they don’t get. Just because a person of color makes these wild claims, doesn’t make it so. Jussie being the latest incident. When I heard that two white boys jumped a gay black man, my first thought was that two white Progressives attacked a successful black man cause of jealousy and the fact that he was black and gay. See how that works?

Right on the Progressives but wrong on everything else. What ever happened to just the fact? We’ve seen it in so many of these hate crimes, but the hate’s coming from the MSM and the left.

After Smollet attacked himself and posted a video of himself with a rope around his neck, (and blamed two white Trump supporters), both Cory Booker and Kamala Harris used that attack to generate support for their bill. Here’s a picture of their tweets.

Please no pictures of Lynching. They will be removed.

Economy How funny is this? How sick is this? Just my own thoughts

When is a Wealth tax not a tax? When the Biden folks say so.

When is a Wealth tax not a tax? During an interview with CNN on Sunday, Yellen touted the idea of taxing the unrealized capital gains of the wealthiest 1 percent, though she claimed the measure would not count as a “wealth tax.” But that’s not what Pelosi says.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), in contrast to Yellen’s claim, called the kind of tax Democrats are considering a “wealth tax.” “We probably will have a wealth tax,” Pelosi told CNN on Sunday.

Here’s how this works. Capital Gains will be taxed on what the value is at the time. Not when it’s sold. When sold, it’s taxed and that’s it. But under this new plan, You’re taxed every year if you don’t sell the stocks, collectibles, etc.

Now supposedly this would pay for the new social programs. What happens when that wealth goes down? Now your not raising the money you claimed. Now the only way to get that revenue is to go after everyone.

Here’s an example.

The proposal slated to be released would slap annual taxes on the increased value of the assets of the wealthiest Americans, even if they’re not sold, or “realized.” Currently, assets like stocks are taxed only when a person sells them.

Economy How funny is this? Opinion Politics

How funny is this? Jen Psaki Defends Rising Prices: ‘Good Thing’ Because it Means ‘More People are Buying Goods’.

Plain and simple. This Jen person is one box of rocks. Her only claim to fame is thank God they can’t use dumb blonde jokes when referring to me. According to this economic guru Inflation is a good thing. Saying that people are buying and spending money and that’s a good thing. And with this great spending inflation will come down this year. Her reasoning for this?

“A year ago, people were in their homes, 10 percent of people were unemployed. Gas prices were low because nobody was driving. People weren’t buying goods because they didn’t have jobs,” Psaki said. “Now, more people have jobs, more people are buying goods, that’s increasing the demand. That’s a good thing.”

A year ago Trump was President and all prices were low. The Border, Inflation, and Terrorists were under control. We had no supply issues. We had less vaccine and less people were dying.

So with Higher Prices, Shortages, Terrorists running wild, Undocumented flooding our borders, and uncontrollable government spending, Jen says it’s all good?

Jake Tapper. Now, I get the larger point that, when we’re talking about economics, we’re coming out of recession. But doesn’t it seem tone-deaf to say that rising prices and empty grocery store shelves are high-class problems? Isn’t that a bit dismissive?


Biden Pandemic Corruption How funny is this? How sick is this? Opinion Politics Uncategorized

Joe and the fake White House.

The man’s whole political life has been a lie, why would this be any different? Joe just can’t tell or show it how it really is.

This picture says it all. Fake News.


In addition to Biden, Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen have been photographed using the set alongside the president for events there.